Van Briggle 蓝色哑光大象镇纸
Van Briggle 蓝色哑光大象镇纸。 20 世纪下半叶的伟大作品。没有裂缝、缺口或修复,有一些开裂,没有污渍。 3.5 英寸长 x 2.5 英寸高。 TW122 范布里格尔艺术陶器公司 (Van Briggle Art Pottery) 在其消亡时是美国历史最悠久、持续运营的艺术陶器企业,由阿特斯 (Artus) 和安妮范布里格尔 (Anne Van Briggle) 于 1901 年在科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯成立。阿图斯对美国新艺术运动产生了重大影响,他的陶器是美国艺术陶器的基础。其创始人所青睐的新艺术风格继续影响着陶器的设计。 阿特斯·范·布里格尔 (Artus Van Briggle) 凭借俄亥俄州卢克伍德陶器厂 (Rookwood Pottery) 成为著名艺术家,之后于 1899 年定居在科罗拉多斯普林斯 (Colorado Springs)。阿特斯与他的新婚妻子安妮·路易斯(娘家姓格雷戈里)一起开始在陶器创作中探索新艺术风格,并赢得了美国和欧洲艺术界的奖项和赞誉。尽管阿图斯是一位才华横溢的画家,曾在欧洲展出并获奖,但从 1899 年直至去世,阿图斯几乎完全致力于陶艺工艺和艺术。 Van Briggle 的新艺术风格设计和独特的哑光釉料获得了巴黎沙龙、圣路易斯博览会、刘易斯和克拉克百年博览会以及波士顿美国工艺美术展等知名机构的高度荣誉。 Van Briggle 陶艺工作室于 2012 年春季关闭阿图斯·范·布里格尔,摄于 1900 年。 阿图斯·范·布里格尔 (Artus Van Briggle) 于 1869 年 3 月 21 日出生于艺术双亲,很早就开始使用在家里发现的材料进行绘画。范布里格尔家族住在俄亥俄州,那里是美国陶瓷设计的温床之一。 17 岁时,他搬到俄亥俄州辛辛那提,在阿诺德仙境娃娃店装饰瓷娃娃,同时在辛辛那提艺术学校学习早期艺术。在雅芳陶器厂 (Avon Pottery) 工作一段时间后,阿图斯接触了陶瓷艺术,随后在卢克伍德陶器厂 (Rookwood Pottery) 找到了一份工作。在那里,他擅长手绘设计。他的技艺和才华得到了 Rookwood 创始人 Maria Storer 的认可,并成为他的捐助人,甚至将他送往法国巴黎朱利安学院学习艺术。 在欧洲接触各种艺术风格,迷恋中国明代早期的哑光釉;一种已经消失在历史中的类型。阿图斯还遇到了他未来的妻子、美国学生安妮·劳伦斯·格雷戈里(Anne Lawrence Gregory),她本身就是一位颇有成就的艺术家。 1896年,他们完成了巴黎的学业,返回美国。阿图斯恢复了在卢克伍德的工作,并开始雕刻并尝试重新制作失落的明代釉料。完善独特的哑光或哑光釉 1899 年,阿图斯因肺结核而与健康问题作斗争,离开了卢克伍德,搬到了空气干燥的科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯。在与奇科盆地的福尔摩斯家族成为朋友后,他在 1899 年、1900 年和 1901 年的夏天住在 HOP 牧场,以减轻工作压力并恢复体力,同时以新艺术运动为中心追求自己的陶艺风格。他在巴黎继续研究令他着迷的古老哑光釉。经过两年的试验和实验,哑光釉得以完善。阿图斯完善的哑光釉之一是哑光蓝釉,它基于早已失传的中国古代工艺。 Artus 于 1901 年开设了 Van Briggle Pottery,安妮·格雷戈里 (Anne Gregory) 也加入其中,并在科罗拉多斯普林斯 (Colorado Springs) 担任高中艺术老师。 1903 年,Artus Van Briggle 接替 1895 年在巴黎认识的瑞士艺术家 Louis Soutter(出生于瑞士日内瓦),被任命为科罗拉多学院艺术与设计系首任主任。 1902 年,安妮和阿图斯结婚,她全身心投入到陶艺创作中。她与丈夫一起进行设计并在企业的各个方面进行合作。 1902 年末,Van Briggle 因其新艺术风格的釉料和设计在著名的巴黎沙龙获得了奖项;他现在是一位公认的艺术家。