
94 products

  • 9" 1964 Democratic National Committee LBJ for the USA Political Button/Sign Near - Estate Fresh Austin

    9インチ 1964 民主党全国委員会 LBJ for the USA 政治ボタン/サイン ニアミント

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    9 インチ 1964 民主党全国委員会 LBJ for the USA 政治ボタン/サイン ニアミント。ニアミント状態の素晴らしい作品。クール、大きく、オリジナル。TW70

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  • sz9.5 WW2 Era USA Army Sterling Ring - Estate Fresh Austin

    サイズ 9.5 WW2 時代 USA アーミー スターリング リング

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    サイズ 9.5 WW2 時代の USA Army スターリング リング 15 グラム。

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  • 18th/19th Century American Door Knocker from Norfolk Virginia L Monogram - Estate Fresh Austin

    18/19 世紀アメリカ バージニア州ノーフォークのドアノッカー L モノグラム ラムファミリー 南北戦争関係

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    18/19世紀のアメリカ、バージニア州ノーフォークのドアノッカー。 これは南北戦争時の南軍ウィリアム・ラム大佐(1835年9月7日 - 1909年3月23日)のバージニア州ノーフォークの自宅からのものである。ウィリアム・ラム大佐はアメリカの新聞編集者、政治家、実業家、軍人であり、南軍守備隊の指揮における南軍将校としての役割に言及している。南北戦争中のケープフィアー川河口のフィッシャー砦にて。 それは私が代表を務める家族に相続によって受け継がれました。 家の住所や建てられた時期は分かりませんが、少なくとも 19 世紀前半のものだと思われます。 示されているように、L のモノグラムが入っています。私はそれが彼の家から来たものであると 100% 確信しています。 6.高さ25インチ x 幅4インチ、ベースに子羊の頭が付いています。 私はそれが青銅であると信じていますが、それは元々磨かれていない緑青を持った真鍮である可能性があります。tw215ラム、ウィリアムジョセフ・エドモンド・ディートン著、19919 月 27 日 1835 ~ 3 月 23 日 1909ウィリアム ラムの肖像画が刻まれ、ジェームス T. ホワイトの The National Cyclopedia of American Biography、 第 1 巻、p. 274. 1898 年にジェームス T. によって出版されました。 ホワイト&カンパニー、ニューヨーク。 ノースカロライナ州立図書館、政府および文化遺産図書館のコレクションより。 ウィリアム ラムの肖像画が刻まれています。ジェームス T. ホワイトの『全米アメリカ伝記百科事典』、第 1 巻、p. 274. 1898 年にジェームス T. によって出版されました。 ホワイト&カンパニー、ニューヨーク。 ノースカロライナ州立図書館、政府および文化遺産図書館のコレクションより。ウィリアム・ラムは、出版者、南軍兵士、政治家であり、バージニア州ノーフォークで生まれました。、ウィリアム・ウィルソンとマーガレット・カー・ラムの息子。 彼はノーフォークアカデミー、ラパハノック陸軍士官学校、そしてコネチカット州ブリッジポートの大学準備ジョーンズスクールに通った。、バージニア州ウィリアムズバーグのウィリアム・アンド・メアリー大学に入学する前に。、1852年。20 歳で法学士号を取得して卒業しました。 彼は弁護士を務めるには若すぎたので、父親はノーフォークにある新聞「サザン・アーガス」の半分の所有権を彼のために購入した。 ラム氏は新聞の共同所有者兼共同編集者でありながら、国内政治だけでなく地方政治にも参加しました。 1856年、彼は民主党全国大会の代議員となった。 1857 年、ニューイングランドのモデルに基づいた公教育システムを導入するノーフォーク市議会の選挙を確実にすることに尽力しました。 最後に、1860年にはブレッキンリッジ民主党の大統領選挙人となった。 エイブラハム・リンカーンがジョン・ブレッキンリッジを破ったとき、ラムは連邦を維持することはできないと感じた。1861 年、南アーガスは南軍の人員を失ったため閉鎖を余儀なくされました。 4月18日、ラム自身もバージニア第6連隊C中隊の隊長に任命された。 この部隊は以前はウッズ・ライフルズとして知られており、1859年のジョン・ブラウン襲撃の際にラムがハーパーズ・フェリーで指揮していた民兵中隊であった。 9月24日 1861年、ジョセフ・R・ケネディ准将の下でノースカロライナ州ウィルミントン地区の少佐および補給官に任命された。 アンダーソン。 ラムはセント・フォートの司令官を務めた。 フィリップ、ウィルミントン地区で小規模な防衛業務に携わっています。 1862年に第36ノースカロライナ連隊が編成され、ラムはその大佐に選出された。 