アメリカン アート グラス
Retro 17" Sterling silver filigree black glass beaded necklace
Retro 17" Sterling silver filigree black glass beaded necklace. Beads are actually untested, they could be stone or glass. High quality solid sterling silver fittings and beads, marked and tested. Marked 925 on clasp with no other apparent markings.
1992 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box
1992 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box. No damage or wear to glass ornatment, some wear to ribbons and box.<br>isshelf
1990 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box
1990 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box. No damage or wear to glass ornatment, some wear to ribbons and box.<br>isshelf
1988 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box
1988 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box. No damage or wear to glass ornatment, some wear to ribbons and box.<br>isshelf
1993 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box
1993 French Lalique Christmas ornament in box. No damage or wear to glass ornatment, some wear to ribbons and box.<br>isshelf
Vintage French Lalique art glass starfish pendant
Vintage French Lalique art glass starfish pendant. Guaranteed authentic, buying<br>the pendant shown, nothing else. Measurements and weight in pics. No issues.<br>anderas
c1860 French 14k Gold top cut glass perfume bottle
c1860 French 14k Gold top cut glass perfume bottle. Tested 14k gold, Dutch Oak leaf 14k Hallmark on lid and mounting, both shown in the last pic, one in the center of the pic.. Another on other side of lid. The gold is tested and guaranteed. Original inner stopper intact. Amazing bottle with no issues, top gold lid snaps on tight, inner stopper forms waterproof seal, no chips or cracks. 5.5" tall x 2" wide.
Antique Bohemian Ruby Flashed Cut overlay glass compote with heavy gold
Antique Bohemian Ruby Flashed Cut overlay glass compote with heavy gold. 9.25" tall x 7.75" wide. Great 19th century piece with minimal wear. No large chips, no cracks, no restorations. Some wear to gilding and a few teeny tiny chigger bites to ground rim. Very few, very tiny. isshelf
c1930's Cambridge Glass Store Display Advertising plaque
c1930's Cambridge Glass Store Display Advertising plaque. 5 7/8" x 7.5". No cracks or chips, some wear to gilding as shown. Approx 90 yeard old and rare, these have sold for over $1200 that I know of, possibly more.
Bob Banford Strawberries with blooms lampwork paperweight
Bob Banford Strawberries with blooms lampwork paperweight. No damage or wear 3.25" wide x 2 5/8" tall.American paperweight artist Robert “Bob” Banford (1951– ), together with his father, Raymond Banford (1918–2003), developed a mutual interest in paperweights while Bob was a teenager. Bob received a torch as a high school graduation present from his father in 1971 and apprenticed for a year as a scientific glassblower while teaching himself how to make paperweights. After the Banfords produced their first saleable weights in 1973, they formed R. Banford, Inc. in their native New Jersey, where they made and sold their own paperweights and art glass, in addition to antique paperweights. Banford retired from weight making in 2006 and resides in the Florida Keys.
c1890 Nakara Art glass dresser box
c1890 Nakara Art glass dresser box. No cracks, chips, or restorations. Tight strong hinge. 3.5" wide x 2.75" tall. dresserdrawer
Antique Moser gilt/engraved crystal bowl
Antique Moser gilt/engraved crystal bowl 9.5" wide x 2.5" deep, slight loss to<br>gilding one shallow chip on exterior rim only visible under close examination,<br>no other damage. Unsigned but top quality by a top quality French or Bohemian<br>glassmaker, likely Moser.
c1940 French Baccarat Perfume Bottle Collection
c1940 French Baccarat Perfume Bottle Collection. Selling the 4 bottles shown all<br>with ground stoppers, tallest Nettie Rosenstein NY bottle made in France Center<br>short art deco bottle unmarked but top quality obviously French Crystal with<br>ground stopper. All most likely Baccarat, none marked, none with stuck stoppers,<br>all from the first half of the 20th century. Tallest 4.5", Balenciaga 2.5".<br>tw162
Antique Moser Raised Enamel Tray with Bird of Prey
Antique Moser Raised Enamel Tray with Bird of Prey. 19th century incredible<br>piece, unsigned atrributed to Moser. 18.75" diagonal x 6" tall with no cracks,<br>chips, restorations, or significant wear.<br>TW214
13.5" Lalique Claude French Art Cut glass Vase
13.5" Lalique Claude French Art Cut glass Vase. Very tall piece 13.5" x 5.5" wide, hand cut designs on base. No cracks, chips, or restorations.TW189
Antique Blown Glass Bottle with Hand Painted Scene
Antique Blown Glass Bottle with Hand Painted Scene. Very interesting early bottle with hand painted decoration. Well over 100 years old. Hand blown with pontil mark on base and hand formed lip. Large substantial bottle with no damage, I know the inside will clean out, I didn't clean it. TW81
Sabino French Art Glass Perfume Bottle Petalia 5.5" tall x 3.5" wide
Sabino French Art Glass Perfume Bottle Petalia 5.5" tall x 3.5" wide. New old<br>stock vintage item from estate in mint unused condition.
