Zuni Native American Spiny oyster, turquoise, shell, and Jet sterling belt buckle
Zuni Native American Spiny oyster, turquoise, shell, and Jet sterling belt buckle, fits up to a 1.5" belt. 46.7 grams. Marked<br>or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but<br>my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
ウィリー・ヤジー・シニア (ナバホ族)、1928 ~ 1999 年 オーバーレイ シルバー ベルト バックル
Willie Yazzie、Sr. (ナバホ族)、1928-1999 オーバーレイ シルバー ベルト バックル 2 インチ x 1 5/16 インチ x 22.5 グラム、問題ありません。 1 インチのベルトにフィットします。ナバホ族オーバーレイ アーティスト、ウィリー ヤジーホピ ギルドで作られたオーバーレイ デザインが成功した後、他の多くの銀細工師やショップがオーバーレイをデザインに取り入れました (オーバーレイはそうではありませんを参照)ナバホ族の貿易商ディーン・カークは、1941 年 1 月までにニューメキシコ州マヌエリト (ギャラップとアリゾナ州の国境の間) に自分の交易所を開設しました。その時、カークは、ホホカムとミンブレスのデザインを組み込んだ、雇われのナバホ族の鍛冶屋が作る一連のオーバーレイ ピンをデザインしました。これらのデザインは、1958 年の新聞広告として、非常に人気があることが判明しました。アルバカーキのエンチャンテッド メサは、「ディーン カークのナバホ オーバーレイ シルバー」を宣伝しました。カークの店で作られたオーバーレイ作品には、ほとんど刻印がありませんでした。しかし、ディーン カークの下で働いていたナバホ族の銀細工師の 1 人がウィリー ヤジーで、彼は自分のオーバーレイを作りました。 以下の情報の多くは、2 月にウィリアム P. (ウィリー) ヤジー ジュニアによってアラン ファーグ (アリゾナ州立博物館のアーキビスト兼考古学者) に伝えられました。 2018。ファーグが所有するオーバーレイ ベルトのバックルを調査したところ、ホールマークが欠けていたため、これまで記録されていなかったウィリー ヤジーに関する情報が判明し、さらにアーティストが使用していた追加のホールマークも特定されました。ソーシャル紙によるとセキュリティ記録によると、ウィリー・A・ヤジーは1928年にアリゾナ州シンレで生まれた。彼の息子によれば、1950年代初頭にマヌエリトにあるディーン・カークの商館で銀細工を学び、遅くとも1960年までにはタッチマーク(またはホールマーク)を作成し、その後はディーン・カークの家で作られた彼の作品には、彼のひょうたんひしゃくの特徴が含まれていたでしょう。彼のデザインには、ロードランナーなどの動物の姿や、イースやファーザー スカイなどのナバホ族のデザインが組み込まれることがよくありました。彼は、背景デザインに「タンプ作業」やテクスチャー パターンを決して追加しませんでした。1960 年、メサ ベルデ国立公園の利権者であるアンセル ホールは、夏季に公園で実演を行う銀細工師を探していました。ディーン・カークがウィリー・ヤジーを推薦し、彼はホールに雇われた。ウィリーは、病気になった1965年を除いて、1960年から1983年の夏の間、メサ・ヴェルデで働いた。ヤジーは、メサ・ヴェルデで作った作品を示す特別な特徴を作成しました。このマークは公園内の廃墟であるスクエア タワー ハウスを描いており、1960 ~ 1964 年と 1966 ~ 1983 年の夏の間、彼のひょうたんひしゃくのマークと一緒に使用されていました。ウィリー A. ヤジーは 1999 年に亡くなりましたが、彼の家族は、未亡人、娘、ウィリー・ジュニアを含むウィリー・ジュニアは、ウィリーのオーバーレイ作品の伝統を引き継いでいます。ウィリー・ジュニアさんは、妹が父親の道具や切手のほとんどを持っており、ひょうたんひしゃくのマークを今でも使っていると語った。ウィリーは主に自分のイニシャルを特徴として使用していますが、銀細工はもうあまりやっていません。キャニオン・デ・シェリーでレンジャーを務めていた国立公園局を退職しています。シンレに住むウィリーさんは、息子たちは銀細工を少しやってはいるが、忙しくてあまり時間がないと語った。
Wilbur Muskett Navajo sterling turquoise and coral bear paw belt buckle
Wilbur Muskett Navajo sterling turquoise and coral bear paw belt buckle. Weight and measurements in pics.
