Vintage Hopi Overlay Sterling silver turquoise cuff bracelet, fits up to a 6<br>5/8" wrist, great looking older unmarked cuff.<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content.<br><br>[Overlay] The technique called overlay is a technique that cuts out the design<br>drawn on the silver plate and pastes it on the underlying silver to create a<br>three-dimensional pattern. Works combined with stampwork and cutting can also be<br>seen, and beautiful Hopi jewelry using overlay techniques that have been<br>improved to perfection has left many masterpieces up to the present day.<br>In the 1930s, Hopi writer [Paul Saufkie] Paul Sufuki (1904-1998) created the<br>technology, in the 40s to 50s [Harry Sakyesva] Harry Sakiyesva (1922-1969?) and<br>writers of the same age [ Allen Pooyouma (1922-2014), Victor Coochwytewa<br>(1922-2011), etc., established it as one of the representative styles of Hopi.<br>This work was produced in the maturing period of overlay technology, and boasts<br>a high degree of perfection along with the taste of handmade due to the<br>intricate cutting that reflects the artist's feelings.