

  • 大号 David Yurman 14k 纯银玛瑙皮带扣

    大号 David Yurman 14k 纯银玛瑙皮带扣


    大号 David Yurman 14k 纯银缟玛瑙皮带扣。非常大且罕见的 David Yurman 带扣,尺寸为 3.25 英寸 x 3 英寸,可容纳 2 英寸皮带。我见过相当多的较小的 yurman 带扣,但这个价格昂贵,现已退役,相当虚幻。76.5 克英镑中心为实心 14k 金,每块缟玛瑙下方均有点缀。无损坏或明显磨损。安德拉斯



  • 大号 David Yurman Albion 14k/纯银垫形切割紫水晶吊坠增强器

    大号 David Yurman Albion 14k/纯银垫形切割紫水晶吊坠增强器


    大号 David Yurman Albion 14k/纯银垫形切割紫水晶吊坠增强器。 2 5/8 英寸高 x 15/16 英寸宽 x 18.7 克,无损坏或明显磨损。大卫·尤曼雕塑家 David Yurman 和他的画家妻子 Sybil 于 1980 年推出了他们的设计之家。他们的合作留下了标志性作品的遗产,这些作品既是风格宣言,也是艺术作品。每件作品均由 David Yurman 设计,采用最优质的贵金属和稀有宝石制成,并由世界上最优秀的工匠制作。安德拉斯



  • 大号 De'Carol Designs 纯宝石十字吊坠

    大号 De'Carol Designs 纯宝石十字吊坠


    De Carol Arreola Muller(鲁伊多索,新墨西哥州)大号 De'Carol Designs 纯宝石十字架吊坠 135.8 克,非常重的实体十字架,宝石未经测试。 4 7/8 英寸高 x 3.25 英寸宽,无明显磨损或损坏。这个吊坠的零售价大约是我要价的两倍。安德拉斯



  • Large Dian Malouf Sterling leaf pin

    Large Dian Malouf Sterling leaf pin


    Large Dian Malouf Sterling leaf pin. No issues, measurements in pics. Signed Copyright DLM with no purty markings, tested sterling.A visionary who has spent her life searching the globe for unusual objects, Dian<br>Malouf is a nationally recognized jewelry designer, published author, mother and<br>obsessive measurer of electromagnetic fields. Known for bold silver and gold<br>jewelry enlivened by diamonds and vivid semiprecious stones,<br><br>Dian Malouf is one of the few fine jewelry designers whose work is instantly<br>recognizable as hers alone. Dian has designed over 10,000 pieces since the first<br>silver dome ring that she made for herself launched the business by popular<br>demand in 1986, and many are one-of-a-kind pieces prized by collectors.<br><br>Dian frequently incorporates her passion for environmental causes, and political<br>and social themes into her designs.



  • 大号 Dorothy Secatero 纳瓦霍纯银手镯

    大号 Dorothy Secatero 纳瓦霍纯银手镯


    大号 Dorothy Secatero Navajo 纯银手镯。厚手链适合 8 1/8 英寸的较大手腕,间隙 1 3/8 英寸。55.4 克。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。大多数袖口手镯都是在 6 英寸的女性手腕上拍摄的,并附有一张照片,显示金属尖端与卷尺上的数字相交处的内周长。



  • 大型早期古董华丽黄铜研钵和杵



    大型早期古董华丽黄铜研钵和杵。非常漂亮的 18 世纪或早期黄铜雕刻研钵和杵。研钵高 6.25 英寸,杵长 10.5 英寸。非常重,很可能是东亚或中东。于 20 世纪进行抛光,具有漂亮的自然铜绿,并带有因使用而产生的微小凹痕。伊谢夫尔



  • 面向东南亚市场的中国早期大型燕窝罐



    面向东南亚市场的大型早期中国燕窝罐。 10 英寸宽 x 13.5 英寸高,无裂纹、缺口或修复,预期磨损如图所示。



  • 大号早期石灰华铸造美洲原住民绿松石/纯银皮带扣



    大型早期石灰华铸造美洲原住民绿松石/纯银皮带扣。 20 世纪上半叶非常漂亮的大带扣,4.25" x 2 7/8",可容纳 1 5/8" 皮带。146.4 克。当然没有标记,测试银(保证 90%(硬币银)或更好的)



