Anting Emas dan Perak Sterling

334 products

  • Vintage Navajo Sterling and shell pendant necklace and earrings set

    Vintage Navajo Sterling and shell pendant necklace and earrings set

    1 in stock

    Vintage Navajo Sterling and shell pendant necklace and earrings set Pendant 2<br>7/8" x 1.5", earrings 1.75" long x 7/8" wide, Necklace 25" long, 68.8 grams<br>total weight.<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.

    1 in stock


  • Henry Steig (1906-1973) Anting belakang sekrup bentuk bebas sterling modernis (3) sepasang

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) Anting belakang sekrup bentuk bebas sterling modernis (3) sepasang

    1 in stock

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) Anting belakang sekrup bentuk bebas sterling modernis (3) sepasang. Jual 3 pasang yang tertera, yang terbesar 1.Panjang 25", 19.totalnya 7 gram. Jules Brenner dan Henry Steig termasuk di antara kelompok pembuat perhiasan studio abad pertengahan terkemuka di New York yang membuat karya seni buatan tangan yang merayakan avant-garde, menolak bentuk perhiasan tradisional, dan menarik perhatian intelektual dan kelas menengah yang liberal. Jules Brenner lahir di Bronx, dibesarkan di Washington Heights, dan belajar akting dengan Stella Adler serta melukis dan memahat di Greenwich Village. Henry Steig (juga dikenal sebagai Henry Anton) belajar di City College dan National Academy of Design, dan memulai karirnya sebagai musisi jazz Kota New York, penulis, novelis, kartunis, dan pelukis. Selama tahun 1950-an, Brenner dan Steig mengoperasikan toko dan studio di Manhattan dan di Provincetown, Massachusetts—yang saat itu merupakan kawasan seniman terkemuka—tempat mereka menjual desain perak dan emas buatan tangan yang sering kali menekankan bentuk biomorfik, surealis, kubisme, dan geometris.Semua orang tahu gambar terkenal dari film The Seven Year Itch, tentang Marilyn Monroe berdiri di trotoar New York, roknya tertiup angin ke atas dari jeruji kereta bawah tanah di bawah. Namun, tidak semua orang mengetahui bahwa saat itu dia sedang berdiri di depan toko perhiasan Henry Steig di 590 Lexington Avenue.Henry Steig adalah pria dengan banyak talenta. Sebelum menjadi pembuat perhiasan, ia adalah seorang musisi jazz, pelukis, pematung, seniman komersial, kartunis, fotografer, penulis cerita pendek dan novelis."Henry adalah seorang pria Renaisans," kata kartunis New Yorker Mischa Richter, yang merupakan teman baik Steig dan tetangga Provincetown.Henry Anion Steig lahir pada tanggal 19 Februari 1906, di Kota New York. Orang tuanya, Joseph dan Laura, datang ke Amerika pada pergantian abad, dari Lvov (disebut Lemberg dalam bahasa Jerman), yang saat itu berada di pelabuhan Polandia di Kekaisaran Austro-Hungaria. Joseph adalah seorang pelukis rumah dan Laura, seorang penjahit.Mereka memiliki empat putra, Irwin, Henry, William dan Arthur, semuanya serba bisa, berbakat, dan artistik. William Steig adalah kartunis terkenal warga New York dan penulis-ilustrator buku anak-anak. irwin adalah seorang penulis cerita pendek untuk New Yorker. Arthur adalah seorang pelukis dan penyair yang puisinya diterbitkan di majalah New Republic dan Puisi.William Steig mengenang, "Ayah dan ibu saya mulai menunjuk dan menjadi seniman pameran setelah putra mereka tumbuh dewasa." Pada majalah Newsweek edisi 14 Mei 1945, sebuah artikel diterbitkan tentang sebuah pameran, "mungkin pertunjukan keluarga pertama di Art Row (57th Street)" di New Art Circle Gallery. Itu disebut "Delapan Pertunjukan Steig, Semua Artis." Termasuk lukisan karya Joseph dan Laura Steig; gambar dan patung karya William dan lukisan karya istrinya, Liza; lukisan karya Arthur dan istrinya, Aurora; serta foto karya Henry dan lukisan karya istrinya, Mimi. Satu-satunya saudara lelaki yang tidak termasuk adalah Irwin, "satu-satunya Steig yang non-konformis," yang saat itu bekerja sebagai manajer periklanan di sebuah produsen sabun Connecticut.Dalam artikel "saudara-saudara mengaitkan banyaknya seniman bagus dalam keluarga dengan fakta bahwa kami semua menyukai karya satu sama lain…menjadi bersemangat karenanya. Setiap kali seseorang memulai, mereka mendapat banyak dorongan. Joseph Steig menambahkan, 'Melukis adalah hal yang menular. Jika Anda tinggal di lingkungan kami, Anda mungkin akan menunjuk.'"Henry Steig tumbuh di lingkungan yang luar biasa ini. Keluarga itu tinggal di Bronx. Setelah lulus SMA, Henry Steig melanjutkan ke City College (CCNY). Setelah tiga tahun dia pergi untuk belajar melukis dan patung di National Academy of Design. Dia juga seorang musisi ulung, bermain saksofon, biola, dan gitar klasik, dan ketika dia masih kuliah, dia mulai bekerja sebagai musisi jazz. Sejak sekitar tahun 1922, ketika baru berusia enam belas tahun, hingga tahun 1932 ia memainkan alat musik buluh dengan band tari lokal.Setelah empat tahun di Akademi Nasional, Steig bekerja sebagai seniman komersial dan kartunis. Dia menandatangani kartunnya "Henry Anton" karena saudaranya William juga bekerja sebagai kartunis, untuk banyak majalah yang sama. Dari sekitar tahun 1932 hingga 1936, kartun Henry Anton muncul di majalah Life, Judge, New Yorker, dan majalah lainnya.Steig memulai karir menulis pada tahun 1935 yang berlangsung hingga sekitar tahun 1947. Ia menjadi sangat sukses dan terkenal sebagai penulis cerita pendek, dengan cerita-cerita yang muncul secara teratur di Saturday Evening Post, New Yorker, Esquire, Colliers dan lain-lain. Kisah-kisah tersebut sering kali merupakan kisah-kisah lucu tentang jazz dan para musisi jazz yang menghuni dunia musik pada tahun dua puluhan. Cerita lainnya adalah tentang masa kecilnya di Bronx. Dia juga menulis artikel majalah nonfiksi, termasuk profil Benny Goodmon di New Yorker dan kritik jazz. Beberapa artikel nonfiksinya diilustrasikan oleh William Steig.Pada tahun 1941, Alfred A. Knopf menerbitkan novel Henry Steig, Send Me Down. Ceritanya, diceritakan dengan sangat realisme, tentang dua bersaudara yang menjadi musisi jazz di tahun dua puluhan. Di jaket bukunya, Steig menulis, "Sebagian besar materi untuk Send Me Down dikumpulkan selama bertahun-tahun saya sebagai musisi jazz yang bermain dengan band jazz lokal dan dengan grup keliling di vaudeville dan dalam tur ruang dansa. Meskipun saya hanya kelas dua sebagai musisi, saya mengetahui subjek saya dari dalam, dan saya yakin saya adalah orang pertama yang menulis cerita tentang musisi jazz, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi yang sebenarnya." Putranya, Michael, mengenang bahwa ada minat untuk membuat film dari buku tersebut. “Ayah saya mengatakan kepada saya bahwa John Garfield ingin memainkan karakter utama."Steig pergi ke Hollywood pada tahun 1941, di bawah kontrak untuk menulis skenario. Dia akan bekerja dengan Johnny Mercer, penulis lagu. Setelah penyerangan Pearl Harbor pada 7 Desember, dia kembali ke New York. “Dia pasti akan kembali lagi,” kata Michael Steig. “Dia tidak senang dengan kontrak yang dinegosiasikan agennya untuknya." Mischa Richter berselisih, "Henry sangat tidak terkesan dengan Hollywood."

