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Vintage Paragon Roses bouquet green with gold scrolls Teacup and saucer


Vintage Paragon Roses bouquet green with gold scrolls Teacup and saucer. No<br>cracks, chips, crazing, or restorations. 5.5" saucer, 3 7/8" wide cup without<br>handle.<br>isshelf
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Vintage Paragon Roses bouquet green with gold scrolls Teacup and saucer. No<br>cracks, chips, crazing, or restorations. 5.5" saucer, 3 7/8"... Read more

1 in stock

$145.00 Excl. VAT


      Vintage Paragon Roses bouquet green with gold scrolls Teacup and saucer. No<br>cracks, chips, crazing, or restorations. 5.5" saucer, 3 7/8" wide cup without<br>handle.<br>isshelf

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