  • 大型早期石灰华铸造美洲原住民绿松石/纯银别针



    大型早期石灰华铸造美洲原住民绿松石/纯银别针。 20 世纪上半叶的伟大作品,2.75 英寸宽 x 1 1/8 英寸高,精美的重冲压和高品质天然绿松石 17 克。当然,没有标记,测试银(保证90%(硬币银)或更好)我实际上相信这是一个假发,在20世纪第三季度变成了别针。



  • Large Edgecomb Potters Celadon Glazed Duck Trivet 8" - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 Edgecomb Potters 青瓷釉鸭三脚架 8 英寸


    大号 Edgecomb Potters 青瓷釉面鸭脚三脚架 8 英寸 无裂纹、缺口、划痕或裂纹。



  • Large Emerson Kinzel Navajo Sterling and Kingman turquoise cluster concho belt

    Large Emerson Kinzel Navajo Sterling and Kingman turquoise cluster concho belt


    Large Emerson Kinzel Navajo Sterling and Kingman turquoise cluster concho belt 2.75" x 2.25" buckle and conchos 10 conchos and 1 buckle for 11 total. 43" total length, could be worn up to 41" and as small as you want. 1.25" leather belt. Very heavy. 591 grams<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • 大号 Emil Brenk Sterling 世界地图雪茄盒

    大号 Emil Brenk Sterling 世界地图雪茄盒


    大号 Emil Brenk Sterling 世界地图雪茄盒。 Emil Brenk 制造了登喜路 (Dunhill) 销售的最高品质的雪茄盒,他们还为 20 世纪初的 Automaton 鸣鸟音乐盒制造了外壳,售价高达数千美元。换句话说,这个 20 世纪第三季度的复古盒子具有最高的品质,希望从我的照片中可以看出。看起来未使用过,如图所示有标记,原装 Willem Van Pampus Jeweler 的展示盒与全新状态一样。银色盒子从里到外看起来就像新的一样,没有凹痕、可检测到的磨损或其他问题。外部尺寸为 10 3/16 英寸(25.75 厘米)宽 x 7 5/16(18.5 厘米)深 x 2 英寸(5 厘米)高。内部尺寸为 17.5 厘米 x 24.75 厘米宽(宽可调垫片),如图所示。我的运输秤上有 1.3 公斤,金属秤不方便。非常高品质的盒子,闻起来不像烟草,因为以前很可能未使用过,可以满足您的用途。 Pampus, Willem van – Willem van Pampus,珠宝公司,前身为 Kalverstraat 117。1876 年,Herman van Pampus 在 Oostelijke Eilanden 的 Wittenburgergracht 开设了一家小企业。他是现任 V&D 集团创始人 Vroom 家族的好邻居。搬迁到市中心是必要的。 1897 年,我们搬到了 Nieuwendijk,并于 1905 年在 Leidsestraat 106 大楼开设了第二家公司。 1909 年,该业务转让给儿子 Carel 和 Willem,Carel 获得了 Leidsestraat Nieuwendijk 和 Willem 的业务。在新建建筑物期间。 1919年,莱兹大街106-108号临时涉及莱兹广场的一座临时木结构建筑,市议会中发生了一场骚乱。卢普特议员在未事先征求议会意见的情况下提交了一项动议,要求今后不再在公共道路上修建任何建筑物。演讲者指出莱兹广场上的临时金匠店,俗称“潘普斯堡垒”。他说:“这个金匠也很便宜,因为他每周每平方米只付二十美分,而且已经有相当长一段时间比莱兹街更好的地方了。” 1927 年,它搬到了卡尔弗街 (Kalverstraat),这是一条更好的购物街。 1952 年,公司在海牙扩建了一家分公司,并于 1971 年新建了四栋大楼:Kalverstraat 117-119 和随后的 Taksteeg 8-10。所有商店建筑均在 Monumentenzorg 的监督下按照 19 世纪风格重建。从那时起,该公司正式命名为 Willem van Pampus 阿姆斯特丹 BV。 Kalverstraat 和 Nieuwendijk 分行于 12 月 31 日关闭。1981 年停止。 Kalverstraat 和 Nieuwendijk 分行于 12 月 31 日关闭。1981 年停止。 Kalverstraat 和 Nieuwendijk 分行于 12 月 31 日关闭。1981 年停止。 安德拉斯



  • Fred Harvey Era 大号美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 大号美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯


    大号 Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯。这个时代的特别大件,是一块美丽的绿松石,无损坏 6 3/8 英寸(包括 7/8 英寸间隙),中心宽 1.5 英寸,重 32.2 克。



