Maschere vintage di arte popolare messicana e danza

67 prodotti

  • 7" 1940's Mexican silver molded glass masks bracelet

    7" 1940's Mexican silver molded glass masks bracelet

    1 in magazzino

    7" 1940's Mexican silver molded glass masks bracelet. Great bracelet with no issues.

    1 in magazzino


  • 7.75" c1940's Mexican 980 silver link bracelet

    7.75" c1940's Mexican 980 silver link bracelet

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    7.75" c1940's Mexican 980 silver link bracelet. Great bracelet with no issues.

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  • Mexican Plateado Silver Wobbling flamingo on Onyx ball

    Mexican Plateado Silver Wobbling flamingo on Onyx ball

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    Mexican Plateado Silver Wobbling flamingo on Onyx ball. cool vintage piece tilts back and forth, side to side, front and back. It was sold to me as sterling but I believe it plate.3" tall x 2" long. tw199

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  • Vintage Mexican dance mask

    Vintage Mexican dance mask

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    Vintage Mexican dance mask. 6.75" tall x 5.75" wide, circa mid 20th century.<br>Apparently signed as shown. J.F.C. Mamey? Nice old mask, I will be offering a<br>very large collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large<br>percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit<br>older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags<br>identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>tw208

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  • c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask

    c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask

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    c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask. 11" tall x 10.25" wide without hair.<br>Big faced mask circa mid 20th century. I will be offering a very large<br>collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are<br>from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones<br>that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying<br>them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

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  • Bracciale messicano in argento e turchese da 6 pollici degli anni '40

    Bracciale messicano in argento e turchese da 6 pollici degli anni '40

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    Bracciale in argento Navajo vintage da 6 5/8" largo 7 mm. Tutti i metalli preziosi sono testati e garantiti, si garantisce che qualsiasi gioiello dei nativi americani denominato argento o sterlina sia composto per almeno il 90% da argento (moneta) e possibilmente un contenuto più elevato. La maggior parte dei braccialetti viene mostrata fotografata sul polso di una donna da 6 pollici e includerà una foto che mostra la circonferenza interna dove la punta di metallo incontra il numero sul metro a nastro.

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  • Spilla da guerriero azteco in onice intagliato messicano Taxco degli anni '30 -'40

    Spilla da guerriero azteco in onice intagliato messicano Taxco degli anni '30 -'40

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    Spilla da guerriero azteco in onice intagliato messicano Taxco degli anni '30 -'40 2 1/8 "x 1 3/8" x 30,2 grammi, nessun danno, leggera usura.

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  • Jose Pinal (1913-1983) Carved Aztec Warrior Figure listed Mexican Artist 11" - Estate Fresh Austin

    Jose Pinal (1913-1983) Figura di guerriero azteco scolpito elencato come artista messicano 11"

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    Figura di guerriero azteco scolpito di Jose Pinal, artista messicano (1913-1983) alto 11 pollici, senza problemi o danni.Jose Pinal era un artista visivo nato nel 1913. Diverse opere dell'artista sono state vendute all'asta, tra cui ' Gallo' venduto alle New Orleans Auction Galleries 'Decorative Arts & Design' nel 2014. L'artista morì nel 1983.b63

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  • Bracciale in argento messicano modernista Alfredo Villasana

    Bracciale in argento messicano modernista Alfredo Villasana

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    Alfredo Villasana Bracciale modernista messicano in argentoDi Alfredo VillasanaAlfredo Villasana era un argentiere molto apprezzato che lavorò per William Spratling e Héctor Aguilar a Taxco negli anni '30 e '40. Si mise in proprio negli anni '50.Il marchio recita: "Sterling 925", un piccolissimo quadrato (marchio?) "Taxco Mexico" "VILLASANA".Questo splendido Il braccialetto è realizzato magistralmente... Un incrocio tra il Modernismo stilizzato degli anni '50 e l'Art Déco, un motivo geometrico in rilievo, elegante e dimensionale... È semplicemente un design squisito!Questo braccialetto messicano vintage è estremamente bello fatto; è un design modernista classico e sofisticato.La larghezza del bracciale è 2-1/2" chiuso, 7/8" nel punto più largo, 1/4" di spessore al centro della parte anteriore in è il punto più spesso.È in ottime condizioni e potrebbe essere lucidato fino a renderlo brillante se il nuovo proprietario preferisce quell'aspetto. Questo non è stato lucidato.