早年,Artus 和 Ann 以 Van Briggle 的名义创作了数百种新艺术风格的陶器。绝望花瓶为范布里格尔赢得了广泛赞誉,并于 1903 年在巴黎沙龙上获得第一名。1904 年圣路易斯百年纪念展上的展示为范布里格尔赢得了更多奖项和更大的国际声誉。范布里格尔纪念陶器 陶艺失去了创始人阿特斯·范布里格尔 (Artus Van Briggle) 于 1904 年 7 月去世,享年 35 岁。安妮以阿特斯创造的形式为基础,并添加了更多她自己的设计,继续制作陶器。 1907 年,安妮和陶器股东兼城市创始人威廉·杰克逊·帕尔默 (William Jackson Palmer) 开始在尤因塔街 (Uintah Street) 建造一座新陶器厂。范布里格尔纪念陶瓷厂 (Van Briggle Memorial Pottery) 由荷兰建筑师尼古拉斯·范登阿伦德 (Nicholas Van den Arend) 设计,于 1908 年开放,如今已成为一座历史地标,以其建筑风格和外墙陶瓷的使用而闻名。 1908 年再婚后,安妮·路易斯·格雷戈里·里特 (Anne Louise Gregory Ritter) 于 1912 年将陶器租给了埃德蒙·德福雷斯特·柯蒂斯 (Edmund deForest Curtis),后者一直经营到 1916 年。她于 1922 年将公司出售给 JF 和 IH Lewis,并于次年搬到丹佛,在那里她专注于绘画她一直呆在那里,直到 1929 年去世。在她不在期间,这些陶器陷入了经济困难,并在治安官拍卖会上出售。后来它被重新出售,再次成为柯蒂斯先生的财产。 度过灾难和战争在接下来的十年里,这些陶器又卖了两次,并在 1919 年的一场大火中幸存下来,这场大火烧毁了内部,但留下了砖壳和窑炉。新业主 IF 和 JH Lewis 从 1920 年开始抓住机会对工厂进行现代化改造和扩建,并首次稳定了陶器的生产和财务状况。尽管 1935 年的洪水(科罗拉多斯普林斯历史上最具破坏性的洪水)造成了破坏,摧毁了公司的大部分记录和模具,但该陶器在第二次世界大战之前仍继续取得成功,当时他们因美国而关闭了大约三年。将其资源集中在战争上。 随着美国州际旅行的增加,1953 年计划在科罗拉多斯普林斯修建一条高速公路,JH Lewis 估计该高速公路将穿过纪念工厂所在地。尽管高速公路最终的规划是为了避免破坏历史悠久的陶器,但刘易斯先生仍然实施了行动计划,将陶器搬迁到科罗拉多斯普林斯交通繁忙的地区。 1955 年,刘易斯 (Lewis) 和克莱姆·赫尔 (Clem Hull) 先生在米德兰路 (Midland Road) 一座经过翻修的铁路圆屋内修建了一座新设施。新工厂被称为米德兰工厂,产能较小,但由于位于通往众神花园和其他旅游景点的主要高速公路上,因此很快取得了成功。 1968 年,刘易斯先生将纪念工厂卖给了科罗拉多学院,在接下来的 40 年里,它年久失修,被用作办公室和仓库。
Van Briggle 桑葚色和蓝色陶蜻蜓碗 8.5 英寸
Van Briggle 陶器蜻蜓碗,桑葚色和蓝色 8.5 英寸。20 世纪第二个季度的精美旧 Van Briggle 艺术陶器,没有裂缝、缺口或修复。 TW94
Van Briggle 陶制猫头鹰雕像,稀有灰玫瑰色釉 C.1989 年 9.5 英寸
这件非凡的猫头鹰雕塑是由科罗拉多州著名的艺术陶艺家 Van Briggle 制作的。他身高约 9-1/2 英寸,创作于 80 年代末期或 1990 年代初期,很有可能是 1989 年制作的。Dusty Rose 刚刚开始被用作釉,而这些猫头鹰很少是用这种色釉制成的。在它成为 Van Briggle 的主流釉料之前,有一些胭脂釉匠对其进行了实验,而这个幸运的家伙是少数、也是最早使用它的作品之一!底部有清晰的标记:他的终结者是克拉拉·拜尔斯 (Clara Beyers),他的防守者是海伦·约翰逊 (Helen Johnson),由 CB 和底部刻有 V 号表示。他状况良好,没有缺口、裂缝、修理或开裂。在我看来,灰玫瑰色和烟蓝色的颜色才是这座雕塑的特别之处……它完全令人难以忘怀,空灵,并为猫头鹰的整体态度增添了一些东西。如果您喜欢艺术陶器,您一定会想将这件精美的作品添加到您的收藏中!
