

  • L Platero Navajo Sterling spinner 1921 Silver dollar belt buckle with turquoise

    L Platero Navajo Sterling spinner 1921 Silver dollar belt buckle with turquoise


    L Platero Navajo Sterling spinner 1921 Silver dollar belt buckle with turquoise. Measurements in pics.High quality belt buckle solid sterling with no issues.



  • L Straus & Sons Cobalt Limoges Plate 8 3/8" Hand Painted heavy gold c.1900 - Estate Fresh Austin

    L Straus & Sons 钴利摩日盘 8 3/8" 手绘重金 c.1900


    L Straus & Sons 利摩日盘 8 3/8" 手绘重金无裂纹、缺口或修复。镀金磨损最小。 8. 3/8 英寸宽。



  • L Straus & Sons Limoges Plate 8.5" Hand Painted heavy gold c.1900 - Estate Fresh Austin

    L Straus & Sons 利摩日盘 8.5 英寸手绘重金,约 1900 年


    L Straus & Sons 利摩日盘 8.5 英寸手绘重金无裂纹、缺口或修复。镀金磨损最小。 8.5 英寸宽。



  • L/M Navajo sterling multi-stone intarsia inlay bib necklace

    L/M Navajo sterling multi-stone intarsia inlay bib necklace


    L/M Navajo sterling multi-stone intarsia inlay bib necklace. Measurements in pics, hinges are good and no damage to stones.



  • 女士 Gibson Gene Navajo Sterling 凝灰岩铸造皮带扣

    女士 Gibson Gene Navajo Sterling 凝灰岩铸造皮带扣


    女士 Gibson Gene Navajo 纯石膏铸造皮带扣。 2.5 英寸 x 1.5 英寸,1 英寸皮带重 15.8 克。我称其为女士皮带,因为背面的硬件方向相反,而不是因为它很小。我不得不用谷歌搜索它,我猜传统上是女士皮带腰带的设计方式与衬衫不同,这是我从未想过的。所以男士也可以佩戴它,只是准备好将腰带放在相反的方向,我意识到这可能会吓到一些人。或者您也可以将其反面佩戴如果这样更容易的话就下来。



  • 女士铂金 3cttw 镶钻 Jaeger Lecoultre 积家鸡尾酒腕表

    女士铂金 3cttw 镶钻 Jaeger Lecoultre 积家鸡尾酒腕表


    女士铂金 3cttw 镶钻 Jaeger Lecoultre 鸡尾酒腕表。 53 颗明亮式切割钻石,净度 VVS1,颜色 G,TDW 约 3 克拉,无需调节即可适合 6 英寸的手腕。33.4 克,工作状态。手表中心宽 18 毫米或 5/8 英寸。



  • Lag Zuni Sterling heavy stamped cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Lag Zuni 纯银重型冲压手镯


    Lag Zuni 纯银重型印花手镯。 24.4克,没问题。



  • Lagos Caviar 18k gold and sterling French clip earrings

    Lagos Caviar 18k gold and sterling French clip earrings


    Lagos Caviar 18k gold and sterling French clip earrings 20mm wide, 20.9 grams. High quality, guaranteed authentic with no issues.



  • Lagos caviar 18k gold on sterling large french clip earrings

    Lagos caviar 18k gold on sterling large french clip earrings


    Lagos caviar 18k gold on sterling large french clip earrings. Measurements and<br>weight in pics. Guaranteed authentic with no issues.



