

  • Harrach Bohemian Glossy Peachblow bulb Vases with enameled Flowers c.1890 - Estate Fresh Austin

    Harrach 波西米亚光面桃花灯泡花瓶,带珐琅花朵,约 1890 年


    4.25 英寸高 x 3.5 英寸宽,无裂纹或缺口,无釉质损失或其他问题。有些磨损到边缘镀金。大约在 19 世纪后期得到保证。两者以一种价格出售。台湾98



  • 哈里斯强瓷砖“祖先 I”列入艺术家名录,精美埃及/亚洲面具陶器,安装在三重磨砂框架中,约 1920-2006 年

    哈里斯强瓷砖“祖先 I”列入艺术家名录,精美埃及/亚洲面具陶器,安装在三重磨砂框架中,约 1920-2006 年


    框架尺寸为 20.25" x 24.25" x 2" 深。时间约为 7.5" x 10.25"。出自名列前茅的艺术家之手的非常不寻常的作品。传记:哈里斯·斯特朗 1920 年出生于威斯康星州沃克夏。他的姨妈拥有一家贺卡公司,这影响了他成为一名艺术家。他还具有强烈的科学倾向,因此他对瓷砖的“工程”一丝不苟,在竞争对手创造“饼盘”时,他在自己不屑一顾的作品中体现了许多创新。 战争期间,他是一名密码学家,在第二次世界大战期间直接在道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军手下工作。随后,他在北卡罗来纳州立大学学习陶瓷*和陶瓷釉料化学。然后他在纽约布鲁克林的 Kelby Pottery 工作。后来他自己的事业才真正起飞。他在芝加哥、纽约和东京都有陈列室……他为约克市的华尔道夫酒店创作了一幅 30 英尺长的独立式瓷砖壁画,至今仍保留在原处。一位朋友说,他是第一个在家居展上展示艺术的人。他喜欢唱《吉尔伯特与沙利文》、收集邮票、打桥牌。 1970 年,斯特朗搬到缅因州特伦顿,但在一场火灾摧毁了他 20 多年发展的釉料后,他将注意力转向版画、丝网印刷*、木刻*、蚀刻*、雕刻*、拼贴*和绘画。斯特朗于 2006 年去世。



  • Harry Morgan (1947-2008) Navajo Heavy stamped silver and Indian Mountain turquoise table box

    Harry Morgan (1947-2008) Navajo Heavy stamped silver and Indian Mountain turquoise table box


    Harry Morgan (1947-2008) Navajo Heavy stamped silver and Indian Mountain turquoise table box 3.5" tall x 2 7/8" wide x 301.7 grams with no issues. Circa 1980's. <br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is<br>stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or<br>measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question<br>should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>NUMEROUS award winner Navajo artist Harry Morgan (1947-2008) was a 5th<br>generation Navajo silversmith who'll always be remembered for his traditional<br>"Vintage Revival-Old Pawn" style jewelry that had these gleaming sterling<br>vintage looking darkened finishings that were made in a classic old style Navajo<br>design..The beauty he gave the sterling was so warm that it brought out the<br>metal's maximum luster..Harry once said "That's the way old style jewelry should<br>look," he said.. "When silver is all shined up it hides all of the intricate<br>detail in the stamp work and the bezels. This older style is what I grew up with<br>and what I love."<br><br>Although it was his mother who inspired him to create this style of jewelry that<br>had that old Navajo look,it was Harry however who was the 1st to bring this<br>style to the forefront of the industry..Paving the way for others like his<br>brother-in-law Kirk Smith who then followed in Harry's footsteps & with Kirk's<br>connection with other artists,they then followed in Kirk's footsteps. Now this<br>is the dominant style amongst most Navajo artists & you see this old pawn style<br>darkened finishing everywhere..Kirks name will always be associated with Harry's<br>& vise versa.<br><br>if you've ever wondered why most Navajo pieces have that old style look &<br>finishing where many of you can't tell if the piece is new or old anymore,it was<br>this man who we can give the credit to for bringing a style of jewelry that we<br>now see everywhere. He lived to see his jewelry being exhibited at the Heard<br>Museum a year before his death..<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Harry Morgan (1947-2008) Navajo Heavy stamped silver and turquosie pin

    Harry Morgan (1947-2008) Navajo Heavy stamped silver and turquosie pin


    Harry Morgan (1947-2008) Navajo Heavy stamped silver and turquosie pin<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is<br>stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or<br>measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question<br>should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>NUMEROUS award winner Navajo artist Harry Morgan (1947-2008) was a 5th<br>generation Navajo silversmith who'll always be remembered for his traditional<br>"Vintage Revival-Old Pawn" style jewelry that had these gleaming sterling<br>vintage looking darkened finishings that were made in a classic old style Navajo<br>design..The beauty he gave the sterling was so warm that it brought out the<br>metal's maximum luster..Harry once said "That's the way old style jewelry should<br>look," he said.. "When silver is all shined up it hides all of the intricate<br>detail in the stamp work and the bezels. This older style is what I grew up with<br>and what I love."<br><br>Although it was his mother who inspired him to create this style of jewelry that<br>had that old Navajo look,it was Harry however who was the 1st to bring this<br>style to the forefront of the industry..Paving the way for others like his<br>brother-in-law Kirk Smith who then followed in Harry's footsteps & with Kirk's<br>connection with other artists,they then followed in Kirk's footsteps. Now this<br>is the dominant style amongst most Navajo artists & you see this old pawn style<br>darkened finishing everywhere..Kirks name will always be associated with Harry's<br>& vise versa.<br><br>if you've ever wondered why most Navajo pieces have that old style look &<br>finishing where many of you can't tell if the piece is new or old anymore,it was<br>this man who we can give the credit to for bringing a style of jewelry that we<br>now see everywhere. He lived to see his jewelry being exhibited at the Heard<br>Museum a year before his death..<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Haviland Martha Washington State Plate - Estate Fresh Austin



    这是为第一夫人玛莎·华盛顿制作的精美盘子的精美复制品。原件是东印度贸易公司送给第一夫人的礼物。这是法国哈维兰·利摩日制作的。使用状况良好,金色上有一些轻微划痕。这些板是在 1950 年代和 1960 年代复制的。直径为 8 5/8 英寸。 TW53



  • Haviland Schleiger 842 拼盘玫瑰蝴蝶结双金 16.75 英寸 x 11.25 英寸

    Haviland Schleiger 842 拼盘玫瑰蝴蝶结双金 16.75 英寸 x 11.25 英寸


    哈维兰玫瑰蝴蝶结双金 16.75 英寸 x 11.25 英寸拼盘 Schlieger 842。几乎完好,没有裂纹、大块、修复或器皿痕迹。非常干净的黄金,很难在这个图案中找到尺寸。比较大的尺寸不太常见。



  • 霍克斯纯银底座切割玻璃中心装饰蜜饯



    霍克斯纯银底座切割玻璃中心装饰蜜饯。 Hawkes 切割玻璃碗,带有瓮和卷轴花朵,底座镶嵌在标有 Hawkes Sterling 的纯银底座上,宽 12 1/2 英寸,高 6 英寸。注:在威奇托艺术博物馆展出,该博物馆目前有伯恩斯坦收藏的永久展览。所有博物馆 ID 标签都可以删除。出处:伯恩斯坦收藏。托马斯·吉本斯·霍克斯 (Thomas Gibbons Hawkes) 1846 年出生于爱尔兰科克郡的一个有着玻璃加工传统的显赫家庭,于 1863 年移居美国。他的职业生涯始于纽约布鲁克林 Hoare and Daily 玻璃工厂的工头,随后随公司搬迁1868 年前往纽约康宁。到达康宁后,他很快就开设了自己的切割店,并于 1890 年成立为 TG Hawkes & Company。前一年,Hawkes 在巴黎世界博览会上赢得了赞誉和大奖,取得了成功。托马斯·吉本斯·霍克斯 当时欧洲人对闪闪发光的刻花玻璃的品味在美国得到了效仿,被称为“辉煌刻花玻璃时期”。为了满足需求,成立了 1,000 多家切割店,TG Hawkes & Company 蓬勃发展。该公司已运营82年。



