1800's Texas Lawman Antique Handcuffs Wild West Texas Ranger, Native American.<br>Selling the 4 pairs shown dating from the Civil war era to about 1900. One pair<br>is Pat 1899 and I believe they are the newest. That pair has a key that turns<br>but the key has been bent and the mechanism needs to be cleaned so I didn't open<br>them and they key is fragile and old, liable to break if forced. One with no<br>key, and the other with working key. The Rawhide pair is likely native American<br>as these all came from an estate that had a huge collection of authentic Native<br>American items, the family owned Herring Bros Curio Shop in San Angelo Texas<br>that shut down in the 30's. It was a native American trading post of sorts from<br>what I know. Selling the lot shown.<br>tw205