  • Fred Harvey Era 大号美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 大号美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯


    大号 Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯。这个时代的特别大件,是一块美丽的绿松石,无损坏 6 3/8 英寸(包括 1 英寸间隙),中心宽 1 5/8 英寸,重 37 克。



  • 大号法式塞夫勒风格瓷质珠宝盒



    大型法国塞夫尔风格陶瓷首饰盒。大尺寸令人惊叹的品质 100% 手绘首饰盒,来自 20 世纪第一季度。漂亮的铰链外壳,将其扣得非常紧,然后当扣子打开时,盖子会稍微弹出。铰链又好又紧,因此它可以以不同的间隔保持打开状态。全身都是非常漂亮的凸起金色,上面画得很漂亮的浪漫场景。 8 英寸宽 x 3.75 英寸高 x 5.5 英寸深。没有裂纹、碎裂、修复或可检测到的磨损。这件物品得到了很好的保养,在过去 100 年左右的时间里可能没有使用过。



  • Large G&L Leekity Zuni Sterling and turquoise cross pendant

    Large G&L Leekity Zuni Sterling and turquoise cross pendant


    Large G&L Leekity Zuni Sterling and turquoise cross pendant. No issues, other weight and measurements in pics. George and Lupe Leekity (1942- ) George and Lupe Leekity, Zuni Pueblo, The Leekity‘s specialize in sandcast silver work with turquoise settings. Which they learned from Lupe‘s father Horace Iule. George Leekity born in 1942, Zuni Pueblo, is the son-in -law of Horace Iule; husband of Lupe Leekity; father of Rosella Leekity and 4 other children. Lupe Leekity born in 1942, Zuni Pueblo/San Felipe Pueblo, is the daughter of Horace Iule and Lupe Iule; sister of Ruby , Cecilia, Robert Iule, Barney Iule, Phillip Iule; wife of George Leekity; mother of Rosella Leekity and 4 other children. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Large Gabby Southwestern sterling and turquoise Naja pendant

    Large Gabby Southwestern sterling and turquoise Naja pendant


    Large Gabby Southwestern sterling and turquoise Naja pendant 4" tall x 3" wide, <br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Large Gemset Sterling baroque pearl pendant a - Estate Fresh Austin



    大号宝石纯银巴洛克珍珠吊坠 3 5/8 英寸高 x 1 5/8 英寸宽,标记为 925,测试纯银 45 克。



  • Large Gemset Sterling baroque pearl pendant u - Estate Fresh Austin



    较大的宝石纯银巴洛克珍珠吊坠 3.5 英寸高 x 2 5/8 英寸宽,标记为 925,测试纯银 43.7 克。



  • 大号格鲁吉亚 14k 金镶嵌肖像微型吊坠

    大号格鲁吉亚 14k 金镶嵌肖像微型吊坠


    大号格鲁吉亚 14k 金镶嵌肖像微型吊坠。 18 世纪至 19 世纪初的非常精美的微型肖像画,安装在由 14+K 金实心制成的厚框架中。我将其拆解,以便在不损坏外部的情况下进行准确测试,它是实心 14k 或以上但低于 18k 黄金。拆开后,我发现里面有三张纸,一张被切成两半,放在一起时写着: Lane Portrait and Miniature Painter 135 High Street Portsmouth,背面可能是这幅肖像的收据。然后另一篇论文读到了这个10 月 _______ 先生大乔治街威斯敏斯特 我真的很惊讶地发现这些线索,虽然我没有太多时间去跟进它们,但它们很有趣。我把这些纸片放回了它们在过去 200 多年里安全隐藏的地方。高 3.5 英寸(不含额外宽松的顶环)x 2 3/8 英寸宽 44.8 克。这些照片是在对 200 多年历史的金框进行重新组装和仔细清洁后拍摄的。



  • Large Gigli Italian sterling mixed metals bronze accent link bracelet.

    Large Gigli Italian sterling mixed metals bronze accent link bracelet.