  • 拉各斯鱼子酱 18k/纯马贝珍珠项链

    拉各斯鱼子酱 18k/纯马贝珍珠项链


    拉各斯鱼子酱 18k/纯马贝珍珠项链。保证正宗拉各斯鱼子酱,最高品质,没有任何问题。 14.75 英寸长。



  • Lalique Blois(1981-1996) 法国水晶雪利酒杯 4.75 英寸 x 2.5 英寸边缘 (3)

    Lalique Blois(1981-1996) 法国水晶雪利酒杯 4.75 英寸 x 2.5 英寸边缘 (3)


    Lalique Blois(1981-1996)法国水晶雪利酒杯 4.75 英寸 x 2.5 英寸边缘 (3)。以这个价格出售所示的三个。在列出时,如果您更改数量上的数字,我有多个批次 3 可用,如果您将数量更改为 3,您将收到 9 个茎。所有部件均完好无损,没有裂纹、缺口、划痕、浑浊或修复,甚至底座上没有任何磨损。他们已经在内阁任职30年了。该图案已于 1996 年退役。 B61



  • Lalique Doves Lovebirds“Dampierre”麻雀花瓶 5 英寸法国

    Lalique Doves Lovebirds“Dampierre”麻雀花瓶 5 英寸法国

    1 审查


    Lalique Doves Lovebirds“Dampierre”麻雀花瓶 5 英寸法国 4.75 英寸高 x 4 7/8 英寸宽大型重型花瓶。优质正品莱俪玻璃保证无裂纹、缺口、摩擦、凹痕或其他问题。如果您购买一个花瓶,您将得到与所示完全相同的花瓶,如果您更改数量,您将获得您选择的数量,所有花瓶都处于相同状态,没有损坏或可检测到的磨损,因为在列出时我有 3 个。 TW254



  • Lalique Isabelle Open Footed Candy Dish - Estate Fresh Austin

    Lalique Isabelle 开脚糖果盘


    Lalique Isabelle 开脚糖果盘 3.25 英寸高 x 4.75 英寸宽,无裂纹、划痕、缺口或修复。 B9



  • 莱俪玫瑰大号中心装饰碗法国水晶



    莱俪玫瑰大号中心装饰碗法国水晶。 13 3/8 英寸对角线 x 3 英寸高。底座上没有裂纹、缺口或修复,也没有预期的划痕,因为它又大又重。除非置于光线下,否则不明显。 B9



  • Lalique Tokyo Art Deco Style French Art Glass Ashtray - Estate Fresh Austin

    Lalique 东京装饰艺术风格法式艺术玻璃烟灰缸


    Lalique 东京装饰艺术风格法式艺术玻璃烟灰缸。无裂纹、缺口或修复。5 3/8 英寸宽 x 2 1/8 英寸深。 TW190



  • Lalique 双天使人物 4.25 英寸宽 x 3.5 英寸高

    Lalique 双天使人物 4.25 英寸宽 x 3.5 英寸高


    Lalique 双天使人物 4.25 英寸宽 x 3.5 英寸高高品质正品莱俪玻璃保证无裂纹、碎裂或其他问题。 B9



  • 灯改用自 1890 年的 Flow Blue 洗碗和水罐套装“德累斯顿”汉弗莱斯兄弟英格兰

    灯改用自 1890 年的 Flow Blue 洗碗和水罐套装“德累斯顿”汉弗莱斯兄弟英格兰


    好吧,就在这里!你一直想要但在经济上或问心无愧的情况下无法证明做的事情是合理的。大约 50 年前有人为你做到了。看来他们做得很好。虽然我猜他们必须钻探投手。水罐在其他方面是完美的,没有裂缝、缺口或修复。碗的底部有一个非常紧密的鱼尾纹,不会穿过内部。这两件作品都具有 120 年历史陶器的预期裂纹。碗缘有几个磨损的釉点,没有缺口或裂缝。碗宽 15.75 英寸,水罐高 11.5 英寸,无黄铜配件。灯和开关工作。如果你愿意的话,我会包括阴影,但我主要关心的是碗/水罐的仔细包装。他们肯定会以目前的状态到达您身边。



  • Landing of the Fathers At Plymouth Rock Native Americans Historical Staffordshir - Estate Fresh Austin