  • Hawkes 扭曲切割水晶酒杯 (10) 5 5/16"

    Hawkes 扭曲切割水晶酒杯 (10) 5 5/16"


    Hawkes 扭转切割水晶酒杯 (10) 5 5/16"。出售全部 10 个,优质美国古董切割水晶。其中一个脚上有缺口,在图片的右前方,缺口可以抛光。没有其他缺口或裂缝,由美国一家重要的玻璃公司制作的美丽稀有的装饰艺术图案。 TW164托马斯·吉本斯·霍克斯 (Thomas Gibbons Hawkes) 1846 年出生于爱尔兰科克郡的一个有着玻璃加工传统的显赫家庭,于 1863 年移居美国。他的职业生涯始于纽约布鲁克林 Hoare and Daily 玻璃工厂的工头,随后随公司搬迁1868 年前往纽约康宁。到达康宁后,他很快就开设了自己的切割店,并于 1890 年成立为 TG Hawkes & Company。前一年,Hawkes 在巴黎世界博览会上赢得了赞誉和大奖,取得了成功。托马斯·吉本斯·霍克斯 当时欧洲人对闪闪发光的刻花玻璃的品味在美国得到了效仿,被称为“辉煌刻花玻璃时期”。为了满足需求,成立了 1,000 多家切割店,TG Hawkes & Company 蓬勃发展。该公司已运营82年。



  • 重 6.75 英寸墨西哥纯银吊饰手链

    重 6.75 英寸墨西哥纯银吊饰手链


    重 6.75 英寸墨西哥纯银吊饰手链。漂亮的 60 年代或 70 年代复古手链,没有任何问题或损坏。所有吊饰都是 925 或 950 银,除了我认为是 72% 银的硬币。我在上面找不到任何标记花丝立方体,但经测试纯正,质量非常高。总重量 88 克。



  • 重型古董 900 银凸纹盒

    重型古董 900 银凸纹盒


    重型古董 900 银凸纹盒。非常厚实的 90% 银,相对于它的尺寸来说很重。 3.25 英寸 x 1.5 英寸 x 163.5 克,没有任何问题。



  • Heavy ATI Modernist Mexican Sterling cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    重型 ATI 现代主义墨西哥纯手镯


    重型 ATI Modernist 墨西哥纯银手镯,没有任何问题。



  • 重金 Alka Kunst 埃及复兴浓缩咖啡杯和碟

    重金 Alka Kunst 埃及复兴浓缩咖啡杯和碟


    重金 Alka Kunst 埃及复兴浓缩咖啡杯和碟。非常高品质的厚金,很棒的设计。 4.25 英寸宽的碟子、较小的柜式杯子或浓缩咖啡,适合最喜欢的人。无损坏或磨损。书架



  • Heavy Los Ballesteros Modernist sterling silver collar necklace

    Heavy Los Ballesteros Modernist sterling silver collar necklace


    Heavy Los Ballesteros Modernist sterling silver collar necklace. 15" inside circumference.<br><br>Los Ballesteros Jewelry - History<br>This business was established in 1937 by Jalil Majul Ballesteros in Iguala,<br>Mexico. He had been apprenticed in the art of silversmithing by his grandfather<br>and father, and early on, he made jewelry with a filigree look. In 1941 he moved<br>his workshop to Taxco and adopted styles that were more in line with the tourist<br>pieces produced there.<br><br>During the 1950s, piecework was farmed out to smaller family workshops in the<br>Taxco area, and the pieces were marked Talleres de los Ballesteros. These pieces<br>were sold in shops throughout the country, including Mexico City and Acapulco.<br>The company also began exporting jewelry in 1952.<br><br>A modernized corporate version of Los Ballesteros continues to sell its<br>products, both jewelry, and decorative giftware, through stores in Mexico as<br>well as through other vendors worldwide. The company’s commitment to quality in<br>honor of their heritage is strong, and they are still using the traditional<br>Talleres de los Ballesteros stylized B logo in their branding.<br><br>anderas



  • 重型 Monteros 现代主义墨西哥纯银和缟玛瑙项链

    重型 Monteros 现代主义墨西哥纯银和缟玛瑙项链


    重型 Monteros 现代主义墨西哥纯银和缟玛瑙项链 175.6 克。切开左边的石头,谨慎修复右边第二个石头。内周长约 14.5 英寸。



  • 重型美洲原住民多宝石镶嵌中心纯银手镯



    重型美洲原住民多宝石镶嵌中心纯银手镯。中心有 PB 或 RB 标志,无银色标记,经测试并保证至少为硬币银 (90%),袖口没有重大问题。



  • Heavy Obsidian Sterling rose quartz ring - Estate Fresh Austin






  • 重型复古 17 英寸墨西哥纯银颈链

    重型复古 17 英寸墨西哥纯银颈链


    重型复古 17 英寸墨西哥纯银项圈 200.6 克,没有任何问题。



  • 重型复古拜占庭纯银手链



    重型复古拜占庭纯银手链。 2000 年代初期关门的珠宝店的新旧库存商品,未佩戴过。 所有贵金属都经过测试并有保证,如果以纯银表示,则保证含银 90% 或更多,所有扣环均可用,我不会在这里提供任何有任何重大问题的东西。如果列表中未另有说明,则应在图片中显示尺寸和重量。当我将一件珠宝称为“复古”时,我的意思是 20 世纪最后 25 年,“复古”是指 20 世纪第二个或第三个四分之一,“古董”是指 20 世纪第一个四分之一或更早。



  • 重型复古拜占庭纯银多股手链



    重型复古拜占庭纯银多股手链。 2000 年代初期关门的珠宝店的新旧库存商品,未佩戴过。所有贵金属都经过测试并有保证,如果以纯银表示,则保证含银 90% 或以上,所有扣环均可用,我不会在这里提供任何有任何重大问题的东西。如果列表中未另有说明,则应在图片中显示尺寸和重量。当我将一件珠宝称为“复古”时,我的意思是 20 世纪最后 25 年,“复古”是指 20 世纪第二个或第三个四分之一,“古董”是指 20 世纪第一个四分之一或更早。



  • 重型复古拜占庭纯银多股手链



    重型复古拜占庭纯银多股手链。 2000 年代初期关门的珠宝店的新旧库存商品,未佩戴过。 所有贵金属都经过测试并有保证,如果以纯银表示,则保证含银 90% 或以上,所有扣环均可用,我不会在这里提供任何有任何重大问题的东西。如果列表中未另有说明,则应在图片中显示尺寸和重量。当我将一件珠宝称为“复古”时,我的意思是 20 世纪最后 25 年,“复古”是指 20 世纪第二个或第三个四分之一,“古董”是指 20 世纪第一个四分之一或更早。



  • 重型复古拜占庭纯银多股手链



    重型复古拜占庭纯银多股手链。 2000 年代初期关门的珠宝店的新旧库存商品,未佩戴过。所有贵金属都经过测试并有保证,如果以纯银表示,则保证含银 90% 或以上,所有扣环均可用,我不会在这里提供任何有任何重大问题的东西。如果列表中未另有说明,则应在图片中显示尺寸和重量。 当我将一件珠宝称为“复古”时,我的意思是 20 世纪最后 25 年,“复古”是指 20 世纪第二个或第三个四分之一,“古董”是指 20 世纪第一个四分之一或更早。



  • Heavy Retro Mexican Sterling and obsidian necklace - Estate Fresh Austin



    重型复古墨西哥英镑和黑曜石项链。 17 英寸长 x 20 毫米宽 x 136.8 克,没有任何问题。 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。