c1880 コバルトフラッシュカットでインク壺をクリア
c1880 コバルトフラッシュカットでインク壺を透明にします。オリジナルのドームが付いた素敵な珍しいコバルトカットのオーバーレイガラスインク壺。ドームの底に小さな傷があり、簡単に削れてしまう可能性がありますが、非常に小さいです。その他の亀裂、欠け、修復物はありません。高さ 3 インチ x 幅 2.25 インチ。TW156
1950 年代のムラノ島の星型クランベリー ボウル (泡制御)
1950年代のムラーノ星型クランベリーボウル、制御された泡。亀裂、欠け、修復、へこみ、上部表面の磨耗のない、20 世紀半ばの素敵なヴィンテージ品です。 60 年以上テーブルの上に置かれていたベースには、保管による磨耗が予想されます。 8.75 インチ x 2.25 インチtw110
スチューベン イーグル ハンド クーラー 愛国的な文鎮
スチューベン イーグル ハンドクーラー ペーパーウェイト 高さ2インチ x 幅2 5/8インチ。亀裂、欠け、修復物、または外装の傷がなく、ベースに重大な磨耗がなく、ほぼ新品同様です。pwdrawer
c1910 スターリングバンド付き大型イングリッシュカットガラス香水瓶
c1910 スターリングバンド付きの大きなイングリッシュカットガラス香水瓶。素晴らしい作品。ファセットストッパーの上部に 1 つのへこみ、最後の写真に示されているように、ベースに非常に小さなへこみが 2 つあります。大きなヒビや欠けはなく、若干の曇りはあります。高さ6.25インチ x 幅4インチのオリジナルストッパーは手袋のようにフィットします。
1850年代の水銀ガラスの聖杯とカーテンタイバック。ひび割れ、欠け、修復物はありません。銀メッキの損失が非常に少ないものの、非常に良好です。ゴブレットのサイズは高さ4.25インチ x 幅3.75インチです。カーテンタイは幅4.5インチ x 5 3/8インチ、ネジ付きです。
リビー アメリカン ブリリアント ピリオド カット ガラス シガー ジャー ヒュミドール 8.25インチ x 5.5インチ
Libbey American Brilliant ピリオドカットガラス シガージャー ヒュミドール 8.25インチ x 5.5インチ。蓋が間違っている珍しい品です。ベースは非常にきれいで、綿密な検査が必要な小さなチップがいくつかあるだけです。最後の写真に私の指で示したように、蓋の上部に大きなチップがあります。正しい蓋と同様の状態のベースを備えたものが約 2000 ドルで販売されているのを見たことがあります。B18
大型 c1900 フランス モン ジョイ カメオ アート ガラス花瓶、手エナメル装飾付き
1900 年頃のフランス製、モン ジョイ カメオ アート ガラス花瓶。手作業でエナメル装飾が施されています。高さ 12.5 インチ x 幅 7 インチ。ひび割れ、欠け、修復はありません。モン ジョイは、E. S. モン、その後継者、および Lega によって使用されていた商標名です。 & Cie は、1880 年代から 1920 年代にかけて作られたカメオとエナメル、ペイントされたガラスを製造しています。モン ジョワイエ - 歴史E S. モノのクリスタッレリー ドゥ ラ ヴィレットは、「モン ジョワイエ」のカメオ ガラスを製造した最初のガラス工場でした。モンテはパンタンと合併し、一連の所有権変更を経ました。第一次世界大戦後、ルグラス&シーが会社を買収しました。
c1900 ピジョン ブラッド 真鍮製葬儀用花瓶/大理石ホルダー/スタンド
c1900 ピジョン ブラッド 真鍮製葬儀用花瓶/大理石ホルダー/スタンド。 19 世紀後半から 20 世紀初頭の優れたオリジナル作品。高さ 13.5 インチ、ベース 4 インチ x 6 インチのガラスに損傷はありません。TW207
ブロンズ ドール アート ガラス脚センターピース
ブロンズ ドール アート ガラス脚のセンターピース。高さ9.75インチ x 幅9インチ、ダメージはありませんが、ブロンズホルダーのゴールドドア仕上げに著しい磨耗があります。内側も外側も虹色に輝くとても素敵なガラスです。ホルダーやガラスに識別マークは見つかりませんでした。tw187
c1870 バカラ ジェル フレール バーバー ボトル ローズ ティエンテ レア
c1870 バカラ ジェル フレール バーバー ボトル ローズ ティエンテ 希少。高さ 9 インチ x 幅 5 インチ、内部に少量の鉱物堆積物があり、複雑な蓋機構の一部が欠けているように見えますが、どれかが存在しているのは驚くべきことです。サインのない19世紀のバカラ。地面のフットリムに小さな剥がれがあり、その他の欠け、亀裂、修復物はありません。TW214理髪店のボトルは理髪店の道具箱の一部でした。これらのユニークなボトルには、シャンプー、ヘアトニック、顔用スプレーが入っていました。理容師は、趣のある製品を大量に購入したり、独自のレシピを作成してボトルに詰め替えたりすることができました。これらのボトルにはさまざまなスタイルや形がありました。豊富な色、エナメルの花の装飾、ユニークなデザインにより、これらのボトルは棚に置いているときに非常に目を引くものになりました。有名なアーティスト、メアリー グレゴリーは、幼い子供の絵をエナメルで描いた作品で、今日コレクターの間で非常に人気があります。