第2ノースカロライナ砲兵連隊としても知られるこの連隊は、ウィルミントンの重要な港を守るケープフィアー川の河口にあるフィッシャー砦の守備隊を形成することになっていた。 ラムは 1862 年 7 月 4 日に砦の司令官に任命され、2 年半そのポストに留まりました。 彼の指揮のもと、砦の防御は拡張され、大陸最大の土塁要塞となった。 ラム大佐は1月15日に北軍に陥落した際に重傷を負い捕虜となった。 英雄的な防衛戦後の1865年。 敵に立ち向かう勇敢な姿勢により、後年、彼はしばしば「フィッシャー砦の英雄」と呼ばれるようになりました。「最後の暴行で受けた傷により、彼は7年間松葉杖をつき続けることになった。 彼はバージニア州フォートモンローに監禁された。、1865年5月1日にリリースされました。ラムはノーフォークに戻り、ノーフォーク・アンド・ウェスタン鉄道への石炭輸送を管理し、ノーフォークを大西洋岸の主要な石炭基地にすることに貢献しました。 彼は、アメリカ内陸部の都市からノーフォークを経由してヨーロッパまで石炭を輸送する際に役立つ最初の船荷証券を設計し、使用しました。政治的には再び民主党員として活動し、1876 年の民主党全国大会の代議員を務めました。 しかし、1879年に彼は再調整者(納税者を破滅させることなく戦前の州債務を再調整することを主張する組織)に加わった。これに加えて彼の高い関税や共和党が持つその他の見解により、1882年に彼は政党を変えることになった。 彼はノーフォーク市長を3期(1880年から1886年)務めたが、4期目は辞退した。 彼の父と祖父もノーフォーク市長を務めていた。 ラムは共和党州議長(1895年から1897年)を務め、1896年には共和党全国大会の代議員を務めた。 彼はノーフォークのドイツとスウェーデンの領事となり、その功績によりスウェーデン国王オスカルからヴァーサ勲章が授与された。ラムは教育分野に熱心に取り組み、ノーフォークでの公教育の確立に貢献しました。 戦後、彼は黒人への教育を提唱しました。 彼はバージニア大学の訪問者委員を務め、ウィリアム・アンド・メアリー大学の学長を務め、ノーフォーク公共図書館の初代館長も務めました。 彼は時間と資金の両方をウィリアム・アンド・メアリー大学とバージニア大学の設立に貢献しました。以前の教育機関では、ファイ ベータ カッパ友愛会の再設立に貢献し、会長を長年務めました。 さらに、彼はバージニア歴史協会でも活動しました。 1899年にセントポール大学から法学博士号を取得した。 ローレンス大学、カントン、ノースカロライナ州Yラムはビジネスにおいて、ローワー ノーフォーク コークスおよびガス会社、ノーフォーク商工会議所、ノーフォーク貿易委員会の会長を務めました。 彼はノーフォーク船員友の会の会長でもあり、セントポール大聖堂の祭司でもあった。 パウロの教会。 彼は南軍退役軍人を助けるために5万ドルを寄付した。ラムは共和党プロビデンスのサラ・アン・チャフィーと結婚した。私、1857年。 戦争が勃発したとき、彼女は両親を訪ねていたが、友人の影響で、夫と合流するために北軍の列を通ることが許された。 彼女は生涯を通して彼に付き添った。フォート・フィッシャーに滞在していた2年半の間、彼女は砦から少し離れた小さなコテージに住んでいたが、そこが制圧された際に九死に一生を得ることができた。 子羊家には3人の子供がいました。 彼は自宅で亡くなり、ノーフォークに埋葬された。

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  • Antique Civil War Battle Rattle American Folk Art Naval - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Civil War Battle Rattle American Folk Art Naval

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    Antique Civil War Battle Rattle American Folk Art Naval. Great piece I've seen these bring over $1k when attributed to certain ships. It's civil war era. 8" x 7", makes lots of noise, works well.Piece of wood missing from end of handle long ago with great patina over loss.B3

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  • 1900 Democratic Political Badge William Jennings Bryan 16 to 1 ANTI TRUST - Estate Fresh Austin

    1900 Democratic Political Badge William Jennings Bryan 16 to 1 ANTI TRUST

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    1900 Democratic Political Badge William Jennings Bryan 16 to 1 ANTI TRUST. 1.25" tall in as found condition as shown. Missing pin, signifcant wear, 120+ years old and rare.