    普利茅斯岩先祖登陆美洲原住民历史斯塔福德郡盘子以诺木 C.1830 蓝色转移器 10.25 英寸


    美国历史斯塔福德郡板块美国独立,乔治·华盛顿。无裂纹、缺口、裂纹、污渍或修复。上图所示的几个地方的后缘釉面有轻微磨损。保证约 1830 年。



  • Large Reversible Vintage Asian Sterling Repousse Labradorite Pendant - Estate Fresh Austin



    大号复古亚洲纯银凸纹拉长石吊坠。这是一件品质极高的作品,我认为是 1970 年代在亚洲旅行时购买的,已经很旧了。未经标记测试并保证纯正、漂亮的大型拉长石宝石。 3 英寸 x 1.75 英寸 x 36.7 克。



  • Large 14k gold 13mm Pearl pendant - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 14k 金 13 毫米珍珠吊坠


    大号 14k 金 13 毫米珍珠吊坠。漂亮的大珍珠,约 13 毫米,无保证金。 3.8克。



  • 15 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 青瓷大罐

    15 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 青瓷大罐


    大型 15 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 青瓷罐。 6.25 英寸高 x 5.75 英寸宽,脚缘有微小缺口,无明显损坏,无修复。 1984 年评估中的详细描述包含在项目中。书架



  • Large 15th Century Thai Sawankhalok Celadon Jar

    Large 15th Century Thai Sawankhalok Celadon Jar


    Large 15th Century Thai Sawankhalok Celadon Jar. 6" tall x 7" wide, Stable 3" long hairline in body shown in third pic, likely excavated or shipwreck item as it appears to have calcium deposits/worn glaze. Detailed description in 1984 appraisal included with item. isshelf



  • 15 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 青瓷大罐

    15 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 青瓷大罐


    大型 15 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 青瓷罐。 6 英寸高 x 7 英寸宽,稳定的 3 英寸长发丝,如第三张图片所示,可能是挖掘或沉船物品,因为它似乎有钙沉积物/磨损的釉料。物品中包含 1984 年评估中的详细描述。书架



  • 大型 15/16 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑蓝色釉下装饰罐

    大型 15/16 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑蓝色釉下装饰罐


    大型 15/16 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑蓝色釉下装饰罐,无裂纹、缺口或修复。 5.5 英寸宽 x 3 5/8 英寸高。亚洲货架



  • 大型 15/16 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑带盖调味品罐

    大型 15/16 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑带盖调味品罐


    15 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑带盖调味罐。非常早期的 15 世纪泰国陶器,由一位现年 96 岁的女士在 20 世纪中叶收藏。我很快就会出售她的更多物品。 3 3/8 英寸高 x 5 英寸宽,无裂纹或修复,底座边缘有 4 个小缺口。亚洲货架



  • 1820 年代斯塔福德郡狮子狩猎印度/非洲/埃及场景金字塔大碗

    1820 年代斯塔福德郡狮子狩猎印度/非洲/埃及场景金字塔大碗


    1820 年代斯塔福德郡狮子狩猎印度/非洲/埃及场景金字塔大碗。令人惊奇的状况 12 5/8 英寸对角线,非常酷的图案,似乎非常罕见,因为我找不到完全匹配的产品。保证 190 多年的历史,没有裂纹、缺口、修复或明显磨损。上面有 Asterix 类型标记反面可能是早期亚当斯标记。 TW272



