

  • Raymond/Geneva Apachito Onyx Earrings and pendant set

    Raymond/Geneva Apachito Onyx Earrings and pendant set


    Raymond/Geneva Apachito Onyx Earrings and pendant set. Earrings made by Geneva, Pendant made by her father. Selling the set with measurements shown. Etsy bot's dont' like the A word(petrified tree sap)Geneva Apachito (Navajo, Born 1969) the daughter of Raymond and Genevieve Apachito she signs her pieces Geneva J.A. Geneva Apachito was born in Socoro, New Mexico to silversmiths Raymond and Genevieve Apachito. She was raised in Alamo and learned the art of silversmithing from her mother. Geneva Apachito & Marilyn Platero.



  • RCI Thailand Gilt Sterling cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    RCI 泰国镀金纯手镯


    RCI 泰国镀金纯手镯。 26.3克,干净,没有问题。



  • Readda Begay 纳瓦霍纯蓝岭绿松石戒指

    Readda Begay 纳瓦霍纯蓝岭绿松石戒指


    Readda Begay 纳瓦霍纯蓝岭绿松石戒指,尺寸 9.25,18 克,1.5 英寸表面。几乎没有磨损,无损坏。读达开始: Readda 一生都不是贝盖 (Begay) 家族,在嫁给银匠欧内斯特·贝盖 (Ernest Begay) 之前,她是马丁内斯 (Martinez) 家族。她出身于纳瓦霍珠宝界享有盛誉的家族,即马丁内斯 (Martinez) 家族。仅举几例,她的兄弟是 Calvin、Terry、Leon、Rick Martinez.. 拥有这种影响力,你怎么能不生产一些最精美的珠宝呢?雷达和欧内斯特住在新墨西哥州盖洛普郊外一个名为“面包泉”的小镇。



  • Rebecca Collins Cast Oxidized sterling silver angel pin - Estate Fresh Austin

    丽贝卡·柯林斯 (Rebecca Collins) 铸造氧化纯银天使别针


    丽贝卡·柯林斯 (Rebecca Collins) 铸造氧化纯银天使别针 29.8 克 2 英寸(从脚趾到翅膀),世界著名的德克萨斯州达拉斯艺术家创作了这枚别针,现已退休,不再创作珠宝。丽贝卡·柯林斯 (Rebecca Collins) 是一位国际知名珠宝设计师,她是土生土长的德克萨斯人,毕业于 SMU,最初担任高中教师。 1975 年,丽贝卡参加了银匠课程,在那里她发现了自己对创造可穿戴艺术品的热情。在设计珠宝之前,她是一名艺术家,她的画作现在极具收藏价值。丽贝卡·柯林斯 (Rebecca Collins) 环游世界寻找珠宝材料,从数千个来源购买宝石和古董。丽贝卡 (Rebecca) 的每件设计都独一无二:在自然界中,没有两件物品是完全相同的。 当她开始设计珠宝时,她发现自己对不相关物体之间的联系着迷,这是她独特设计的核心。粉丝们欣赏她对对比材料的艺术组合,例如刻面海蓝宝石与化石、玉石与植物象牙,或两千年前的罗马玻璃......她的“古怪”组合创造了她的标志性外观。她最喜欢寻找灵感的艺术家是古斯塔夫·克里姆特和亨利·马蒂斯。安德拉斯



  • Red Adair, (1915-2004) Texas Oil Well Firefighter belt buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    Red Adair,(1915-2004)德克萨斯州油井消防员皮带扣