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  • c1950 Kabar Large Folding Knife Two Blade - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1950 Kabar Large Folding Knife Two Blade

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    c1950 Kabar Large Folding Knife. Nice solid knife from the mid 20th century. 5.25" long closed with 3 7/8" and 4 1/16" blades. Very clean, sharp untouched by me estate fresh condition.knifedrawer

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  • 3 Early Boy Scout whistles

    3 Early Boy Scout whistles

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    3 Early Boy Scout whistles. Selling all three from the first half of the 20th<br>century. All three work with no significant issues. longest is 3".<br>tw1

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  • WW2 Japanese Military Spurs - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW2 Japanese Military Spurs

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    WW2 Japanese Military Spurs. They have replaceable rollers which are missing.TW30

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  • WW1 Era Trench Art Lamp 3 Lite

    WW1 Era Trench Art Lamp 3 Lite

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    WW1 Era Trench Art Lamp 3 Lite. Cool trench art lamp that appears to have good<br>wiring just needs new lamp tops on it if you want it to be a lamp again. No<br>other issues.<br>TW87

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  • c1850 Deer Antler Handled Knife Set by Traversier A St Germain - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1850 Deer Antler Handled Knife Set by Traversier A St Germain

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    c1850 Deer Antler Handled Knife Set by Traversier A St Germain. Interesting over the top set using whole antlers. Guaranteed circa early to mid 19th century. Some surface rust that will clean if so desired. Blades are 5 5/8" long, they measure from 13" to 15" long. TW1

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  • ww2 Era Waco Texas Add a Bank Citizens National Bank Lot (3) - Estate Fresh Austin

    ww2 Era Waco Texas Add a Bank Citizens National Bank Lot (3)

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    ww2 Era Waco Texas Add a Bank Citizens National Bank Lot (3) Selling all three. The tan one is mint in original box, other two in good working condition clean and attractive. No significant blemishes not shown in the pics. I only have one key that works for all three banks. They measure about 4.25" wide.

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  • G.A.R. civil War Veteran GAR Annual Encampment Medals/Watch Fobs 1896, 1904, 19 - Estate Fresh Austin

    G.A.R. civil War Veteran GAR Annual Encampment Medals/Watch Fobs 1896, 1904, 19

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    G.A.R. civil War Veteran GAR Annual Encampment Medals/Watch Fobs 1896, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1914, 1915 Ohio. The 1896 is missing the pin from the back, the rest are in good condition. These are all from the same civil war veteran. I believe the last name was Wayland.The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was a fraternal organization composed of veterans of the Union Army (United States Army), Union Navy (U.S. Navy), Marines and the U.S. Revenue Cutter Servicewho served in the American Civil War. Founded in 1866 in Springfield, Illinois, and growing to include hundreds of posts (local community units) across the nation (predominately in the North, but also a few in the South and West), it was dissolved in 1956 at the death of its last member, Albert Woolson (1850–1956) of Duluth, Minnesota. Linking men through their experience of the war, the G.A.R. became among the first organized advocacy groups in American politics, supporting voting rights for black veterans, promoting patriotic education, helping to make Memorial Day a national holiday, lobbying the United States Congress to establish regular veterans' pensions, and supporting Republican political candidates. Its peak membership, at more than 490,000, was in 1890, a high point of various Civil War commemorative and monument dedication ceremonies. It was succeeded by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW), composed of male descendants of Union Army and Union Navyveterans.

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  • c.1970 Boy Scout Patch Eagle Scouts Association Knights of Dunamis - Estate Fresh Austin

    c.1970 Boy Scout Patch Eagle Scouts Association Knights of Dunamis

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    This Patch is from the Knights of Dunamis . This was a national honor society for Eagle Scouts of the Boy Scouts of America. Started in 1925 it as made up of local chapters and in 1972 became the National Eagle Scout Association NESA. Comes with frame and plaque.

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  • 2 WW2 Era 1940's Promotional Playing Cards Galveston Texas Bottlers Convention L - Estate Fresh Austin

    2 WW2 Era 1940's Promotional Playing Cards Galveston Texas Bottlers Convention L

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    2 WW2 Era 1940's Promotional Playing Cards Galveston Texas Bottlers Convention Liberty glass Oklahoma. Both used but not abused, a few dog ears and overall wear, all cards are still in the decks.

