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Ceramiche antiche non assortite

278 prodotti

  • c1920 Faiencerie St. Germain French Parrot Jug 11.25" - Estate Fresh Austin c1920 Faiencerie St. Germain French Parrot Jug 11.25" - Estate Fresh Austin

    Brocca per pappagalli in maiolica francese, 1880 circa, forma non comune, primo segno di San Clemente, 11,25 pollici

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    Brocca per pappagalli in maiolica francese circa 1880 Forma non comune Early St Clements Mark 11,25 pollici di altezza. Questo è lo stile precedente e un marchio della fine del XIX secolo. È super pulito, senza crepe, scheggiature, restauri o macchie e piccole screpolature. Colorazione incredibile. tw85

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  • Extremely Rare and Unusual Circa 1836 - 1849 Marked Pountney & Goldney Bristol Sca - Estate Fresh Austin Extremely Rare and Unusual Circa 1836 - 1849 Marked Pountney & Goldney Bristol Sca - Estate Fresh Austin

    Estremamente raro e insolito, circa 1836-1849, contrassegnato da Pountney & Goldney Bristol, piatto in salice blu antico smerlato, 17,75 x 14,75 pollici

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    Nessuna crepa, scheggiatura o riparazione. Pochissime screpolature e scolorimenti, decorazioni trasferibili estremamente nitide e condizioni straordinarie. Garantito dall'inizio alla metà del 1800 circa.

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  • c1910 Ovington Bros Vienna Austria Dessert Plate Set with Heavy gold scalloped e - Estate Fresh Austin c1910 Ovington Bros Vienna Austria Dessert Plate Set with Heavy gold scalloped e - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Ovington Bros Vienna Austria Set di piatti da dessert con bordi smerlati in oro pesante 9"

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    c1910 Ovington Bros Vienna Austria Set di piatti da dessert con bordi smerlati in oro pesante 9". Set davvero carino di piatti in ottime condizioni che hanno circa 100 anni. Vendo tutti e 7, sono larghi 9" senza crepe, scheggiature, graffi o altri segni di usura evidenti . Sono stati realizzati a Vienna, in Austria, e venduti al dettaglio da Ovington Bros negli Stati Uniti, che era il principale rivenditore di gioielli/articoli di lusso dell'epoca negli Stati Uniti che trattava articoli come Tiffany e altri importanti produttori da tutto il mondo.

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  • 1919 Bernardaud Limoges Lion Head Handle Jardinière and Pedestal Chinoisiere de - Estate Fresh Austin 1919 Bernardaud Limoges Lion Head Handle Jardinière and Pedestal Chinoisiere de - Estate Fresh Austin

    1919 Bernardaud Limoges Testa di leone Maniglia Jardinière e piedistallo Decorazione chinoisiere Firmato dall'artista

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    1919 Bernardaud Limoges Testa di leone Maniglia Jardinière e piedistallo Decorazione chinoisiere Firmata dall'artista. Forma estremamente rara soprattutto con il piedistallo con decorazione ancora più rara. Altezza totale 12", 14" da ansa a ansa, larghezza 9" sul bordo. Nessuna crepa, scheggiatura o restauro. Lieve perdita nella decorazione in oro in rilievo come mostrato nelle foto, alcuni segni di usura sulla doratura sulla base originale della zampa di leone dove l'estremamente la pesante Jardinière riposa da oltre 100 anni.

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  • Royal Doulton Character Jug King Charles I 1721/2500 limited Edition Large - Estate Fresh Austin Royal Doulton Character Jug King Charles I 1721/2500 limited Edition Large - Estate Fresh Austin

    Royal Doulton Character Jug King Charles I 1721/2500 edizione limitata grande

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    Royal Doulton Character Jug King Charles I 1721/2500 edizione limitata grande. 7,5 pollici di altezzaQuesto articolo è in ottime condizioni di seconda mano, senza scheggiature, graffi, crepe, screpolature o riparazioni rilevate dopo un'ispezione dettagliata.

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  • Dudson Jasper Ware Pitcher 6 1/8" x 5 1/8" handle to spout - Estate Fresh Austin Dudson Jasper Ware Pitcher 6 1/8" x 5 1/8" handle to spout - Estate Fresh Austin

    Brocca Dudson Jasper Ware 6 1/8" x 5 1/8" da manico a beccuccio

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    Brocca Dudson Jasper Ware 6 1/8 "x 5 1/8" dal manico al beccuccio Non sono presenti danni o restauri di alcun tipo.

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  • Dresden Pierced Floral Cake Plate Hand Painted Rosenthal 11 5/8" wide x 1.75" de - Estate Fresh Austin Dresden Pierced Floral Cake Plate Hand Painted Rosenthal 11 5/8" wide x 1.75" de - Estate Fresh Austin

    Piatto per torta floreale traforato di Dresda dipinto a mano Rosenthal 11 5/8" di larghezza x 1,75" di profondità. C.1900

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    Garantito c. 1890-1910 senza danni, lieve usura della doratura, nel complesso pulita. Nessuna crepa, scheggiatura, restauro o graffio. La porcellana è stata realizzata da Rosenthal, decorata a mano da un'altra azienda di Dresda. Garantito dipinto a mano al 100%.