Weaver Selina Hopi Sterling belt buckle
Weaver Selina Hopi Sterling belt buckle. Hallmarked as shown, tested sterling with no issues. Weight and measurements in pics. Hopi jeweler Weaver Selina began his career in 1967 working and studying at the Hopicrafts shop, learning from Bernard Dawahoya and other experienced jewelers. He is from the village of Shungopavi at Second Mesa and now has his own outlet where he sells his creations and those of other Hopi artists.
Watson Honanie Hopi 14k/Sterling belt buckle overlay style
Watson Honanie Hopi 14k/Sterling belt buckle overlay style. Weight and measurements in pics. Unworn buckle with only the slightest wear. Watson Honanie Hopi Winner of Best of Class and Best of Division at the world famous Santa Fe Indian Market, Watson Honanie is the acclaimed innovator of gold overlay jewelry. His jewelry depicts tribal clans, Hopi villages, ceremonial dancers, and petroglyph images. He often incorporates gold, diamonds and gem grade turquoise in his pieces. Watsons mentor was his uncle, Fred Kabotie, manager of the Hopi Art and Crafts Guild. Watsons work is in the finest galleries in the country.
W Dodson Navajo Sterling and turquoise belt buckle
W Dodson Navajo Sterling and turquoise belt buckle. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling with marks shown.
Vintage Zuni Frog Carved turquoise and coral silver belt buckle
Vintage Zuni Frog Carved turquoise and coral silver belt buckle 3" x 2", fits a<br>1.5" belt, 66.2 grams.<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Zuni flush inlay sterling concho belt
Vintage Zuni flush inlay sterling concho belt. Weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling silver with no markings. 42" total length, 7 conchos and one buckle. One concho with inlay loss to center of middle figure. No other issues. The $1500 price on this is what it cost in the 60‘s or 70‘s. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.
Vintage Zuni Buffalo Fetish sterling belt buckle
Vintage Zuni Buffalo Fetish sterling belt buckle 3 3/8" x 2.5", fits up at a 1.5" belt, 178.8 grams. Marked sterling with no other detectable markings. <br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
vintage Wage's Sterling Hand Engraved horse belt buckle
vintage Wage's Sterling Hand Engraved horse belt buckle. 4 1/8" x 3.25" and it fits a 1.5" belt 115.5 grams with no issues.
Vintage Vogt Sterling/10k with rubies hand engraved belt buckle
Vintage Vogt Sterling/10k with rubies hand engraved belt buckle. Great buckle with no issues, measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Taxco Sterling Enamel bullfighter belt buckle
Vintage Taxco Sterling Enamel bullfighter belt buckle. No issues, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage sterling silver floral engraved belt buckle
Vintage sterling silver floral engraved belt buckle 1.5" belt, no issues, weight and measurements in pics. Unmarked, tested sterling.
Vintage Sterling Navajo turquoise concho belt buckle with hand stamped design
Vintage Sterling Navajo turquoise concho belt buckle with hand stamped design. Solid sterling, no issues, circa 1970‘s. Unmarked, 42.4 grams, measurements in pics. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Older Native American jewelry is typically unmarked. If I call it Silver or Ingot I‘m guaranteeing it to be 90% or more silver. This isn‘t something I get confused about. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Vintage Sterling Kokopelli overlay belt buckle
Vintage Sterling Kokopelli overlay belt buckle 46.8 grams, fits a 1.5" belt. No issues. I don't recognize the hallmark but believe it's Native American made. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Sterling hand engraved cowboy belt buckle
Vintage Sterling hand engraved cowboy belt buckle. No issues, weight and measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Sterling belt buckle in the overlay style
Vintage Sterling belt buckle in the overlay style. Weight and measurements in pics. Unidentified by me picto-mark. Marked and tested solid sterling Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Sterling and Gold Mexican Hand engraved belt buckle
Vintage Sterling and Gold Mexican Hand engraved belt buckle. Fits up to a 1 7/8" belt buckle.<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Southwestern sterling, turquoise, and agate horeshoe belt buckle
Vintage Southwestern sterling, turquoise, and agate horeshoe belt buckle, no issues. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Southwestern Sterling cobblestone belt buckle
Vintage Southwestern Sterling cobblestone belt buckle 2.75" x 2.25", fits up to a 1.75" belt, 104 grams. Very high quality buckle, likely Native American made. <br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage SG Initial High grade turquoise Elias sterling modernist belt buckle
Vintage SG Initial High grade turquoise Elias sterling modernist belt buckle Solid sterling, no issues, circa 1970‘s. Weight and measurements in pics. I feel like this stone is worth more than I‘m asking for the buckle, not sure which mine it‘s from but it‘s a good one. I‘m not certain it‘s not high grade Bisbee. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Older Native American jewelry is typically unmarked. If I call it Silver or Ingot I‘m guaranteeing it to be 90% or more silver. This isn‘t something I get confused about. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
ヴィンテージ サンドキャスト ナバホ族 シルバー ベルト バックル
ヴィンテージ サンドキャスト ナバホ シルバー ベルト バックル。素敵な古いバックル。20 世紀の第 2 四半期のものだと思います。幅2インチ、最大1.25インチのベルトに適合、30.3グラム。
Vintage Ricardo solid 10k gold on Sterling hand engraved horse belt buckle
Vintage Ricardo solid 10k gold on Sterling hand engraved horse belt buckle 3<br>1/8" x 1 3/8", fits up to a 1 1/6" belt 32.3 grams.