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  • Honoris Custos WW2 189th Field Artillery Regiment Enamel Pin 45th infantry divis - Estate Fresh Austin

    Honoris Custos WW2 189th Field Artillery Regiment Enamel Pin 45th infantry divis

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    Honoris Custos WW2 189th Field Artillery Regiment Enamel Pin 1.25" tall

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  • c1954 USS Boxer Far Eastern Cruise Marines Scrapbook Photo Album 178 Photos - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1954 USS Boxer Far Eastern Cruise Marines Scrapbook Photo Album 178 Photos

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    c1954 USS Boxer Far Eastern Cruise Marines Scrapbook Photo Album 178 Photos. Belonged to Boyce Ross U.S. Marine. Some of the 8" x 10" Photos have official government stamps and 1954 dates. Measures 15.5" x 10.75" I'll be listing two cruise books and a scrapbook with photos separately. I couldn't show all the photos, they're a combination of military, planes, regiments, unofficial poses at temples and other places, and some sightseeing photos. All from same few year period.tw92

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  • 1955 USS Boxer Far Eastern Cruise Book Navy/Marines - Estate Fresh Austin

    1955 USS Boxer Far Eastern Cruise Book Navy/Marines

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    USS Boxer Far Eastern Cruise Book Navy/Marines. All pages intact, the spine/binding is a little weak in the center Some shelf wear, stain on back. Belonged to Boyce Ross U.S. Marine. I'll be listing two cruise books and a scrapbook with photos separately. Only writing I noticed was notes from his unit. Very interesting book approximately 322 pages printed in Japan. 9" x 11.75"Tw87

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  • 1949,1950 Manheim Germany Regatta Medals Rowing Medal - Estate Fresh Austin

    1949,1950 Manheim Germany Regatta Medals Rowing Medal

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    1949,1950 Manheim German Regatta Medals Rowing Medal. Interesting and rare medals. Largest is 3" tall.

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  • 2 Civil War Era Ouachita County Arkansas Land Grant Documents 1863, 1870 stamp - Estate Fresh Austin

    2 Civil War Era Ouachita County Arkansas Land Grant Documents 1863, 1870 stamp

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    2 Civil War Era Ouachita County Arkansas Land Grant Documents 1863, 1870 stamp. Largest is 9.25" x 14.25". Authentic in modern framesB2

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  • 1941 Ww2 Sterling Silver Bowling Trophy Pendant 81st Armor Regiment Fort Benning - Estate Fresh Austin

    1941 Ww2 Sterling Silver Bowling Trophy Pendant 81st Armor Regiment Fort Benning

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    1941 Ww2 Sterling Silver Bowling Trophy Pendant 81st Armor Regiment Fort Benning, GA. Interesting because this was given the first great the 81st A.R. Was established. Great crossover collectible. 1.25"

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  • WW2 Era Japanese Pathology Surgical blade

    WW2 Era Japanese Pathology Surgical blade

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    WW2 Era Japanese Pathology Surgical blade. The top of the blade inscribed<br>Nothung... Nacht, the case inscribed Keijo Imperial University School of<br>Medicine Department of Pathology, Common Pathology. So possibly German made<br>blade. A few small chips in blade, otherwise sharp, not sure what type of handle<br>it had but it's not present. Box is 12 1/8" long, some wear and lose joinery to<br>box.

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  • 4 Door/drawer pulls made from 18th/19th century Japanese Samurai sword Tubas - Estate Fresh Austin

    4 Door/drawer pulls made from 18th/19th century Japanese Samurai sword Tubas

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    4 Door/drawer pulls made from 18th/19th century Japanese Samurai sword Tubas. Amazing Iron Tsubas with inlaid Gold, Silver, Bronze from the 18th/19th century. They were the Guards for Samurai swords, these are nice ones. They measure 2.75"-3" wide. The centers on the holes vary from 1.25"-1.75". Selling all 4. Bolts and washers present.

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  • ww2 Era Sterling pilot wings tie bar - Estate Fresh Austin

    ww2 Era Sterling pilot wings tie bar

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    ww2 Era Sterling pilot wings tie bar. Wings just over 2" wide, marked sterling, I don't believe the top bar is sterling. 11.3 grams.

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  • 1942 WW2 Era Japanese Mitsubishi Fighter plane vase - Estate Fresh Austin

    1942 WW2 Era Japanese Mitsubishi Fighter plane vase

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    1942 WW2 Era Japanese Mitsubishi Fighter plane vase. 6" tall with no damage or restorations, some wear to gilding as shown.This vase was created in 1942 by Mitsubishi, which manufactured fighter planes at that time, as a memento of the Army commendation

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  • Large 1970's Case Buffalo knife in wood presentation box - Estate Fresh Austin

    Large 1970's Case Buffalo knife in wood presentation box

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    Large 1970's Case Buffalo knife in wood presentation box, appears unused and unsharpened. Sight oxidation in places but overall clean and untouched by me. 9.75" total length, 4.5" blade.trinketdrawer

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  • 6 c1900 Wallace Louvre Knives 8 7/8" - Estate Fresh Austin

    6 c1900 Wallace Louvre Knives 8 7/8"

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    6 c1900 Wallace Louvre Knives 8 7/8". These will clean up nicely, I didn't tough them. They are from the late 19th century, all with monograms shown, one with a small chip out of the blade, handles marked sterling, Blades marked R Wallace and sons co. Handles sterling, blades silverplated steel.