    Large Gigli Italian sterling mixed metals bronze accent link bracelet. 1.5" wide, No issues, weight and measurements in pics.anderas



  • Large Gilbert Platero Navajo Sterling lapis, and turquoise pendant

    Large Gilbert Platero Navajo Sterling lapis, and turquoise pendant


    Large Gilbert Platero Navajo Sterling lapis, and turquoise pendant 3" tall x 2.25" wide. <br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • MCM 艺术陶器投手花瓶俄罗斯或斯堪的纳维亚 12 英寸高

    MCM 艺术陶器投手花瓶俄罗斯或斯堪的纳维亚 12 英寸高


    MCM 艺术陶器花瓶俄罗斯或斯堪的纳维亚 12 英寸高。20 世纪中期的精美作品,我不认识标记,第一张图片和其他图片中显示的手柄锋利一侧有微小的釉片。没有其他缺口、裂缝,开裂或其他问题。 TW173



  • Large Hand Engraved 800 Silver Cigarette case/wallet

    Large Hand Engraved 800 Silver Cigarette case/wallet


    Large Hand Engraved 800 Silver Cigarette case/wallet. Amazing highest quality, very sturdy case from the first half of the 20th century. No damage or significant wear, these make really good wallets, though it was orignally made for a non-filtered cigarette case. Measurements in pics.anderas



  • Large Harvey Mace Navajo feather pin

    Large Harvey Mace Navajo feather pin


    Large Harvey Mace Navajo feather pin 3" x 1.75" with dangle feather, 10.6 grams. <br><br>Born in 1957 Farmington. He learned to silversmith from his brother, Ted Mace. His feather work is made by stamping one line at a time. The pieces are made with lots of patience and time. His wife and daughter help, but most of the work he does himself.<br><br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • 大榛子 Atlas Horlicks 麦芽牛奶罐 c1930

    大榛子 Atlas Horlicks 麦芽牛奶罐 c1930


    大号榛子 Atlas Horlicks 麦芽牛奶罐 c1930 10.75 英寸高 x 5.5 英寸高,很难找到原装盖子。漂亮的罐子,没有损坏或问题,干净,没有划痕。 B55



  • Large HB Southwestern Sterling and agate cross pendant

    Large HB Southwestern Sterling and agate cross pendant


    Large HB Southwestern Sterling and agate cross pendant. Very substantial and well made. <br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.<br><br>anderas



  • 大号霍皮重叠式纯银手镯



    大号霍皮重叠风格纯银手镯。无损坏或明显磨损。未识别的标志看起来像一个雕刻的 LY,下面有一条线,如最后一张图片所示。



  • 大号霍皮纯银槽镶嵌绿松石现代主义戒指



    大型霍皮纯银通道镶嵌绿松石现代主义戒指。尺寸 9 压印 CRW,未测试其他标记并保证至少为硬币 (90%) 银。状况良好,几乎没有磨损 1.5 英寸 x 1 1/8 英寸杆面 36.4 克。



  • 大号霍皮纯棉叠层风格波洛领带



    大号霍皮纯棉叠层风格波洛领带。 2 英寸高 x 1.5 英寸宽,没有任何问题,尖端和波洛是纯纯的,皮革状况良好。总重41.6克。



  • 大号 Ithaca Peak 绿松石纯棉叠层波洛领带

    大号 Ithaca Peak 绿松石纯棉叠层波洛领带


    大号伊萨卡峰绿松石纯银覆盖波洛领带。坚固的纯正尖端和波洛,经过测试。这是一款非常漂亮的大而重的波洛衫,带有巨大的尖端,精细编织的皮革重量:123.4 克,|尺寸:波洛领带:24 英寸长,1.75 英寸 x 2.75 英寸波洛领带。无损坏或问题。



  • 大型日本混合金属花瓶



    日本混合金属大花瓶。 11 英寸高,无底座。底座失去一只脚,因此需要在一只脚下垫一块毛毡,或者需要类似的固定,因为它在底座上摇晃。花瓶本身重约 1200 克,大部分是纯银,因为即使是铜部分也含有银在它们下面,花朵上镶嵌着金色的区域,作为签名的一部分,我的大秤被锁在车里,但也差不多了。有一些小凹痕和擦伤,主要是在背面所示的一个地方。



  • Large Jerry T Nelson Navajo Coral and opal sterling pendant

    Large Jerry T Nelson Navajo Coral and opal sterling pendant


    Large Jerry T Nelson Navajo Coral and opal sterling pendant.Award winning Diné artist Jerry T. Nelson is known for channel inlay turquoise. Interestingly, his designs are a combination of Diné of the Navajo Nation, Hopi, and Zuni styles. He has been honored with awards at Gallup Inter-tribal Indian Ceremonial.Although artist Jerry T. Nelson is Diné, he was born in 1959 at Keams Canyon, Arizona, on the Hopi Reservation. That could explain his exposure to Hopi overlay silver work. He now lives in one of the towns named Canoncito, New Mexico. As is frequently observed, several communities have the same name. There are six known locations in New Mexico named Canoncito- in Mora, Bernalillo, Rio Arriba, San Miguel, Santa Fe and Taos Counties. So, the location of Jerry Nelson is not exactly known.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Large Joe & Eunice Wilson Navajo sterling turquoise cluster bolo tie

    Large Joe & Eunice Wilson Navajo sterling turquoise cluster bolo tie


    Large Joe & Eunice Wilson Navajo sterling turquoise cluster bolo tie 43" long. Other measurements in pics. No issues. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.