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  • c1960 Rosenthal Dachshund Figure by Kuspert - Estate Fresh Austin c1960 Rosenthal Dachshund Figure by Kuspert - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1960 Figura bassotto Rosenthal di Kuspert

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    c1960 Figura bassotto Rosenthal di Kuspert. 4" di altezza e larghezza, senza crepe, scheggiature o restauri. TW205

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  • c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Wash - Estate Fresh Austin c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Wash - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoiserie Transferware policromo dipinto a mano Set ciotola e brocca

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    c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Set di brocche e ciotole per lavaggio in transferware policromo dipinto a mano. Questi due pezzi fanno parte del set da lavaggio più bello e pulito che abbia mai incontrato. È stato nella casa di un dottore da 3 milioni di dollari negli ultimi 40 anni e sembra che non sia mai stato utilizzato negli oltre 110 anni precedenti. L'unico motivo per cui lo divido è che è così grande che è difficile presentarlo accuratamente come set. La ciotola è larga 16,25" e la brocca è alta 11,5". Nessuna crepa, scheggiatura, restauro o macchia, nessuna perdita significativa della smaltatura, screpolatura complessiva prevista che troverai su terracotta di oltre 150 anni.

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  • c1910 Rosenthal Porcelain Plaque after S. Koninck - Estate Fresh Austin c1910 Rosenthal Porcelain Plaque after S. Koninck - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Placca in porcellana Rosenthal secondo S. Koninck

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    Questa è una bella copia dell'inizio del XX secolo di un dipinto di S. Koninck (1609-1659) del XVII secolo. Raffigura un vecchio, forse San Girolamo che legge. La targa è in ottime condizioni. La cornice presenta qualche segno del tempo e qualche zona di restauro. È stato prodotto in Germania, forse nel primo quarto del XX secolo. Targa: 10 "X 8" Incorniciato: 17 3/4 "X 15 3/4" Profondità: 3 1/2 " Due restauri vecchi, stabili e discreti sul lato superiore e inferiore sinistro del telaio, nessun danno alla placca.

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  • c1950 Rosenthal Sanssouci Shape R53 Patter Gold encrusted Dresden flowers type d - Estate Fresh Austin c1950 Rosenthal Sanssouci Shape R53 Patter Gold encrusted Dresden flowers type d - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1950 Rosenthal Sanssouci Forma R53 Picchiettio Piatto di verdure coperto con decorazione tipo fiori di Dresda incrostati d'oro

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    circa 1950 Rosenthal Sanssouci Forma R53 Picchiettio Piatto per verdure coperto con decorazione tipo fiori di Dresda incrostati d'oro.Dalla linea a forma Sanssouci di Rosenthal, caratterizzata dal bordo smerlato e dal bordo rialzato del traliccio, questo modello R53 è identificato anche come 682 è un delizioso bouquet floreale. Il motivo presenta una rosa inglese rosa centrale su un lungo stelo e due fiori gialli a sinistra con una mamma viola in mezzo e due margherite viola a destra della rosa inglese. Tutto questo è su uno sfondo color crema con finiture intrecciate in oro pesante e con un timbro sul retro della zona USA che indica che è stato realizzato tra la fine degli anni Quaranta e l'inizio degli anni Cinquanta, subito dopo WW2. Condizioni pari al nuovo, senza crepe, scheggiature, graffi, macchie, screpolature o usura dell'oro. 10,5" da manico a manico x 6,25" di altezza con manico.TW200

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  • c1900 Royal Dux Art Nouveau Goose Girl with Basket centerpiece or dresser tray - Estate Fresh Austin c1900 Royal Dux Art Nouveau Goose Girl with Basket centerpiece or dresser tray - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Royal Dux Art Nouveau Goose Girl con centrotavola cesto o vassoio comò

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    c1900 Royal Dux Art Nouveau Goose Girl con centrotavola cesto o vassoio comò. Grande pezzo di oltre 100 anni di larghezza 9 1/8 "x 7,5" di altezza. Sarebbe un ottimo vassoio per gioielli o una fioriera poco profonda. Tre minuscoli fiocchi di smalto, uno sul bordo esterno destro, due sulle ninfee all'interno del bordo superiore. Nessun'altra scheggiatura, nessuna crepa, nessun restauro.tw154

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  • c1900 Royal Dux Art Nouveau Neoclassical Bookends - Estate Fresh Austin c1900 Royal Dux Art Nouveau Neoclassical Bookends - Estate Fresh Austin

