Frequently asked questions

Icon for truckHow long do you take to ship?

We ship 5 days a week, Mon-Fri, same day when possible, always next day 99% of the time.

Icon for truckUnder what circumstances do you not ship the next day?

Under the rare circumstance that a special crate needs to be made, typically this would only be with very large sculptures.

Icon for truckWhat type of packing material do you keep on hand and use?

We keep about 50 different size boxes, enough for most sized paintings. We use layers of foam, bubble wrap, then peanuts, and often double or even triple boxes on each item.

Icon for global_shippingHow can you do free international shipping?

We have a lot of experience packing/shipping fragile items internationally. Often large multi-item orders. At this point we aren't sure it's a good idea but we are comitted to giving it a try.

Icon for truckHow can I be sure that you are going to ship my items and ship them quickly?

Well it's actually a much bigger deal on this website than it is with major platforms such as eBay for us at least. We actually have Google monitoring how long our packages take to get to various destinations and that relates to how they rate us in search. The quicker we ship/deliver, the higher we show in search. Which is everything of course.

Icon for truckWho is responsible for the item before it is delivered to me, is there insurance?

We are 100% responsible to get your order to you intact. We believe in doing a perfect job as insurance. We know that shipping companies throw packages and we prepare for it with tons of padding and thought. I personally blame the packer every time when things are damaged as they should understand how things are handled by shipping companies and prepare for it. We self insure everything. In the event of something disappearing or getting damaged you will recieve a full refund.

Icon for notificationHow can I track my order after it is placed?

After you place an order, you should receive an order confirmation email. This email will contain a link or button to track your order. Click on the tracking link within the email. You will also recieve an email with tracking info at the time the label is purchased.

Icon for shopping_bagAre your products good?

Yes, they are very good!

Icon for reviewWhy do some of your reviews not have pictures or link to products?

Because I'm human and fairly new to having a website, I stupidly deleted many of my sold products in bulk to try to make my website faster without considering it would have this result.

Icon for questionAre your descriptions accurate, did you handle these items and take these pictures?

As of 2/9/2024 Every item on this website was listed by me Ian Lawler, and photographed by either me or my wife Thanh. Hopefully someday we can get some help, but if we do they will work closely supervised for a long time as we take every step of this business very seriously.



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