  • 1920 年代 Muller Frères 浮雕玻璃景观大花瓶

    1920 年代 Muller Frères 浮雕玻璃景观大花瓶


    1920 年代 Muller Frères 浮雕玻璃风景大花瓶。 12 英寸高 x 5.25 英寸宽,无裂纹、缺口或修复。 TW108 浮雕玻璃是一种豪华的玻璃艺术形式,通过浮雕玻璃雕刻或蚀刻和雕刻不同颜色的玻璃融合层来产生设计,通常在深色背景上带有白色不透明玻璃图形和图案。该技术首次出现在公元前 30 年左右的古罗马艺术中,它是浮雕风格的更豪华的雕刻宝石容器的替代品,浮雕风格使用天然分层的半宝石,如缟玛瑙和玛瑙。玻璃可以实现一致且可预测的彩色层,即使对于圆形物体也是如此。从 19 世纪中叶起,浮雕玻璃开始复兴,它同样适合新希腊风格和埃米尔·加勒 (Émile Gallé) 所倡导的法国新艺术风格。浮雕玻璃至今仍在生产。 Muller Frères (Co.) 是一家著名的法国玻璃制造公司,总部位于法国吕内维尔,以其新艺术风格花瓶、灯罩和吊灯而闻名,这些产品通常采用分层和彩色玻璃。亨利·穆勒 (Henri Muller) 和他的兄弟在埃米尔·加勒 (Émile Gallé) 的培训后于 1895 年建立了他们的工作室,埃米尔·加勒 (Émile Gallé) 对穆勒建立了竞争对手企业心怀怨恨。 1910 年,该公司开始与 Chapelle 合作生产灯具,在鼎盛时期雇用了大约 300 名工人。 1933 年生产停止,三年后工厂关闭,成为大萧条的受害者。



  • 大型 1940 年代 Hummel Crown Mark Tmk1 上市

    大型 1940 年代 Hummel Crown Mark Tmk1 上市


    大型 1940 年代 Hummel Crown Mark Tmk1 上市。 6.5 英寸高,无裂纹、缺口或修复,底座边缘有极少量的裂纹。哈姆谢尔夫



  • Large 1940's Japanese Hand Engraved 950 Silver compact n - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 1940 年代日本手工雕刻 950 银粉盒


    1940 年代日本手工雕刻 950 银粉盒。大型紧凑型 4 英寸方形,总重 215 克,约 130 克银。镜子和其他所有部件完好无损,按扣关闭,形成紧密密封,显示有轻微磨损,但总体干净。



  • Large 1940's Japanese Hand Engraved 950 Silver compact r - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 1940 年代日本手工雕刻 950 银粉盒


    1940 年代日本手工雕刻 950 银粉盒。大型粉盒,4 英寸,重 127.5 克,手工雕刻,无凹痕或弯曲,按扣闭合良好,镀金有些磨损,没有镜子,但固定它的碎片完好无损。



  • Large 1940's William Spratling Sterling Pan American fur clip

    Large 1940's William Spratling Sterling Pan American fur clip


    Large 1940's William Spratling Sterling Pan American fur clip. I call this large because I believe I have a smaller one. I think they were to celebrate a special Pan American 50 year thing in the 1940's. Measurements in pics. . Spratling, an architect and artist who taught at Tulane University in New<br>Orleans, came to Mexico in the late 1920s and settled in the city of Taxco.<br>Having developed an interest in Mesoamerican archaeology and culture from his<br>colleagues at Tulane, he traveled to Mexico for several summers lecturing and<br>exploring. He sought out remote villages in the state of Guerrero, 110 miles<br>from Mexico City, where in some places Nahuatl, the Aztec language, was spoken.<br>Spratling collected artifacts and contemporary indigenous crafts. Spratling made<br>a fortune manufacturing and designing silver, but his true life's work was to<br>conserve, redeem, and interpret the ancient culture of his adopted country. He<br>explained for North American audiences the paintings of Mexico's modern masters<br>and earned distinction as a learned and early collector of pre-Columbian art.<br>Spratling and his workshop gradually became a visible and culturally attractive<br>link between a steady stream of notable American visitors and the country they<br>wanted to see and experience. Spratling had the rare good fortune to witness his<br>own reputation -- as one of the most admired Americans in Mexico -- assume<br>legendary status before his death. William Spratling, His Life and Art vividly<br>reconstructs this richly diverse life whose unique aesthetic legacy is but a<br>part of its larger cultural achievement of profoundly influencing Americans'<br>attitudes toward a civilization different from their own.