Vintage Navajo sterling/turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Navajo sterling/turquoise belt buckle. Old unmarked tested sterling buckle from the mid 20th century. 2 5/8" x 1.75", take up to 1.5" belt.42.3 grams.
Vintage Navajo sterling, turquoise, and coral belt buckle w/sun hallmark
Vintage Navajo sterling, turquoise, and coral belt buckle w/sun hallmark. Weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling. Spherical/Sun picto hallmark.
Vintage Navajo Sterling turquoise and coral shadowbox belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Sterling turquoise and coral shadowbox belt buckle apparently unmarked. Solid sterling silver, weight and measurements in pics.
ヴィンテージ ナバホ族スターリング ターコイズとコーラルのベルト バックル
ヴィンテージ ナバホ族スターリング ターコイズとコーラルのベルト バックル 3.5 インチ x 2 7/8 インチ、最大 1.5 インチのベルトに適合します。80.7 グラム。
Vintage Navajo sterling roadrunner belt buckle in overlay style
Vintage Navajo sterling roadrunner belt buckle in overlay style. Measurements in pics.High quality belt buckle solid sterling with no issues.
ヴィンテージ ナバホ スターリング ポーン ヘビー スタンプ コンチョ ベルト
ヴィンテージ ナバホ スターリング ポーン ヘビー スタンプ コンチョ ベルト |重量:172.8 グラム、 |寸法: ベルト: 長さ 34 インチ、バックル 2.25 インチ x 1.75 インチ、コンチョ 2 インチ x 1.75 インチ (11 個)。tw200
Vintage Navajo Sterling high grade turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Sterling high grade turquoise belt buckle apparently unmarked. Solid sterling silver, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo Sterling hand stamped cast silver belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Sterling hand stamped cast silver belt buckle apparently unmarked. Solid sterling silver, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo sterling concho belt with ray design
Vintage Navajo sterling concho belt with ray design. 41.5" total length, Max wearable length approx 38" Other measurements and weight in pics. 11 conchos and one buckle, solid sterling silver with no markings, thick heavy conchos. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.
Vintage Navajo Sterling concho belt w/Black web Kingman turquoise
Vintage Navajo Sterling concho belt w/Black web Kingman turquoise 48" total length, other measurements and weight in pics. 10 total pieces (9 conchos and 1 Buckle). Heavy thick gauge solid sterling silver with copper loops in back. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content.
Vintage Navajo sterling claw belt buckle in overlay style
Vintage Navajo sterling claw belt buckle in overlay style. Measurements in pics.High quality belt buckle solid sterling with no issues.