    Reggilibri neoclassici in stile Art Nouveau Royal Dux del 1900 circa

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    Reggilibri neoclassici in stile Art Nouveau Royal Dux del 1900 circa. Vendo entrambi i fermalibri 8" di altezza x 6" di lunghezza, vecchi di circa 120 anni e davvero belli. La donna ha scaglie molto piccole di verde applicato sulla base e un difetto di cottura di fabbrica nella base che si è verificato durante la produzione ed è stabile e non può essere visto dall'esterno. L'uomo ha una piccola scheggia su una ninfea e credo che la sua testa sia stata restaurata. Questi sono entrambi incredibili e sembrano perfetti dal vivo. Problemi minori che probabilmente verrebbero trascurati da un rivenditore meno esperto. TW199

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  • c1900 PL Limoges France Hand Painted Limoges Porcelain Wash Bowl and Pitcher Set - Estate Fresh Austin c1900 PL Limoges France Hand Painted Limoges Porcelain Wash Bowl and Pitcher Set - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 PL Limoges France Hand Painted Limoges Porcelain Wash Bowl and Pitcher Set

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    Porcelaine Limousine Limoges France Hand Painted Limoges Porcelain Wash Bowl and<br>Pitcher Set Pitcher and bowl 13.25" tall, (1) basin, approx 5"h, 16.25"diam;<br>10.5lbs No cracks, chips, or restorations. Extremely rare/one of kind item. All<br>hand painted, very minor wear to paint where large heavy pitcher has rested in<br>it for over 100 years.

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  • c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Soap - Estate Fresh Austin c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Soap - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Soap

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    c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Soap Dish and Toothbrush Holder. These pieces are part of the nicest, cleanest wash set I've ever came across. It's been in a 3 million dollar Doctor's home for the past 40 years and looks as if it never saw any use the 110+ years before that. The only reason I'm splitting it up is it's so big it's difficult to accurately present as a set. Toothbrush is 5.5" tall x 2 7/8" wide at rim, soap dish is 8" wide x 3" tall. No cracks, chips, restorations, or stains, no significant loss, overall expected crazing you'll find on 150+ year old earthenware. Selling both pieces shown, well all three really.

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  • c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Slop - Estate Fresh Austin c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Slop - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Slop

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    c1870 Masons Flying Bird Chinoisiere Hand Painted Polychromed Transferware Slop Pail. This really big piece is part of the nicest, cleanest wash set I've ever came across. It's been in a 3 million dollar Doctor's home for the past 40 years and looks as if it never saw any use the 110+ years before that. The only reason I'm splitting it up is it's so big it's difficult to accurately present as a set. The piece has the original slotted lid, original wicker handle. 11.5" tall and wide without handle. No cracks, chips, restorations, or stains, no significant loss, overall expected crazing you'll find on 150+ year old earthenware.

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  • Antique French Faience Quimper Antoine Montagnon Nevers Secouette Flask/Hand war - Estate Fresh Austin Antique French Faience Quimper Antoine Montagnon Nevers Secouette Flask/Hand war - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique French Faience Quimper Antoine Montagnon Nevers Secouette Flask/Hand war

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    Antique French Faience Quimper Nevers Secouette Flask/Hand warmer. 4" x 3" x 7/8" One tiny glaze flake on book clasp, no other cracks, chips, or restorations, circa early 20th century. TW190

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  • c1920 Quimper Leroy Dubois Malicorne Butter Dish - Estate Fresh Austin c1920 Quimper Leroy Dubois Malicorne Butter Dish - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1920 Quimper Leroy Dubois Malicorne Butter Dish

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    c1920 Quimper Leroy Dubois Malicorne Butter Dish. Great piece from the early 20th century in good condition with one tiny reglued glaze flake on bottom corner of womans dress shown in first pic and slight glaze wear to sharp edges. NO other cracks, chips, or restorations. 8" x 6" x 2.75" TW190

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  • Vintage Wallendorf Porcelain Woman White Bisque Figure - Estate Fresh Austin Vintage Wallendorf Porcelain Woman White Bisque Figure - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Wallendorf Porcelain Woman White Bisque Figure

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    Vintage Wallendorf Porcelain Woman White Bisque Figure. Great piece circa mid 20th century with no damage. 8" tall. TW200

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  • c1920 Richard Ginori Blanc De Chine Figure of Hungry Brothers - Estate Fresh Austin c1920 Richard Ginori Blanc De Chine Figure of Hungry Brothers - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1920 Richard Ginori Blanc De Chine Figure of Hungry Brothers

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    c1920 Richard Ginori Blanc De Chine Figure of Hungry Brothers. Great piece from the first quarter of the 20th century in mint condition with no damage or wear. 6.5" tall x 4.5" wide. TW199

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  • c1860 Staffordshire Figures Man and Woman Holding Flags Pair - Estate Fresh Austin c1860 Staffordshire Figures Man and Woman Holding Flags Pair - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1860 Staffordshire Figures Man and Woman Holding Flags Pair

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    c1860 Staffordshire Figures Man and Woman Holding Flags Pair. 9" tall both clean with no cracks, loss or restorations. Expected crazing man with possible fracture to foot that didn't break off. tw193

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  • Antique French Faience/Delft Blue Hand Painted Horseman Tiles in Frame - Estate Fresh Austin Antique French Faience/Delft Blue Hand Painted Horseman Tiles in Frame - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique French Faience/Delft Blue Hand Painted Horseman Tiles in Frame