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  • Collection Antique Scandinavian knives - Hellberg, Dahlgren - Estate Fresh Austin

    Collection Antique Scandinavian knives - Hellberg, Dahlgren

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    Collection Antique Scandinavian knives - Hellberg, Dahlgren. Longest 8.25" total with sheath. All with wear, etc, in the condition shown. None with loose blades. 3 are branded with sheaths of the same brand, I believe all are in correct sheaths.

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  • c1900 Antique Norwegian Knife hand engraved with mother of pearl inlay - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Antique Norwegian Knife hand engraved with mother of pearl inlay

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    c1900 Antique Norwegian Knife hand engraved with mother of pearl inlay. Nice solid early knife, sharp blade with a few nicks. Overall clean antique knife, rare, over the top above average example. 3.25" blade, 7.25" total length out of sheath. 19th to early 20th century. The green is wax to keep it from getting stuck in the sheath and allow smooth movement, I removed most of it. Fits the sheath like a glove.

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  • c1900 Landers Frary and Clark Bowie Knife - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Landers Frary and Clark Bowie Knife

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    c1900 Landers Frary and Clark Bowie Knife. 10.25" total length, 5 7/8" long blade.Antique Stag Horn Handle Bowie Knife late 19th.early 20th.century by Landers, Frary & Clark located in New Britain, Connecticut. The Co. began in the 1860s and continued in operation until 1965. This knife is very solid with no loose or damaged elements. The blade is about 3/16" thick at the ricasso, the blade is extremely clean and appears to have been used little, no rust. The cross guard is heavy cast nickel silver, it's Engraved as shown. The L.F.&C.mark is present on the ricasso as seen in the photos. The double slab stag horn handle is in excellent condition and is secured to the tang with 4 brass pins.The knife is offered as found with no repairs or restorations. The original leather sheath shows wear but no significant damage.knifedrawer

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  • c1860 Civil War Era Historical Staffordshire pitcher George Washington Honor The - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1860 Civil War Era Historical Staffordshire pitcher George Washington Honor The

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    c1860 Civil War Era Historical Staffordshire pitcher George Washington Honor The Brave, The union it must and shall be preserved. 8.5" tall x 7.5" wide, this note shown was inside it. Two stable bruise/crows feet on side shown in pics, no major cracks, no chips, a few stains shown with overall crazing.

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  • WW2 USN Western Boulder CO Fixed blade knife - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW2 USN Western Boulder CO Fixed blade knife

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    WW2 USN Western Boulder CO Fixed blade knife 10.25" long without sheather, 5.75" blade, overall sharp with slight bluntness at tip, blade untouched by me, original sheath missing fastener loop/button.isshelf

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  • WW1 Era book form trench lighter - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW1 Era book form trench lighter

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    WW1 Era book form trench lighter. Fully functional with no damage, the guts come out to change fluid/flint, all caps in place. My wife didn't take pics of mechanism out and I unfortunately don't and won't ever have time. Great, unusual lighter with no isssues. No identifying marks anywhere that I could find. Engraved faux pages on each end, not sure it was shown in the pics.isshelf

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  • WW2/later US Military Aircraft Temp/other gauges AN-5774-15 - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW2/later US Military Aircraft Temp/other gauges AN-5774-15

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    WW2/later US Military Aircraft Temp/other gauges AN-5774-15. Selling the three untested gauges and probes shown. The largest one is missing the glass.

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  • c1900 Landers Frary and Clark Bowie Knife 2

    c1900 Landers Frary and Clark Bowie Knife 2

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    c1900 Landers Frary and Clark Bowie Knife. 10.25" total length, 5 7/8" long<br>blade.<br><br>Antique Stag Horn Handle Bowie Knife late 19th.early 20th.century by Landers,<br>Frary & Clark located in New Britain, Connecticut. The Co. began in the 1860s<br>and continued in operation until 1965. This knife is very solid with no loose or<br>damaged elements. The blade is about 3/16" thick at the ricasso, the blade is<br>extremely clean and appears to have been used little, no rust. The cross guard<br>is heavy cast nickel silver, it's Engraved as shown. The L.F.&C.mark is present<br>on the ricasso as seen in the photos. The double slab stag horn handle is in<br>excellent condition and is secured to the tang with 4 brass pins.The knife is<br>offered as found with no repairs or restorations. The original leather sheath<br>shows wear but no significant damage.<br><br>knifedrawer