    1 in stock


  • Henry Steig (1906-1973) Pin bentuk bebas sterling modernis dan anting-anting belakang sekrup

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) Pin bentuk bebas sterling modernis dan anting-anting belakang sekrup

    1 in stock

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) Set anting-anting pin dan sekrup belakang sterling modernis 2 5/8" x 2 1/8", anting-anting 1". berat keseluruhan 14 gram. Jules Brenner dan Henry Steig termasuk di antara kelompok pembuat perhiasan studio abad pertengahan terkemuka di New York yang membuat karya seni buatan tangan yang merayakan avant-garde, menolak bentuk perhiasan tradisional, dan menarik perhatian intelektual dan kelas menengah yang liberal. Jules Brenner lahir di Bronx, dibesarkan di Washington Heights, dan belajar akting dengan Stella Adler serta melukis dan memahat di Greenwich Village. Henry Steig (juga dikenal sebagai Henry Anton) belajar di City College dan National Academy of Design, dan memulai karirnya sebagai musisi jazz Kota New York, penulis, novelis, kartunis, dan pelukis. Selama tahun 1950-an, Brenner dan Steig mengoperasikan toko dan studio di Manhattan dan di Provincetown, Massachusetts—yang saat itu merupakan kawasan seniman terkemuka—tempat mereka menjual desain perak dan emas buatan tangan yang sering kali menekankan bentuk biomorfik, surealis, kubisme, dan geometris.Semua orang tahu gambar terkenal dari film The Seven Year Itch, tentang Marilyn Monroe berdiri di trotoar New York, roknya tertiup angin ke atas dari jeruji kereta bawah tanah di bawah. Namun, tidak semua orang mengetahui bahwa saat itu dia sedang berdiri di depan toko perhiasan Henry Steig di 590 Lexington Avenue.Henry Steig adalah pria dengan banyak talenta. Sebelum menjadi pembuat perhiasan, ia adalah seorang musisi jazz, pelukis, pematung, seniman komersial, kartunis, fotografer, penulis cerita pendek dan novelis."Henry adalah seorang pria Renaisans," kata kartunis New Yorker Mischa Richter, yang merupakan teman baik Steig dan tetangga Provincetown.Henry Anion Steig lahir pada tanggal 19 Februari 1906, di Kota New York. Orang tuanya, Joseph dan Laura, datang ke Amerika pada pergantian abad, dari Lvov (disebut Lemberg dalam bahasa Jerman), yang saat itu berada di pelabuhan Polandia di Kekaisaran Austro-Hungaria. Joseph adalah seorang pelukis rumah dan Laura, seorang penjahit.Mereka memiliki empat putra, Irwin, Henry, William dan Arthur, semuanya serba bisa, berbakat, dan artistik. William Steig adalah kartunis terkenal warga New York dan penulis-ilustrator buku anak-anak. irwin adalah seorang penulis cerita pendek untuk New Yorker. Arthur adalah seorang pelukis dan penyair yang puisinya diterbitkan di majalah New Republic dan Puisi.William Steig mengenang, "Ayah dan ibu saya mulai menunjuk dan menjadi seniman pameran setelah putra mereka tumbuh dewasa." Pada majalah Newsweek edisi 14 Mei 1945, sebuah artikel diterbitkan tentang sebuah pameran, "mungkin pertunjukan keluarga pertama di Art Row (57th Street)" di New Art Circle Gallery. Itu disebut "Delapan Pertunjukan Steig, Semua Artis." Termasuk lukisan karya Joseph dan Laura Steig; gambar dan patung karya William dan lukisan karya istrinya, Liza; lukisan karya Arthur dan istrinya, Aurora; serta foto karya Henry dan lukisan karya istrinya, Mimi. Satu-satunya saudara lelaki yang tidak termasuk adalah Irwin, "satu-satunya Steig yang non-konformis," yang saat itu bekerja sebagai manajer periklanan di sebuah produsen sabun Connecticut.Dalam artikel "saudara-saudara mengaitkan banyaknya seniman bagus dalam keluarga dengan fakta bahwa kami semua menyukai karya satu sama lain…menjadi bersemangat karenanya. Setiap kali seseorang memulai, mereka mendapat banyak dorongan. Joseph Steig menambahkan, 'Melukis adalah hal yang menular. Jika Anda tinggal di lingkungan kami, Anda mungkin akan menunjuk.'"Henry Steig tumbuh di lingkungan yang luar biasa ini. Keluarga itu tinggal di Bronx. Setelah lulus SMA, Henry Steig melanjutkan ke City College (CCNY). Setelah tiga tahun dia pergi untuk belajar melukis dan patung di National Academy of Design. Dia juga seorang musisi ulung, bermain saksofon, biola, dan gitar klasik, dan ketika dia masih kuliah, dia mulai bekerja sebagai musisi jazz. Sejak sekitar tahun 1922, ketika baru berusia enam belas tahun, hingga tahun 1932 ia memainkan alat musik buluh dengan band tari lokal.Setelah empat tahun di Akademi Nasional, Steig bekerja sebagai seniman komersial dan kartunis. Dia menandatangani kartunnya "Henry Anton" karena saudaranya William juga bekerja sebagai kartunis, untuk banyak majalah yang sama. Dari sekitar tahun 1932 hingga 1936, kartun Henry Anton muncul di majalah Life, Judge, New Yorker, dan majalah lainnya.Steig memulai karir menulis pada tahun 1935 yang berlangsung hingga sekitar tahun 1947. Ia menjadi sangat sukses dan terkenal sebagai penulis cerita pendek, dengan cerita-cerita yang muncul secara teratur di Saturday Evening Post, New Yorker, Esquire, Colliers dan lain-lain. Kisah-kisah tersebut sering kali merupakan kisah-kisah lucu tentang jazz dan para musisi jazz yang menghuni dunia musik pada tahun dua puluhan. Cerita lainnya adalah tentang masa kecilnya di Bronx. Dia juga menulis artikel majalah nonfiksi, termasuk profil Benny Goodmon di New Yorker dan kritik jazz. Beberapa artikel nonfiksinya diilustrasikan oleh William Steig.Pada tahun 1941, Alfred A. Knopf menerbitkan novel Henry Steig, Send Me Down. Ceritanya, diceritakan dengan sangat realisme, tentang dua bersaudara yang menjadi musisi jazz di tahun dua puluhan. Di jaket bukunya, Steig menulis, "Sebagian besar materi untuk Send Me Down dikumpulkan selama bertahun-tahun saya sebagai musisi jazz yang bermain dengan band jazz lokal dan dengan grup keliling di vaudeville dan dalam tur ruang dansa. Meskipun saya hanya kelas dua sebagai musisi, saya mengetahui subjek saya dari dalam, dan saya yakin saya adalah orang pertama yang menulis cerita tentang musisi jazz, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi yang sebenarnya." Putranya, Michael, mengenang bahwa ada minat untuk membuat film dari buku tersebut. “Ayah saya mengatakan kepada saya bahwa John Garfield ingin memainkan karakter utama."Steig pergi ke Hollywood pada tahun 1941, di bawah kontrak untuk menulis skenario. Dia akan bekerja dengan Johnny Mercer, penulis lagu. Setelah penyerangan Pearl Harbor pada 7 Desember, dia kembali ke New York. “Dia pasti akan kembali lagi,” kata Michael Steig. “Dia tidak senang dengan kontrak yang dinegosiasikan agennya untuknya." Mischa Richter berselisih, "Henry sangat tidak terkesan dengan Hollywood."