Vintage Navajo sterling chip inlay belt buckle
Vintage Navajo sterling chip inlay belt buckle 4" x 2 7/8", takes up to a 1.5"<br>belt. Very cool vintage custom buckle likely for some sort of ranch or<br>organization. 108.1 grams.<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
30インチ~35インチのベルトにターコイズをあしらったヴィンテージナバホスターリングバックル。ベルトの幅は15/16インチで、既存の穴でウエスト30~35インチにフィットします。両側に穴を増やす余地があります。ベルトはヴィンテージですが、革は柔らかく、たくさんの寿命が残っています。2 7/16インチ x 2 3/16インチのバックル、バックルは1インチのベルトにフィットします。マークなし。
Vintage Navajo Sterling belt buckle with two keepers
Vintage Navajo Sterling belt buckle with two keepers. Fits a 3/4" belt, no issues, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo Sterling and Turquoise Sandcast Concho Belt
Vintage Navajo Sterling and Turquoise Sandcast Concho Belt. Nice old concho belt, each piece is signed on the back by the same artist that I'm unfamiliar with. The buckle is sandcast, conchos hand cut and hand stamped. Great concho belt from the second quarter of the 20th century. No significant issues, buckle and 6 conchos measuring 2.25" x 2.75" Fits between a 31" and 35" waist with existing holes. Tested sterling silver. tw239
ヴィンテージ ナバホ スターリングとマザー オブ パール ベルト バックル : 28.2 グラム、 |寸法: バックル: 2.5 インチ x 1.75 最大 1.25 インチのベルトに適合します。
Vintage Navajo sterling 3 turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Navajo sterling 3 turquoise belt buckle with no damage or significant wear. Circa 60‘s-70‘s, unmarked. Solid sterling, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo silver roadrunner belt buckle
Vintage Navajo silver roadrunner belt buckle. Measurements in pics, no issues, signed by the artist as shown, solid high content silver.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo Silver overlay turquoise inlaid belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Silver overlay turquoise inlaid belt buckle, small buckle for up to a 1" belt.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo silver and turquoise belt buckle with feather designs
Vintage Navajo silver and turquoise belt buckle with feather designs 3" x 2 3/8" x 81.8 grams and fits up to a 1.75" belt.<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo Heavy stamped silver belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Heavy stamped silver belt buckle. Nice old mid 20th century buckle, weight and measurements in pics. Unmarked, solid silver.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo Danny Dale Sterling Kingman turquoise, and coral belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Danny Dale Sterling Kingman turquoise, and coral belt buckle 4" x<br>3", takes up to a 1.75" belt, 116.6 grams with no damage or issues.
Vintage Navajo cast silver, turquoise, and coral belt buckle
Vintage Navajo cast silver, turquoise, and coral belt buckle with no damage or significant wear. Circa 1960‘s. Solid sterling, unmarked, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo cast silver coral belt buckle
Vintage Navajo cast silver coral belt buckle. Solid sterling silver, unmarked. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo cast silver and turquoise concho belt
Vintage Navajo cast silver and turquoise concho belt. Solid sterling silver (tested and guaranteed) with copper loops on reverse side. No identifying marks. Weight and measurements in pics. 11 Conchos and 1 Buckle (12) total. 40" to the first hole, 51" total.
Vintage Native American Tufa Cast Sterling concho belt
Vintage Native American Tufa Cast Sterling concho belt. Belt is 44" long with one hole at 31", 1.25" wide leather. 2 5/8" x 2 1/8" buckle and conchos. 8 conchos and 1 buckle (9 total) all the same size. 254.2 grams total weight. Tests silver 90%(coin silver) or sterling guaranteed. No identifying marks that I could find.
Vintage Native American tufa cast silver turquoise/coral belt buckle
Vintage Native American sandcast silver turquoise/coral belt buckle. Nice old buckle from the second quarter of the 20th century with a very nice patina and a beautiful piece of turquoise. 3 7/8" x 2.5" takes up to just over a 1.5" belt. 89.6 grams.
Vintage Native American Sterling, turquoise, and coral Arrowhead belt buckle
Vintage Native American Sterling, turquoise, and coral Arrowhead belt buckle. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Native American sterling picture jasper belt buckle
Vintage Native American sterling picture jasper belt buckle no issues. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American sterling hand carved turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Native American sterling hand carved turquoise belt buckle. Unusual buckle with hand carved turquoise, no issues.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Native American sterling coral/Chrysocolla belt buckle
Vintage Native American sterling coral/Chrysocolla belt buckle. Interesting natural stone appears to be a natural mix of chrysocolla and Gaspeite or turquoise.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle K
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle K. Hallmarked as shown, unidentified by me, tested sterling with no issues. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle. Hallmarked as shown, unidentified by me, tested sterling with no issues. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American sterling cast belt buckle with turquoise
Vintage Native American sterling cast belt buckle with turquoise. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling with no marks.
Vintage Native American Sterling botryoidal turquoise channel inlay belt buckle
Vintage Native American Sterling botryoidal turquoise channel inlay belt buckle, measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with overlay bear
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with overlay bear. Fully functional with some expected wear, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with green stone
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with green stone. Very attractive buckle. The stone is somewhat translucent, so possibly boulder jade or agate. Weight and measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.