  • Large 1950's Murano End of Day Glass with gold flakes Biomorphic Ashtray/Centerp - Estate Fresh Austin

    大型 1950 年代穆拉诺日末玻璃,带金片生物形态烟灰缸/中心装饰品


    大型 1950 年代穆拉诺生物形态烟灰缸/中心装饰品。 10 5/8" x 8.5" x 4" 深。保证 Murano 是 50 年代至 70 年代的。没有裂纹、缺口或凹痕。底座有适当的自然磨损。漂亮的抽象设计可能曾经是一个大雪茄烟灰缸,但现在没有了不再是了。 TW183



  • Large 1950's Sterling Los Castillo Amethyst fly pin

    Large 1950's Sterling Los Castillo Amethyst fly pin


    Large 1950's Sterling Los Castillo Amethyst fly pinLos Castillo Jewelry - HistoryAntonio Ca stillo and his brothers Jorge, Miguel, and Justo began Los Castillo in 1939. They had all apprenticed in William Spratling’s taller before starting<br>their own business in Taxco, Mexico. Antonio Castillo rose to the level of<br>master silversmith during his time working with Spratling.<br><br>The Los Castillo workshop trained and employed many skilled silversmiths over<br>its decades in the business, including the Castillo brothers’ cousin Salvador Teran, Sigi Pineda, Antonio Pineda, and Antonio Castillo’s wife, Margot van<br>Voorhies Carr. All these artists went on to open their own successful workshops,<br>including van Voorhies Carr who founded Margot de Taxco after she and Antonio<br>Castillo divorced.<br><br>Los Castillo is known for its quality silver wares as well as mixed metals that<br>incorporated copper and/or brass with sterling silver. Other decorative home<br>accessories can be found with silver plating and inlaid stone embellishments. Chato (Jorge) Castillo was one of the Castillo brothers who worked in the 1930s for William Spratling. He is known for his technical expertise and his design<br>talent. He developed the techniques for married metals, feathers with silver,<br>Aztec mosaic or stone inlay, concha or abalone inlay,...(Mexican Silver: Modern<br>Hand-wrought Jewelry & Metalwork by Morrill and Berk (Schiffer: 2007, 4th<br>Edition), p. 86.



  • 1960 年代芬顿蓬松玫瑰蔓越莓缎面大号牛奶玻璃花瓶

    1960 年代芬顿蓬松玫瑰蔓越莓缎面大号牛奶玻璃花瓶


    1960 年代 Fenton 蓬松玫瑰蔓越莓缎面大号牛奶玻璃花瓶。 8.5 英寸高 x 7 英寸宽,由 Fenton 为 LG 赖特制造,通常这种形状是灯罩,但这是一个不太常见的花瓶。无裂纹、缺口或其他问题。书架



  • 1960 年代签名 Barbini Murano 大花瓶

    1960 年代签名 Barbini Murano 大花瓶


    1960 年代签名 Barbini Murano 大花瓶。 14.5 英寸高 x 7.25 英寸宽,精美的作品和出色的设计,一定会脱颖而出并适合任何地方。质量非常高,没有裂纹、缺口、划痕或其他问题。签名如最后一张图片所示。书架



  • Large 1960's Victor Babu Pottery Jar - Estate Fresh Austin

    Large 1960's Victor Babu Pottery Jar


    7.5" tall x 8" wide with no cracks, chips, or restorations, very substantial piece. Victor Babu (Albanian-American, b. 1936 - d. 2019) This piece was acquired while Victor was teaching at the University of Texas. Victor Babu received both his BFA and MFA from the New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University, Alfred, New York. He began his teaching career in the ceramics department at the University of Texas, Austin. He left Texas in 1968 at the invitation of his Alfred graduate student mentor Ken Ferguson to join the faculty of the Kansas City Art Institute. Together, and with George Timock’s help beginning in 1973, they built the ceramics program at KCAI into one of the top undergraduate programs in the United States. Babu retired from KCAI in 2001.