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  • Pierre Alexandre Morlon (1878-1951) WW1 1918 French Bronze Victory Medal Joan of - Estate Fresh Austin

    Pierre Alexandre Morlon (1878-1951) WW1 1918 French Bronze Victory Medal Joan of

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    Pierre Alexandre Morlon (1878-1951) WW1 1918 French Bronze Victory Medal Joan of Arc 2.75" wide with no issues, silver plated bronze.Pierre Alexandre Morlon (1878-1951) was a prolific die engraver at the Paris mint during the early part of the twentieth century. His designs were used on medals and the Art Deco style coinage of France during the 1930s.

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  • Rare WW1 Era Flying Squadron W.S.S. Postal Service pinback button - Estate Fresh Austin

    Rare WW1 Era Flying Squadron W.S.S. Postal Service pinback button

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    Rare WW1 Era Flying Squadron W.S.S. Postal Service pinback button. 1.25" wide This effort to raise money for WWI was sponsored by the postal system 1917-1920. The title "Flying Squadron" applied to experienced solicitors that worked with teams of local volunteers.

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  • 1856 Texas Governors Elisha M. Pease/Edward Clark Signed Document

    1856 Texas Governors Elisha M. Pease/Edward Clark Signed Document

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    1856 Texas Governors Elisha M. Pease/Edward Clark Signed Document. Interesting<br>document because it's signed by the Current Governor at the time Elisha Pease<br>and the Then Secretary of state and later Governor for a short time Edward<br>Clark. 12" x 16" document in 20" x 15" matting. It's loosely mounted to thick<br>framing paper and could easily be removed for re-matting. Expected toning with<br>no major issues, embossed state of Texas seal that may not show in the pics.<br><br>Clark moved to Texas in 1842 and set up a law practice.[1] He served in the<br>Texas Annexation Convention and two terms as a state representative in the Texas<br>Legislature. During the Mexican–American War he served on the staff of Major<br>General J. Pinckney Henderson and fought in the Battle of Monterrey.[2] When the<br>war ended, he served as secretary of state under Governor Elisha M. Pease and as<br>lieutenant governor serving under Governor Sam Houston.[1] When Sam Houston<br>refused to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy, Clark became<br>governor.[2]<br><br>Slave quarters of Edward Clark's home in Austin. He enslaved nine people.<br>Among Clark's first actions was to order the surrender of all fire arms and<br>ammunition from private merchants to the state. Furthermore, all privately owned<br>firearms were to be canvassed. Few weapons were ever turned in and most Texans<br>did not comply for fear of future confiscation.<br><br>After losing the governor's race by 124 votes to Francis Lubbock, Clark became a<br>colonel in the Texas militia during the American Civil War. In 1863 he joined<br>the Confederate States Army and was commissioned colonel of the 14th Texas<br>Infantry Regiment. He commanded the unit, as part of the Greyhound Division,<br>until being wounded in the Battle of Pleasant Hill.[1] A promotion to brigadier<br>general wasn´t confirmed by the Confederate Congress and he left the service;<br>however, in 1865 he was made a brigadier in the militia. He fled briefly to<br>Mexico at the end of the American Civil War, and returned home to Marshall,<br>Texas.[1]<br><br>Elisha Pease bio<br><br>Texas Republic<br>A native of Enfield, Connecticut, Pease moved to Mexican Texas in 1835. He soon<br>became active in the Texas independence movement and after the Texas Revolution<br>began, Pease became the secretary of the provisional government. He served as<br>the assistant secretary at the Convention of 1836 but was not an elected<br>delegate to the Convention. After independence had been won, Pease was named the<br>comptroller of public accounts in the government of the new but temporary<br>Republic of Texas.<br><br>Texas State<br>Following the annexation of Texas to the United States, Pease was elected to the<br>Texas House of Representatives in 1845 and reelected in 1847. In 1849, he ran<br>for the Texas Senate from District 11 (Brazoria and Galveston counties) but lost<br>to John B. Jones who was sworn in on November 5, 1849. Pease contested the<br>election, was declared the winner, and was sworn in four days later on November<br>9, 1849.<br><br>Pease first ran for governor in 1851 but withdrew from the race two weeks before<br>the election. He was elected in each of the next two elections, 1853 and 1855.<br>As governor, he paid off the state debt and established the financial foundation<br>that the state would later use to finance its schools and colleges.<br><br>In 1856, surveyor Jacob de Córdova of the Galveston, Houston, and Henderson<br>Railroad Company named a newly discovered river in West Texas the "Pease River"<br>after the governor.<br><br><br>The E. M. Pease Middle School is located at 201 Hunt Lane across from El Sendero<br>subdivision in the Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas.<br>Civil War and aftermath<br>During the American Civil War, Pease sided with the Union. He nonetheless<br>enslaved several people; census records show ten enslaved people living and<br>laboring at Pease's Austin plantation in 1860.[2] After the war, he became a<br>leader in the state Republican Party and was appointed as the civilian governor<br>of Texas in 1867 by General Philip H. Sheridan, who was the military head of the<br>Reconstruction government. Pease's policies as governor alienated both<br>ex-Unionists and ex-Confederates and he resigned in 1869.<br><br>Elisha and his wife donated land to the City of Austin that would eventually<br>become Pease Park.<br><br>Pease died of apoplexy in Lampasas, Texas. He was buried in Oakwood Cemetery in<br>Austin, Texas.