  • 重复古墨西哥纯银项圈项链



    重型复古墨西哥纯银项圈项链 18 英寸长 166 克,没有任何问题。非常坚固的项链,设计很酷。安德拉斯



  • 重型复古现代主义墨西哥纯鱼项链和耳环



    重型复古现代主义墨西哥纯鱼项链和耳环。出售所示套装没有任何问题。 17.5 英寸长项链,1.75 英寸长耳环。总重量89克。安德拉斯



  • 重型复古纯银 Spradling DNA 球风格项链和手链套装

    重型复古纯银 Spradling DNA 球风格项链和手链套装


    重型复古纯银 Spratling DNA 球风格项链和手链套装。每枚都标有 925,没有其他可检测到的标记,很可能是威廉·斯普拉特林设计后的墨西哥银。可能来自 20 世纪最后 25 年。 20 英寸项链、9.5 英寸手链共 215.7 克。



  • 重型复古纯麦链,镶嵌马贝珍珠和石榴石



    重型复古纯小麦链条,带马贝珍珠和石榴石,16 英寸长 7 毫米宽链条。85 克,没有问题。所有贵金属都经过测试并有保证,如果以纯银表示,则保证含银 90% 或以上,所有扣环均可用,我不会在这里提供任何有任何重大问题的东西。如果列表中未另有说明,则应在图片中显示尺寸和重量。当我将一件珠宝称为“复古”时,我的意思是 20 世纪最后 25 年,“复古”是指 20 世纪第二个或第三个四分之一,“古董”是指 20 世纪第一个四分之一或更早。安德拉斯



  • 重型复古 Taxco 纯银腰带

    重型复古 Taxco 纯银腰带


    重型复古 Taxco 纯银腰带。最大长度 44 英寸,最宽处 5/8 英寸,制作精良的腰带,在 20 世纪最后 25 年,手工制作了大量的银,当时技术精湛的工匠有更多的时间而不是金钱可以制作这样的东西。现在白银的价格要贵得多,加上人工,像这样的一件作品的成本会高得令人望而却步,除非大型高端设计师会为这种质量的东西付出高昂的代价。它的两端都有一个挂钩,可调节至 44 英寸以下的任何尺寸,也可以作为三重项链或任何您想要的项链佩戴,总重 234 克。



  • 重压贝盖纯银绿松石纳瓦霍手镯



    重压贝盖纯银绿松石纳瓦霍袖口手链。 6.75 英寸没有任何问题或损坏,包括 1 1/8 英寸可轻微调节的间隙。 .5" 宽 43.2 克



  • Heavy Sterling Belt buckle Gunfight at the OK Corral 100 Anniversary

    Heavy Sterling Belt buckle Gunfight at the OK Corral 100 Anniversary


    Heavy Sterling Belt buckle Gunfight at the OK Corral 100 Anniversary, solid sterling with no issues.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • 重型纯钴内衬盐和胡椒套装



    重型纯钴内衬盐和胡椒套装。卖两种盐和两种胡椒,非常重厚实的英镑,没有凹痕或弯曲,没有深划痕。一颗钴嵌件被恙螨叮咬过,另一颗没有损坏,但我无法将其取出。 4 件(不含钴衬里)的总重量约为 300 克。银抽屉



  • 重型纯银 Michael Dawkins 项链搭配 Mabe 珍珠吊坠

    重型纯银 Michael Dawkins 项链搭配 Mabe 珍珠吊坠


    重型纯银 Michael Dawkins 项圈搭配 Mabe 珍珠吊坠。 16.5 英寸长,没有问题。106.4 克。



  • Heavy Vintage Native American silver belt buckle with nice turquoise

    Heavy Vintage Native American silver belt buckle with nice turquoise


    Heavy Vintage Native American silver belt buckle with nice turquoise. Weight and measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Heavy vintage Native American sterling feather necklace

    Heavy vintage Native American sterling feather necklace


    Heavy vintage Native American sterling feather necklace. 26" long necklace, other measurements in pics. Very well made and substantial piece. Heavy gauge solid sterling silver, unmarked.



  • 重型复古美国原住民纯银 Shadowbox 手镯

    重型复古美国原住民纯银 Shadowbox 手镯


    重型复古美国原住民纯银 Shadowbox 手镯。未标记测试英镑。干净,磨损很少,没有问题。



  • Heavy Vintage Sterling Flower brooch - Estate Fresh Austin



    重型复古纯银花朵胸针 2 3/8 英寸 31.3 克。



  • 重型复古 Zuni Channel 镶嵌手镯

    重型复古 Zuni Channel 镶嵌手镯


    重型复古 Zuni Channel 镶嵌手镯。手镯制作精良,采用天然宝石和贝壳,宝石非常牢固,有一些开放的通道,我相信是工匠在制作手镯时故意留下的,以赋予其个性,您来评判。 1 1/8 英寸宽,适合 7 3/8 英寸的手腕,间隙 1.5 英寸。重 124.7 克。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。



  • Hector Aguilar Taller Borda 纯银阿兹特克风格手链

    Hector Aguilar Taller Borda 纯银阿兹特克风格手链


    Taller Borda Hector Aguilar Shop 纯银阿兹特克风格手链,适合 7 英寸的手腕,没有任何问题。59.3 克。在 Hector Aguilar's Shop,Taller Borda 制造。银匠赫克托·阿吉拉尔是谁?赫克托·阿吉拉尔 (Hector Aguilar) 是一位银匠大师、珠宝制造商,也是威廉·斯普拉特林在墨西哥塔斯科著名学徒期的第一位毕业生。 20 世纪 30 年代,他带着一批游客从墨西哥城来到塔斯科时,几乎是偶然认识了斯普拉特林。阿吉拉尔是斯普拉特林最优秀的学生之一,他经常使用接近纯银的材料(银等级上的纯银等级为 980,而不是 925)。阿吉拉尔也是一位伟大的商人,他只在斯普拉特林的工作室呆了三年,就为自己的工作室 Taller Borda 找到了投资者。 Aguilar 的 Taller Borda 于 1943 年取得了巨大成功,当时他们与美国珠宝公司 Coro 签订了合同。他们在整个 20 世纪 40 年代为 Coro 制作了几款著名的设计。 Hector 让 Taller Borda 一直经营到 1966 年,当时他关门了,享受了近 20 年的退休生活,他在墨西哥伟大银匠的天空中的地位已经稳固。赫克托·阿吉拉尔创作了什么样的艺术作品? Hector Aguilar 是一位银匠、珠宝设计师和艺术家,他的作品在 20 世纪 40 年代和 1950 年代推动了墨西哥银器的普及。他的工作室为零售商 Coro 制作的作品在这一努力中发挥了重要作用。这种关系持续了近十年,并产生了阿吉拉尔一些最重要的作品。与这个时期的大多数墨西哥银匠一样,这些设计很大程度上受到前哥伦布时期的文物和中美洲民间艺术的启发。在接下来的几十年里,阿吉拉尔的作品不断创新,提高了他作品的质量,他的作品通常比他的竞争对手使用更多的纯银。如今,阿吉拉尔的珠宝因其精湛的银匠工艺以及极高的银质评级而备受追捧。银匠赫克托·阿吉拉尔 (Hector Aguilar) 是如何开始的? 赫克托·阿吉拉尔 1905 年出生于墨西哥城。人们对他的早年了解不多,但 20 世纪 30 年代初与威廉·斯普拉特林 (William Spratling) 的一次偶然相遇,让他开启了长达三十年的银匠生涯。阿吉拉尔将墨西哥城的游客带到了塔斯科小镇,命运的安排也是斯普拉特林开始他的银器作坊的地方。阿吉拉尔在斯普拉特林担任了几年商店经理,同时也成为了一名银匠学徒。三年后,阿吉拉尔离开并创办了自己的工作室 Taller Borda。直到 1966 年关闭之前,这家工坊创造了无数精美的作品,质量不断提高。