プレスガラスやカットガラスの例も、需要の高い不透明なパーソナライズされたボトルとともに入手可能でした。パーソナライズされたボトルには、理容師の名前や非常に優れた顧客の名前があり、何らかのデザインや絵が描かれています。貼られたラベルボトルもありました。これはラベルを覆う薄いガラスの層でした。初期のボトルの多くは、ポンティルベースと適用または剪断されたリップを備えた手吹きで作られていました。これらのボトルは米国で製造され、ヨーロッパから輸入されました。派手なスタイルのボトルのほとんどはエンボス加工されていませんが、いくつかの例外があります。マサチューセッツ州ボストンの T Noonan & Co. Barber Supplies の名前がボトルの底にエンボス加工されています。理容ボトルは 1880 年代から 1900 年代初頭にかけて高い需要がありました。 1906 年の純粋食品医薬品法により、ラベルのない詰め替え可能な容器でのアルコールベースの物質の使用が制限されました。これにより、これらのボトルは本来の目的で使用されなくなりました。需要は鈍化しましたが、1920 年代まで作られ続けました。
1920 年代 スチューベン カーダー時代の扇型花瓶、凹版カット、シップ エッチング
1920年代のスチューベン・カーダー時代のファン花瓶、凹版カットのシップエッチング。高さ8.5インチ x 幅7.25インチ。カーダー時代のスチューベンの本物であることが保証されています。亀裂、欠け、修復、または重大な摩耗はありません。スチューベン グラスは、1903 年の夏にフレデリック カーダーとトーマス G. ホークスによってニューヨーク州コーニングのスチューベンに設立されたアメリカのアート ガラス メーカーです。社名の由来となった郡。ホークスは、当時コーニングで操業していた最大のカットガラス会社のオーナーでした。カーダーはイギリス人 (1863 年 9 月 18 日生まれ) で、イギリスでスティーブンスとウィリアムズのためにガラスをデザインした長年の経験がありました。ホークス氏は、切断工場用にガラスのブランクをさまざまなソースから購入し、最終的にはブランクを自分で製造する工場を設立したいと考えました。ホークス氏はカーダー氏にコーニング社に来てそのような工場を管理するよう説得した。スティーブンス・アンド・ウィリアムズで昇進を見送られていたカーダー氏は、昇進に同意した。tw210
大型ラリック 二羽の鳩 フラワーホルダー 花瓶
大きなラリックの二羽の鳩フラワーホルダー花瓶。大きくて重いピースをインサートで見つけるのは非常に困難です。高さ8.5インチ x 翼から翼まで7インチ。ひび割れ、欠け、修復物はありませんが、ベースにわずかな棚摩耗があります。この作品は、約 30 年前に私が尋ねた価格の 3 倍以上の値段で販売されていました。shlf
c1880 アンティーク モーザー ポートレート骨壷ペア
c1880 アンティーク モーザー ポートレート骨壷ペア。ボヘミアンな骨壷、19 世紀、手描き、おそらくモーザーの両方を販売します。 1 つは上部と下部が交わる場所に中括弧があり、もう 1 つは中括弧がありません。これが元々の製造方法であるかどうかを知る方法はありません。支柱のないものは丈夫でガタがなく安定しています。支柱付きのものにはわずかな遊びがあり、2つのピースが接する部分に小さな欠けがいくつかあります。どちらも素晴らしく、非常によく表示され、安定していますが、梱包や取り扱いには特別な注意が必要であり、私はそうしていますし、今後もそうするつもりです。高さ14インチ x 幅5.5インチのマイナーウェアから金メッキまで、主に示されているベースの両方を販売します。記載されている以外に欠け、ひび、修復物はありません。
c1840 ロシア帝国のガラスのゴブレット セット
c1840 ロシア帝国のガラスのゴブレット セット手描きの金の装飾。写真のゴブレット 4 個の販売です。高さ 8 1/8 インチ x 縁の幅 3.25 インチです。180 年以上前に手作りされたため、若干異なります。私はこれらが 19 世紀前半のものであることを確信しており、これに似たガラスを見た唯一の場所はクリスティーズ/サザビーズのロシア美術販売店であるため、ロシア帝国の工場からのものであると信じています。ひび割れ、欠け、修復物はありません。各シーンの 2 つをすべて手描きしていますが、手描きのため若干の違いがあります。TW206
c1880 Bohemian black glass Hand Enameled Butterflies Electrified Oil lamp
c1880 Bohemian black glass Hand Enameled Butterflies Electrified Oil lamp with<br>original frosted glass shade, on circular foot, approx 25"h, 6"diam, 6lbs.<br>Incredible lamp, three pieces with no chips, cracks, or restorations, tiny<br>flakes on base of shade that goes in fitter as expected. Lamp is in working<br>condition with functional in cord switch.