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  • 3 pr Simplicio Zuni and other Native American sterling earrings

    3 pr Simplicio Zuni and other Native American sterling earrings

    1 in stock

    3 pr Simplicio Zuni and other Native American sterling earrings. Selling 3<br>pairs, life size hand for scale. Largest 2.5" long, 26.1 grams total.All<br>precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred<br>to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and<br>possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked,<br>most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on<br>the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is<br>not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal<br>meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.

    1 in stock


  • 4 pr Vintage Native American Sterling clip-on earrings

    4 pr Vintage Native American Sterling clip-on earrings

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    4 pr Vintage Native American Sterling clip-on earrings. Buying all 4 pairs with<br>no issues, strong clips, all sterling. Largest 2.5" tall x 1.25" wide. 63.1<br>grams total weight. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native<br>American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum<br>of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed<br>to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non<br>hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With<br>bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside<br>circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape<br>measure.

    1 in stock


  • 4pr Native American Southwestern sterling earrings

    4pr Native American Southwestern sterling earrings

    1 in stock

    4pr Native American Southwestern sterling earrings. Selling the 4 pairs shown, I<br>don't think the bottom pair are Native American, all sterling. Feathers are 45mm<br>long. 21.1 grams total. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any<br>Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a<br>minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is<br>guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist<br>(non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible.<br>With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside<br>circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape<br>measure.

    1 in stock


  • 2 pr Vintage Zuni sterling turquoise cluster clip-on earrings

    2 pr Vintage Zuni sterling turquoise cluster clip-on earrings

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    2 pr Vintage Zuni sterling turquoise cluster clip-on earrings. Largest pair 37mm<br>wide, smaller 17mm wide. Both with strong springs on clips, no issues. 25.5<br>grams total. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American<br>jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90%<br>(coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be<br>what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy),<br>rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets<br>if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.

    1 in stock


  • c1900 14k Gold Diamond Mounted French Enamel Portrait Brooch/Screw Back Earrings

    c1900 14k Gold Diamond Mounted French Enamel Portrait Brooch/Screw Back Earrings

    1 in stock

    c1900 14k Gold Diamond Mounted French Enamel Portrait Brooch/Screw Back<br>Earrings. Guaranteed antique set over 100 years old, one of a kind, guaranteed<br>14k Gold, guaranteed all 10 diamonds are real tested by me with Gemoro<br>Testerossa. I'm not going to remove the diamonds to check karat weight, but I'm<br>sure the total is over 1 karat, they're decent sized. No issues whatsoever, no<br>damage to the portraits. Earrings are 1 5/8" long, brooch is 2.5" tall. 22.4<br>grams total weight.

    1 in stock


  • Retired James Avery 14k/Sterling French clip earrings

    Retired James Avery 14k/Sterling French clip earrings

    1 in stock

    Retired James Avery 14k/Sterling French clip earrings 22mm (7/8") x 11.4 grams,<br>no issues.<br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.

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  • Waseta Zuni Sterling inlay necklace and earrings set

    Waseta Zuni Sterling inlay necklace and earrings set

    1 in stock

    Waseta Zuni Sterling inlay necklace and earrings set 18" long necklace with 21/8" tall girls, earrings 2" long.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.