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d Dogwood flower pin

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d Dogwood flower pin


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d Dogwood flower pin 3.5" x 1.25" x 21.2 grams, no issues.Hector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d flower pin with leaves

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d flower pin with leaves


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d Floral pin. 2.75", 39 grams with no issues.Hector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d orchid pin

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d orchid pin


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver 3d Floral pin. 3.75" x 3" x 26 grams with no issues.Hector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver Dress clip and Orchid lily pin

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver Dress clip and Orchid lily pin


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver Dress clip and Orchid lily pin. Selling both, the orchid or lily is 2.25" x 2", dress clip 3" x 2 1/8", total weight for both 34.9 gramsHector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver large botanical pin

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver large botanical pin


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver large botanical pin 5 1/8" x 2" x 23.1 gramsHector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver Orchid and  botanical pins

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver Orchid and botanical pins


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver Orchid and botanical pins. Selling both, the orchid or lily is 2.25" x 2", The solid leaf pin is 2.75" x 2 3/8", total weight for both 37 gramsHector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver ploral pin #1

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver ploral pin #1


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver ploral pin #1 3 1/8" x 2.5" x 24 grams.Hector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver ploral pin #2

    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver ploral pin #2


    Hector Aguilar Taxco 940 silver ploral pin #2 3 5/8" x 2" x 15.7 grams.Hector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate<br>from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco Mid Century Modernist 940 silver screw back earrings

    Hector Aguilar Taxco Mid Century Modernist 940 silver screw back earrings


    Hector Aguilar Taxco Mid Century Modernist sterling silver screw back earrings. Selling the earrings shown with no issues. Hector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Hector Aguilar Taxco Mid Century Modernist sterling silver screw back earrings

    Hector Aguilar Taxco Mid Century Modernist sterling silver screw back earrings


    Hector Aguilar Taxco Mid Century Modernist sterling silver screw back earrings. Selling the earrings shown with no issues. Hector Aguilar was a master silversmith, jewelry maker, and the first graduate from William Spratling’s famous apprenticeships in Taxco, Mexico. He met<br>Spratling almost by chance while bringing a load of tourists to Taxco from<br>Mexico City in the 1930s. Aguilar was one of Spratling’s best pupils, who often<br>worked with close-to-pure silver (rated at 980 instead of the 925 of sterling<br>silver on the silver scale). Aguilar was also a great businessman who only<br>stayed at Spratling’s workshop for three years before finding investors for his<br>own workshop, Taller Borda.<br><br>Aguilar’s Taller Borda became a huge success in 1943, when they secured a<br>contract with an American jewelry company, Coro. They produced several notable<br>designs for Coro throughout the 1940s. Hector kept Taller Borda running until<br>1966 when he closed up shop and enjoyed a nearly 20-year retirement, his place<br>in the firmament of great Mexican silversmiths already secured.<br><br>What kind of art did Hector Aguilar make?<br>Hector Aguilar was a silversmith, jewelry designer, and artist whose work helped<br>popularize Mexican silver in the 1940s and 1950s. His workshop’s pieces for the<br>retailer, Coro were instrumental in this endeavor. That relationship lasted<br>nearly a decade and produced some of Aguilar’s most vital work. As with most of<br>the Mexican silversmiths from this time, these designs were heavily inspired by<br>pre-Columbian artifacts and the folk art of Mesoamerica. Aguilar’s work<br>continued to innovate over the next several decades, bolstered the quality of<br>his pieces, which often used much more pure silver than his competitors. These<br>days Aguilar’s jewelry is highly sought after for his mastery of the craft of<br>silversmithing as well as its extremely high silver rating.<br><br>How did silversmith Hector Aguilar get started?<br>Hector Aguilar was born in 1905 in Mexico City. Not much is known of his early<br>years, but a chance encounter with William Spratling in the early 1930s set him<br>on a silversmithing career that would span three decades. Aguilar brought<br>tourists from Mexico City to the small town of Taxco, a place that as fate would<br>have it also was where Spratling was starting his silver workshop. Aguilar<br>worked for several years as the shop manager for Spratling while also becoming<br>an apprentice silversmith. After three years, Aguilar left to start his own<br>workshop, Taller Borda. That workshop would create countless beautiful pieces,<br>with unceasing quality up until its closure in 1966.



  • Helen & Lincoln Zunie Horse channel inlay sterling ranger belt buckle set

    Helen & Lincoln Zunie Horse channel inlay sterling ranger belt buckle set


    Helen & Lincoln Zunie Horse channel inlay sterling ranger belt buckle set<br><br>Helen and Lincoln Zunie began their jewelry career in the 1950's. They are best known for their exquisite channel inlay jewelry of animals, such as horses and cattle. This Vintage Ranger buckle set is inlaid with natural turquoise, Shell, Coral, and Jet. The reigns are of silver with fine silver twist wire framing the buckle. A wonderful patina graces the entire piece. Hallmarked H - L ZUNIE.<br><br>The buckle measures 3.75" long by 2 1/8" wide. The keepers are 7/8” wide and the tip is 3/4” by 1 3/8” long. The buckle will take a 3/4" belt. The belt that it is on is 1 1/8" but tapers down to 3/4". The belt it is on is a size 38 and very clean. I'm selling the buckle and giving you the belt for free, if it works for you then great. <br><br>The late lapidary legends Helen and Lincoln Zunie were a collaborative couple of Zuni artisans who were prolific in their creation of incredibly intricate inlay pieces. Most of their work utilizes stones of turquoise, shell, mother of pearl, and black onyx, in conjunction with sterling silver to create images of Hereford bulls and horse profiles that marry their talent and technique with the Western vibe that was all the rage during the mid 20th Century, their peak of production.<br><br>Lincoln Zunie (1938-1983, Zuni). Active 1960s-1970s. Channel inlay; figural inlay, often horse or cow motifs. Father of Patty Zunie Edaakie. Brother of Joe and William Zunie. Lincoln Zunie shared the stamp with his wife Helen Zunie (d). <br><br>Mark: H-L ZUNIE<br><br>Helen Zunie (? - 2008; Zuni). Active 1960s - 1970s. Channel inlay, figural inlay, often horse or cow motifs. Helen Zunie shared the stamp with her husband, Lincoln Zunie.<br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Helen Naha (1922-1993) 羽毛 女人 霍皮普韦布洛 蜘蛛氏族 Ladle

    Helen Naha (1922-1993) 羽毛 女人 霍皮普韦布洛 蜘蛛氏族 Ladle


    海伦·那哈 (1922-1993) 羽毛女霍皮普韦布洛蜘蛛族钢包。 6.5 英寸长 x 4 1/16 英寸宽,无损坏或可检测到的磨损。底座上刻有一些数字,我不确定它们的含义。它们看起来像博物馆藏品库存编号,但如果由于某种原因成为干扰,它们可能会被删除。 海伦·纳哈(Helen Naha,1922-1993)羽毛女是亚利桑那州霍皮普韦布洛蜘蛛族的成员。她是Paqua Naha(第一个青蛙女人)的儿媳。她嫁给了帕奎亚的儿子阿奇。起初,她效仿了婆婆和嫂子乔伊·纳瓦西(Joy Navasie)的风格。她最终形成了自己独特的风格,在白色的纸片上使用黑色和红色的颜料创造出大胆的设计。通常,她会花费精力和时间来擦亮碗的内部和外部。她的两个女儿西尔维娅 (Sylvia) 和雷尼 (Rainy) 以及她的孙女泰拉·纳哈 (Tyra Naha) 都追随了她的脚步。 TW250



  • Hemerson Brown Navajo Sterling Royston/Sleeping Beauty turquoise Cuff Bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Hemerson Brown Navajo Sterling Royston/Sleeping Beauty turquoise Cuff Bracelet