  • Large 1964 Native American sterling/turquoise Silver half dollar belt buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 1964 年美洲原住民纯银/绿松石银半美元皮带扣


    1964 年美洲原住民大号纯银/绿松石银半美元皮带扣。 4 英寸 x 3 1/8 英寸,可容纳 1.75 英寸的皮带。110.3 克。由纳瓦霍艺术家 R Chee 测试纯正。



  • 大号 1968 年德克萨斯州奥斯汀波特唐赫伦野兽派有盖罐子

    大号 1968 年德克萨斯州奥斯汀波特唐赫伦野兽派有盖罐子


    大号 1968 年奥斯汀德克萨斯波特 Don Herron 野兽派有盖罐子 8 英寸高 x 8.5 英寸宽,无裂纹、缺口或修复。当地波特唐·赫伦 (Don Herron) 的早期作品,自 1974 年以来一直担任德克萨斯大学艺术教授。1968 年签署 DH。



  • 1970 年代大号水牛刀,木质展示盒

    1970 年代大号水牛刀,木质展示盒


    1970 年的大号水牛刀,装在木质展示盒中,看起来未使用且未磨利。有些地方有氧化现象,但总体来说很干净,没有被我碰过。总长 9.75 英寸,刀片 4.5 英寸。饰品抽屉



  • Large 1970's Native American silver and turquoise bolo tie

    Large 1970's Native American silver and turquoise bolo tie


    Large 1970's Native American silver and turquoise bolo tie. 44" long, stones secure in bezels with old fractures.



  • Large 1970's Navajo Sterling chip inlay thunderbird bolo tie

    Large 1970's Navajo Sterling chip inlay thunderbird bolo tie


    Large 1970's Navajo Sterling chip inlay thunderbird bolo tie" long with no issues. 42" long with no issues.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Large 1975 Peyketewa Zuni Sterling and turquoise cluster pin

    Large 1975 Peyketewa Zuni Sterling and turquoise cluster pin


    Large 1975 Peyketewa Zuni Sterling and turquoise cluster pin. No issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Large 1982 Kholui Lacquer Box Russian Prince Igor Artist Signed 8" x 6" x 1 7/8" - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 1982 年 Kholui 漆盒俄罗斯伊戈尔王子艺术家签名 8 英寸 x 6 英寸 x 1 7/8 英寸深


    大号 1982 年 Kholui 漆盒俄罗斯伊戈尔王子艺术家签名 8" x 6" x 1 7/8" 深。状况非常好,顶部、侧面或内部没有损坏或磨损,盒子底部有非常轻微的磨损桌子。 b42



  • Large 1987 Native American Champion Rodeo Belt Buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    大号 1987 年美洲原住民冠军牛仔竞技皮带扣


    大号 1987 年美国原住民冠军牛仔竞技皮带扣。稀有的同类物品之一。 3 1/8" x 4 1/8" 适合 1 7/8" 皮带。无损坏或问题。经过标记和测试的纯银,带有黄铜装饰和真正的绿松石/红珊瑚。88.9 克。



  • Large 1987 Stan Bentall Sterling Eagle belt buckle with large ruby eye

    Large 1987 Stan Bentall Sterling Eagle belt buckle with large ruby eye


    Large 1987 Stan Bentall Sterling Eagle belt buckle with large ruby eye 4" x 2 3/8" x 152.6 grams. Fits up to 1.5" belt. Extremely rare if not one of a kind item, early work of a now famous sculptor. Signed SS for sterling silver, tested and guaranteed solid sterling silver. Stan Bentall created a few different designs of sculptural animal belt buckles in the late 80's which are well documented. The most common being Horses and Longhorns of which he only cast about 25 examples of each. This is the first of this design with single eagle and Ruby eye I can find documented.Stan Bentall, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico is a world famous sculptor of the dog, researches the anatomy and conformation of each breed and captures the essence of the breed as no other artist. A Stan Bentall sculpture of a dog on point is a moment frozen in time to enjoy forever. The dog's well defined muscles seem to pulse with energy. His intense eyes and keen nose reveal this dog is a champion in the field. His sculptures go beyond realism, to capture even the mood.