    1 in stock


  • Frank Patania Sr (1899-1964) Modernist southwestern Sterling and turquoise clip-on earrings

    Frank Patania Sr (1899-1964) Modernist southwestern Sterling and turquoise clip-on earrings

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    1 in stock

    Frank Patania Sr (1899-1964) Modernist southwestern Sterling and turquoiseclip-on earrings 22mm x 28mm x 10.5 grams. No issues, strong clips, great design.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.Frank Patania Sr. immigrated to New York City in 1908. Child labor laws kept the young man from working as a craftsman, but after World War I he was old enough to be hired as a designer for an important jewelry firm. In 1924 he contracted tuberculosis, and the firm sent him to a sanatorium in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Patania was seduced by the active art colony and healthy climate, and chose to remain in the Southwest even after his health improved. His work reflects both his European training and his exposure to Pueblo and Navajo jewelry.The legacy left by Frank Patania, Sr. came from the integration of two distinctly different traditions-one European, and the other Native American. On the one hand, Frank Sr. drew from a long history of Italian creative spirit, combining technical expertise and artistic imagination. He instilled in his family the Italian commitment to fine craftsmanship, as well as the Italian custom of family corporate bonding.This uniquely Italian tradition can be traced back as far as the Renaissance, and provides a structure in which each member of an artisan family has a job to perform that contributes to the family enterprise. This familial check and balance system has been a powerful asset to the Patania family's continued standard of excellence through the years. But Frank Sr.'s style was drastically transformed when he was introduced to the work of southwest Native American jewelers in the 1920s.His inspiration was multi-faceted; he began to work in a new medium-silver and turquoise-as well as in increased scale, and using new techniques. The successful marriage of these two disparate traditions has become the foundation upon which each generation has maintained the tradition of excellence in craftsmanship and design that has come to be known as the "Patania Thunderbird" style.

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  • Vintage Zuni Native American Sterling Channel inlay Owl earrings and pendant - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Zuni Native American Sterling Channel inlay Owl earrings and pendant

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    Vintage Zuni Native American Sterling Channel inlay Owl earrings and pendant. Selling the lot shown, earrings signed by the Artisan, pendant unmarked. Everything sterling and natural stones/shell. Earrings 1 3/8" tall, 11.8 grams total weight, no damage, earrings missing backs.

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  • Vintage Zuni Sunface inlay Necklace and earrings set

    Vintage Zuni Sunface inlay Necklace and earrings set

    1 in stock

    Vintage Zuni Sunface inlay Necklace and earrings set. Necklace 18" long with1.5" tall x 1.75" wide bottom pendant. 7/8" earrings, 71.7 grams.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.

    1 in stock


  • Darry Dean & Rebecca Begay Tufa cast sterling  butterflies bracelet, earrings, a

    Darry Dean & Rebecca Begay Tufa cast sterling butterflies bracelet, earrings, a

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    Darry Dean & Rebecca Begay Tufa cast sterling butterflies bracelet, earrings,<br>and pendant set. Very fun set, bracelet is 6.75" including the 1.25" gap 19mm<br>wide, earrings 31mm x 13mm, pendant 65mm with bail x 20mm wide. This set is in<br>new unworn condition.<br><br>“Our calling it is to create beautiful jewelry and bring joy to people.” –Darry<br>Dean & Rebecca Begay<br><br>Darryl Dean and Rebecca Begay are Navajo artists who collaborate on jewelry<br>designs and fabrication using traditional techniques inspired by contemporary<br>life. Their Navajo culture has a powerful influence on their jewelry, telling<br>stories that allow ancient ceremonies and chants to live on. “As an Indigenous<br>people, we are still holding on to our language and culture,” Darryl Dean<br>offered.<br><br>Each artist brings a unique skill to the jewelry making process. Darryl Dean is<br>adept at stonework and is one of the few true masters at tufa casting. Rebecca<br>applies her design sense and delicate hand to floral carving, incorporating the<br>natural tufa stone texture into their work.<br><br>“We don’t mass produce,” Darryl Dean says of their meticulous methods. “The<br>thing with us is that making jewelry is more of an art form. We create each<br>piece from start to finish.”<br><br>Darryl Dean and Rebecca won the Best of Show award at the 2009 Santa Fe Indian<br>Market. They work chiefly with high-grade turquoise and silver, though also use<br>coral and other gemstones, and work in 18-karat gold as well.

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  • Lagos Caviar 18k gold and sterling French clip earrings

    Lagos Caviar 18k gold and sterling French clip earrings

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    Lagos Caviar 18k gold and sterling French clip earrings 20mm wide, 20.9 grams.High quality, guaranteed authentic with no issues.

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  • 3 pr Marie Tsosie Navajo and other sterling Multi-stone channel inlay earrings

    3 pr Marie Tsosie Navajo and other sterling Multi-stone channel inlay earrings

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    3 pr Marie Tsosie Navajo and other sterling Multi-stone channel inlay earrings.<br>Selling the three pairs shown, Marie Tsosie missing backs, no other issues.<br>Marie Tsosie 1" tall. 17.9 grams total weight for three pairs.

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  • Pat Bedoni Navajo 14k on Sterling modernist clip-on earrings

    Pat Bedoni Navajo 14k on Sterling modernist clip-on earrings

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    Pat Bedoni Navajo 14k on Sterling modernist clip-on earrings. 24mm tall x 16mm<br>wide x 8.1 grams with no issues.Pat BedoniNavajo silversmith, Pat Bedonie, was<br>born in Ganado, Arizona on the Navajo Reservation. She is of the Edge Water and<br>Coyote Pass Clans. Pat’s mother, Lutricia Yellowhair, is an accomplished<br>silversmith who has passed the traditional Navajo jewelry making styles onto her<br>children. Every time you look at a piece of Pat Bedonie’s work you see her<br>mother’s influence. Today, Pat lives in Farmington, New Mexico and often<br>collaborates with her mother to create an array of stunning jewelry. She uses a<br>variety of symbols important in her Navajo heritage.Pat Bedoni is known for her<br>fine traditional Navajo carved jewelry and miniature silver boxes. All Pat<br>Bedonie Jewelry is made by herself alone. She creates exceptional silver jewelry<br>by any standards, which is not surprising, since her brother is Ron Bedoni, a<br>well-known silversmith. Pat’s jewelry is much like her brother Ron's, however<br>you'll find the designs not as complex.