    Red Adair,(1915-2004)德克萨斯州油井消防员皮带扣。 3 3/8" x 2.25",最多可容纳 1.75" 的皮带。保罗·尼尔·阿代尔 (Paul Neal Adair) 1915 年出生于德克萨斯州休斯顿。他是一位金属工人的五个儿子之一。他还有三个姐妹。在成长过程中,他被称为“红阿代尔”,因为他的头发是鲜红色的。这种颜色成为亚岱尔的商标。他穿着红色的衣服和红色的靴子。他开着一辆红色汽车,他的船员使用红色卡车和红色设备。 年轻时,雷德·阿代尔为了养家糊口从高中辍学。他曾在几家不同的公司当过工人。十九点三十八分,阿代尔在奥的斯压力控制公司找到了第一份与石油相关的工作。第二次世界大战期间,亚代尔在一支训练有素的军队中服役,负责拆除和销毁炸弹。战后,他回到休斯敦,并在迈伦·金利 (Myron Kinley) 手下找到了一份工作。当时,金利是扑灭油井火灾的带头人。雷德·阿代尔 (Red Adair) 与迈伦·金利 (Myron Kinley) 合作了十四年。但在十九年五十九岁,阿代尔创办了自己的公司。在他的三十六年从业生涯中,雷德·阿代尔和他的团队在世界各地与两千多场火灾进行了战斗。有些在陆地上。其他人则在海洋石油钻探结构上。一些火灾是在燃烧的油井中发生的。其他人则在天然气井中。 雷德·阿代尔(Red Adair)是一个专业且极其危险的行业的领导者。扑灭油井火灾可能很困难。这是因为油井火灾是在地面以上的井口处扑灭的。通常,使用炸药来阻止火势燃烧。爆炸夺去了火焰中的氧气。但是,一旦火被扑灭,井仍然需要被覆盖或加盖,以阻止石油流动。这是该过程中最危险的部分。任何新的热量或火灾都可能导致泄漏井和周围区域爆炸。雷德·阿代尔开发了现代方法来扑灭和覆盖燃烧的油井。它们在业内被称为“野生井控技术”。除了炸药之外,这些技术还涉及大量的水和泥土。阿代尔还开发了由青铜金属制成的特殊设备,以帮助扑灭油井火灾。现代化的工具和他的狂野井控技术为 Red Adair 和他的团队赢得了“业内最佳”的荣誉。 雷德·阿代尔以不害怕而闻名。他还以其冷静和安全感而闻名。他的工人在扑灭油井或煤气火灾时从未丧生。他这样描述他的工作:“这让你感到害怕——所有的噪音、嘎嘎声、震动。但是当你完成并收拾行李时,每个人脸上的表情都是世界上最好的微笑;而且没有人受伤了,井已经得到控制。”雷德·阿岱尔最重要的项目之一是在十九六十二年。他和他的团队扑灭了阿尔及利亚撒哈拉沙漠的天然气火灾。大火已经燃烧了六个月。这场著名的火灾被称为“魔鬼的点烟器”。天然气井的火焰喷射到大约一百四十米的空中。火势如此之大,以至于美国宇航员约翰·格伦在环绕地球运行时可以从太空中看到它。 井周围的沙漠沙子因高温而融化成玻璃。新闻报道称,阿代尔使用了约三百四十公斤硝化甘油爆炸材料来从火中抽出氧气。阿代尔凭借《魔鬼点烟器》的成功和早期的井火激发了美国电影业的想象力。十九年六十八岁,好莱坞拍了一部动作片,名叫《地狱战士》。它大致是根据雷德·阿代尔生活中的事件改编的。