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    Antique French Faience/Delft Blue Hand Painted Horseman Tiles in Frame. Guaranteed antique 19th century tiles framed around 1980. I'm thinking they're French because of the Fleur De Lis but could be Dutch. They measure 6 1/8" square and are in great conditon with no cracks or restorations, only a few tiny nicks on edges as shown. 18.75" x 6.5" total. B62

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  • c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Transferware Plates Sebastopol and 123 Cattle Scen - Estate Fresh Austin c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Transferware Plates Sebastopol and 123 Cattle Scen - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Transferware Plates Sebastopol and 123 Cattle Scen

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    c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Transferware Plates Sebastopol and 123 Cattle Scene. 2 great pieces from mid to late 19th century. They measure 8.25" and 8 7/8". Neither have any cracks, chips, or restorations. Large one has crazing on the back and none on the front, smaller one has no crazing. Selling both pieces shown. In the 19th century, the Pratt name was associated with the fine, usually multi-coloured, transfer printed engravings used to decorate the lids of earthenware pots used for food, pharmaceutical products and toiletries. The business also produced domestic earthenware including relief moulded earthenware (especially jugs) and tableware with underglaze, multi-coloured decoration (‘Prattware’). Terracotta and parian ware were other wares, and Godden (1988) notes that there are examples of mid-19th century porcelain printed with Pratt multi-colour underglaze prints, however, these may have been bought-in ware decorated by the company. Whilst Felix Pratt was the commercial driving force behind the business, the artist was a Jesse Austin who joined Pratt in the early-1840. He was an accomplished watercolour artist and engraver and over nearly 40 years, the business produced over 550 poly chrome prints used to decorate the now well known pot lids. Pratt’s first under-glaze, polychrome pot lid was made in 1847 and was a scene ‘Grace before Meals’. Austin’s subject included royalty, famous people, city scenes – there are eleven views of London – and this portrayal of the life and times of Victorian England is one of the reasons for the lid’s popularity today. Austin also made minature watercolour copies of famous paintings and these too appear on pot lids and Prattware. Although the pot lids have become well known, the engravings were also used on the containers themselves, on plates and on other domestic earthenware manufactured by the business and it is this good-quality domestic pottery that is termed ‘Prattware’. tw176

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  • c1900 Dresden Flowers hand painted serving bowl with gold 9.75" - Estate Fresh Austin c1900 Dresden Flowers hand painted serving bowl with gold 9.75" - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Dresden Flowers hand painted serving bowl with gold 9.75"

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    c1900 Dresden Flowers hand painted serving bowl with gold 9.75". Great piece with no cracks, chips, restorations, and near mint gold. TW175

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  • c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Shallow Bowl with Neoclassical depicting V - Estate Fresh Austin c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Shallow Bowl with Neoclassical depicting V - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Shallow Bowl with Neoclassical depicting V

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    c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Shallow Bowl with Neoclassical Greek scene<br>9 5/8" wide with no cracks, chips, or restorations, some wear to gilding as<br>shown. 100% hand painted and artist signed.TW175

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  • c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Raised Gold Neoclassical Style Cabinet Cre - Estate Fresh Austin c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Raised Gold Neoclassical Style Cabinet Cre - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Raised Gold Neoclassical Style Cabinet Cre

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    c1890 Royal Vienna Style Hand Painted Raised Gold Neoclassical Style Cabinet<br>Creamer and Sugar . Great pair over 100 years old with no cracks, chips, or<br>restorations and near mint to mint gold. They are both 4.25" tall, a nice larger<br>sized creamer and sugar, sugar is 6" handle to handle.tw174

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  • c1860 Staffordshire Tam O'Shanter & Souter Johnny Figure Marked Sampson Smith 18 - Estate Fresh Austin c1860 Staffordshire Tam O'Shanter & Souter Johnny Figure Marked Sampson Smith 18 - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1860 Staffordshire Tam O'Shanter & Souter Johnny Figure Marked Sampson Smith 18

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    c1860 Staffordshire Tam O'Shanter & Souter Johnny Figure. 13.5" tall x 10" wide<br>with no cracks, chips, or restorations. Typical firing flaws and crazing, some<br>loss to paint. Marked on base Sampson Smith 1851 Longton.<br>SAMPSON SMITH<br>1851<br>LONGTON Mark was used from c.1851-90<br>rare mark (in relief) on some earthenware dogs, jugs and figures - most 19thC<br>ware was unmarked.<br>B34

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  • Wedgwood Black Basalt President Eisenhower Bust 8.5" - Estate Fresh Austin Wedgwood Black Basalt President Eisenhower Bust 8.5" - Estate Fresh Austin

    Wedgwood Black Basalt President Eisenhower Bust 8.5"

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    Wedgwood Black Basalt President Eisenhower Bust 8.5" tall with no cracks, chips, or restorations, paperwork included as shown. Tw53