c1890 Amberina Art Glass Diminuative pitcher
c1890 Amberina Art Glass Diminuative pitcher5" tall x 4.5" wide, larger than what most would consider a creamer. No cracks, chips, or restorations. TW192
c1920 Art Deco Green Cut Overlay Glass Deacanter with Sterling silver mount
c1920 Art Deco Green Cut Overlay Glass Deacanter with Sterling silver mount. Large perfume or small decanter. 9.75" tall x 4.25" wide. Base marked sterling No damage to glass base. Chip of very top of stopper and micro chigger bite to center facet shown in first pic. b23
Art Deco Steven and Williams Art Glass Aventurine Compote
Art Deco Steven and Williams Art Glass Aventurine Compote. 10 7/8" x 7 3/8" x 4.25" tall with no cracks, chips, or restorations. Some swirls to interior satin glass layer shown in pics. Faint s&W mark in center of base. TW190
c1880 3 Cut Glass Perfume Bottles 2 with Sterling lids, one large flask
c1880 3 Cut Glass Perfume Bottles 2 with Sterling lids, one large flask. Selling the three in great condition. The one on the left is 4 1/8" tall with some roughness on the top rim but no other chips or cracks, one in center is 6.25" tall with no chips or cracks, I believe it's the only one I would trust to hold liquid without evaporation or spillage. The lid is not sterling on the center one but is on the other two. The one on the right has two small insignificant chips, no cracks, 3.75" tall, the threads on the lid don't quite match the base, looks great but the lid won't be tight. tw190
c1870 14K gold lid Cut overlay Glass Perfume bottle Corset form
c1870 14K gold lid Cut overlay Glass Perfume bottle Corset form. The lid is hallmarked, it's shown in the second pic but I can't make it out. It tests over 14k gold but less than 18k. No cracks, or chips, slight wear to ruby flashing on palm tree cut. Extremely complex and over the top perfume bottle. 4" tall x 2.5" wide. perfumedrawer
c1880 La Delivrande French Art Glass Bronze mounted Jewelry Casket
c1880 La Delivrande French Art Glass Bronze mounted Jewelry Casket. Great antique from late 19th century. 3" wide x 2.25" deep x 2.25" tall with no cracks, or chips, strong hinge. some wear to interior. B3
c1930 Huge Art Deco Signed Frosted Cut Glass Vase signed Helbert?