演员约翰·韦恩饰演一位来自得克萨斯州休斯顿的油井消防员,他的生活与亚代尔相似。在电影拍摄期间,阿代尔担任韦恩的顾问。这两个人成了亲密的朋友。阿代尔说,世界上最好的荣誉之一就是让约翰·韦恩在电影中扮演他。这是电影《地狱战士》中的约翰·韦恩。他刚刚飞往委内瑞拉,帮助机组人员扑灭危险的火灾。他随身携带了所需的物资。 十九点八十八分,亚岱尔遭遇了可能是世界上最严重的海上事故。它位于北海的 Piper Alpha 钻井结构。西方石油公司在苏格兰海岸运营该设施。该结构从二十四口井中生产石油和天然气。该建筑因煤气泄漏而爆炸,造成一百六十七人死亡。雷德·阿代尔(Red Adair)必须扑灭大火并封住水井。他面临着时速超过一百二十公里的狂风,以及至少二十米高的海浪。 19世纪91年3月,海湾战争结束后,雷德·阿代尔前往科威特。他和他的手下被叫去帮助扑灭伊拉克军队在逃离联军时所放的大火。但阿代尔在扑灭大火方面面临着严重的问题。六月,他飞往华盛顿特区与政府官员讨论这些问题。他告诉国会议员,他需要更多的水和更多的设备。他还表达了他对部下医疗服务以及科威特各地埋设地雷的担忧。阿代尔还会见了时任总统乔治·H·W·布什。布什总统听取了他的担忧并表示支持。几周之内,亚代尔就拥有了完成这项工作所需的设备。 Red Adair Company 封盖了一百多口井。他的船员是来自 16 个国家的 27 支队伍之一,被派去灭火。工作人员的努力扑灭了科威特大约七百场火灾。他们的努力节省了数百万桶石油。一些专家表示,这次行动还有助于防止环境悲剧的发生。这项工作预计需要三到五年的时间。然而,仅用了八个月就完成了。 11 月 6 日,19 点 91 分,科威特埃米尔在一场仪式上扑灭了最后一口着火的井。除了科威特之外,阿代尔和他的手下当年还执行了其他十六项工作。他们在印度、委内瑞拉、尼日利亚、墨西哥湾和美国工作。雷德·阿代尔 (Red Adair) 在科威特与他的船员并肩工作,度过了他的七十六岁生日。当被问及何时退休时,他告诉记者:“退休?我不知道这个词是什么意思。只要一个人能够工作,他在外面很有生产力,他感觉很好,那就坚持下去。” 尽管如此,雷德·阿代尔最终还是在十九年九十四岁时退休了。当时他开玩笑说自己死后会去哪里。他说他希望能去天堂。但他谈到地狱时是这样说的:“我和魔鬼做了一笔交易。他说当我去那里时,他会给我一个有空调的地方——如果我去那里的话——所以我不会把所有的火都灭掉。”出去。”雷德·阿代尔于 2004 年去世。他已经八十九岁了。在他的葬礼上,许多家人和朋友都穿着红色的衣服来纪念他。许多美国人都记得雷德·阿代尔的勇敢。他的一生都在危险的边缘度过。他以愿意冒着生命危险拯救他人而闻名。亚岱尔一生中曾获得过林登·约翰逊、吉米·卡特和乔治·H·W·布什总统的特别嘉奖信。其中一封信中这样写道:“您愿意以罕见的能力从事危险而重要的工作,为国家做出了贡献。在这个没有英雄的时代,您是真正的英雄。”安德拉斯