  • 大号 1990 Carol Felley StoryTeller 夹式纯银耳环

    大号 1990 Carol Felley StoryTeller 夹式纯银耳环


    大号 1990 Carol Felley 故事讲述者夹式纯银耳环。干净无问题,夹子坚固。 2 英寸高 x 1 3/8 英寸宽 x 23 克。出于对绘画和珠宝设计的热情,卡罗尔从卡内基梅隆大学毕业并获得美术学位后搬到了新墨西哥州。她受到西南部珠宝制作社区的启发,在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基开设了一家设计和珠宝制造企业,她拥有并经营了三十年。 她还被自己在临终关怀中心的志愿工作深深感动,决定成立一家名为“Style Conscience”的新珠宝公司,致力于提高人们对她所热衷的特定事业的认识和支持。卡罗尔重新投入了自己的努力,并将她对珠宝设计的热爱和才华与改变世界的热情结合起来。卡罗尔开发了自己独特的标志性珠宝系列,将珠宝的设计和美感提升到了一个新的水平。她认为,女性希望佩戴一些珍贵且有意义、设计精美的东西来表达她们对重要事业的支持。卡罗尔的珠宝采用贵金属和宝石制成,每件作品均由手工精美完成。”



  • 大号 1990 Carol Felley StoryTeller 纯银吊坠耳环

    大号 1990 Carol Felley StoryTeller 纯银吊坠耳环


    大号 1990 Carol Felley StoryTeller 纯银吊坠耳环。 2.5 英寸长 x 1.25 英寸宽 x 总重量 18.8 克,没问题。出于对绘画和珠宝设计的热情,卡罗尔从卡内基梅隆大学毕业并获得美术学位后搬到了新墨西哥州。她受到西南部珠宝制作社区的启发,在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基开设了一家设计和珠宝制造企业,她拥有并经营了三十年。她还被自己在临终关怀中心的志愿工作深深感动,决定成立一家名为“Style Conscience”的新珠宝公司,致力于提高人们对她所热衷的特定事业的认识和支持。卡罗尔重新投入了自己的努力,并将她对珠宝设计的热爱和才华与改变世界的热情结合起来。 卡罗尔开发了自己独特的标志性珠宝系列,将珠宝的设计和美感提升到了一个新的水平。她认为,女性希望佩戴一些珍贵且有意义、设计精美的东西来表达她们对重要事业的支持。卡罗尔的珠宝采用贵金属和宝石制成,每件作品均由手工精美完成。”



  • 大型 1991 年 Miles Elledge 1/10 比例保时捷模型 1978 年保时捷 936 #1

    大型 1991 年 Miles Elledge 1/10 比例保时捷模型 1978 年保时捷 936 #1


    大号 1991 年 Miles Elledge 1/10 比例保时捷 1978 年款保时捷 936 16 英寸 x 7 英寸宽 x 4 英寸高。没有损坏或瑕疵,照片中看到的任何东西都可能是灰尘。



  • Large 30's-40's Navajo hand stamped silver buttons/ornaments turned cufflinks

    Large 30's-40's Navajo hand stamped silver buttons/ornaments turned cufflinks


    Large 30's-40's Navajo hand stamped silver buttons/ornaments turned cufflinks. Very large, compared to US penny for scale.



  • Large 40's-50's Bowman Paywa Zuni Inlaid Knifewing pin

    Large 40's-50's Bowman Paywa Zuni Inlaid Knifewing pin


    Large 40's-50's Bowman Paywa Zuni Inlaid Knifewing pin. No damage or issues.