c1930 Huge Art Deco Signed Frosted Cut Glass Vase signed Helbert?. Strange and<br>wonderful piece of quality period art deco glass. I'm confdent this is 80-100<br>years old but I don't recognize the signature which is weird. It's a very large<br>piece 9.75" tall and wide. The decoration is hand cut, the flower centers are<br>applied glass, the signature appears to be hand engraved. This is a handmade<br>skillful work or art so I'm finding it very strange that I don't recognize the<br>signature or maker. No chips on the top, no cracks, minor wear to frosting on<br>base rim possibly during the making. It is high quality high lead crystal glass,<br>rings like a bell.<br>twshlf
Mid Century Modern Murano Bottle with Stopper m
Mid Century Modern Murano Bottle with Stopper. Purchased in Murano Italy in<br>1979, I'm not sure if it was vintage or new at the time. 10 5/8" tall x 4" wide<br>x 2 5/8" deep No cracks, chips, or restorations. It would make an ideal smaller<br>decanter or very large perfume bottle.<br>TW184
c1890 Wavecrest Puffy Art Glass Jewelry Box Dresser Jar
c1890 Wavecrest Puffy Art Glass Jewelry Box Dresser Jar. 3.25" tall and wide with no cracks, chips, or other damage, good strong hinge. Hand painted and great. tw131
c1920 Argy Rousseau Pate De Verre Bowl in the Ivy Pattern
c1920 Argy Rousseau Pate De Verre Bowl in the Ivy Pattern signed G.Argy Rousseau. 3.5" tall x 4.5" wide at the rim with no cracks, chips, or restorations. Gabriel Argy-Rousseau is produced wonderful works of pate de verre art glass from about 1914 until 1937. Somewhere between 200 and 300 different designs have been recorded by researchers. Scholars believe that between 15,000 and 20,000 total pieces of art glass were produced by G. Argy-Rousseau. That is a relatively small production and it has made some pieces of his work very rare today. Please do not make the assumption that Argy-Rousseau was just a studio glass maker. He was the main creative force behind the glass, but it was in fact a large production. There were at times as many as 20 employees. G. Argy-Rousseau glass was sold all over Europe, in The United States, Latin America, and even in North Africa. It is partly because of this extensive original sales network that his glass can be found all over the world today. The importance of Argy-Rousseau was two-fold. First, it was completely unlike anything glass makers were producing at the time. And secondly, while others started trying the same styles, no one else was ever really able to make anything consistently more appealing or better. So not only was Argy-Rousseau the first, he was also the best. That is a feat that is rarely accomplished in the arts. Below is a brief timeline of Gabriel Argy-Rousseau and his life accomplishments: 1885 – Born in Meslay-le-Vidame, France 1902 – Attends Ecole de Serves 1906 – Graduates from Ecole de Sevres with an engineering degree 1913 – Marries Marianne Argyriades 1914 – Opens his first studio and displayed his original art glass 1921 – Forms firm with Gustav Moser-Millot to market Argy-Rousseau’s art glass 1923 – Generally considered to be the peak of his work 1931 – Moser-Millot liquidates firm marketing Argy-Rousseau works 1932 – Argy-Rousseau starts a new glass making venture 1937 – Closes the mostly unsuccessful new glass operation 1953 – Argy-Rousseau passes away tw191
c1905 American Brilliant Period Cut glass Water Pitcher
c1905 American Brilliant Period Cut glass Water Pitcher. Amazing piece in amazing condition with no chips of any size found. No cracks, 9" tall x 7.25" handle to spout. I could find no identifying marks. TW191
Lalique Tokyo Art Deco Style French Art Glass Ashtray
Lalique Tokyo Art Deco Style French Art Glass Ashtray. No cracks, chips, or restorations.5 3/8" wide x 2 1/8" deep. TW190
c1890 Rubina Art Glass Stoppered Jug Honeycomb Pattern
c1890 Rubina Art Glass Stoppered Jug Honeycomb Pattern. I'm reluctant to call it a cruet because the mouth and stopper are much wider than typical. Nice practical jug with no damage. 8" tall. TW189
c1910 American Brilliant Period Cut Glass Cruet
c1910 American Brilliant Period Cut Glass Cruet. Guaranteed over 100 years old<br>and American made. I could find no markings or damage, it's incredibly clean.<br>Original stopper fits like a glove, no mineral deposits. 9.5" tall.<br>B23
1970's Murano Art Glass Bear