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  • 7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver  earrings

    7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver earrings

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    7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver earrings. Most if not all from the 4th<br>quarter of the 20th century, most Native American made,<br>some possibly not. Some missing backs. 38.6 grams total.

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  • 7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver  earrings  7 pair

    7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver earrings 7 pair

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    7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver earrings. Most if not all from the 4th<br>quarter of the 20th century, Largest 3" long, Some Native American made, some<br>possibly not. 36.7 grams total.

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  • 1980's Zuni Mediterannean Coral Snake Eye Sterling necklace and earrings set by

    1980's Zuni Mediterannean Coral Snake Eye Sterling necklace and earrings set by

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    1980's Zuni Mediterannean Coral Snake Eye Sterling necklace and earrings set by<br>G Eriacho. Necklace 17", earrings 1.25" long each. 17.9 grams total.Guaranteed<br>to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything<br>marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on<br>a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when<br>possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then<br>inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth<br>tape measure.

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  • 7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver dangle earrings

    7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver dangle earrings

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    7pr Vintage Southwestern sterling silver dangle earrings. Most if not all from<br>the 4th quarter of the 20th century, top left pair 2 1/8" long for scale. Bottom<br>left missing one feather, second from the top left is Sterling, copper, and<br>hematite. Selling all for one price 40.3 grams total

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  • Retro Emilia Castillo Sterling silver cross clip-on earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Retro Emilia Castillo Sterling silver cross clip-on earrings

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    Retro Emilia Castillo Sterling silver cross clip-on earrings 1" square 25.3 grams. These were part of an important jewelry collection and appear to have been given as a gift by Emilia Castillo. No issues.Daughter of the famous Mexican silversmith, Antonio Castillo, home décor and jewelry designer Emilia Castillo has a following and reputation that spans the globe.As a child growing up in Taxco, Mexico, master silversmiths in her family’s legendary workshop surrounded Emilia. She has since developed a patented technique of fusing pure silver to porcelain, a beautiful and unique result that is a signature of her pieces.All of Emilia’s pieces are made of natural materials such as lapis lazuli, jasper, turquoise, malachite, onyx, porcelain and silver. Her designs are hand-crafted in the workshop at her ranch in Taxco.

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  • Emma Bonney Zuni Sterling mother of pearl channel inlay earrings

    Emma Bonney Zuni Sterling mother of pearl channel inlay earrings

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    Emma Bonney Zuni Sterling mother of pearl channel inlay earrings. 1.75" tall x 1<br>1/16" wide. No issues.

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  • Lisa D'Agostino 18k/Sterling modernist earrings

    Lisa D'Agostino 18k/Sterling modernist earrings

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    Lisa D'Agostino 18k/Sterling modernist earrings 10-11mm square, high quality<br>workmanship and design. No backs included, no other issues. 5.2 grams.For Lisa,<br>working with her hands has been the only thing that has ever really interested<br>her. Her curiosity about the potential for designing and creating with metal has<br>lasted since 1980. That year she participated in her first art fair. The shows<br>were local at first, but gradually developed into national venues that included<br>galleries as well. Except for an additional 12-year foray into baskets (see "The<br>Basketmaker's Art", Lark Publications) her focus has been on jewelry.The designs<br>have evolved over the years but the inspirations have remained the same. Lisa's<br>pieces are informed by geometry and architecture but tempered by the poetic and<br>philosophical aspects presented by astronomy. She ponders a phrase from an old<br>sixties song... "we are stardust - billion year old carbon."The work begins with<br>a loose drawing until a new solution or idea presents itself. It is a balance<br>between intention/chance and spontaneity/deliberation. The contours and forms<br>are simple at first. She likes the rigor and order of basic geometric shapes but<br>then organizing them into something more complex. Shapes are cut out of sterling<br>silver and formed or scored and soldered together. Other parts are distorted<br>through the rolling mill. Surfaces are textured with files or hammers or fused<br>with silver dust or 18K yellow gold. Many techniques may be incorporated into<br>one piece using a variety of hand tools, some of which are her oldest<br>buddies.The final steps involve patination of the piece, and then selectively<br>removing some of the patina to leave combinations of matte or polished surface<br>areas. Earthy rough stones and lustrous pearls are used to further enhance the<br>piece.Lisa was formally introduced to art at college. She earned a Bachelor of<br>Fine Arts degree at Bowling Green State University in 1977, but never really<br>learned to solder well until she was able to work in her own studio. She went<br>back to school, and after 3 years she earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from<br>the University of Kansas in 1991. During this time she continued to show and<br>sell her work at many selected art fairs and galleries across the country.All<br>precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred<br>to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and<br>possibly higher content. Most cuff bracelets are shown photographed on a 6"<br>woman's wrist and will include a photo showing the inside circumference where<br>the metal tip meets the number on the tape measure.

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  • Vintage Navajo Sterling, turquoise and shell earrings, pendant, and stickpin

    Vintage Navajo Sterling, turquoise and shell earrings, pendant, and stickpin

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    Vintage Navajo Sterling, turquoise and shell earrings, pendant, and stickpin.<br>Selling the set shown unmarked, really cute set. Earrings 5/16" x 7/16" each,<br>whole set weighs 5.1 grams.

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  • Calvin Begay Early Work 14K Gold & Sterling Silver Geometric Overlay Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Calvin Begay Early Work 14K Gold & Sterling Silver Geometric Overlay Earrings

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    Calvin Begay Early Work 14K Gold & Sterling Silver Geometric Overlay Earrings 1" tall x 13mm wide x 12.7 grams with no issues.Calvin Begay is an award winning artist, jeweler, designer and master craftsman. He was born in Gallup, New Mexico in 1965 and raised in Tohatchi, northwestern New Mexico. Calvin designed his first piece of jewelry at age 10, learning from his mother an uncle. In more than 20 years as a jewelry designer and craftsman, he has become a master in every aspect of the design and manufacturing process. He has won numerous awards at the Gallup Inter Tribal Ceremonial, including Best of Show in 1989. His jewelry has been featured in Arizona Highways and Southwest Art Magazines. This gifted artist continually innovates and updates his designs, working in both gold and silver, and adding new motifs and stones to his repertoire. In his leisure time, Calvin participates in rodeos and rides in the back country in his all terrain vehicles. When he creates jewelry, that wild free spirit finds expression in precious metals and stone.He has a unique ability to translate traditional Navajo inlay techniques into jewelry that reflects his Native American heritage, yet have elegant and contemporary flair. Calvin’s work is prized by clients and collectors, not only in the Southwest, but throughout the United Stated and the world. In the artistry of Calvin Begay, the stunning beauty of the untamed West is reflected in the combination of color and design that create unforgettable pieces of wearable art.