  • Large 40's-50's Zuni Rainbow Dancer pin

    Large 40's-50's Zuni Rainbow Dancer pin


    Large 40's-50's Zuni Rainbow Man pin, great with no significant issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Large 50's-60' Zuni sterling multi-stone inlay thunderbird pin

    Large 50's-60' Zuni sterling multi-stone inlay thunderbird pin


    Large 50's-60' Zuni sterling multi-stone inlay thunderbird pin. Weight and measurements in pics.



  • Large 60's-70's High grade turquoise sterling Navajo Shadowbox claw pendant

    Large 60's-70's High grade turquoise sterling Navajo Shadowbox claw pendant


    Large 60's-70's High grade turquoise sterling Navajo Shadowbox claw pendant. Very high quality pendant/stone. Thick gauge silver, this isn't like that similar looking tourist stuff from the 80's. 5mm inside bail.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Large 60's-70's Navajo Silver beaded necklace with turquoise pendant

    Large 60's-70's Navajo Silver beaded necklace with turquoise pendant


    Large 60's-70's Navajo Silver beaded necklace with turquoise pendant. 24" long necklace, 79.5 grams with no issues, all sterling unmarked.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Large 60's-70's Navajo sterling chip inlay pin

    Large 60's-70's Navajo sterling chip inlay pin


    Large 60's-70's Navajo sterling chip inlay pin. Measurements in pics. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is<br>stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question<br>should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration



  • large AARIKKA Finland Modernist sterling pin

    large AARIKKA Finland Modernist sterling pin


    large AARIKKA Finland Modernist sterling pin. Large with no issues, weight and measurements in pics.



  • 大型非洲角兽头饰



    大型非洲头饰,形状为角兽。 20 英寸 x 12 英寸宽 x 12.5 英寸深。我认为它真的很古老,19 世纪到 20 世纪初。漂亮的庄园新鲜仪式面具覆盖着皮革,有些磨损,如图所示。



  • Large Alice Quam Zuni Mediterranean Coral cluster pendant/pin sterling

    Large Alice Quam Zuni Mediterranean Coral cluster pendant/pin sterling


    Large Alice Quam Zuni Mediterranean Coral cluster pendant/pin sterling. No issues, very close to 3"Alice Quam has worked with her husband Duane Quam since 1945 on some of the most beautiful cluster jewelry of the Zuni Pueblo. They worked together for nearly 60 years. She became a master of setting and cutting the stones, while Duane did all of the silverwork. Alice and Duane worked primarily with high quality turquoise and coral. Alice is known for her intricate needlepoint work because of the symmetry of the stones in her jewelry.



  • Large Alonzo Mariano Navajo sterling horse head pendant

    Large Alonzo Mariano Navajo sterling horse head pendant


    Large Alonzo Mariano Navajo sterling horse head pendant<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Large Alvin Monte Navajo 14k/Sterling turquoise, multi-stone reversible pendant

    Large Alvin Monte Navajo 14k/Sterling turquoise, multi-stone reversible pendant


    Large Alvin Monte Navajo 14k/Sterling turquoise, multi-stone reversible pendant.<br><br>Navajo jewelry artist Alvin Monte works in both gold and silver, often making his own stamping tools to create one-of-a-kind designs. Born in Socorro, Monte grew up in Canoncito, New Mexico. Both his parents were well-known silversmiths but Monte didn’t pick up the trade until he moved away from home. He is a self-taught silversmith. His inspirations often come from petroglyphs or pueblo designs although the execution of his designs is more symbolic than realistic. The result is a more modern verses traditional design that he likes to embellish with various stones including amethysts and garnets for a lustrous effect.<br><br>Monte is now teaching his young son, who at age nine shows a talent for silver-smithing, thus elevating another generation of the Montes into the artist world.<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.