  • 大号 John Hardy 18k/纯银 Jalsimer 圆点夹式耳环

    大号 John Hardy 18k/纯银 Jalsimer 圆点夹式耳环


    大号 John Hardy 18k/纯银 Jalsimer 圆点夹式耳环。 1.25 英寸高 x 0.75 英寸宽,没有任何问题。关于约翰·哈代受到巴厘岛及其悠久的珠宝制作传统的启发,John Hardy 的工匠团体于 1975 年成立,致力于手工珠宝。我们致力于可持续的奢侈品商业实践、我们的工匠和巴厘岛的保护。我们对真实性的价值感到自豪;正是社区的灵魂使每一件作品都真正独一无二。我们是工匠John Hardy Workshop & Kapal Bamboo Boutique 是巴厘岛最大的雇主之一,拥有 500 多名跨代工匠,从水彩艺术家到金属匠。对传统艺术的奉献不仅定义了约翰·哈迪的遗产,它还保留了通过冥想、公共链编织、手工锤击和雕刻来制作珠宝的工匠家庭。我们是社区 我们受到团结精神的推动,并致力于为工匠们奉献自己的力量,他们与巴厘岛的深厚联系激发了我们工作室和卡帕尔竹子精品店的基础。我们提供“Jobs For Life”学徒计划,为巴厘岛公民提供职业培训和财务支持。每个参与者都有机会参加研讨会,我们为数百名工人提供当地采购的家庭式餐点——这是一种既能培养社区意识又能吸引游客的聚会仪式。我们是可持续发展的作为责任珠宝业委员会的认证成员并符合金伯利进程标准,John Hardy 致力于遵守实践准则,确保我们的宝石、钻石和金属在每一步都无冲突且符合道德生产。 同样的责任感也体现在我们的包装上。从我们的珠宝盒到购物袋,所有纸质材料现已获得森林管理委员会的认证,该委员会是一个管理树木环境和经济效益的非营利组织。我们还制作回馈珠宝。我们的“佩戴竹子,种植竹子”倡议与 1,000 个非盈利竹村合作,致力于培育巴厘岛的自然美景。这意味着每次您从我们的竹子系列中购物时,我们都会代表您在巴厘岛种植竹子苗。



  • Large Jonathan Nez Navajo Sterling and Lapis pendant

    Large Jonathan Nez Navajo Sterling and Lapis pendant


    Large Jonathan Nez Navajo Sterling and Lapis pendant. 3.75" tall with bail x 2" x 58.9 grams.Navajo silversmith Jonathan Nez makes beautiful pieces of silver jewelry. Coming from a family of silversmiths, Jonathan is the younger brother of the renowned jewelry artist, Leonard Nez, who was a mentor to Jonathan for many years.An accomplished designer now in his own right, Jonathan specializes in making bracelets and works with heavy-gauge sterling silver, adding deep-set stamping to create his distinctive pieces. Combining both the traditional Navajo stamp work in his pieces along with horizontal or vertical lines, Jonathan jewelry line is a is both classic and modern.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Large JR Native American silver and turquoise pendant

    Large JR Native American silver and turquoise pendant


    Large JR Native American silver and turquoise pendant, Nice wide bail, approx 22mm inside, other measurements in pics.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Large Julia Martinez Navajo Sterling Turquoise and Coral Feather necklace

    Large Julia Martinez Navajo Sterling Turquoise and Coral Feather necklace


    Large Julia Martinez Navajo Sterling Turquoise and Coral Feather necklace. 107 grams with no issues. Very large and high quality necklace. 28" total length.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • 大号 Lalique 两只鸽子花瓶

    大号 Lalique 两只鸽子花瓶


    大号 Lalique 两只鸽子花瓶。又大又重的部件,很难用插入件找到。 8.5 英寸高 x 7 英寸翼对翼。无裂纹、缺口或修复,底座有轻微的架子磨损。这件作品的零售价是我 30 年前要价的三倍多。搁置