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  • ww2 Sterling Silver Rifle Marksman Badge 3" wide - Estate Fresh Austin

    ww2 Sterling Silver Rifle Marksman Badge 3" wide

    1 in stock

    ww2 Sterling Silver Rifle Marksman Badge 3" wide. Good clean condition with no issues. 17.5 grams

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  • c1910 Lookout Mountain Tennessee Folk Art carved Pyrography Civil war rifles let - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Lookout Mountain Tennessee Folk Art carved Pyrography Civil war rifles let

    1 in stock

    c1910 Lookout Mountain Tennessee Folk Art carved Pyrography Civil war rifles letter opener. Great piece from the first quarter of the 20th century with appropriate wear. 7.5" long tip isn't sharp as shown, likely broken off long ago.kitshelf

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  • WW2 Era Sterling silver Pilots sweetheart bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW2 Era Sterling silver Pilots sweetheart bracelet

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    WW2 Era Sterling silver Pilots sweetheart bracelet. Selling the bracelet shown with no issues.

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  • 1930's-40's Archery Medals and Folk art carved arrowhead - Estate Fresh Austin

    1930's-40's Archery Medals and Folk art carved arrowhead

    1 in stock

    1930's-40's Archery Medals and Folk art carved arrowhead. All from the same estate Wooden carved arrowhead is 4.5" long. Selling the lot shown.kitshelf

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  • c1980 Vintage Case Caribou Skinner knife - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1980 Vintage Case Caribou Skinner knife

    1 in stock

    c1980 Vintage Case Caribou Skinner knife. Vintage knife neither blade ever used or sharpened. Very slight amount of scratches on large skinner blade from 40 years of handling. 9.75" total length with sheath.silverdrawer

    1 in stock


  • 1904 Roosevelt/Fairbanks Jugate campaign button Collection - Estate Fresh Austin

    1904 Roosevelt/Fairbanks Jugate campaign button Collection

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    1904 Roosevelt/Fairbanks Jugate campaign button Collection. Selling the collection shown, all in very good condition except the 1.25" eagle and flag button on the bottom has some craqueleur. Largest 2.25", largest 7/8" Selling the exact buttons shown, all authentic 120 years old.

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  • 70's-80's Presidential tobacco memorabilia US department of state zippo - Estate Fresh Austin

    70's-80's Presidential tobacco memorabilia US department of state zippo

    1 in stock

    70's-80's Presidential tobacco memorabilia US department of state zippo. From an ex diplomat/White House aide's estate, I acquired several items from this estate awhile back and just getting to them so I can't find the name but these are original items, the oldest being the box pack which I believe is Nixon Era, both packs empty with no tobacco. Zippo is a smaller "ladies" zippo, unused with no issues.hallshelf

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  • 2 1904 Roosevelt/Fairbanks Jugate campaign buttons

    2 1904 Roosevelt/Fairbanks Jugate campaign buttons

    1 in stock

    2 1904 Roosevelt/Fairbanks Jugate campaign buttons. Both 7/8" Selling the exact<br>buttons shown, all authentic 120 years old.

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  • 10k gold WW1 EraUnited States Army Air Service Sweetheart Lavalier pendant

    10k gold WW1 EraUnited States Army Air Service Sweetheart Lavalier pendant

    1 in stock

    10k gold WW1 EraUnited States Army Air Service Sweetheart Lavalier pendant 1.5"<br>tall .9 grams with no issues.