  • 民国时期玛瑙雕刻挂瓶



    民国时期中国雕刻玛瑙挂瓶。 6.5 英寸高 x 4 英寸宽。这是真正的手工雕刻玛瑙石,而且很旧,我只是不知道如何诚实地确定这样一块玛瑙的日期。我知道链条全部都是玛瑙链节,这绝对是令人惊奇的。我以前见过玛瑙链,但它们总是一环玛瑙,然后一环金或银。制作这个必须需要惊人的技巧,尤其是链条。它来自一个非常漂亮的庄园,里面全是旧东西,我认为它很旧,可能是清末民初时期的。我没有发现任何损坏。链条每边长 8 英寸。 TW136



  • 民国时期中国雕刻紫水晶盖花瓶



    民国时期中国雕刻紫水晶盖花瓶,高 7 英寸 x 宽 3.25 英寸,来自 20 世纪第三季度的收藏品,推测当时很古老。天然石材中会有天然裂缝,没有明显的损坏。盖子上有一些腻子残留物,很容易去除。中国抽屉



  • Republic Period Chinese Carved boxwood buddha - Estate Fresh Austin



    民国时期中国黄杨木雕刻佛像。 3.75 英寸高 x 3.25 英寸宽底座,背面有旧的稳定裂纹,雕刻精美。书架



  • Republic Period Chinese cast brass teapot - Estate Fresh Austin



    民国时期中国铸造黄铜茶壶。没有损坏,有一些氧化,铜绿漂亮。 5.75 英寸喷嘴手柄 x 3.75 英寸高。



  • 民国景泰蓝马形炉



    民国时期中国景泰蓝马形香炉 9 5/8 英寸高 x 7.25 英寸高 足缘略微弯曲,对珐琅质没有损坏,鬃毛似乎兼作比赛前锋。二十世纪上半叶的伟大作品,形式不寻常。书架



  • Republic Period Chinese Cloisonné Trinket box - Estate Fresh Austin



    民国时期的中国景泰蓝饰品盒。漂亮的复古单品,没有任何问题。 3 英寸宽 x 1.25 英寸高,无损坏或问题。 B3



  • 民国时期粉彩圆章潘趣酒碗



    民国时期中国粉彩徽章潘趣酒碗。无裂纹、缺口或修复。高品质手绘作品,状况极佳,已有约 90 年历史。 15.5 英寸宽 x 6 英寸深。



  • 民国时期中国釉面高浮雕陶龙盘



    民国时期中国釉面高浮雕陶龙盘。无裂纹、缺口或修复,釉面磨损极少。 10 英寸宽。



  • 民国时期中国缝纫篮一对



    民国时期中国缝纫篮一对。出售带有北京玻璃珠和环的中国古董缝纫篮。最大的 7.5 英寸宽。小的缺少一枚硬币/流苏,大的有一颗破损的黄色珠子和环中的裂缝。没有其他问题。出售两个篮子。 TW218



  • 退役 14k James Avery 婚姻手链吊坠

    退役 14k James Avery 婚姻手链吊坠


    退役 14k James Avery Marrimony 手链上的手牵手吊坠。中央吊坠和两个跳环为 James Avery 14k 金,尺寸为 1 1/8 英寸,两个跳环总长度为 6.5 英寸。链条和扣环均镀金。总共6克。这显然可以直接佩戴,或者可以将链条取下,然后将其添加到项链上。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • Retired James Avery  Ichthus fish slide pendant

    Retired James Avery Ichthus fish slide pendant


    Retired James Avery Ichthus fish slide pendant. Clean with no issues. Uncut jump ringJames Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • 退役 James Avery '92 英镑吊饰

    退役 James Avery '92 英镑吊饰


    退役 James Avery '92 吊饰,高宽 0.5 英寸,跳环上有标记,但我认为它很坚固。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • 退役 James Avery 14k Cross 带皇冠领带/翻领别针

    退役 James Avery 14k Cross 带皇冠领带/翻领别针


    退役 James Avery 14k Cross,带皇冠领带/翻领别针。领带采用 14k 金 James Avery 制成,极为罕见的纯金材质,当然背面也一如既往地进行了电镀处理。



  • Retired James Avery 14K gold and sterling earrings

    Retired James Avery 14K gold and sterling earrings


    Retired James Avery 14K gold and sterling earrings 1" wide with no issues.



  • 退役 James Avery 14K 金和纯银旭日形耳环

    退役 James Avery 14K 金和纯银旭日形耳环


    退役 James Avery 14K 金纯银旭日形耳环。 19.3 克,1 1/8 英寸宽,没有任何问题。夹子上的弹簧很坚固。安德拉斯



  • Retired James Avery 14k gold angel earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    退役 James Avery 14k 金天使耳环


    退役 James Avery 14k 金天使耳环。无损坏或可检测到的磨损 7/16" x 2.6 克。



  • Retired James Avery 14k gold I Love Jesus Cross in Heart charm - Estate Fresh Austin

    退休 James Avery 14k 金我爱耶稣心中十字架吊饰


    退役 James Avery 14k 金“我爱耶稣心中十字架”吊饰 0.75 英寸高,带扣环 x 5/8 英寸宽,没有任何问题。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。 艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • Retired James Avery 14k gold Texas Star charm with rope edge

