c1900 Trent Tile Company Art pottery tile, Trenton New Jersey. 6" x 6" tile,<br>7.25" square framed. No apparent damage, not examined outside of frame, it's<br>been framed a long time obviously as there is wear to the frame which of course<br>isn't as old as the tile. Crazing on tile as shown.<br><br>Trent Tile Company, founded in 1882, produced a wide variety of decorative<br>embossed tiles in numerous glaze colors during the last two decades of the 19th<br>century. The company's first designer was Isaac Broome, well recognized at the<br>time for his modeling of the human figure, face and profile. He was followed by<br>William Gallimore, a designer and modeler from England who also had a<br>well-established reputation. Over the years the company's success paralleled the<br>country's economy overall; the factory eventually closed in 1939. Today Trent<br>tiles are among the most collectible, especially among the lovers of Victorian<br>art tiles.