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  • Modernist Sterling Azurite, Malachite, and Sodalite earrings/pin set - Estate Fresh Austin

    Modernist Sterling Azurite, Malachite, and Sodalite earrings/pin set

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    Modernist Sterling Azurite, Malachite, and Sodalite earrings/pin set. Extremely high quality set with no apparent markings. Earrings 2" long x 1 1/8", Pin 2 7/8" x 7/8", 29.7 grams total with no issues. Selling the whole set shown.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Most cuff bracelets are shown photographed on a 6" woman's wrist and will include a photo showing the inside circumference where the metal tip meets the number on the tape measure.

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  • Nusie Belon  Navajo Sterling Turquoise Choker and Earrings set

    Nusie Belon Navajo Sterling Turquoise Choker and Earrings set

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    Nusie Belon Navajo Sterling Turquoise Choker and Earrings set. 17" long necklace9/16" wide at widest point, earrings are 1" wide, 49 grams total weight. Marked and tested sterling.

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  • Navajo sterling/ Sleeping Beauty turquoise large concho earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Navajo sterling/ Sleeping Beauty turquoise large concho earrings

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    Navajo sterling/ Sleeping Beauty turquoise large concho earrings 26 grams 3.5" x 1.5" with no issues.

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  • Vintage Christian Dior gold tone Clip on Earrings 2 Pair

    Vintage Christian Dior gold tone Clip on Earrings 2 Pair

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    Vintage Christian Dior gold tone Clip on Earrings 2 Pair. Selling both pairsfrom the last quarter of the 20th century appearing unused with no wear, damage, and strong springs on the clips. They measure 1 1/6" tall and 1 1/8" tall.

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  • 18k/Sterling Old Cuzco Peruvian Clip on Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    18k/Sterling Old Cuzco Peruvian Clip on Earrings

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    18k/Sterling Old Cuzco Peruvian Clip on Earrings. Nice quality vintage earrings 1" tall with no issues, clips and springs on clips work.

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  • 5 Pairs Navajo and Artisan Sterling Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    5 Pairs Navajo and Artisan Sterling Earrings

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    5 Pairs Navajo and Artisan Sterling Earrings. Selling the 5 pairs shown from the last quarter of the 20th century, all marked and tested sterling with designers/artists marks, one also marked and tested 18k. Largest pair is 1", 3 pairs missing backs.

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  • 4 Pairs Navajo Sterling and Mexican Silver vintage earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    4 Pairs Navajo Sterling and Mexican Silver vintage earrings

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    4 Pairs Navajo Sterling and Mexican Silver vintage earrings. 4 pairs of great earrings from the estate of a woman with great taste, selling all four with no significant issues. They range from 7/8" to 1.25"

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  • 1980's Robert Lee Morris Sterling Clip on Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    1980's Robert Lee Morris Sterling Clip on Earrings

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    1980's Rober Lee Morris Sterling Clip on Earrings. Nice biomorphic cool subtle earrings by an important designer. 3/4" x 13/16", good working clips, no issues.

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  • 4 Pairs Navajo and Artisan Sterling Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    4 Pairs Navajo and Artisan Sterling Earrings

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    4 Pairs Navajo and Artisan Sterling Earrings. Selling the four pairs shown with no issues all sterling, 3 with makers marks. Qt's are 1 5/8" long.

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  • Antique Chinese Filigree Silver Vermeil Enamel Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Chinese Filigree Silver Vermeil Enamel Earrings

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    Antique Chinese Filigree Silver Vermeil Enamel Earrings. Nice antique Chinese earrings from the first half of the 20th century with no damage or issues. I did replace one back. Measure Just over 1" both marked silver.

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  • Sterling and Turquoise/Shell Navajo Heishi Necklace/Earrings

    Sterling and Turquoise/Shell Navajo Heishi Necklace/Earrings

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    Sterling and Turquoise/Shell Navajo Heishi Necklace/Earrings. The necklace is<br>28", earrings are 2". This is a nice vintage set very good quality. The earrings<br>are clip on and marked sterling, the metal on the necklace tests sterling but is<br>unmarked. These came from the same estate and I'm assuming have been together<br>for 50 years or so.<br>tw7

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  • 1940's 14k Gold and Angel Skin Coral Earrings Hand Carved - Estate Fresh Austin

    1940's 14k Gold and Angel Skin Coral Earrings Hand Carved

    1 in stock

    1940's 14k Gold and Angel Skin Coral Earrings Hand Carved. Great pair of earring. Solid 14k gold tested and marked and hand carved natural coral. They measure about 8mm deep by 15mm wide. They are missing the backs but have no other issues.

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  • Artist Signed Sterling Handmade Earrings with pearl and amethyst - Estate Fresh Austin

    Artist Signed Sterling Handmade Earrings with pearl and amethyst

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    Artist Signed Sterling Handmade Earrings with pearl and amethyst. These are really nice but the artist has terrible handwriting. They're 2" long made by Jack somethingorother with no issues.

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  • Hobe Vintage Costume Jewelry Clip on Earrings 4 pairs - Estate Fresh Austin

    Hobe Vintage Costume Jewelry Clip on Earrings 4 pairs

    1 in stock

    Hobe Vintage Costume Jewelry Clip on Earrings 4 pairs. Selling all four really well made and gorgeous with no significant issues. 2 pairs have minor oxidation on the back only, one earring appears to maybe have been repaired at one point, see solder on back only.

    1 in stock


  • Vintage Sterling Clip On Earring Lot Mid Century Navajo, Mexican, Siam, Roman co - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Sterling Clip On Earring Lot Mid Century Navajo, Mexican, Siam, Roman co

    1 in stock

    Vintage Sterling Clip On Earring Lot Mid Century Navajo, Mexican, Siam, Roman coins. Selling the lot, 4 clip on and one screw back. The turquoise and Pink abalone are likely native american, turquoise unmarked pink Stamped S.J. Sterling. The siams were in the original 1960's or so box but I can't find it, I believe they've never been worn, One mexican, and then the unmarked but tested sterling extremely well cast Roman coin style earrings which I assume are top quality replicas from the mid 20th century. Largest is 1.25" wide. 59.8 grams total.