    Hemerson Brown Navajo Sterling Royston/Sleeping Beauty turquoise Cuff Bracelet. Large and heavy cuff with high quality stones, Hemerson Brown is a very skilled contemporary Navajo Silversmith as shown here. No issues, appears unworn. Navajo artist Hemerson Brown has a way of making pieces of jewelry you just want to own. His work is definitely not subtle, his bold designs bring the silver and stone to life. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Henry Jewett Greene(1879-1970) 1946 Green Top Pottery Petersham Massachusetts - Estate Fresh Austin

    亨利·朱厄特·格林 (Henry Jewett Greene)(1879-1970)1946 年绿顶陶器马萨诸塞州彼得舍姆


    1946 年绿顶陶器马萨诸塞州彼得舍姆亨利·朱厄特·格林 (1879-1970)。 8 英寸宽 x 2.25 英寸高,无裂纹、缺口、修复、划痕或裂纹。足缘上刻有hjg 46。 亨利和他的妻子伯莎·伊丽莎白·奥拉赫于 1907 年 10 月 23 日在爱荷华州里斯本结婚。亨利和伯莎是自学成才的陶艺家。亨利在活跃期间会举办名为“陶器的诱惑”的讲座,其中他会讨论他访问其他国家以了解陶器制作媒介的世界旅行。在这些讲座中,他将详细讨论对中国几个重要窑炉的参观,这些窑炉反映了世界上一些最精美的陶器的制作。这些讲座通常还包括亨利驾驶的演示。 1938 年,他们在锡拉丘兹陶瓷国家赛上展出。亨利的作品现收藏于密歇根大学艺术博物馆。 TW238



  • Henry Steig (1906-1973)  sterling pins (2)

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) sterling pins (2)


    Henry Steig (1906-1973) sterling pins (2). Selling both one of a kind pins, both<br>signed, one stamped, one by hand. Part of a significant collection of Henry<br>Steig Jewelry purchased directly from him in the 50's-60's that I'm lucky enough<br>to be able to offer. Largest 3" x 1 1/8", other 2" x 1.25"...Both seem to<br>possibly represent human forms. 38.6 grams total.<br><br>Jules Brenner and Henry Steig were among group of prominent of New York<br>mid-century studio jewelers who hand-crafted pieces of wearable art that<br>celebrated the avant-garde, rejected traditional jewelry forms, and appealed to<br>an intellectual and liberal middle class. Jules Brenner was born in the Bronx,<br>grew up in Washington Heights, and studied acting with Stella Adler and painting<br>and sculpture in Greenwich Village. Henry Steig (also known as Henry Anton)<br>studied at City College and the National Academy of Design, and began his career<br>as a New York City jazz musician, writer, novelist, cartoonist, and painter.<br>During the 1950s, both Brenner and Steig operated shops and studios in Manhattan<br>and in Provincetown, Massachusetts—then a prominent artists’ enclave—where they<br>sold hand-wrought silver and gold designs which often emphasized biomorphic,<br>surrealist, cubist, and geometric forms.<br><br>Everyone knows the famous picture from the film The Seven Year Itch, of Marilyn<br>Monroe standing on a New York sidewalk, her skirt blown up by on updraft from<br>the subway grate below. However, not everyone knows that at that moment she was<br>standing in front of Henry Steig's jewelry shop at 590 Lexington Avenue.<br>Henry Steig was a man of many talents. Before he became a jeweler, he was a jazz<br>musician, painter, sculptor, commercial artist, cartoonist, photographer, short<br>story writer and novelist.<br><br>"Henry was a Renaissance man," says New Yorker cartoonist Mischa Richter, who<br>was Steig's good friend and Provincetown neighbor.<br><br>Henry Anion Steig was born on February 19, 1906, in New York City. His parents,<br>Joseph and Laura, had come to America at the turn of the century, from Lvov<br>(called Lemberg in German), which was then in the Polish port of the<br>Austro-Hungarian Empire. Joseph was a housepainter and Laura, a seamstress.<br><br>They had four sons, Irwin, Henry, William and Arthur, all of them versatile,<br>talented and artistic. William Steig is the well-known New Yorker cartoonist and<br>author-illustrator of children's books. lrwin was a writer of short stories for<br>the New Yorker. Arthur was a painter and poet whose poems were published in the<br>New Republic and Poetry magazines.<br><br>William Steig recalls, "My father and mother both began pointing and become<br>exhibiting artists after their sons grew up." In the May 14, 1945, issue of<br>Newsweek magazine, an article was published about an exhibition, "possibly the<br>first one family show on Art Row (57th Street)" at the New Art Circle Gallery.<br>It was called "The Eight Performing Steigs, Artists All." Included were<br>paintings By Joseph and Laura Steig; drawings and sculpture by William and<br>paintings by his wife, Liza; paintings by Arthur and his wife, Aurora; and<br>photographs by Henry and paintings by his wife, Mimi. The only brother not<br>included was Irwin, "the only non-conformist Steig," who was working at that<br>time as advertising manager of a Connecticut soap manufacturer.<br><br>In the article "the brothers attribute the family's abundance of good artists to<br>the fact that we all like each other's work…get excited about it. Whenever<br>anyone starts they get lots of encouragement. Joseph Steig adds, 'Painting is a<br>contagious thing. If you lived in our environment, you would probably point.'"<br><br>Henry Steig grew up in this extraordinary environment. The family lived in the<br>Bronx. After graduating from high school, Henry Steig went to City College<br>(CCNY). After three years he left to study painting and sculpture at the<br>National Academy of Design. He was also an accomplished musician, playing<br>saxophone, violin and classical guitar, and while he was in college, he began<br>working as a jazz musician. From about 1922, when only sixteen years old, until<br>1932 he played reed instruments with local dance bands.<br><br>After four years at the National Academy, Steig worked as a commercial artist<br>and cartoonist. He signed his cartoons "Henry Anton" because his brother William<br>was working as a cartoonist at the same time, for many of the same magazines.<br>From about 1932 to 1936, Henry Anton cartoons appeared in Life, Judge, New<br>Yorker and other magazines.<br><br>Steig began a writing career in 1935 that lasted until about 1947. He became<br>very successful and well known as a short story writer, with stories appearing<br>regularly in Saturday Evening Post, New Yorker, Esquire, Colliers and others.<br>They were often humorous tales about jazz and the jazz musicians who populated<br>the world of music in the roaring twenties. Other stories were about his Bronx<br>childhood. He also wrote nonfiction magazine pieces, including a New Yorker<br>profile of Benny Goodmon and jazz criticism. Several of his nonfiction articles<br>were illustrated by William Steig.<br><br>In 1941 , Alfred A. Knopf published Henry Steig's novel, Send Me Down. The<br>story, told with absolute realism, is about two brothers who become jazz<br>musicians in the twenties. On the book jacket, Steig wrote, "Much of the<br>material for Send Me Down was gathered during my years as a jazz musician<br>playing with local jazz bands and with itinerant groups in vaudeville and on<br>dance hall tour engagements. Although I was only second-rate as a musician, I<br>know my subject from the inside, and I believe I was the first to write stories<br>about jazz musicians, based on actual personal experience." His son, Michael,<br>recalls that there was some interest in making a movie of the book. "My father<br>told me that John Garfield wanted to play the lead character."<br><br>Steig did go to Hollywood in 1941, under contract to write screenplays. He was<br>going to work with Johnny Mercer, the songwriter. After the ing of Pearl Harbor<br>on December 7, he returned to New York. "He undoubtedly would have returned<br>anyway," says Michael Steig. "He was not happy with the contract his agent had<br>negotiated for him." Mischa Richter odds, "Henry was very unimpressed with<br>Hollywood."