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  • sz9.5 WW2 Era USA Sterling Ring

    sz9.5 WW2 Era USA Sterling Ring

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    sz 9.5 WW2 Era USA Ring. Very cool ring that looks like it has an antique mother<br>of pearl button on front but actually I think it had a US Military insignia<br>which is long gone. 12.8 grams.

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  • 6.75" WW2 Era Sterling Forget Me Not Bracelet

    6.75" WW2 Era Sterling Forget Me Not Bracelet

    1 in stock

    6.75" WW2 Era Sterling Forget Me Not Bracelet. Graduation gift 1945 from Dorothy<br>to Fran. 13 grams.

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  • Sterling WW2 USMC United States Marine Core Hat pin

    Sterling WW2 USMC United States Marine Core Hat pin

    1 in stock

    Sterling WW2 USMC United States Marine Core Hat pin 9.7 grams 1 3/8" tall.

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  • 1800's US Military Large Gold gilt Brass Eagle with 13 star flag hat badge - Estate Fresh Austin

    1800's US Military Large Gold gilt Brass Eagle with 13 star flag hat badge

    1 in stock

    1800's US Military Large Gold gilt Brass Eagle with 13 star flag hat badge. 4 5/8" tall with 4" wingspan, no issues.b3

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  • Antique Douste Mohammed Khan Tehran Photograph with Persian Army - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Douste Mohammed Khan Tehran Photograph with Persian Army

    1 in stock

    Antique Douste Mohammed Khan Tehran Photograph with Persian Army. Very cool large photograph from the first quarter of the 20th century. It's an authentic photo obviously kept noutside of the frame most of it's life. There is clear tape reinforcing the edges. 13" x 16" frame, 9" x 12" photo including yellow board that it is mounted to. isshelf

    1 in stock


  • c1910 Simonds Worden White Pocket Knife Dayton Ohio Machine Knives Bars and Plat - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Simonds Worden White Pocket Knife Dayton Ohio Machine Knives Bars and Plat

    1 in stock

    c1910 Simonds Worden White Pocket Knife Dayton Ohio Machine Knives Bars and Plates Edge tools Dayton Grinding Wheels. Great knife in fine condition, fully functional and tight. Made in USA by the company it's advertising. 3 3/8" wide closed.tw208

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  • Camillus 1988 NKCA 2 Blade Jumbo Trapper Knife - Estate Fresh Austin

    Camillus 1988 NKCA 2 Blade Jumbo Trapper Knife

    1 in stock

    Camillus 1988 NKCA 2 Blade Jumbo Trapper. Never carried or used, factory sharp blades. No damage or issues. 4.5" closed, 3.75" blades. Great American made knife.

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  • c1900 Civil War End "Scene of Peace" Wood/Glass Magic lantern slide - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Civil War End "Scene of Peace" Wood/Glass Magic lantern slide

    1 in stock

    c1900 Civil War End "Scene of Peace" Wood/Glass Magic lantern slide 4" x 7" total with 3" x 3.5" sight. No damage or issues. Selling exact slide shown.isdrawer

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  • WW2 Era Photomatic Navy soldier photo booth photograph - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW2 Era Photomatic Navy soldier photo booth photograph

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    WW2 Era Photomatic Navy soldier photo booth photograph. Penny for scale.tw255

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  • Nice Antique Duck Decoy - Estate Fresh Austin

    Nice Antique Duck Decoy

    1 in stock

    Nice Antique Duck Decoy. Great duck decoy 19th century to first quarter of 20th century. 13.25" long x 5.25" wide, glass eyes, well carved and painted, some loss to paint shown. No identifying marks that I could find.

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  • Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins Glass eyes - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins Glass eyes

    1 in stock

    Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins Glass eyes. Nice old estate fresh decoy from a small collection. 5 1/16" long, nicely carved and painted, the eyes are definitely glass.tw233

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  • WW1 Era Preparedness Toothpick holder with soldiers - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW1 Era Preparedness Toothpick holder with soldiers

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    WW1 Era Preparedness Toothpick holder with soldiers. 2 1/8" tall with a few very small chips on top rim, no other chips, no cracks.toothpickdrawer

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  • Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins

    1 in stock

    Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins. 8.25" long with original paint, The fins were made from a Liggett and Myers tobacco tin as I can read part of it under the old original red paint.tw233

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  • 2 Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins - Estate Fresh Austin

    2 Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins

    1 in stock

    2 Antique American Ice fishing decoy Carved wood Painted Tin fins. One with worn paint, the other with nice old, likely original paint and very cool cut out tin eyes that could likely be used to identify the maker. Longest 7.75" Selling both for one price.tw233

    1 in stock



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