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  • c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Teapot Stand and Plate with Cattle Farm Scene - Estate Fresh Austin c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Teapot Stand and Plate with Cattle Farm Scene - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Teapot Stand and Plate with Cattle Farm Scene

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    c1860 Staffordshire Prattware Teapot Stand and Plate with Cattle Farm Scene. 2 great pieces from mid to late 19th century. Teapot stand is 6.5" and plate is 8 5/8". Neither have any cracks, chips, or restorations. Both have the expected crazing of 150 year old earthenware. Selling both pieces shown. In the 19th century, the Pratt name was associated with the fine, usually multi-coloured, transfer printed engravings used to decorate the lids of earthenware pots used for food, pharmaceutical products and toiletries. The business also produced domestic earthenware including relief moulded earthenware (especially jugs) and tableware with underglaze, multi-coloured decoration (‘Prattware’). Terracotta and parian ware were other wares, and Godden (1988) notes that there are examples of mid-19th century porcelain printed with Pratt multi-colour underglaze prints, however, these may have been bought-in ware decorated by the company. Whilst Felix Pratt was the commercial driving force behind the business, the artist was a Jesse Austin who joined Pratt in the early-1840. He was an accomplished watercolour artist and engraver and over nearly 40 years, the business produced over 550 poly chrome prints used to decorate the now well known pot lids. Pratt’s first under-glaze, polychrome pot lid was made in 1847 and was a scene ‘Grace before Meals’. Austin’s subject included royalty, famous people, city scenes – there are eleven views of London – and this portrayal of the life and times of Victorian England is one of the reasons for the lid’s popularity today. Austin also made minature watercolour copies of famous paintings and these too appear on pot lids and Prattware. Although the pot lids have become well known, the engravings were also used on the containers themselves, on plates and on other domestic earthenware manufactured by the business and it is this good-quality domestic pottery that is termed ‘Prattware’. tw176

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  • c1920 Carl Thieme Dresden Flowers Cup and Saucer - Estate Fresh Austin c1920 Carl Thieme Dresden Flowers Cup and Saucer - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1920 Carl Thieme Dresden Flowers Cup and Saucer

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    c1920 Carl Thieme Dresden Flowers Cup and Saucer. All hand painted with No<br>cracks, chips, or wear to gilding. Selling the cup and saucer shown. Cup is 3<br>5/8" wide without handle x 2" tall Saucer is 5.5" wide.<br>TW172 and bdrmshlf

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  • c1910 Bourne & Leigh Blue Willow England Soup Bowls 9" - Estate Fresh Austin c1910 Bourne & Leigh Blue Willow England Soup Bowls 9" - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Bourne & Leigh Blue Willow England Soup Bowls 9"

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    c1910 Bourne & Leigh Blue Willow England Soup Bowls 9" Selling both earthenware<br>with light expected crazing no stains, no cracks, or chips.<br>B55

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  • Cantagalli Antique Itanian Faience Reticulated Plate with Crest - Estate Fresh Austin Cantagalli Antique Itanian Faience Reticulated Plate with Crest - Estate Fresh Austin

    Cantagalli Antique Itanian Faience Reticulated Plate with Crest

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    Cantagalli Antique Itanian Faience Reticulated Plate with Crest. 9.5" wide with no cracks, chips, or restorations. 19th century. About Ulisse Cantagalli Ulisse Cantagalli was a superb artist and an even better businessman. Not much of him is known before 1878 when he took over the family factory in Florence and started to produce highly decorative Italian ceramics in the Renaissance style. At the time the taste for this kind of pottery was a very hot trend in the English speaking countries. He devoted his artistic energy to the understanding of the techniques and the designs of the old masters from Gubbio, Deruta, Urbino and other important ceramic centers. His ability to master the ruby and golden luster techniques of Mastro Giorgio Andreoli brought the factory to fame, particularly in Britain. The passion for Italian pottery and its role in the success of Cantagalli’s factory is well described in a delicious article published in the New York Times in 1879, titled “The Making of Majolica: A Florence Pottery Factory”. The event that more than any other contributed to the International success of Cantagalli was his friendship with William de Morgan, Britain’s most talented and most admired pottery and tile designer of his days. He introduced him to influential collectors in England and US and encouraged him to participate to International exhibitions. In a short time, Cantagalli works were highly regarded in English speaking countries, where they still are popular Collector’s items. Cantagalli died in 1901. His wife and daughter continued to operate the factory in Florence. In 1934 they sold it together with the Cantagalli’s trademark to Amerigo Menegatti, former artistic director of the factory. The economic turmoil following World War II forced Menegatti to a step change in production. He began to offer more utilitarian items, which still bore the famous cockerel that English speaking collectors find so appealing. The Cantagalli factory closed in 1985. The production of Cantagalli ware is now over, although the Menegatti family still owns the trademark. TW156

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  • Abstract Raku Planter Vase - Estate Fresh Austin Abstract Raku Planter Vase - Estate Fresh Austin

    Abstract Raku Planter Vase

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    Abstract Raku Planter Vase. I can't make out the mark but it's fantastic. 6.75" tall x 5.75" wide with no damage or wear. B54