  • Large Larry Etcitty Navajo 14k accented Sterling Kingman turquoise cluster bolo tie

    Large Larry Etcitty Navajo 14k accented Sterling Kingman turquoise cluster bolo tie


    Large Larry Etcitty Navajo 14k accented Sterling Kingman turquoise cluster bolo tie, approx 51" long, 3 3/8" x 3" slide, solid 14k gold accent on reverse side covered in clear nail polish to preserve it. 160 grams, appears to have been worn little.<br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Large Leon Applebaum Art glass sculptural vessel - Estate Fresh Austin

    大型 Leon Applebaum 艺术玻璃雕塑容器


    大型 Leon Applebaum 艺术玻璃雕塑容器。这件作品真的很重,大概有 10-15 磅 9.5" X 8.5" X 5.5" 显然是 Leon Applebaum 签名的,我只是无法拍摄它。这件作品可以在几个侧面展示,我发现在中间显示了一个粗糙的点第二张照片,我相信它可以很容易地离开工作室,因为它不锋利,也不会以任何方式分散注意力。没有其他碎片,没有裂缝,没有修复。这件作品零售价几千美元。 Leon Applebaum 1945 年出生于俄亥俄州托莱多,在后来成为美国工作室玻璃的发源地长大。当莱昂斯是托莱多的一名艺术学生时,他成为一名高中艺术老师的梦想在参加他的第一堂热玻璃课程后就破灭了。莱昂立即对熔化的材料产生了兴趣,从而对加工热玻璃上瘾,这塑造并定义了他的余生。 莱昂完全沉浸在这个新发现的玻璃世界中。他在马萨诸塞州艺术学院完成了艺术学士学位,然后在范德比尔特大学皮博迪学院获得了硕士学位。尽管莱昂在本科时就成功展示和销售了自己的作品,但他仍寻求在现有大学所能提供的范围之外继续深造。 1973 年,莱昂横渡大西洋,研究持久的奥雷福玻璃学校的瑞典玻璃成型传统。在那里,莱昂开始探索瑞典风格的光学厚玻璃,这将影响他的工作的未来。在瑞典博达玻璃公司学习和工作一年后,莱昂回到美国,在罗彻斯特理工学院玻璃堡攻读硕士学位。 在此期间,莱昂能够将瑞典玻璃技术与他的想法相结合,即使用色谱和捕获空气来产生气泡,作为设计元素,继续定义他的作品。在接下来的 25 年里,Leon 一直在热玻璃方面开发新的想法、技术和设计。他曾在罗切斯特理工学院和纽约州那不勒斯的那不勒斯米尔艺术学校任教,并在全国各地举办研讨会。 Leon Applebaum 的作品被华盛顿特区的史密森尼国家航空航天博物馆、纽约康宁的康宁玻璃博物馆和捷克共和国诺维博尔的阿杰托玻璃博物馆等永久收藏。他在国内外许多画廊展出。 Leon 目前与家人居住在纽约州普拉茨堡的 Sahaj Glass Studio。在他的纹理系列中,莱昂使用工具操纵热玻璃表面,创造出光学变换的作品。这种非传统的玻璃加工方法可以充分利用玻璃的透明和反光特性。在莱昂的当代雕塑系列中,他将玻璃吹制作为一种手段,而不是目的。 Leon 使用冷却的吹制件切割成基本形状,并使用紫外线胶将它们组装起来。这种技术方法为探索和执行热玻璃无法实现的想法提供了极大的自由。莱昂的雕塑采用圆形形式反映了生命的循环本质。着眼于未来,莱昂计划将精力集中在雕塑玻璃上。



  • Large Les Baker Shop Native American Sterling and Agate cross pendant

    Large Les Baker Shop Native American Sterling and Agate cross pendant


    Large Les Baker Shop Native American Sterling and Agate cross pendant 22.2 grams, 11-12mm inside bail, other measurements in pics.