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  • Fidencio Castillo, messicano, 1907-1993 Donna con scultura Rebozo

    Fidencio Castillo, messicano, 1907-1993 Donna con scultura Rebozo

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    Fidencio Castillo, messicano (1907-1993) Scultura Donna con Rebozo firmata Fide C., montata su base in marmo nero, alcune scheggiature su base in pietra, nessun danno al bronzo. Complessivamente: circa 9,5" h, 7 1/8" w, 6 1/8" d, 11 libbreFidencio Castillo Santiago (16 novembre 1907 – 29 luglio 1993) è stato un artista, educatore e insegnante messicano membro fondatore del Salón de la Plástica Mexicana.Nacque a Etzatlán, Jalisco, Messico da Trinidad Castillo e Raymunda Santiago poco prima della rivoluzione messicana. Sua sorella minore, Rosa Castillo Santiago (1910-1989) fu anche un artista affermato.Fidencio Castillo Santiago studiò all'Accademia di San Carlos e poi alla Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado "La Esmeralda".[1] Presso quest'ultima insegnò poi per oltre trent'anni e sposato con Paz Castillo Alarcón.Il suo lavoro è stato esposto in Messico e all'estero, comprese città come Tokyo e Kurashiki durante l'Esposizione d'Arte Messicana nel 1995 e a Phoenix, in Arizona nel 1967. In Messico, importanti le mostre includono la Bienal Mexicana Contenporánea nel 1960, il Salón de Invierno, la Galería Plástica Mexiana nel 1956, il Salón de Arte Mexicano nel 1958 e il primo Salón de Pintura y Escultura Contemporánea Jalisciense nel 1964. Nel 1971, il Salón de la Plástica Mexicana ha ospitato una retrospettiva del suo lavoro. Un altro si è tenuto nel 2004, co-ospitato dall'Asociación de Artistas Plásticos de México, dall'UNESCO e dalla metropolitana di Città del Messico, per onorare sia lui che sua sorella, Rosa Castillo. Morì a Città del Messico per molteplici cause all'età di 85 anni. Oggi il Museo Histórico di Guachinango, Jalisco, ospita una mostra permanente di questo autore

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  • HOB Mexican Silver Cross with Mother of pearl - Estate Fresh Austin

    HOB Croce Messicana in Argento con Madreperla

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    HOB Croce Messicana in Argento con Madreperla. 21 grammi 2,75" x 3 3/8" senza problemi. Sterling marchiato e testato, non sono sicuro di quale sia la pietra centrale ma è bellissima e non è di vetro.

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  • Bracciale geometrico e collana girocollo Margot De Taxco 5112 degli anni '50 Argento sterling messicano

    Bracciale geometrico e collana girocollo Margot De Taxco 5112 degli anni '50 Argento sterling messicano