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  • c1900 Sevres Style Bronze Mounted Porcelain Cabinet Flate French Hand Painted wo - Estate Fresh Austin c1900 Sevres Style Bronze Mounted Porcelain Cabinet Flate French Hand Painted wo - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Sevres Style Bronze Mounted Porcelain Cabinet Flate French Hand Painted wo

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    c1900 Sevres Style Bronze Mounted Porcelain Cabinet Flate French Hand Painted woman w/Cherub artist signed Huet. No scratches, cracks, chips, or restorations, minor wear to inside ring of gold just outside the portrait. TW165

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  • c1890 St Malo Terracotta Tobacco Jar Scottish Man - Estate Fresh Austin c1890 St Malo Terracotta Tobacco Jar Scottish Man - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1890 St Malo Terracotta Tobacco Jar Scottish Man

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    c1890 St Malo Terracotta Tobacco Jar Scottish Man. 6" tall with no cracks, chips, or restorations. Guaranteed late 19th to early 20th century. TW162

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  • c1790 Derby Figure Group Pair "The Welsh Tailors" Woman Breastfeeding guy with t - Estate Fresh Austin c1790 Derby Figure Group Pair "The Welsh Tailors" Woman Breastfeeding guy with t - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1790 Derby Figure Group Pair "The Welsh Tailors" Woman Breastfeeding guy with t

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    c1790 Derby Figure Group Pair "The Welsh Tailors" Woman Breastfeeding guy with tongue out. Selling the pair late 18th century. Interesting pair with the Tailor sticking his tongue out at his wife that's breastfeeding, strange. Tallest is a hair under 6". Minor losses and some old restorations, woman is missing part of one leg. TW162

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  • c1920's Haviland Art Deco Woman Cabinet Plate - Estate Fresh Austin c1920's Haviland Art Deco Woman Cabinet Plate - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1920's Haviland Art Deco Woman Cabinet Plate

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    c1920's Haviland Art Deco Woman Cabinet Plate. 8 5/8" wide with no cracks, chips, restorations, or significant wear. Very unusual one of a kind plate. tw146

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  • c1910 Art Nouveau Hand painted limoges portrait plate 8.5" - Estate Fresh Austin c1910 Art Nouveau Hand painted limoges portrait plate 8.5" - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Art Nouveau Hand painted limoges portrait plate 8.5"

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    c1910 Art Nouveau Hand painted limoges portrait plate 8.5". No cracks, chips, or<br>restorations.<br>B50

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  • c1900 Vinranka Gefle Flow Blue Sweden Pitcher - Estate Fresh Austin c1900 Vinranka Gefle Flow Blue Sweden Pitcher - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Vinranka Gefle Flow Blue Sweden Pitcher

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    c1900 Vinranka Gefle Flow Blue Sweden Pitcher6.25" tall x 7.75" wide handle to<br>spout. A nice milk or juice pitcher much larger than a creamer, probably one<br>liter. They made a few sizes of these and this is the largest and most difficult<br>to find. No cracks, chips, restorations, or crazing.<br>TW144

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  • Ishmael Soto(1932 - 2017) Austin Texas Studio Pottery Abstract Vase - Estate Fresh Austin Ishmael Soto(1932 - 2017) Austin Texas Studio Pottery Abstract Vase - Estate Fresh Austin

    Ishmael Soto(1932-2017) Austin Texas Studio Pottery Abstract Vase

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    This piece and two more I'm listing are from the Estate of Lael Cater Seagert UT Art Department and later Director of Laa Gloria Art Museum here in Austin so these were likely gifts from Soto as they had signed books from so many Texas Artists that were given to them as gifts. Piece measures 7 5/8" tall x 5.25" wide. No cracks, chips, restorations, or crazing.Below is an excerpt from the artists eulogy.Ishmael Soto, longtime Austin ceramicist and teacher, died Monday after a battle with cancer. He was 84.“Ishmael’s passing is a loss for us all in the community,” said Sylvia Orozco, director of Mexic-Arte Museum. “He was a great human being, teacher and artist. Ishmael was one of the first, if not the first Mexican-American Austinite to become a professional visual artist.”Artist and teacher Ishmael Soto died Feb. 27 at age 84. Contributed by Tahila MintzSoto won many prizes and was exhibited frequently in group and solo shows.A native Austinite, Soto earned his first degree from the University of Texas and his second from the famed Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan. His 57th Annual Potters Show and Sale took place in December 2016. He taught ceramics at UT for seven years — one of the first Hispanics to teach in the art department — then at St. Edward’s University and Austin Community College for a total of more than 30 years..“He was a modest, generous mentor and major inspiration to many artists,” said his widow, Cynthia Leigh. “He taught thousands of students over his lifetime. Many of his students decided to become artists from his encouragement and support. He did not try to mold his students to imitate his work; he encouraged them to follow their own artistic path and draw on their own talents. B26