    Retired James Avery 14k gold Texas Star charm with rope edge


    Retired James Avery 14k gold Texas Star charm with rope edge. Original 14k James Avery loop uncut and intact. .5" wide x .75" tall with jump ring



  • Retired James Avery 14k Mounted Sterling ancient coin replica earrings

    Retired James Avery 14k Mounted Sterling ancient coin replica earrings


    Retired James Avery 14k Mounted Sterling ancient coin replica earrings. Authentic James Avery, solid 14k gold mounts, sterling earrings. Replica ancient coins made by James Avery. Extremely rare. 20.9 grams total. 1.25" x 1 3/8" each. No issues. I had the pendant to match this once, the coin was the same size, the bail was marked 14k. These rims are too small for a mark but they are tested and guaranteed solid 14k gold.



  • Retired James Avery 14k shell earrings

    Retired James Avery 14k shell earrings


    Retired James Avery 14k shell earrings. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. Missing original backs, I put new silicon backs on them. James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul. Mr. Averys mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and >gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories their special mementos he could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery 14k/Sterling blossom earrings

    Retired James Avery 14k/Sterling blossom earrings


    Retired James Avery 14k/Sterling blossom earrings. Weight and measurements in pics, no issues. -anderas James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul. Mr. Averys mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and >gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories their special mementos he could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • 退役 James Avery 14k/纯银手链

    退役 James Avery 14k/纯银手链


    退役 James Avery 14k/英镑手链。干净,磨损很少。 7 英寸长。



  • 退役 James Avery 14k/纯银夹式耳环

    退役 James Avery 14k/纯银夹式耳环


    退役 James Avery 14k/英镑夹式耳环。 7/8" x 5/8" x 9.4 克没问题。



  • Retired James Avery 14k/sterling dome earrings

    Retired James Avery 14k/sterling dome earrings


    Retired James Avery 14k/sterling dome earrings. Measurements in pics, probably not the original backs but they work.



  • 退休 James Avery 14k/纯银心形和花朵手链

    退休 James Avery 14k/纯银心形和花朵手链


    退休 James Avery 14k/英镑心形和花朵手链。干净,磨损很少。 7.5 英寸长。



  • Retired James Avery 14k/sterling pendant - Estate Fresh Austin

    退役 James Avery 14k/纯银吊坠


    退役 James Avery 14k/英镑吊坠 1.75 英寸高 x 15/16 英寸宽 7.7 克。安德拉斯 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • 退役 James Avery 14k/纯银站项链

    退役 James Avery 14k/纯银站项链


    退役 James Avery 14k/纯银项链。约 18 英寸长,无损坏或明显磨损。所有连接环和中心 V 边缘的两根条均为实心 14k 金,其余均为纯金。21.4 克。



  • Retired James Avery 3D open Heart Charm in sterling

    Retired James Avery 3D open Heart Charm in sterling


    Retired James Avery 3D open Heart Charm in sterling 5/8" wide x .75" tall with<br>original uncut jump ring.<br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery A&M Aggie Lapel pin/tie tac in sterling - Estate Fresh Austin

    退役 James Avery A&M Aggie 翻领别针/领带 纯银


    已退役的 James Avery A&M Aggie 翻领别针/领带别针,尺寸为 9/16" x 7/16",面重 4 克,带背面,可以切断链条用作别针,如果您不喜欢领带,可以使用不同的背面。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。安德拉斯



  • Retired James Avery Beaded cross pendant with necklace in sterling

    Retired James Avery Beaded cross pendant with necklace in sterling


    Retired James Avery Beaded cross pendant with necklace in sterling. 24"<br>necklace. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. I cannot provide any<br>additional measurements, videos, or pictures that aren't provided as my jewelry<br>is stored at a separate secure location until it ships. Thank you so much for<br>taking the time to look and your consideration.<br><br>anderascoll<br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery celtic holy trinity pendant in sterling