1970's Murano Art Glass Bear. Purchased in Murano Italy in the late 1970's, I'm not sure if it was new us vintage at the time. 8" long x 5" tall with no cracks, chips, dings, or restorations. tw187
Waterford Kylemore Cut Crystal Water goblets (6)
Waterford Kylemore Cut Crystal Water goblets (6). Each is 6.75" tall x 3 9/16"<br>wide at rim, selling Six water goblets for one price with multiple lots<br>available if you change the quantity, selecting two will get you 12 goblets, 3<br>will get you 18, etc. They are all free from cracks, chips, dings, none are<br>ground down, no cloudiness, or scratches. This beautiful pattern was retired in<br>2017.Blk Crate
c1890 Amberina Art Glass Juice Pitcher
c1890 Amberina Art Glass Juice Pitcher8" tall, likely bohemian, no cracks,<br>chips, or restorations. Great piece of functional art.<br>TW185
Lalique Blois(1981-1996) French Crystal Sherry Glasses 4.75" x 2.5" rim (3)
Lalique Blois(1981-1996) French Crystal Sherry Glasses 4.75" x 2.5" rim (3).<br>Selling the three shown for this price. At the time of listing I have multiple<br>lots of 3 available if you change the number on the quanity, if you change the<br>number to 3 you will receive 9 Stems. All are in mint condition with no cracks,<br>chips, scratches, cloudiness, or restorations, not even any wear on the base.<br>They've been in a cabinet for 30 years. This pattern was retired in 1996.B61
c1890 Bohemain Cruets Amberina and Blue/Amber Enameled
c1890 Bohemain Cruets Amberina and Blue/Amber Enameled 6.25" and 7 3/8" tall the<br>amberina has a tiny sliver chip from the cop of the finial, not a distraction.<br>No other cracks, chips, or restorations both with minor mineral deposits inside.<br>tw185
c1890 Coralene and Heavily Enameled Cranberry Art glass Vase with lots of gold
c1890 Coralene Heavily Enameled Cranberry Art glass Vase with lots of gold 8.5"<br>tall with no cracks, chips, or restorations, and minimal wear to gold, some<br>expected loss to the glass coralene beads over the gold.<br>TW183
c1890 Amberina Mary Gregory Style Hand Painted Creamer and Sugar
c1890 Amberina Mary Gregory Style Hand Painted Creamer and Sugar. Selling both<br>pieces with no cracks, chips, or restorations, ground pontil on creamer. Creamer<br>is 3 7/8" tall, both are about 3.5"-4" wide.<br>TW183
c1890 Art glass tumbler collection, Amberina Mary Gregory, Rainbow Glass, Hand e
c1890 Art glass tumbler collection, Amberina Mary Gregory, Rainbow Glass, Hand<br>enameled Cranberry, etc<br>Great collection all from the same estate. They all measure from 3.5" to 4" tall<br>and the widest is 2 15/16" wide. A few may have tiny flakes on the ground rims,<br>but nothing big enough to be a distraction or prevent use. No large chips, no<br>cracks, no hard water. Selling the 6 tumblers shown all guaranteed to be from<br>the late 19th century.<br>tw182
Steuben American Art Glass Heavy MCM Ashtrays
Steuben American Art Glass Heavy MCM Ashtrays. Selling both in graduated sizes,<br>smaller 5.5", larger 7". Both have a little wear, smaller one has the tiniest<br>chigger bite on top rim. Bother are signed but smaller one is difficult to see<br>with table wear on base.<br>TW131
Waterford Kylemore Cut Crystal Water goblets (4)
Waterford Kylemore Cut Crystal Water goblets (4). Each is 6.75" tall x 3 9/16" wide at rim, selling Four water goblets for one price with multiple lots available if you change the quantity, selecting two will get you 8 goblets, 3 will get you 12, etc. They are all free from cracks, chips, dings, none are ground down, no cloudiness, or scratches. This beautiful pattern was retired in 2017.Blk Crate
Steuben Penguin Family of 4
Steuben Penguin Family of 4, original designs by George Tompkins & Robert<br>CassettiIt. The large adult Father Penguin, a 1970's design by George Thompson<br>is 3.75" tall (9.5cm) while Mother Penguin is 3" and leaning forward<br>protectively. The penguin "Hatchling" and penguin "Fledgling" are 2.75" tall. <br>My consignor paid $1900 for this set, I'm pricing them more reasonably as she is<br>trying to liquidate her assets.