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    Un meraviglioso braccialetto e collana geometrici di Margot van Voorheis Carr, meglio conosciuta come Margot de Taxco. Questa è un'edizione originale, non una copia successiva, ed entrambi i pezzi portano il numero di disegno 5112, rendendolo uno dei suoi primi progetti (Morrill e Berk, in Mexican Silver, affermano che i numeri di disegno di Margot iniziarono con 5100 e continuarono fino al 5790). Il timbro completo su entrambi i pezzi recita "Margot de Taxco, Hecho en Mexico 925, 5112" e un marchio Eagle 16. Non ho riscontrato danni su nessuno dei due pezzi e non li ho lucidati, li ho solo lavati con un detersivo delicato. Il braccialetto è 6.75" di lunghezza (circonferenza interna) e 1" di larghezza e pesa 54.8 grammi. La collana è lunga 15", larga 1/2" e pesa 56.8 grammi. Le chiusure su entrambi i pezzi si chiudono saldamente e il braccialetto ha un'apposita catena di sicurezza. 111.6 grammi totali. Margot Van Voorhies è nata nel 1896 a San Francisco, in California. Quando lasciò definitivamente il suo paese natale, era sopravvissuta alla morte di suo padre nel 1903, al terremoto di San Francisco nel 1906, alla perdita di sua madre per mano di un brutale assassino nel 1931 e alla fine del suo primo matrimonio. nel 1936. Fortunatamente, una vacanza messicana ha cambiato la vita di Margot Van Voorhies in modi che non avrebbe mai potuto immaginare. Nel 1937, la quarantunenne divorziata Margot Van Voorhies lasciò San Francisco per un viaggio a Città del Messico. Il destino la gettò sulla strada di Don Antonio Castillo, che la portò a Taxco, un centro messicano per il design, la lavorazione e la produzione di oggetti in argento, in particolare gioielli e articoli per la casa. Presto Castillo sarebbe diventato il secondo marito di Margot. A quel tempo, Castillo lavorava per William Spratling, un pioniere dell'argenteria messicana. Ha introdotto Margot nell'attività come designer, aiutandola a trasformare le sue creazioni di carta in forme tridimensionali in argento. Nel 1939, la coppia, insieme ad altri membri della famiglia Castillo, aprì un negozio come Los Castillo Taller [Taller in spagnolo significa "officina"], con Margot come stilista di punta. Dopo dieci anni, il matrimonio tra Castillo e Van Voorhies si scioglie, così come il loro sodalizio professionale. Margot aprì il proprio negozio nel 1948, prendendo il nome Margot de Taxco, con il quale è meglio conosciuta oggi. Sette anni dopo, lo smalto fu aggiunto a molti dei suoi pezzi, ed è qui che Margot trovò la sua eredità. Al culmine della sua carriera, Margot, che disegnava lei stessa ogni pezzo, aveva due dozzine di argentieri e una dozzina di smaltatori al suo servizio per realizzare la sua visione. Gli uomini svolgevano i compiti di argentieri; le donne hanno eseguito il lavoro di smalto, utilizzando minuscoli pennelli per dare vita ai disegni ad acquerello. Per garantire una resa accurata dei suoi progetti di gioielli, ha compilato un libro di istruzioni e disegni, descrivendo in dettaglio la costruzione e la finitura di ciascuno. Margot attirò artigiani di talento che in seguito consolidarono la propria reputazione, come Sigi Pineda, Miguel Melendez e Melecio Rodriguez. Molte celebrità contemporanee di Hollywood erano clienti di Margot, tra cui John Wayne e Lana Turner, che visitavano il suo negozio ogni anno. Nel 1960 si verificò una tragedia sotto forma di un incendio. Costretta a trasferire il suo studio, non riacquistò mai più il successo precedente e l'attività chiuse nel 1974. Margot concesse a molti degli argentieri alle sue dipendenze il permesso di utilizzare i suoi stampi per creare pezzi da soli, in cambio della cancellazione del debito. Di conseguenza, molti dei pezzi di Margot furono ricreati da argentieri come Jaimie Quiroz e Geronimo Fuentes, portando il loro segno distintivo piuttosto che il suo. Margot muore nel 1985. Ma il suo talento come designer e la sua influenza come artista hanno continuato a ottenere riconoscimenti dal momento della sua morte. Il negozio di Margot produceva dell'argento sbalzato (una tecnica in cui un disegno in rilievo o in rilievo viene martellato sul retro del pezzo). Ma è conosciuta soprattutto per i suoi lavori in smalto champlevé. Il champlevé viene creato scolpendo, incidendo, colpendo o colando vasche o celle sulla superficie di un pezzo e riempiendolo con smalto vetroso. Nei gioielli di Margot, i disegni venivano fustellati, un processo dettagliato e fondamentale per il prodotto finale. Margot ha prodotto molte suite che includevano collane, spille, braccialetti e orecchini, oltre a gioielli trasformabili. I gioielli Margot de Taxco sono riconosciuti per la loro eleganza, femminilità e varietà. Sono molte le aree di influenza riscontrabili nel lavoro di Margot. I suoi motivi di pesci e onde celebravano il suo amore per l'arte giapponese. I turbinii decorati e i motivi floreali ricordavano lo stile Art Nouveau. Le dispettose figure precolombiane erano un tema ricorrente. Le ballerine in stile Art Déco assumevano pose aggraziate. Margot è rimasta affascinata anche dai motivi egiziani e dall'artigianato messicano. I pezzi di Margot de Taxco si distinguono per il timbro che include il suo nome, Eagle 16 (o Eagle 1, per i suoi lavori precedenti), insieme a un numero di produzione. Emesso dal governo, il timbro dell'aquila era un modo per identificare il