    Retired James Avery celtic holy trinity pendant in sterling


    Retired James Avery celtic holy trinity pendant in sterling. No issues, weight<br>and measurements in pics. I cannot provide any additional measurements, videos,<br>or pictures that aren't provided as my jewelry is stored at a separate secure<br>location until it ships. Thank you so much for taking the time to look and your<br>consideration.<br><br>anderascoll<br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • 退役詹姆斯艾弗里合唱团天使吊坠 26 英寸项链

    退役詹姆斯艾弗里合唱团天使吊坠 26 英寸项链


    退役 James Avery 合唱团天使吊坠,位于 26 英寸项链上。吊坠 1 英寸 x 1 英寸,带吊环,项链和吊坠均为德克萨斯州制造的 James Avery 珠宝。安德拉斯科尔



  • Retired James Avery Class of '04 Keychain in sterling

    Retired James Avery Class of '04 Keychain in sterling


    Retired James Avery Class of '04 Keychain in sterling, Expected overall wear..<br>No issues, weight and measurements in pics. I cannot provide any additional<br>measurements, videos, or pictures that aren't provided as my jewelry is stored<br>at a separate secure location until it ships. Thank you so much for taking the<br>time to look and your consideration.<br><br>anderascoll<br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Cross in sterling - Estate Fresh Austin

    退役詹姆斯·艾弗里·克罗斯 (James Avery Cross) 英镑


    退役 James Avery Cross 纯银 1 3/16 英寸高,带跳环 x 15/16 英寸宽 x 2.7 克,没有任何问题。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。 艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • Retired James Avery culinary charm spoon holder in sterling

    Retired James Avery culinary charm spoon holder in sterling


    Retired James Avery culinary charm spoon holder in sterling. Weight and measurements in pics, no issues. -anderas James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul. Mr. Averys mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and >gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories their special mementos he could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • 退役 James Avery De Flores 纯银绿松石耳环

    退役 James Avery De Flores 纯银绿松石耳环


    退役 James Avery De Flores 纯银和绿松石耳环。 5/8" 5.2 克,没有问题。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • Retired James Avery descending dove in circle Pendant in sterling

    Retired James Avery descending dove in circle Pendant in sterling


    Retired James Avery descending dove in circle Pendant in sterling.... Size and weight in pics. <br><br>anderas<br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Dove pendant in sterling

    Retired James Avery Dove pendant in sterling


    Retired James Avery Dove pendant in sterling. No issues, weight and measurements<br>in pics. I cannot provide any additional measurements, videos, or pictures that<br>aren't provided as my jewelry is stored at a separate secure location until it<br>ships. Thank you so much for taking the time to look and your consideration.<br><br>anderascoll<br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery doves in heart pendant sterling

    Retired James Avery doves in heart pendant sterling


    Retired James Avery doves in heart pendant sterling. Weight and measurements in pics, no issues. James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul. Mr. Averys mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaningboth for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their storiestheir special momentsso he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Gabriel and His trumpet Angel charm in sterling

    Retired James Avery Gabriel and His trumpet Angel charm in sterling


    Retired James Avery Gabriel and His trumpet Angel charm in sterling 1 3/16" tall. <br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Golf girl pendant/charm in sterling on 18" necklace

    Retired James Avery Golf girl pendant/charm in sterling on 18" necklace


    Retired James Avery Golf girl pendant/charm in sterling on 18" necklace. Both<br>necklace and pendant James Avery.. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. I<br>cannot provide any additional measurements, videos, or pictures that aren't<br>provided as my jewelry is stored at a separate secure location until it ships.<br>Thank you so much for taking the time to look and your consideration.<br><br>anderascoll<br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Hammered 14k/sterling earrings