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  • c1890 Dresden Porcelain Casket in the Capodimonte Style - Estate Fresh Austin c1890 Dresden Porcelain Casket in the Capodimonte Style - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1890 Dresden Porcelain Casket in the Capodimonte Style

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    c1890 Dresden Porcelain Casket in the Capodimonte Style. Great antique porcelain box likely Ernst Bohne or a Dresden company. Crown over N mark inside. Guaranteed over 100 years old with no cracks, chips, or restorations, hand painted. tw145

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  • Pair of Derby Boy and Girl Figures - Estate Fresh Austin Pair of Derby Boy and Girl Figures - Estate Fresh Austin

    Pair of Derby Boy and Girl Figures

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    Pair of Derby Boy and Girl Figures 5" tall. Beautiful pair. The boy has one leaf<br>chipped on basket, girl has slight loss to basket and a 1" hairline in the base<br>that is really difficult to find. I believe these may be" King Street Derby"<br>perhaps from the early 20th century.<br><br>King Street, Derby(1848 to 1935)<br>A group of former employees set up a factory in King Street in Derby, and<br>continued to use the moulds, patterns and trademarks of the original business,<br>but not the name. No mechanical processes were used and no two pieces produced<br>were exactly the same. Among the items preserved was the original potters wheel<br>used by the Duesburys.<br>There is much damage to the applied Florals on both pieces. I believe there is a<br>very old professional restoration to his hat and her arm.<br><br>tw138

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  • Early Celadon Jar - Estate Fresh Austin Early Celadon Jar - Estate Fresh Austin

    Early Celadon Jar

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    Early Celadon Jar 3" tall x 4 3/8" wide. Earthenware from a collection of mostly Ming Chinese ceramics put together in the mid 20th century. One hairline shown in center of first pic if you look very closely and a few small chips on rim, no restorations. TW132

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  • Early Celadon Stoneware Tea Bowl with Lotus Decoration - Estate Fresh Austin Early Celadon Stoneware Tea Bowl with Lotus Decoration - Estate Fresh Austin

    Early Celadon Stoneware Tea Bowl with Lotus Decoration

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    Early Celadon Stoneware Tea Bowl with Lotus Decoration. From a collection of<br>mostly Ming chinese porcelain but some other asian ceramics mostly from the same<br>era. 5 old stable hairlines as shown. 4.25" wide x 1 13/16" deep.<br>TW132

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  • Antique Delft Tiles in Mahogany Frames - Estate Fresh Austin Antique Delft Tiles in Mahogany Frames - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Delft Tiles in Mahogany Frames

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    Antique Delft Tiles in Mahogany Frames. Delft earthenware tiles, 19th c., in polychrome tin glazes, stylized blue border, central octagonal reserve depicting ships in canal, centered in circular mahogany frame, (one) tile with hairline, tile: approx 6"h, 6"w, overall: approx 9.75"diam; 3.75lbs total. TW140

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  • c1920 Porcelain plaque with courting scene in gilt metal frame - Estate Fresh Austin c1920 Porcelain plaque with courting scene in gilt metal frame - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1920 Porcelain plaque with courting scene in gilt metal frame

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    c1920 Porcelain plaque with courting scene in gilt metal frame. Frame measures<br>7.75" x 5.5". I believe it has hand painted accents over a transfer.<br>B36

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  • 1950's Mexican Coin Art Ashtray - Estate Fresh Austin 1950's Mexican Coin Art Ashtray - Estate Fresh Austin

    1950's Mexican Coin Art Ashtray

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    1950's Mexican Coin Art Ashtray. Made from 1940's and 50's coins, made in the<br>fifties or sixties. 4 1/8" wide with no issues.<br>tw7

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  • c1960 Su Casa Chicago Restaurant Ashtray Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery - Estate Fresh Austin c1960 Su Casa Chicago Restaurant Ashtray Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1960 Su Casa Chicago Restaurant Ashtray Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery

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    c1960 Su Casa Chicago Restaurant Ashtray Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery . 7 3/8" wide rare and unusual. No cracks or chips but some glaze surface wear as expected and shown. tw130

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  • c1940s Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery Man by barrel - Estate Fresh Austin c1940s Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery Man by barrel - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1940s Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk pottery Man by barrel

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    c1940s Tlaquepaque Mexican Folk Man by barrel. Very unusual and super whimsical piece. 8" tall, there is a chip on the back top of his hat and his head has been glued back on long ago. Still great and rare. b30

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  • c1880 Nautical Set Folding with Hand painted Porcelain Inserts Cigar Cut - Estate Fresh Austin c1880 Nautical Set Folding with Hand painted Porcelain Inserts Cigar Cut - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1880 Nautical Set Folding with Hand painted Porcelain Inserts Cigar Cut

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    c1880 Nautical Set Folding with Hand painted Porcelain Inserts Cigar Cutter,<br>Match Holder. Extremely rare item Traveling Ships Pocket sized set from the late<br>19th century. Ships wheel cigar cutter, very nice hand painted porcelain plaques<br>likely bohemian.4 7/8" tall open x 4.25" wide closed x 2.5" tall closed. It<br>would create quite a bulge in a pocket but fit in most. Cigars were really small<br>back when this was made.