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  • Antique Mexican Talavera Footed Compote - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Mexican Talavera Footed Compote

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    Antique Mexican Talavera Footed Compote 7.75" wide x 4.25" tall, really nice piece hand painted. Late 19th to early 20th century. Unmarked. No cracks, chips, or restorations. There is a glaze flake on the top rim shown in the last pic, factory glaze skips on bottom rim. B34

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  • Vintage Mexican Silver Semiprecious stone link bracelet

    Vintage Mexican Silver Semiprecious stone link bracelet

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    Vintage Mexican Silver Semiprecious stone link bracelet 27.2 grams with no<br>issues 7.25" long from about the 1980's.

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  • 7" Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged bracelet with brass tip - Estate Fresh Austin

    7" Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged bracelet with brass tip

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    Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged bracelet with brass tip. Great looking interesting design from the last quarter of the 20th century. The bands near each end hold it on tight, one tip is brass as shown. 26.6 grams 7" inside circumference .

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  • Vintage Mexican Silver Modernism Cuff Bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Mexican Silver Modernism Cuff Bracelet

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    Vintage Mexican Silver Modernism Cuff Bracelet. Nice 7" cuff bracelet with 1 1/8" adjustable gap. 11/16" wide. Marked and tested 926 silver.

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  • 1950's Mexican Coin Art Ashtray

    1950's Mexican Coin Art Ashtray

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    1950's Mexican Coin Art Ashtray. Made from 1940's and 50's coins, made in the<br>fifties or sixties. 4 1/8" wide with no issues.<br>tw7

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  • c1960 Su Casa Chicago Restaurant Ashtray Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery - Estate Fresh AustinUnsorted Antique Ceramics

    c1960 Su Casa Chicago Restaurant Ashtray Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery

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    c1960 Su Casa Chicago Restaurant Ashtray Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery . 7 3/8" wide rare and unusual. No cracks or chips but some glaze surface wear as expected and shown. tw130

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  • c1940s Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery Man by barrel - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1940s Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery Man by barrel

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    c1940s Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Man by barrel. Very unusual and super whimsical piece. 8" tall, there is a chip on the back top of his hat and his head has been glued back on long ago. Still great and rare. b30

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  • Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged Turquoise Inlaid Bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged Turquoise Inlaid Bracelet

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    Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged Turquoise Inlaid BraceletNice heavy bracelet with a few scratches close to the hinge that stand out more in the pics than in real life, no other significant issues circa 1980's. 59 grams. About 7" inner diameter.

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  • c1980 Mexican Landscape Oil on Canvas with Incredible Detail

    c1980 Mexican Landscape Oil on Canvas with Incredible Detail

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    I can't make out the signature and am not really familiar with Mexican artists<br>anyways but it's incredible. No damage to painting or frame, estate fresh with<br>illegible to me signature. Measures 29" x 24" framed and 16" x 20" canvas.

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  • Vintage Mexican Pottery Centinela Tequila Shot Glasses From Tommy's Restaraunt S

    Vintage Mexican Pottery Centinela Tequila Shot Glasses From Tommy's Restaraunt S

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    Vintage Mexican Pottery Centinela Tequila Shot Glasses From Tommy's Restaraunt<br>Santa Fe, NM. Selling the whole set of 8 with no cracks, chips, or restorations.<br>TW80

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  • c1940 Heavy Mexican Brass Cream Pitcher Hencho En Mexico Eagle Head Mark

    c1940 Heavy Mexican Brass Cream Pitcher Hencho En Mexico Eagle Head Mark

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    c1940 Heavy Mexican Brass Cream Pitcher Hencho En Mexico Eagle Head Mark. Thick<br>heavy brass circa mid 20th century. A few small dents and scratches, overall<br>attractive. 6" tall.<br>tw94

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  • 7" Vintage Chunky modernist Mexican Silver Onyx bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    7" Vintage Chunky modernist Mexican Silver Onyx bracelet

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    7" Vintage Chunky Modernistic Mexican Silver Onyx bracelet 7/8" wide 40.5 grams no issues, very well made marked and tested sterling.