    Retired James Avery Hammered 14k/sterling earrings


    Retired James Avery Hammered 14k/sterling earrings. French clip earrings with no issues. No issues weight and measurements in pics. I cannot provide any additional measurements, videos, or pictures that aren't provided as my jewelry is stored<br>at a separate secure location until it ships. Thank you so much for taking the<br>time to look and your consideration. James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul. Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Hammered Bola hammered Hoop earrings in sterling

    Retired James Avery Hammered Bola hammered Hoop earrings in sterling


    Retired James Avery Hammered Bola hammered Hoop earrings in sterling.... Size and weight in pics. No backs as shown.<br><br>anderas<br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Hammered Disks Clip on Earrings in sterling

    Retired James Avery Hammered Disks Clip on Earrings in sterling


    Retired James Avery Hammered Disks Clip on Earrings in sterling.... Size and weight in pics. <br><br>anderas<br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • 退役 James Avery Hammered 纯银圈形耳环和夹克

    退役 James Avery Hammered 纯银圈形耳环和夹克


    退役 James Avery Hammered 纯银圈形耳环和夹克。出售带有可拆卸夹克的耳环,都是 James Avery,全部 4 件都有签名。 1 1/8 英寸高 x 5/8 英寸宽。总共8克。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。 艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • 退休詹姆斯·艾弗里 Laugh Now Cry Later 面具吊饰

    退休詹姆斯·艾弗里 Laugh Now Cry Later 面具吊饰


    退休 James Avery Laugh Now Cry Later 面具吊饰 0.5 英寸高,带跳环 x 0.25 英寸宽,小吊饰。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • Retired James Avery link bracelet in sterling

    Retired James Avery link bracelet in sterling


    Retired James Avery link bracelet in sterling. Fits up to a 6.5" wrist as shown. Weight and measurements in pics, no issues. -anderas James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul. Mr. Averys mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and >gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories their special mementos he could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Lis Maltese Cross - Estate Fresh Austin



    退休的詹姆斯·艾弗里·利斯·马耳他十字勋章。纯银 2 英寸高 x 1.5 英寸宽 x 13.3 克,没有任何问题。



  • Retired James Avery M 83 Charm in sterling

    Retired James Avery M 83 Charm in sterling


    Retired James Avery M 83 Charm in sterling. Cut jump ring.... Size and weight in pics. <br><br>anderas<br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Modernist hammered sphere pendant in sterling

    Retired James Avery Modernist hammered sphere pendant in sterling


    Retired James Avery Modernist hammered sphere pendant in sterling. No issues,<br>weight and measurements in pics. I cannot provide any additional measurements,<br>videos, or pictures that aren't provided as my jewelry is stored at a separate<br>secure location until it ships. Thank you so much for taking the time to look<br>and your consideration.<br><br>anderascoll<br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • 退役 James Avery 现代主义纯银耳环

    退役 James Avery 现代主义纯银耳环


    退役 James Avery 现代主义纯银耳环 1 5/8 英寸高 x 1.25 英寸宽 x 6 克,无损坏或明显磨损。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • Retired James Avery Passion cross charm/pendant 18k/sterling

    Retired James Avery Passion cross charm/pendant 18k/sterling


    Retired James Avery Passion cross 18k/sterling. Clean with no issues. Uncut jump ringJames Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Sand dollar dangle earrings in sterling

    Retired James Avery Sand dollar dangle earrings in sterling


    Retired James Avery Sand dollar dangle earrings in sterling. Weight and measurements in pics, no issues. -anderas James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul. Mr. Averys mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and >gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories their special mementos he could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • Retired James Avery Sterling and onyx Southwestern Style earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    退役 James Avery Sterling 和缟玛瑙西南风格耳环


    退役 James Avery Sterling 和缟玛瑙西南风格耳环 1 1/16" x 0.75",几乎没有磨损。 9.3克。安德拉斯科尔 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。



  • Retired James Avery Sterling Celtic cross pendant - Estate Fresh Austin



    退役 James Avery Sterling 凯尔特十字吊坠 1 3/8 英寸高,带跳环 x 0.7 英寸宽 x 3 克,没有任何问题。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。 艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。