  • Henry Steig (1906-1973) 中世纪现代主义纯银别针 (2)

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) 中世纪现代主义纯银别针 (2)


    Henry Steig (1906-1973) 中世纪现代主义纯银别针 (2)。 出售两枚独一无二的别针,均带有签名,是 Henry Steig 珠宝重要收藏的一部分,是在 50 年代至 60 年代直接从他那里购买的,我很幸运能够提供。 紫水晶 2.75 英寸 x .75英寸珍珠2号。75 英寸 x 5/8 英寸 19.总重2克。 Jules Brenner 和 Henry Steig 是纽约中世纪工作室珠宝商中的佼佼者,他们手工制作可佩戴的艺术品,颂扬前卫,拒绝传统珠宝形式,并吸引知识分子和自由派中产阶级 朱尔斯·布伦纳出生于布朗克斯,在华盛顿高地长大,师从斯特拉·阿德勒学习表演,并在格林威治村学习绘画和雕塑。 亨利·斯泰格(Henry Steig,又名亨利·安东)曾就读于城市学院和国家设计学院,并开始了他作为纽约市爵士音乐家、作家、小说家、漫画家和画家的职业生涯。 20 世纪 50 年代,布伦纳和斯泰格在曼哈顿和马萨诸塞州普罗温斯敦(当时是著名艺术家的飞地)经营商店和工作室,在那里出售手工制作的银和金设计,这些设计通常强调生物形态、超现实主义、立体主义和几何形式。每个人都知道电影《七年之痒》中的著名画面,玛丽莲·梦露站在纽约人行道上,她的裙子被下面地铁格栅的上升气流吹起。 然而,并不是所有人都知道,此时她正站在列克星敦大道 590 号亨利·斯泰格 (Henry Steig) 的珠宝店前。亨利·史泰格 (Henry Steig) 是一位多才多艺的人。 在成为珠宝商之前,他是一位爵士音乐家、画家、雕塑家、商业艺术家、漫画家、摄影师、短篇小说作家和小说家。“亨利是一位文艺复兴时期的人,”《纽约客》漫画家米莎·里克特 (Mischa Richter) 说道,他是施泰格的好朋友,也是普罗温斯敦的邻居。Henry Anion Steig 于 1906 年 2 月 19 日出生于纽约市。 他的父母约瑟夫和劳拉在世纪之交从利沃夫(德语称为伦贝格)来到美国,当时利沃夫位于奥匈帝国的波兰港口。 约瑟夫是一名房屋油漆工,劳拉是一名裁缝。他们有四个儿子:欧文、亨利、威廉和亚瑟,他们多才多艺、才华横溢、富有艺术天赋。 威廉·史泰格(William Steig)是著名的《纽约客》漫画家和儿童读物作家兼插画家。 欧文是《纽约客》的短篇小说作家。 亚瑟是一位画家和诗人,他的诗歌发表在《新共和》和《诗歌》杂志上。William Steig 回忆道:“我的父亲和母亲在儿子长大后都开始指点并成为展览艺术家。1945 年 5 月 14 日,《新闻周刊》杂志发表了一篇关于在新艺术圈画廊举办的展览的文章,“可能是艺术街(第 57 街)的第一场家庭展览”。 它被称为“八位表演史泰格,艺术家全部。”其中包括约瑟夫和劳拉·斯泰格的画作;威廉的绘画和雕塑以及他的妻子丽莎的画作;亚瑟和他的妻子奥罗拉的画作;以及亨利的照片和他的妻子咪咪的画作。 唯一没有包括在内的兄弟是欧文,“唯一不墨守成规的施泰格”,当时他在康涅狄格州一家肥皂制造商担任广告经理。在文章中,“兄弟俩将家族中众多优秀艺术家归因于我们都喜欢彼此的作品……对此感到兴奋。 每当有人开始时,他们都会得到很多鼓励。 约瑟夫·斯泰格补充道:“绘画是一种具有感染力的东西。 如果您生活在我们的环境中,您可能会指出。'"Henry Steig 在这种非凡的环境中长大。 这家人住在布朗克斯。 高中毕业后,Henry Steig 进入城市学院 (CCNY)。 三年后,他前往国家设计学院学习绘画和雕塑。 他也是一位多才多艺的音乐家,演奏萨克斯管、小提琴和古典吉他,在大学期间,他开始担任爵士音乐家。 大约从 1922 年(当时年仅 16 岁)开始,直到 1932 年,他与当地舞蹈乐队一起演奏簧片乐器。在国家学院学习四年后,Steig 成为一名商业艺术家和漫画家。 他在自己的漫画上署名“亨利·安东”,因为他的兄弟威廉同时也是一名漫画家,为许多相同的杂志工作。 大约从1932年到1936年,亨利·安东的漫画出现在《生活》、《法官》、《纽约客》等杂志上。Steig 于 1935 年开始写作生涯,一直持续到 1947 年左右。 他作为一名短篇小说作家非常成功并广为人知,他的故事定期出现在《周六晚邮报》、《纽约客》、《时尚先生》、《高力报》等杂志上。 它们通常是关于爵士乐和爵士乐音乐家的幽默故事,他们在蓬勃发展的二十年代音乐世界中占据一席之地。 其他故事是关于他在布朗克斯的童年。 他还撰写非小说类杂志文章,包括《纽约客》对本尼·古德蒙的简介和爵士乐评论。 他的几篇非小说类文章由威廉·史泰格 (William Steig) 绘制插图。1941 年,阿尔弗雷德 A. 克诺夫出版了亨利·斯泰格的小说《送我下来》。 这个故事以绝对现实主义的方式讲述,讲述了两兄弟在二十多岁时成为爵士音乐家的故事。 斯泰格在书封皮上写道:“《送我下来》的大部分材料都是在我作为一名爵士音乐家与当地爵士乐队、歌舞杂耍和舞厅巡演活动中的巡回团体一起演奏时收集的。 虽然我作为一个音乐家只是二流,但我从内部了解我的主题,并且我相信我是第一个根据个人实际经历写爵士乐故事的人。“他的儿子迈克尔回忆说,当时有人有兴趣将这本书拍成电影。 “我父亲告诉我约翰·加菲尔德想扮演主角。“Steig 确实于 1941 年前往好莱坞,签订了编剧合同。 他将与词曲作者约翰尼·默瑟合作。 12月7日珍珠港事件后,他返回纽约。 “无论如何,他无疑会回来,”迈克尔·施泰格说。 “他对经纪人为他谈判的合同并不满意。” 米莎·里克特 (Mischa Richter) 表示,“亨利对好莱坞非常不以为然。”