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  • c1960's Modello, Corona, Victoria, Mexican Beer Tray 13.25"

    c1960's Modello, Corona, Victoria, Mexican Beer Tray 13.25"

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    c1960's Modello, Corona, Victoria, Mexican Beer Tray 13.25" A little wear as<br>shown, overall clean and attractive.<br>TW72

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  • Miguel Pineda Mexican Champleve Enamel Aztec Decorated Centerpiece bowl

    Miguel Pineda Mexican Champleve Enamel Aztec Decorated Centerpiece bowl

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    Nice large piece 9.5" wide x 4" tall. some very tiny chigger bite flakes on base<br>rim. No large chips, cracks, dents, or other damage to enamel.<br>TW69

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  • Vintage Mexican Silver Spring Hinged Bracelet with Cut Onyx - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Mexican Silver Spring Hinged Bracelet with Cut Onyx

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    Vintage Mexican Silver Spring Hinged Bracelet with Cut Onyx. No damage or issues. Approximately 7" inside diameter.

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  • Vintage Mexican Silver and Brass Mixed Metal modernist Brooch - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Mexican Silver and Brass Mixed Metal modernist Brooch

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    Vintage Mexican Silver and Brass Mixed Metal Modernistic Brooch. Circa third quarter of 20th century with no issues. 2 5/8" wide x 1.5" tall.

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  • c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Carta Blanca Beer Advertising Ashtray Som

    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Carta Blanca Beer Advertising Ashtray Som

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    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Carta Blanca Beer Advertising Ashtray<br>Somrero Shape Extremely Rare. There's a chance this is the only surviving one of<br>these. I can find no sales records and it makes sense that something this small<br>and fragile surrounded by beer drinkers for years wouldn't survive long. I've<br>seen thse without advertising but not with. 3.5" wide with two very small chips<br>on the left of the logo and two other tiny pin sized glaze flakes on rim. No<br>cracks or restorations.

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  • c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Gravy Boat and Cup - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Gravy Boat and Cup

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    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Gravy Boat and Cup. Selling both pieces with no cracks, chips or restorations. A few small glaze flakes on cup shown in pics. Gravy is 8.25" at widest point, cup is 3.5" wide without handle x 2" tall.

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  • 1950's William Spratling Necklace Modernist Mexican Silver

    1950's William Spratling Necklace Modernist Mexican Silver

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    1950's William Spratling Necklace Modernistic Mexican Silver. 16", the chain by<br>itself is 12". Pendant part is 4" wide 1 3/16" wide at widest section. No<br>detectable issues, guaranteed authentic.<br><br>Spratling, an architect and artist who taught at Tulane University in New<br>Orleans, came to Mexico in the late 1920s and settled in the city of Taxco.<br>Having developed an interest in Mesoamerican archaeology and culture from his<br>colleagues at Tulane, he traveled to Mexico for several summers lecturing and<br>exploring. He sought out remote villages in the state of Guerrero, 110 miles<br>from Mexico City, where in some places Nahuatl, the Aztec language, was spoken.<br>Spratling collected artifacts and contemporary indigenous crafts.

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  • 1930's Art Deco Mexican Silver Earrings Screw Back Clip on - Estate Fresh Austin

    1930's Art Deco Mexican Silver Earrings Screw Back Clip on

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    1930's Art Deco Mexican Silver Earrings Screw Back Clip on. One pair marked del rio, one marked silver, other unmarked. All three sterling silver with working clips or screw backs.

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  • c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Ash Tray and Pig Shakers - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Ash Tray and Pig Shakers

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    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Ash Tray and Pig Shakers. A few glaze flakes, no large chips, no cracks, no restorations. Ash Tray is 4.75" tall x 4.75"wide.

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  • c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Plate 9.25" lot (3 pcs) - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Plate 9.25" lot (3 pcs)

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    c1940 Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Pottery Plate 9.25" lot (3 pcs) each piece a work of folk art telling a story. A few very small glaze flakes on the rims, left plate has a small chip. No other cracks,chips, or restorations.