  • Large Libertad Sterling Cobblestone inlay dragonfly pin

    Large Libertad Sterling Cobblestone inlay dragonfly pin


    Large Libertad Sterling Cobblestone inlay dragonfly pin. No issues, I'm not sure what the significance of this is but it's nice.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is<br>stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or<br>measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question<br>should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration



  • 大号 Los Ballesteros 现代主义纯银手镯

    大号 Los Ballesteros 现代主义纯银手镯


    大号 Los Ballesteros 现代主义纯银手镯。袖口很棒,没有损坏或明显磨损。 Los Ballesteros 珠宝 - 历史 该公司由 Jalil Majul Ballesteros 于 1937 年在墨西哥伊瓜拉创立。他曾跟随祖父和教父学习银饰艺术,很早就开始制作具有金丝细工外观的珠宝。 1941 年,他将工作室迁至塔斯科,并采用了更符合那里生产的旅游作品的风格。 20 世纪 50 年代,计件作品被外包给塔斯科地区较小的家庭作坊,这些作品被标记为“Talleres de los Ballesteros”。这些作品在全国各地的商店出售,包括墨西哥城和阿卡普尔科。该公司还于 1952 年开始出口珠宝。现代化企业版的 Los Ballesteros 继续通过墨西哥的商店以及世界各地的其他供应商销售其产品,包括珠宝和装饰礼品。该公司对质量的承诺是强烈的,以纪念他们的传统,他们仍然在其品牌中使用传统的 Talleres de los Ballesteros 风格的 B 标志。



  • Large Lynol Yellowhorse (1962-2003) Diné/Navajo Sterling Multi-Stone Mosaic cobb - Estate Fresh Austin

    Large Lynol Yellowhorse (1962-2003) Diné/Navajo Sterling Multi-Stone Mosaic cobb


    Lynol Yellowhorse (1962-2003) Diné/Navajo Sterling Multi-Stone Mosaic cobblestone cross pendant 3" tall with bail x 2 5/8" wide x 38.3 grams with no issues. Lynol Yellowhorse, Navajo Jeweler, Silversmith Lynol Yellowhorse (1962-2003) Diné jewelry artist Lynol Yellowhorse was from the Navajo Nation who specialized in mosaic and channel inlay jewelry. Lynol Yellowhorse was a fine Southwest Indian Jewelry maker and silversmith and master of the cobblestone method of inlay jewelry. His designs seemed modern and unique combining of different materials to form amazing jewelry creations. Lynol Yellowhorse was the father of Tanysha Yellowhorse.



  • Large M S Vintage Sterling Silver/Turquoise Native American earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 MS 复古纯银/绿松石美洲原住民耳环


    大号 MS 复古纯银/绿松石美洲原住民耳环。 3.5 英寸长的耳环,宽度不同,总重 28 克。



  • Large Manuel Weahkee Zuni Turquoise, coral sterling bolo tie

    Large Manuel Weahkee Zuni Turquoise, coral sterling bolo tie


    Large Manuel Weahkee Zuni Turquoise, coral sterling bolo tie. Very substantial bolo with no issues. Tips have loops to hang danglies if wanted.Manuel and his family live north of the Zuni reservation. He is the grandson of Willie Weahkee who was the brother of Teddy Weahkee. Teddy was the father of Edna Leki, grandfather of Dinah (Gasper) and Lena (Boone). When Manuel married Sharon,he moved north to live near her family to raise his own family. Even so, the Weahkee's retained strong ties to Zuni and returned to the Pueblo often for family gatherings, ceremonies and dances. Manuel carves primarily bears though there are other animals in his repertoire. He routinely uses feathers in his bundles which is unusual by today's standards among Zuni carvers but Manuel does it in homage to a friend who was a Hopi elder. When this gentleman passed away, Manuel, in the Hopi tradition, began to use feathers in his bundles. This showing included two standing bears, which we hadn't seen him carve before, as well as the inclusion of quartz crystals points in the offering bundles.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Large Marita Benally Navajo Sterling and turquoise pendant

    Large Marita Benally Navajo Sterling and turquoise pendant


    Large Marita Benally Navajo Sterling and turquoise pendant 3 1/8" tall with bail<br>x 1.75" wide, 47.8 grams. Marita Benally was born and raised in Steamboat, AZ,<br>and she is from the Navajo tribe.Marita started silversmithing in the late 90’s,<br>and she credits her husband, Daniel Benally for teaching her to design and work<br>silver.She loves to create detailed, articulate designs. Today, Marita works out<br>of Gallup, New MexicoAll precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native<br>American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum<br>of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed<br>to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non<br>hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With<br>bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside<br>circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape<br>measure.