<br>Steuben Glass is an American art glass manufacturer, founded in the summer of<br>1903 by Frederick Carder and Thomas G. Hawkes in Corning, New York, which is<br>in Steuben County, from which the company name was derived. Hawkes was the owner<br>of the largest cut glass firm then operating in Corning. Carder was an<br>Englishman (born September 18, 1863) who had many years' experience designing<br>glass for Stevens & Williams in England. Hawkes purchased the glass blanks for<br>his cutting shop from many sources and eventually wanted to start a factory to<br>make the blanks himself. Hawkes convinced Carder to come to Corning and manage<br>such a factory. Carder, who had been passed over for promotion at Stevens and<br>Williams, consented to do so. In 1918, Steuben was acquired by Corning Glass<br>Works and became the Steuben Division. In July 2008, Steuben was sold by Corning<br>Incorporated for an undisclosed price to Schottenstein Stores,[2] which also<br>owns 51% of Retail Ventures, a holding company for DSW, Filene's Basement, and<br>formerly Value City Department Stores; Value City Furniture, which changed its<br>name to American Signature Furniture; 15% of American Eagle Outfitters, retail<br>liquidator SB Capital Group, some 50 shopping centers, and 5 factories producing<br>its shoes, furniture and crystal. On September 15, 2011, Schottenstein announced<br>it was shutting down Steuben's Corning factory and Manhattan store, ending the<br>company's 108-year history. Soon after, Corning Incorporated repurchased the<br>Steuben brand. In early 2014, The Corning Museum of Glass announced that it<br>would work with independent contractors to reproduce Steuben using a new,<br>lead-free formula and their classic leaded crystal. Carder period<br>(1903-1932)[edit] Steuben Glass Works started operation in October 1903. Carder<br>produced blanks for Hawkes and also began producing cut glass himself. Carder's<br>great love was colored glass and had been instrumental in the reintroduction of<br>colored glass while at Stevens and Williams. When Steuben's success at producing<br>blanks for Hawkes became assured, Carder began to experiment with colored glass<br>and continued experiments that were started in England. He soon perfected Gold<br>Aurene which was similar to iridescent art glass that was being produced<br>by Tiffany and others. Gold Aurene was followed by a wide range of colored art<br>glass that eventually was produced in more than 7,000 shapes and 140 colors.<br>These are a pair of handblown Steuben gold Aurene glass candlesticks designed by<br>Frederick Carder for the Steuben Glass Works, ca. 1913. (From a private<br>collection in Manhattan, New York.)Steuben Glass Works continued to produce<br>glass of all sorts until World War I. At that time war time restrictions made it<br>impossible for Steuben to acquire the materials needed to continue manufacture.<br>The company was subsequently sold to Corning Glass Works and became the Steuben<br>Division. Carder continued as Division manager without any real change in the<br>company's operation except that he now had reporting responsibilities to Corning<br>Glass Works' management. Corning's management tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to<br>limit the articles that Steuben made to only the most popular. Production<br>continued until about 1932. In 1932, there was a major change in Steuben<br>management. The nationwide depression had limited the sale of Steuben and there<br>was a lessening of public interest in colored glass. In February 1932, John<br>MacKay was appointed to Carder's position. Carder became Art Director for<br>Corning Glass Works. Steuben then produced primarily colorless art glass.<br>Steuben still produced colored art glass, but mostly to fill special orders. A<br>few new colors were added after Carder transitioned into his new role with<br>Corning Glass Works, but the last known sale for colored art glass by Steuben<br>was in 1943. Houghton period (1933–2012) An example of Steuben Glass design<br>during the Houghton era is the Balustrade Candlestick set, which mimics a<br>classical balustrade. Of special note is the hallmark of the perfectly formed<br>tear drop air bubble suspended in the design.Corning Glass Works<br>appointed Arthur A. Houghton Jr. as President in 1933, and under his leadership<br>Steuben changed artistic direction toward more modern forms. Using a newly<br>formulated clear glass developed by Corning (referred to as 10M) which had a<br>very high refraction index, Steuben designers developed beautiful, fluid<br>designs. Pieces such as Gazelle Bowl, designed