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  • 3 Stangl Pottery Birds figure groups in Mint condition - Estate Fresh Austin 3 Stangl Pottery Birds figure groups in Mint condition - Estate Fresh Austin

    3 Stangl Pottery Birds figure groups in Mint condition

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    3 Stangl Pottery Birds figure groups in Mint condition. Selling all three with<br>no cracks, chips, restorations, or crazing. Largest is 9.25" tall. I've examined<br>these very closely, especially the beaks and tails, they're perfect The bottom<br>beak on the largest has a slight glazed over flaw, not a repair. Better than<br>average colors, crisp molding, no touch ups.<br>tw103

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  • 1882 18.5" Crown Derby Imari 198 Tea Tray Rare - Estate Fresh Austin 1882 18.5" Crown Derby Imari 198 Tea Tray Rare - Estate Fresh Austin

    1882 18.5" Crown Derby Imari 198 Tea Tray Rare

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    1882 18.5" Crown Derby Imari Tea Tray Rare form of early tray with an uncommon<br>pattern. No cracks, chips, or restorations, some wear to gilding as shown. 138<br>years old.<br>b22

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  • 18th century Porcelain Cherub with applied Florals Possibly Capodimonte - Estate Fresh Austin 18th century Porcelain Cherub with applied Florals Possibly Capodimonte - Estate Fresh Austin

    18th century Porcelain Cherub with applied Florals Possibly Capodimonte

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    18th century Porcelain Cherub with applied Florals Possibly Capodimonte. Very early piece guaranteed 200+ years old. I believe it's capodimonte, but it could be German. Some restorations to body, missing bouquet, some missing petals. 5.5" tall. tw82

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  • c1920 Haviland Limoges hand painted cabinet plate - Estate Fresh Austin c1920 Haviland Limoges hand painted cabinet plate - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1920 Haviland Limoges hand painted cabinet plate

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    c1920 Haviland Limoges hand painted cabinet plate. No cracks, chips, or<br>restorations.<br>TW82

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  • c1880 Austrian Hand Painted and Gilt multicolor Pitcher - Estate Fresh Austin c1880 Austrian Hand Painted and Gilt multicolor Pitcher - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1880 Austrian Hand Painted and Gilt multicolor Pitcher

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    c1880 Austrian Hand Painted and Gilt multicolor Pitcher. Unusual decoration on<br>this piece. No cracks, chips, or restorations. Very minor wear in a few spots to<br>painting and some wear to gilding as shown.<br>Tw117

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  • Herend Fruits and Flowers Cream Soups and Underplates (6) - Estate Fresh Austin Herend Fruits and Flowers Cream Soups and Underplates (6) - Estate Fresh Austin

    Herend Fruits and Flowers Cream Soups and Underplates (6)

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    Herend Fruits and Flowers Cream Soups and Underplates (6). Selling all 6 cream soups with matching saucers. The underplates are 6.5", cream soups are 4 3/8" wide without handles. These are all in like new unused condition with no cracks, chips, gold wear, utensil marks, or any other defects. All hand painted therefore all unique. TW20

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  • c1910 Sevres Style Muville Artist Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate - Estate Fresh Austin c1910 Sevres Style Muville Artist Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Sevres Style Muville Artist Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate

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    c1910 Sevres Style Muville Artist Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate. No cracks, chips, or restorations. Likely framed about 30-40 years ago, but the plate is much older. It is one of a pair I'm listing the other separately under similar keywords. Frame is 14.25", plate is 9.5" Tw55

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  • c1910 Sevres Style Muville Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate - Estate Fresh Austin c1910 Sevres Style Muville Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 Sevres Style Muville Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate

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    c1910 Sevres Style Muville Artist Signed Hand Painted Courting Cabinet Plate. No cracks, chips, or restorations. Likely framed about 30-40 years ago, but the plate is much older. It is one of a pair I'm listing the other separately under similar keywords. Plate is 9.5", frame is 14.25" Tw55

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  • c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with The Menai Bridge an - Estate Fresh Austin c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with The Menai Bridge an - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with The Menai Bridge an

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    c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with Eton College and<br>Fontville Abbey Wiltshire. 7" tall x 7" handle to spout with no cracks, chips,<br>crazing, or restorations. I'm listing a larger mate to this pitcher in a larger<br>size with different scenes separately. Both pitchers have some illegible to me<br>impressions on the footrim.<br>TW10

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  • c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with Eton College and Fo - Estate Fresh Austin c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with Eton College and Fo - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with Eton College and Fo

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    c1860 British Historical Staffordshire Transferware Jug with Eton College and<br>Fontville Abbey Wiltshire. 5.5" tall x 5.5" handle to spout with no cracks,<br>chips, crazing, or restorations. I'm listing a larger mate to this pitcher in a<br>larger size with different scenes separately. Both pitchers have some illegible<br>to me impressions on the footrim.<br>TW10

    1 in magazzino



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