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  • c1950 Bartholomew Mexican Dance mask from Christmas play

    c1950 Bartholomew Mexican Dance mask from Christmas play

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    c1950 Bartholomew Mexican Dance mask from Christmas play. 13" tall x 8" wide<br>without ponytail, ponytail is 3-4 feet long. No issues. I will be offering a<br>very large collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large<br>percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit<br>older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags<br>identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

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  • Antique Mexican Moor Dance mask

    Antique Mexican Moor Dance mask

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    Antique Mexican Moor Dance mask. 14" tall x 8" wide. I will be offering a very<br>large collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large<br>percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit<br>older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags<br>identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

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  • Vintage Mexican Diablo Dance mask with 8 point deer antlers and snakes

    Vintage Mexican Diablo Dance mask with 8 point deer antlers and snakes

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Mexican Diablo Dance mask with 8 point deer antlers and snakes, Very old<br>mask from the first half of the 20th century, way over the top in my opinion,<br>very large and complex. Antlers are a little wobbly but intact. Packing this<br>will be a chore but it will be done properly. 22" tall with antlers x 18" wide.<br>. I will be offering a very large collection of these that was assembled in the<br>60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century,<br>some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional<br>quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have<br>been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>isshelf

    1 in magazzino


  • c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask

    c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask. 11.25" tall x 10.25" wide without hair.<br>Big faced mask circa mid 20th century. I will be offering a very large<br>collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are<br>from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones<br>that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying<br>them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Vintage Mexican Dance mask

    Vintage Mexican Dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Mexican Dance mask, circa mid 20th century. 7.5" tall x 6.75" wide. I<br>will be offering a very large collection of these that was assembled in the<br>60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century,<br>some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional<br>quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have<br>been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Victoriano Salgado Morales (1920 -2012) Mexican Dance mask

    Victoriano Salgado Morales (1920 -2012) Mexican Dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    Victoriano Salgado Morales (1920 -2012) Mexican Dance mask 8" tall x 7" wide<br>with no damage or blemishes. Somewhat contemporary work of art type mask from<br>the last quarter of the 20th century. . I will be offering a very large<br>collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are<br>from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones<br>that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying<br>them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>Victoriano Salgado Morales: 1920 -2012 A prolific designer and maker of wooden,<br>maque, decorative masks used by dancers in Purépecha fiestas, one of Grand<br>Masters of Mexican Folk art and one of last skilled masters of this unique art<br>form. Mr. Salgado learned this skill from several mask makers of the Magdalena<br>neighborhood where he grew up. His first mask dates back to 1950 and it was a<br>"Negrito" folk dance mask. Victoriano's masks are not painted, the process used<br>for color is a highly superior technique called "maque", which is a pre-hispanic<br>process involving numerous applications of natural earth and insect pigments and<br>oils applied with the palm of the hand that hardens into a brilliant, lustrous<br>surface. Mr. Salgado created over 60 different masks, the most famous: dance of<br>the Señor Naranjo, and the dance of the Tataqueri, Corcovi, Negritos and<br>Viejitos. He passed away on September 2012 two weeks before receiving the<br>Erendira Award, The highest prize given by the Michoacan State Government.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>tw39

    1 in magazzino


  • Vintage Mexican Leather porcupine hair dance mask

    Vintage Mexican Leather porcupine hair dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Mexican Leather porcupine hair dance mask. Very cool mask from the third<br>quarter of the 20th century, might take a small head to get inside, not really<br>sure how these were used. Very cool though. 15" tall with ears x 18" ear to ear<br>wide. . I will be offering a very large collection of these that was assembled<br>in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th<br>century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more recent are of<br>exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the tags are<br>missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Antique Devil Pastoral Mexican Dance mask

    Antique Devil Pastoral Mexican Dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    Antique Devil Pastoral Mexican Dance mask. Amazing mask with old leather repairs<br>still holding strong, Very old mask likely from the first quarter of the 20th<br>century. 17" tall x 9.5" deep x 16" horn tip to tip. . I will be offering a very<br>large collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large<br>percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit<br>older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags<br>identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>isshelf