  • 大型玛雅前哥伦布时期彩色装饰陶足容器



    大型玛雅前哥伦布时期彩色装饰陶足容器。高 12.5 英寸。顶部和底部有一些无关紧要的碎片,整体磨损,没有裂纹或修复。.保证正宗的中美洲陶器大约有 1000 年的历史。



  • 大型明治时期日本九谷渔民人物



    大型明治时期渔民日本九谷人物人物 11.5 英寸高 x 9.5 英寸宽



  • 大型明治时期日本伊万里落地花瓶



    大型明治时期日本伊万里落地花瓶。 19 世纪下半叶的精美绘画日本伊万里古董花瓶。 15 英寸高 x 8 英寸宽,无裂纹、缺口或修复。书架



  • 大型明治时期日本伊万里花瓶对



    大型明治时期日本伊万里花瓶对。 19 世纪下半叶的精美绘画日本伊万里古董花瓶。 11.5 英寸高 x 6 英寸宽,无裂纹、缺口或修复。书架



  • 大型明治时期九谷人物伽玛千人蟾蜍不朽日本 19 世纪 12.75 英寸 x 8 英寸宽

    大型明治时期九谷人物伽玛千人蟾蜍不朽日本 19 世纪 12.75 英寸 x 8 英寸宽


    超大型明治时期九谷人物伽马千忍蟾蜍不朽 19 世纪 12.75 英寸 x 8 英寸宽。站着的那个人的拇指不见了。无裂纹、其他缺口或修复体。 B4



  • 大型明治时期墨田川日本花瓶



    大型明治时期墨田川日本花瓶。 19世纪末至20世纪初,没有任何损坏,部分磨损为哑光釉。 12.5 英寸高。墨田川是日本陶器的一种,起源于 1800 年代初期。这个名字来自于流经东京浅草陶瓷区附近的隅田川。这种陶器以其明亮、幽默、有时甚至是奇怪的图案而闻名。墨田川很厚重,经常覆盖着三维人物,如人类、建筑物和猴子。隅田川是一条流经日本东京都市中心的河流。荒川河的支流,流入东京湾。在江户时代(17 世纪至 19 世纪中叶),隅田川是重要的交通动脉和热门的休闲场所。



  • Large Mid Century Bali Carved wood bust with glass eyes - Estate Fresh Austin






  • Large Mid Century Copper enamel seahorse brooch - Estate Fresh Austin



    大型中世纪铜珐琅海马胸针。 2 英寸宽,精美的复古手工制品,没有可检测到的标记或损坏。



  • 大型中世纪 Eugenio Ferro Murano 艺术玻璃花瓶

    大型中世纪 Eugenio Ferro Murano 艺术玻璃花瓶


    大型中世纪尤金尼奥·费罗·穆拉诺 (Eugenio Ferro Murano) 艺术玻璃花瓶 12.2 磅,13 英寸高 x 7 英寸宽,无裂纹、缺口或修复,底座预计有架子磨损,带有签名 E Ferro & Co. 旧件,原始标签完好无损,靠近根据。该玻璃工厂由 Eugenio Ferro 与 Giovanni Lazzarini 于 1929 年 8 月 18 日成立,最初名为 FERRO EUGENIO & CO。其首批作品是艺术玻璃制品和威尼斯吊灯。 1947 年 Eugenio Ferro 过早去世后,玻璃工厂由他年轻的继承人管理。从那时起,Giovanni Lazzarini 更多地参与了公司的活动,公司名称因此更改为 FERRO & LAZZARINI SRL



  • Large Mid Century Mexican Modernist sterling hinged bangle - Estate Fresh Austin



    大型中世纪墨西哥现代主义纯银铰链手镯。手链尺寸不错,没有损坏或明显磨损。 20世纪中叶。



  • Large Ming Chinese Brown Stoneware Jar with handles - Estate Fresh Austin



    大明中国棕色粗陶罐,带手柄。 7.5 英寸宽 x 6.25 英寸高,很可能是出土件或沉船件。来自一个非常古老的收藏,底部有两条古老稳定的发际线,整体釉面脱落。中文货架



  • 明代 双面刻莲花大号青瓷碗

    明代 双面刻莲花大号青瓷碗


    大型明代中国青瓷碗,双面刻莲花装饰,13.75 英寸宽 x 2.5 英寸深。 3 个非常古老的紧稳定的发际线如图所示。没有其他裂缝,没有缺口,没有修复。我正在帮助解散一个由一位现年 96 岁的女士在 20 世纪 50 年代和 60 年代整理的收藏品。 TW130