  • Henry Steig (1906-1973) 现代主义纯银自由形状别针和螺丝背耳环

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) 现代主义纯银自由形状别针和螺丝背耳环


    Henry Steig (1906-1973) 现代主义纯银自由形状别针和螺丝背耳环套装 2 5/8" x 2 1/8",耳环 1"。 总重14克。 Jules Brenner 和 Henry Steig 是纽约中世纪工作室珠宝商中的一员,他们手工制作可佩戴的艺术品,颂扬前卫,拒绝传统珠宝形式,并吸引知识分子和时尚人士。自由派中产阶级。 朱尔斯·布伦纳出生于布朗克斯,在华盛顿高地长大,师从斯特拉·阿德勒学习表演,并在格林威治村学习绘画和雕塑。 亨利·斯泰格(Henry Steig,又名亨利·安东)曾就读于城市学院和国家设计学院,并开始了他作为纽约市爵士音乐家、作家、小说家、漫画家和画家的职业生涯。 20 世纪 50 年代,布伦纳和斯泰格在曼哈顿和马萨诸塞州普罗温斯敦(当时是著名艺术家的飞地)经营商店和工作室,在那里出售手工制作的银和金设计,这些设计通常强调生物形态、超现实主义、立体主义和几何形式。每个人都知道电影《七年之痒》中的著名画面,玛丽莲·梦露站在纽约人行道上,她的裙子被下面地铁格栅的上升气流吹起。 然而,并不是所有人都知道,此时她正站在列克星敦大道 590 号亨利·斯泰格 (Henry Steig) 的珠宝店前。亨利·史泰格 (Henry Steig) 是一位多才多艺的人。 在成为珠宝商之前,他是一位爵士音乐家、画家、雕塑家、商业艺术家、漫画家、摄影师、短篇小说作家和小说家。“亨利是一位文艺复兴时期的人,”《纽约客》漫画家米莎·里克特 (Mischa Richter) 说道,他是施泰格的好朋友,也是普罗温斯敦的邻居。Henry Anion Steig 于 1906 年 2 月 19 日出生于纽约市。 他的父母约瑟夫和劳拉在世纪之交从利沃夫(德语称为伦贝格)来到美国,当时利沃夫位于奥匈帝国的波兰港口。 约瑟夫是一名房屋油漆工,劳拉是一名裁缝。他们有四个儿子:欧文、亨利、威廉和亚瑟,他们多才多艺、才华横溢、富有艺术天赋。 威廉·史泰格(William Steig)是著名的《纽约客》漫画家和儿童读物作家兼插画家。 欧文是《纽约客》的短篇小说作家。 亚瑟是一位画家和诗人,他的诗歌发表在《新共和》和《诗歌》杂志上。William Steig 回忆道:“我的父亲和母亲在儿子长大后都开始指点并成为展览艺术家。1945 年 5 月 14 日,《新闻周刊》杂志发表了一篇关于在新艺术圈画廊举办的展览的文章,“可能是艺术街(第 57 街)的第一场家庭展览”。 它被称为“八位表演史泰格,艺术家全部。”其中包括约瑟夫和劳拉·斯泰格的画作;威廉的绘画和雕塑以及他的妻子丽莎的画作;亚瑟和他的妻子奥罗拉的画作;以及亨利的照片和他的妻子咪咪的画作。 唯一没有包括在内的兄弟是欧文,“唯一不墨守成规的施泰格”,当时他在康涅狄格州一家肥皂制造商担任广告经理。在文章中,“兄弟俩将家族中众多优秀艺术家归因于我们都喜欢彼此的作品……对此感到兴奋。 每当有人开始时,他们都会得到很多鼓励。 约瑟夫·斯泰格补充道:“绘画是一种具有感染力的东西。 如果您生活在我们的环境中,您可能会指出。'"Henry Steig 在这种非凡的环境中长大。 这家人住在布朗克斯。 高中毕业后,Henry Steig 进入城市学院 (CCNY)。 三年后,他前往国家设计学院学习绘画和雕塑。 他也是一位多才多艺的音乐家,演奏萨克斯管、小提琴和古典吉他,在大学期间,他开始担任爵士音乐家。 大约从 1922 年(当时年仅 16 岁)开始,直到 1932 年,他与当地舞蹈乐队一起演奏簧片乐器。在国家学院学习四年后,Steig 成为一名商业艺术家和漫画家。 他在自己的漫画上署名“亨利·安东”,因为他的兄弟威廉同时也是一名漫画家,为许多相同的杂志工作。 大约从1932年到1936年,亨利·安东的漫画出现在《生活》、《法官》、《纽约客》等杂志上。Steig 于 1935 年开始写作生涯,一直持续到 1947 年左右。 他作为一名短篇小说作家非常成功并广为人知,他的故事定期出现在《周六晚邮报》、《纽约客》、《时尚先生》、《高力报》等杂志上。 它们通常是关于爵士乐和爵士乐音乐家的幽默故事,他们在蓬勃发展的二十年代音乐世界中占据一席之地。 其他故事是关于他在布朗克斯的童年。 他还撰写非小说类杂志文章,包括《纽约客》对本尼·古德蒙的简介和爵士乐评论。 他的几篇非小说类文章由威廉·史泰格 (William Steig) 绘制插图。1941 年,阿尔弗雷德 A. 克诺夫出版了亨利·斯泰格的小说《送我下来》。 这个故事以绝对现实主义的方式讲述,讲述了两兄弟在二十多岁时成为爵士音乐家的故事。 斯泰格在书封皮上写道:“《送我下来》的大部分材料都是在我作为一名爵士音乐家与当地爵士乐队、歌舞杂耍和舞厅巡演活动中的巡回团体一起演奏时收集的。 虽然我作为一个音乐家只是二流,但我从内部了解我的主题,并且我相信我是第一个根据个人实际经历写爵士乐故事的人。“他的儿子迈克尔回忆说,当时有人有兴趣将这本书拍成电影。 “我父亲告诉我约翰·加菲尔德想扮演主角。“Steig 确实于 1941 年前往好莱坞,签订了编剧合同。 他将与词曲作者约翰尼·默瑟合作。 12月7日珍珠港事件后,他返回纽约。 “无论如何,他无疑会回来,”迈克尔·施泰格说。 “他对经纪人为他谈判的合同并不满意。” 米莎·里克特 (Mischa Richter) 表示,“亨利对好莱坞非常不以为然。”