    1 in magazzino


  • c1968 Manuel Centella Escalante Yaqui Native Mexican Dance mask

    c1968 Manuel Centella Escalante Yaqui Native Mexican Dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    c1968 Manuel Centella Escalante Yaqui Native Mexican Dance mask, signed by<br>artist and written in pencil indicating it was purchased around 1968 for $110.<br>There is some extensive info on this respected artist online 9 1/8" tall x 5<br>7/8" wide without the extra hair. Nice old mask, I will be offering a very large<br>collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are<br>from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones<br>that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying<br>them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>tw23

    1 in magazzino


  • Vintage Mexican Green Face Devil dance mask

    Vintage Mexican Green Face Devil dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Mexican Green Face Devil dance mask. Circa second quarter of 20th<br>century 9" tall x 8.5" wide. Nice old mask, I will be offering a very large<br>collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are<br>from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones<br>that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying<br>them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>tw208

    1 in magazzino


  • A Vintage Mexican Dance mask

    A Vintage Mexican Dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Mexican Dance mask, circa mid 20th century. 7.5" tall x 6.75" wide. I<br>will be offering a very large collection of these that was assembled in the<br>60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century,<br>some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional<br>quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have<br>been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Mid Century Modernist Mexican Silver Bracelet

    Mid Century Modernist Mexican Silver Bracelet

    1 in magazzino

    Mid Century Modernist Mexican Silver Bracelet. Nice old bracelet from the 40's<br>or 50's with no issues, obviously polished as shown.<br><br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.

    1 in magazzino


  • c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask 2

    c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask 2

    1 in magazzino

    c1940s Large Vintage Mexican Dance mask. 11.25" tall x 10.25" wide without hair.<br>Big faced mask circa mid 20th century. I will be offering a very large<br>collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are<br>from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones<br>that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying<br>them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Antique engraved Mexican spurs - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique engraved Mexican spurs

    1 in magazzino

    Antique engraved Mexican spurs. Not quite a pair but likely were used as a pair over 100 years ago. Engraving appears slightly different. Buying the spurs shown with leathers and the pieces that they attach to missing on one spur. \

    1 in magazzino


  • Antique Mexican Terracotta Goblin Mold for Papier Mache Dance Masks - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Mexican Terracotta Goblin Mold for Papier Mache Dance Masks

    1 in magazzino

    Antique Mexican Terracotta Goblin Mold for Papier Mache Dance Masks. Unsure of exact age but it seems really old. It was part of the greatest central American/Mexican mask collection ever. 9.5" tall x 7.25" wide, there were a few others of these in different characters/sizes in the same collections. I will be offering a very large collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time. I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican mask. It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Vintage Mexican Holy Week Ceremonies fur covered mask

    Vintage Mexican Holy Week Ceremonies fur covered mask

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Mexican Holy Week Ceremonies fur covered mask. Very well made, cool and<br>unusual mask. 13" tall x 9" wide. I will be offering a very large collection of<br>these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first<br>quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more<br>recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the<br>tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Vintage Mexican Holy Week Ceremonies brn fur covered mask

    Vintage Mexican Holy Week Ceremonies brn fur covered mask

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Mexican Holy Week Ceremonies fur covered mask. Very well made, cool and<br>unusual mask. 16" tall x 11" wide. I will be offering a very large collection of<br>these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first<br>quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more<br>recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the<br>tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.

    1 in magazzino


  • Antique Mexican Dance mask 2

    Antique Mexican Dance mask 2

    1 in magazzino

    The devil is 10.75" tall with horns x 4 7/8" wide, I will be offering a very<br>large collection of these that was assembled in the 60's-80's, a large<br>percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th century, some perhaps a bit<br>older. The ones that are more recent are of exceptional quality. Some have tags<br>identifying them, some of the tags are missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>tw23