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  • Vintage Sterling Clip On Earring Lot Mid Century Modern (5) - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Sterling Clip On Earring Lot Mid Century Modern (5)

    1 in stock

    Vintage Sterling Clip On Earring Lot Mid Century Modern (5). Selling the lot 78 grams all well made earrings from the mid to late 20th century. All marked sterling or 925, one stamped MD, one Thai, 3 Mexican. The largest is 1 1/8" square.

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  • Vintage modernist Handmade Sterling Silver Earrings Lot Mexico and Artist Sign

    Vintage modernist Handmade Sterling Silver Earrings Lot Mexico and Artist Sign

    1 in stock

    Vintage Handmade Artisan Sterling Silver Earrings Lot Mexico and Artist Signed<br>VR. Selling all four pairs circa mid to late 20th century. All handmade, 3 are<br>mexican, one is a North American artist. The largest pair is just over 2" long.

    1 in stock


  • Vintage 14k Jadeite Jade Earrings LIght Green - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage 14k Jadeite Jade Earrings LIght Green

    1 in stock

    Vintage 14k Jadeite Jade Earrings LIght Green. 4 grams .25" x 5/8" wide cabochons. Marked and tested 14k, guaranteed authentic Jadeite.

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  • Vintage Sterling Clip On and Screw Back Earring Lot Begay Navajo

    Vintage Sterling Clip On and Screw Back Earring Lot Begay Navajo

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    Vintage Sterling Clip On and Screw Back Earring Lot Begay Navajo. Largest is the<br>Begay pair measuring 1.5" wide. I really like the pair marked "original" The<br>other two are vintage Mexican. Selling all four pairs all mid to late 20th<br>century.

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  • 1940's Danecraft Sterling Art Deco Brooch and 2 Screw back Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    1940's Danecraft Sterling Art Deco Brooch and 2 Screw back Earrings

    1 in stock

    1940's Danecraft Sterling Art Deco Brooch and 2 Screw back Earrings. Selling the lot with no issues. brooch is 1 5/8" wide. All guaranteed circa mid 20th century.

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  • T Foree Hunsicker (1932-2015) Sterling Silver Luggage tag Clip on Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    T Foree Hunsicker (1932-2015) Sterling Silver Luggage tag Clip on Earrings

    1 in stock

    T Foree Hunsicker (1932-2015) Sterling Silver Luggage tag Clip on Earrings. Nice large heavy clip on earrings 59 grams 2 5/8" long x 1.75" wide. No significant issues, clips work well with good springs.T Foree Hunsicker (1932-2015)In 1954, she graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in art. At UT, she was a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Later, she studied at Corcoran Gallery in Washington, DC and the Arts Students League in New York City. A life-long Francophile, in July of 1956, she made the first of many trips to Europe, this initial journey on the venerable Queen Elizabeth. Foree always had an artistic bent. At various times, she was a painter, clothes designer, and interior decorator. Her greatest success, however, came as a jewelry manufacturer when she started a company in 1987 called Medalias by Foree Hunsicker. At one time employing nearly fifty people, Medalias specialized in luggage tag jewelry, reproducing in sterling silver a wide variety of Victorian-era luggage tags and fashioning them into earrings, necklaces, and other accessories. A fixture for many years in the North Texas design world and at the Apparel Mart, Foree was honored with a Dallas Fashion Award in 1995.

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  • Vintage Swarovski Clip on Gold tone Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Swarovski Clip on Gold tone Earrings

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    Vintage Swarovski Clip on Gold tone Earrings. Circa 1980's no issues .5" wide x .75" tall.

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  • 1950's Beau Sterling Horses Brooch Bracelet Screw Back Earrings Set

    1950's Beau Sterling Horses Brooch Bracelet Screw Back Earrings Set

    1 in stock

    Vintage Beau Sterling Horses Brooch Bracelet Screw Back Earrings Set. Earrings<br>are 13/16", bracelet 7" brooch 2.25". All from same estate.

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  • Southwestern Sterling Saguaro Cactus Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Southwestern Sterling Saguaro Cactus Earrings

    1 in stock

    Southwestern Sterling Cactus Earrings. Estate earring, not sure how old. I can find no markings other than St Sil on the backs but guaranteed and tested sterling. Really nice well made earrings. They can be switched so the cacti are charms.

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  • 1930's Art Deco Mexican Silver Earrings Screw Back Clip on - Estate Fresh Austin

    1930's Art Deco Mexican Silver Earrings Screw Back Clip on

    1 in stock

    1930's Art Deco Mexican Silver Earrings Screw Back Clip on. One pair marked del rio, one marked silver, other unmarked. All three sterling silver with working clips or screw backs.

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  • Navajo Ray Tracey Knifewing modernist Sterling Inlaid Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Navajo Ray Tracey Knifewing modernist Sterling Inlaid Earrings