  • Henry Steig (1906-1973) 现代主义纯银自由形状螺旋耳环 (3) 一对

    Henry Steig (1906-1973) 现代主义纯银自由形状螺旋耳环 (3) 一对


    Henry Steig (1906-1973) 现代主义纯银自由形状螺旋耳环 (3) 一对。 出售所示 3 双,最大的 1 双。25 英寸长,19。总共7克。 Jules Brenner 和 Henry Steig 是纽约中世纪工作室珠宝商中的一员,他们手工制作可佩戴的艺术品,颂扬前卫,拒绝传统珠宝形式,并吸引知识分子和时尚人士。自由派中产阶级。 朱尔斯·布伦纳出生于布朗克斯,在华盛顿高地长大,师从斯特拉·阿德勒学习表演,并在格林威治村学习绘画和雕塑。 亨利·斯泰格(Henry Steig,又名亨利·安东)曾就读于城市学院和国家设计学院,并开始了他作为纽约市爵士音乐家、作家、小说家、漫画家和画家的职业生涯。 20 世纪 50 年代,布伦纳和斯泰格在曼哈顿和马萨诸塞州普罗温斯敦(当时是著名艺术家的飞地)经营商店和工作室,在那里出售手工制作的银和金设计,这些设计通常强调生物形态、超现实主义、立体主义和几何形式。每个人都知道电影《七年之痒》中的著名画面,玛丽莲·梦露站在纽约人行道上,她的裙子被下面地铁格栅的上升气流吹起。 然而,并不是所有人都知道,此时她正站在列克星敦大道 590 号亨利·斯泰格 (Henry Steig) 的珠宝店前。亨利·史泰格 (Henry Steig) 是一位多才多艺的人。 在成为珠宝商之前,他是一位爵士音乐家、画家、雕塑家、商业艺术家、漫画家、摄影师、短篇小说作家和小说家。“亨利是一位文艺复兴时期的人,”《纽约客》漫画家米莎·里克特 (Mischa Richter) 说道,他是施泰格的好朋友,也是普罗温斯敦的邻居。Henry Anion Steig 于 1906 年 2 月 19 日出生于纽约市。 他的父母约瑟夫和劳拉在世纪之交从利沃夫(德语称为伦贝格)来到美国,当时利沃夫位于奥匈帝国的波兰港口。 约瑟夫是一名房屋油漆工,劳拉是一名裁缝。他们有四个儿子:欧文、亨利、威廉和亚瑟,他们多才多艺、才华横溢、富有艺术天赋。 威廉·史泰格(William Steig)是著名的《纽约客》漫画家和儿童读物作家兼插画家。 欧文是《纽约客》的短篇小说作家。 亚瑟是一位画家和诗人,他的诗歌发表在《新共和》和《诗歌》杂志上。William Steig 回忆道:“我的父亲和母亲在儿子长大后都开始指点并成为展览艺术家。1945 年 5 月 14 日,《新闻周刊》杂志发表了一篇关于在新艺术圈画廊举办的展览的文章,“可能是艺术街(第 57 街)的第一场家庭展览”。 它被称为“八位表演史泰格,艺术家全部。”其中包括约瑟夫和劳拉·斯泰格的画作;威廉的绘画和雕塑以及他的妻子丽莎的画作;亚瑟和他的妻子奥罗拉的画作;以及亨利的照片和他的妻子咪咪的画作。 唯一没有包括在内的兄弟是欧文,“唯一不墨守成规的施泰格”,当时他在康涅狄格州一家肥皂制造商担任广告经理。在文章中,“兄弟俩将家族中众多优秀艺术家归因于我们都喜欢彼此的作品……对此感到兴奋。 每当有人开始时,他们都会得到很多鼓励。 约瑟夫·斯泰格补充道:“绘画是一种具有感染力的东西。 如果您生活在我们的环境中,您可能会指出。'"Henry Steig 在这种非凡的环境中长大。 这家人住在布朗克斯。 高中毕业后,Henry Steig 进入城市学院 (CCNY)。 三年后,他前往国家设计学院学习绘画和雕塑。 他也是一位多才多艺的音乐家,演奏萨克斯管、小提琴和古典吉他,在大学期间,他开始担任爵士音乐家。 大约从 1922 年(当时年仅 16 岁)开始,直到 1932 年,他与当地舞蹈乐队一起演奏簧片乐器。在国家学院学习四年后,Steig 成为一名商业艺术家和漫画家。 他在自己的漫画上署名“亨利·安东”,因为他的兄弟威廉同时也是一名漫画家,为许多相同的杂志工作。 大约从1932年到1936年,亨利·安东的漫画出现在《生活》、《法官》、《纽约客》等杂志上。Steig 于 1935 年开始写作生涯,一直持续到 1947 年左右。 他作为一名短篇小说作家非常成功并广为人知,他的故事定期出现在《周六晚邮报》、《纽约客》、《时尚先生》、《高力报》等杂志上。 它们通常是关于爵士乐和爵士乐音乐家的幽默故事,他们在蓬勃发展的二十年代音乐世界中占据一席之地。 其他故事是关于他在布朗克斯的童年。 他还撰写非小说类杂志文章,包括《纽约客》对本尼·古德蒙的简介和爵士乐评论。 他的几篇非小说类文章由威廉·史泰格 (William Steig) 绘制插图。1941 年,阿尔弗雷德 A. 克诺夫出版了亨利·斯泰格的小说《送我下来》。 这个故事以绝对现实主义的方式讲述,讲述了两兄弟在二十多岁时成为爵士音乐家的故事。 斯泰格在书封皮上写道:“《送我下来》的大部分材料都是在我作为一名爵士音乐家与当地爵士乐队、歌舞杂耍和舞厅巡演活动中的巡回团体一起演奏时收集的。 虽然我作为一个音乐家只是二流,但我从内部了解我的主题,并且我相信我是第一个根据个人实际经历写爵士乐故事的人。“他的儿子迈克尔回忆说,当时有人有兴趣将这本书拍成电影。 “我父亲告诉我约翰·加菲尔德想扮演主角。“Steig 确实于 1941 年前往好莱坞,签订了编剧合同。 他将与词曲作者约翰尼·默瑟合作。 12月7日珍珠港事件后,他返回纽约。 “无论如何,他无疑会回来,”迈克尔·施泰格说。 “他对经纪人为他谈判的合同并不满意。” 米莎·里克特 (Mischa Richter) 表示,“亨利对好莱坞非常不以为然。”



  • Henryk Winogard 999 Silver Icon pendant

    Henryk Winogard 999 Silver Icon pendant


    Henryk Winogard 999 Silver Icon pendant. Weight and measurements in pics, no issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Herbert and Veronica Thompson Navajo Sterling Multi-Stone Channel inlay pendant. - Estate Fresh Austin

    Herbert 和 Veronica Thompson 纳瓦霍纯银多石槽镶嵌吊坠。


    Herbert 和 Veronica Thompson 纳瓦霍纯银多石槽镶嵌吊坠。 21.5 克 2 7/8 英寸高 x 15/16 英寸宽。没有损坏,很少甚至没有磨损。赫伯和维罗妮卡·汤普森赫伯是纯种纳瓦霍人(Dineh),在新墨西哥州希普罗克出生并长大。他出生于苦水族(Tohdichiini)的红屋族(Kinlichiini)。维罗妮卡也是纯种纳瓦霍人(Dineh),在亚利桑那州图巴市出生和长大,出生于 Tsinajinnie 部落的盐(Ashiihi)部落,并在那里上学,直到转学到山间印第安高中在犹他州的布里格姆市,巧合的是,赫伯也从希普罗克转到了山间高中。这导致了爱情和婚姻。今年 8 月,他们已经结婚 45 周年了。 赫伯和他的家人目前住在新墨西哥州法明顿郊外一个名为柯特兰的小社区。他们有四个优秀的孩子、两个年轻人和两个漂亮的女儿。老大是阿龙、艾瑞克、利蒂西亚,老三是妮可。他们有十一个孙子和两个曾孙,阿马里和阿拉切利。赫伯和维罗妮卡是社区中受人尊敬的成员,并且非常乐于助人。赫伯是在法明顿举办名为“Totah Festival”的评审艺术展团队的一员。这是一个盛大的抽奖活动,有许多优秀的艺术家参加。赫伯确保那里展示的作品是真实的、手工制作的。他的知识在宝石和金属方面都受到高度尊重。他最大的乐趣之一就是与购买他的珠宝的人分享这些知识。他们是新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基印第安工艺品协会和加利福尼亚州弗雷斯诺美国印第安人协会的前成员。 赫伯和维罗妮卡都是自学成才的艺术家。他们这样做已经32年了。它最初是一项兼职业务。赫伯在建筑和油田卡车驾驶工作之间开始从事银匠工作。他们过去常常依赖珠宝,直到找到另一份工作。最后,一位家庭朋友、著名艺术家马克·西尔弗史密斯(Mark Silversmith)带着赫伯一起去看了一场艺术展。他看到了赫伯工作的质量。一小时后,赫伯卖掉了他所有的波洛领带,从此开始了将珠宝业务转变为成功的全职企业的过程。汤普森一家现在每月至少参加一场大型艺术展,无论走到哪里都会受到认可。他们经常收到在全国各地销售珠宝的邀请。夏季,他们在四角纪念碑展示和出售他们的艺术作品,在那里他们会见来自世界各地的人们。冬天,他们去参加各种评审艺术展。 Herb 从母亲那里听说他的祖父在 1800 年代末和 1900 年代初制作珠宝来养家糊口,之后决定尝试银匠。赫伯从未见过他的祖父,但他告诉自己和家人,他将继续从事银匠工作并经营珠宝生意。



  • Herbert Begay Sterling and Skyhorse turquoise bolo tie

    Herbert Begay Sterling and Skyhorse turquoise bolo tie


    Herbert Begay Sterling and Skyhorse turquoise bolo tie 40" long. Slide and tips solid sterling. Other measurements and weight in pics. No issues. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.



  • Herend Albino Rabbits figure - Estate Fresh Austin



    赫伦德白化兔人物。 2.25 英寸高和宽,无损坏或磨损。无花果架



  • Herend Fortuna Candleabra 铁锈蝴蝶中国风图案镀金桃边框 19151 vboh

    Herend Fortuna Candleabra 铁锈蝴蝶中国风图案镀金桃边框 19151 vboh


    Herend Fortuna Candleabra 铁锈蝴蝶中国风图案镀金桃边框 19151 vboh 9 英寸高 x 6 英寸宽如果在任何条件下使用,几乎是全新的。无裂纹、缺口、金磨损或器皿痕迹。全部手工制作和手工装饰。