    1 in magazzino


  • Antique Diablo Mexican dance mask

    Antique Diablo Mexican dance mask

    1 in magazzino

    Antique Diablo Mexican dance mask. Nice early 20th century mask 18.5" tall x 12"<br>wide with horns. First half of 20th century in the condition shown. Nice old<br>mask, I will be offering a very large collection of these that was assembled in<br>the 60's-80's, a large percentage are from the first quarter of the 20th<br>century, some perhaps a bit older. The ones that are more recent are of<br>exceptional quality. Some have tags identifying them, some of the tags are<br>missing or have been degraded over time.<br><br>I won't have time to discuss the character of each mask, but I'll make sure to<br>take good, accurate photos, and as stated you'll get the mask shown in the<br>condition shown, with approximate age stated. They will be safely stored until<br>sold so I won't really be able answer any specific questions, I'll give the<br>measurements of each one when listing. And I apologize in advance for my lack of<br>cultural awareness if I happen to call a central/south American mask a Mexican<br>mask.<br>It's just there are a lot of masks and very little time, and while I think each<br>and every one of them is absolutely fabulous or I wouldn't waste my time<br>photographing them....I would rather spend the time I could spend learning the<br>history of each character making sure they are packaged well enough to fall off<br>the truck, get ran over a few times...and still make it to you intact.<br>tw208

    1 in magazzino


  • Manuel Felguerez (Mexican, 1928-2020) Painted Black pottery mermaid

    Manuel Felguerez (Mexican, 1928-2020) Painted Black pottery mermaid

    1 in magazzino

    Manuel Felguerez (Mexican, 1928-2020) Painted Black pottery mermaid. No<br>identifying marks that I could find but I was told it was one of his older<br>pieces from before he got into designing the more mass produced metal<br>sculptures. 11.5" tall with no cracks, chips, or restorations.<br>isshelf

    1 in magazzino


  • Vintage Matilde Poulat Style Mexican Silver Cross pendant and necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Matilde Poulat Style Mexican Silver Cross pendant and necklace

    1 in magazzino

    Vintage Matilde Poulat Style Mexican Silver Cross pendant and necklace. Great looking cross with an unusual necklace. Both sterling, necklace has no kinks and is 24" long, cross is 3.25" tall. 26 grams total weight.

    1 in magazzino


  • 1940's Mexican Silver and turquoise bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    1940's Mexican Silver and turquoise bracelet

    1 in magazzino

    1940's Mexican Silver and turquoise bracelet. 7" long x 1 3/8" wide x 81 grams with a very small section of decorative wire with loss, no other issues.

    1 in magazzino


  • Retro Mexican 950 Silver multi-stone inlay bracelet

    Retro Mexican 950 Silver multi-stone inlay bracelet

    1 in magazzino

    Retro Mexican 950 Silver multi-stone inlay bracelet. Heavy bracelet with no<br>issues, fits up to a 6 7/8" wrist.

    1 in magazzino


  • Antique Mexican Retablo Religious Painting on Tin, 19th century

    Antique Mexican Retablo Religious Painting on Tin, 19th century

    1 in magazzino

    Antique Mexican Retablo Painting on Tin, 19th century. 11" x 15" framed. 19th<br>century retablo with tiny hole on top where it once hung on a wall in Mexico,<br>framed in the third quarter of the 20th century. Minor expected wear with no<br>significant issues.

    1 in magazzino


  • c1860 Old Paris Apothecary Jars Eagle and Anchor for Mexican Market

    c1860 Old Paris Apothecary Jars Eagle and Anchor for Mexican Market

    1 in magazzino

    c1860 Old Paris Apothecary Jars Eagle and Anchor for Mexican Market. These are<br>the most desirable motif on Old Paris apothecary jars that I know of. I've seen<br>them bring around 1k each on multiple occasions and have seen some marked on<br>underside "Drogueria Belga Mexico" verifying my statement. These are not stamped<br>like that. They are marked by the Manufacturer or retailer A. Collin Paris,<br>which seemed to be a retailer and/or manufacturer of Medical/pharmaceutical<br>equipment in the third quarter of the 19th century. These are 10.25" tall x 5<br>1/8" wide and they have no cracks, chips, or restorations. In fact they have the<br>cleanest gold I've ever seen on any mid 19th century French apothecary jars with<br>only minor wear to the gilding even on the lids which are always excessively<br>worn. Selling both jars shown.<br>issshelf

    1 in magazzino


  • Mid Century Mexican Silver Mayan style modernist Hinged Bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Mid Century Mexican Silver Mayan style modernist Hinged Bracelet

    1 in magazzino

    Mid Century Mexican Silver Mayan style Modernistic Hinged Bracelet 7" bracelet 1 3/8" wide with no damage or issues 42.4 grams.

    1 in magazzino



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