by Sidney Waugh incorporated Art<br>Deco and modernist themes into glass. The themes during this period included<br>"balustrade" designs for water goblets and candlesticks, footed bowls and<br>serving pieces. Decorative forms included wildlife pieces representing owls,<br>penguins and other birds in smooth stylistic forms. Some pieces, such as the<br>Ram's Head Candy Dish, playfully included clean lines crowned by an ornate<br>design (a ram's head, complete with a ruff) on the lid as an homage to its<br>classic earlier pieces. The company also entered into the field of larger show<br>and presentation pieces celebrating various scenes (such as its cut-away design<br>featuring an Eskimo ice fisherman above the ice, and the fish below, or the<br>Cathedral Window design) and elements that incorporated etchings. In some cases<br>sterling silver or gold plating were used on metal finish elements such as the<br>golden "fly" atop the nose of a rainbow trout. Each piece is signed simply with<br>"Steuben" on the underside of the object. Toward the 1990s, the company also<br>began production of small objects—"hand coolers"—in various animal shapes. Items<br>from this period were also noted for their careful and elegant packaging. Before<br>boxing, each Steuben piece was placed in a silver-gray flannel bag (stitched<br>with the Steuben name), and then placed in a presentation box.<br><br>tw179
c1920 Tiffany Favrille Pulled Feather trumpet bud vase
c1920 Tiffany Favrille Pulled Feather trumpet bud vase. 10 3/8" tall x 2 1/16"<br>wide at rim. Guaranteed from the first quarter of the 20th century Tiffany<br>favrille art glass. Signed L.C. Tiffany Favrille 1506-9560 J No cracks, chips,<br>or restorations. No exterior scratches other than on bottom, a few interior<br>scratches from 100 years of cleaning. Money back guarantee of authenticity as<br>with everything. These are more often found in a 4" shorter 1504 model and I've<br>seen those bring 2k.<br><br>Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848 - 1933): The Founder of Tiffany Studios was a master<br>artist in the style of Art Nouveau and the design director at Tiffany & Co.<br>Whether it be with glass, jewelry or painting supplies, everything Tiffany<br>crafted was done with the utmost perfection. Often his paintings were of<br>brilliant landscapes inspired by his travels to Europe. However, he painted all<br>over the world from Africa to Asia, North America and Europe. Along the way he<br>gain access to many memberships including the National Academy of Design in 1887<br>and Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France. He also won several awards and<br>had his art exhibited at: The Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art,<br>the Chicago Institute of Art and many others. While he is most well know for his<br>jewelry company and beautiful favrile glass, Tiffany's talents as an artist have<br>not been forgotten<br>TW178
Maurice Heaton(1900-1989) 16" Mid Century Modern Enameled Art Glass Charger
Maurice Heaton(1900-1989) 16" Mid Century Modern Enameled Art Glass Charger. No<br>cracks, chips, restorations, or scratches. Guaranteed authentic, great piece of<br>art glass by well listed artist that has works in all the big museums.<br><br>Maurice Heaton grew up with two generations of English glass artists and began<br>experimenting with flat and molded glass as early as 1930. He invented a process<br>in 1947 for firing and shaping his glassware in the studio furnace, which<br>started the ball rolling for the studio glass movement of the 1960s. Heaton’s<br>work spans seven decades, and through his unique range of murals, window<br>hangings, lighting fixtures and tableware, he is considered by many a “true<br>original” (Neues Glas, April 1985).<br>tw177
Huge 17" 1930's WMF Ikora Art Glass Centerpiece
17" 1930's WMF Ikora Glass Centerpiece Massive Bowl Art Deco Spider Web Red and<br>Yellow 11.5 pounds 4" tall. It's unmarked, originally bore a paper label.<br>Guaranteed c.1930-1950 WMF Ikora. Pretty much speaks for itself. No cracks or<br>chips. No scratches on upper surface, expected wear to base that rests on table.<br>Developed by Karl Wiedmann and manufactured by the Württembergische<br>Metallwarenfabrik (WMF) company in Germany. I have another one of these listed<br>separately slightly larger in the same colors.