    1 in stock

    Navajo Ray Tracey Knifewing Modernistic Inlaid Earrings 1.25" wide square. Light scratches, no deep scratches, bends, or damage to stones.The Creative Process Fueled by Inspiration“God blesses everyone with a variety of gifts and talents.” The Creator blessed Ray with the spirit of Creativity. Inspiration is the basis for his creative spirit. Inspiration arrives in many forms and disguises when least expected. Hiking the canyons of the Southwest, where his ancestors did the same, gives Ray a feeling of reverence. Walking in peace with gratitude and thanksgiving opens up the senses to receive ideas. Petroglyphs carved on canyon walls turns into wearable art. Stories from an ancient past are re-lived on the faces of Yei pendants. The evening sky’s transformation of color inspired the Earth and Sky jewelry line. Once while golfing, a white butterfly landed on Ray’s golf bag and accompanied him down the fairway. This incident brought the Butterfly and Dragonfly design concept to reality. Having awareness of this special gift, he aspires to know the origin.Artist Ray Tracey has had a life-long love of jewelry. As a child growing up in Sawmill, AZ, Asa Tracey, his Grandfather, influenced him with his stories of working the goat bellows for his uncle. Asa would pump the goat bellows all day long to fuel the fire in the forge that would melt silver in a small cast iron crucible. This process was very labor intensive and his grandfather hated it. The molten silver would then be poured into a tufa stone mold to form an ingot. The jeweler would then execute his craft and a new piece of jewelry would be created.“I wanted to see finished jewelry and wanted to learn everything I could. Whenever we would go to Gallup, NM, I would visit curio stores to see creations in silver.” Ray spent time viewing jewelry designs at the Gallup Intertribal Indian Ceremonial and at the Navajo Nation Fair. Anywhere, there was jewelry on display; Ray could be seen viewing the works of art.Ray’s family moved to Ganado, AZ when he was six years old. One summer day when he was nine years old, he complained to his mother of how bored he was. The next day his mother enrolled him into summer school and changed his life forever. He went straight to art class and found a silver smithing table in the corner. He remembered his grandfather’s stories and the rest is history. “In class I fabricated my first ring out of silver for my Mother. I found an unknown stone and made a cabochon. I tried to copy an old style ring design that I had seen at Hubbells Trading Post. One teardrop flanked the sides of the stone. It was a very simple design but it took me a week to finish. I kept melting the silver. I made my next silver and stone creation at the age of 21 and gave it to my mother. It was another ring, but this time it was a split shank with three ribs and three tear drops on the side of the stone.” I told my father, I want to make jewelry for the rest of my life.”Ray continued making jewelry while attending Brigham Young University. Studying chemistry and physics by day and making jewelry at night. “The designs were simple, my first love was Old Style Navajo jewelry. Weekends were spent traveling to Gallup, NM, to sell his work. While at BYU another opportunity arose to express his creativity—acting. “I wasn’t a very good student so Hollywood had an instant appeal. My gift of creativity carried over into acting. Acting was just another outlet of creative expression.” His adventurous nature allowed Ray to spend several years as an actor in feature films and television. This acting detour never made him lose interest in jewelry design. Eventually, Ray’s love of jewelry brought him back to New Mexico to permanently pursue this art form.“One time while traveling to Albuquerque from Gallup, I noticed the horizon over Laa Pueblo. I saw steps on a mesa. I incorporated this imagery of tiered steps into a bracelet design.”“Another time, while golfing at Hobble Creek Golf Course, I saw pebbles aligned in a  row on the river bottom. Those pebbles became my inspiration to place them on the sides of an inlaid bracelet.”“Sometimes my creativity comes to a screeching halt. When this happens I go to my roots; Old Style jewelry. That is the place of fascination. The Old Ones utilized rudimentary tools to create their simple, yet perfected, pieces of craftsmanship. From this point I am able to create from an inspiring idea. On the flip side, sometimes my mind becomes flooded with more designs than I can remember. Ideas come so quickly I can’t draw them fast enough.”“When I see someone wearing one of my designs, it takes me back to the time when the piece was created. Sometimes I can recall what I was eating or even the music I was listening to. I will remember the inspiration that helped create that design.”Ray has found his path or gift of self-expression that has blessed, enlightened, and influenced his life and others. Awareness of this special gift, fuels his energy and creativity. Inspiration helps to translate his creativity into artistic-visual expression. His creations stand as transitional figures from traditional to contemporary.  He creates something good as he is drawn toward untouched fields of yet-to-be-discovered imagery. Unknowingly he is creating a legacy from which generations can learn and grow. Ray has learned to appreciate and embrace the journey of life and its gifts.

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  • Vintage Navajo Sterling QT Sterling Quoc Turquoise New Mexico Earrings inlaid fe - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Navajo Sterling QT Sterling Quoc Turquoise New Mexico Earrings inlaid fe

    1 in stock

    Vintage Navajo Sterling QT Sterling Quoc Turquoise New Mexico Earrings inlaid feathers Bears. No issues

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  • Mid Century Modernist sterling and wood earrings

    Mid Century Modernist sterling and wood earrings

    1 in stock

    Mid Century Modernist sterling and wood earrings. Great pair of earrings from<br>the third quarter of the 20th century, unsure of designer/maker. Screw backs, 2<br>1/8" tall x 1 3/8" wide x 13.7 grams.

    1 in stock


  • Phil Zachary Native American turquoise and sterling Feet earrings

    Phil Zachary Native American turquoise and sterling Feet earrings

    1 in stock

    Native American turquoise and sterling earrings. Very nice looking well made<br>pair of earrings 1" tall x 5/8" wide x 8.1 grams with no issues.<br><br>anderas

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  • Huge Vintage Navajo Garcia Sterling Multi-stone earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Huge Vintage Navajo Garcia Sterling Multi-stone earrings

    1 in stock

    Huge Vintage Navajo Garcia Sterling Multi-stone earrings. Missing backs, otherwise great condition with no issues. 3 7/8" long x 1.25" wide x 24.9 grams.

    1 in stock


  • Zuni Multi-stone channel inlay hoop earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Zuni Multi-stone channel inlay hoop earrings

    1 in stock

    Zuni Multi-stone channel inlay hoop earrings. No issues, natural stones/shell, tested sterling with illegible markings. 1.25" wide 6.8 grams.

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  • Native American Sterling Multi-stone channel inlay hoop earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Native American Sterling Multi-stone channel inlay hoop earrings

    1 in stock

    Native American Sterling Multi-stone channel inlay hoop earrings. Estate earrings likely 20-30 years old, possibly never worn, on card as shown. Unmarked and tested sterling. 7/8" tall x 9/16" wide x 4.5 grams with no issues.

    1 in stock


  • Retro Estate 14k Diamond french clip earrings

    Retro Estate 14k Diamond french clip earrings

    1 in stock

    Retro Estate 14k Diamond french clip earrings. Marked and tested 14KP(plumb)<br>meaning guaranteed exactly 14k or more. 24 gorgeous natural (possibly color<br>enhanced) yellow diamonds approx 1.2 cttw. Each 1" tall x 6mm wide x 8.1 grams<br>total weight.

    1 in stock


  • Vintage Southwestern sterling turquoise howlite clip-on earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Southwestern sterling turquoise howlite clip-on earrings

    1 in stock

    Vintage Southwestern sterling turquoise howlite clip-on earrings. Great looking pair of earrings, I believe the stones are Howlite. 12.6 grams, no issues strong functional clips.

    1 in stock



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