Van riper Overlay Horse Head belt buckle in sterling
VR Southwestern Overlay Horse Head belt buckle in sterling. Measurements in pics.High quality belt buckle solid sterling with no issues.
Vera Halusewa Zuni Petit point turquoise silver cross pendant/pin
Vera Halusewa Zuni Petit point turquoise silver cross pendant/pin 2" tall x 1 5/8" wide, no issues. <br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vera Halusewa Zuni Sterling and Chrysocolla Multi-stone channel inlay sunface pendant/pin
Vera Halusewa Zuni Sterling and Chrysocolla Multi-stone channel inlay sunface pendant/pinAll precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vernon A Begaye Navajo Large Tufa Cast silver, turquoise and coral pendant
Vernon A Begaye Navajo Large Tufa Cast silver, turquoise and coral pendant, Very substantial 60 grams, other measurements in pics, no issues. Inside bail is approx 7mm x 10mm.Vernon Begaye was born in 1965 on the Navajo reservation to a family of artists. His father, Jimmie Mae was a talented silversmith and his mother, Ella Mae wove beautiful Navajo weavings. He grew up shadowing his father at their jeweler’s bench and learned skills at an early age. Vernon’s brothers, Marco and Jason, learned silversmithing as well and all three are talented artists.Vernon’s style is a blending of traditional and contemporary techniques. His work often features clean tufa cast designs and he finishes his pieces with both set stones and lapidary work. Vernon uses the highest quality stones in his work and he loves using turquoise stones from the Bisbee, Kingman, Lone Mountain, and Morenci turquoise mines. Vernon signs his pieces with a stamped “VAB”.Vernon Begaye has gone on to win many awards at the the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial show, the Heard Museum Show and others. His career has no ceiling and it will be exciting to see where his creativity takes him!All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Veronica Poblano Zuni Sterling Sugilite, Turquoise, opal, and shell Modernist necklace
Veronica Poblano Zuni Sterling Sugilite, Turquoise, opal, and shell Modernist necklace. No issues, measurements in pics.The daughter of Leo Poblano and Ida Vacit Poblano, Veronica Poblano has become recognized as a top contemporary jeweler. While she draws on Zuni silverworking and lapidary forms and techniques, her work is characterized by a high degree of innovation and individual creative license, making it a fertile hybrid of the contemporary and the traditional. Veronica has gained notoriety as a contemporary innovator, working with uncommon materials in wide-ranging styles.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Veronica Poblano Zuni Sterling Turquoise, Coral, and Lapis clip-on earrings
Veronica Poblano Zuni Sterling Turquoise, Coral, and Lapis clip-on earrings. No issues, measurements in pics.The daughter of Leo Poblano and Ida Vacit Poblano, Veronica Poblano has become recognized as a top contemporary jeweler. While she draws on Zuni silverworking and lapidary forms and techniques, her work is characterized by a high degree of innovation and individual creative license, making it a fertile hybrid of the contemporary and the traditional. Veronica has gained notoriety as a contemporary innovator, working with uncommon materials in wide-ranging styles.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure..
Veronica Poblano Zuni Turquoise and branch coral inlay sterling pendant
Veronica Poblano Zuni Turquoise and branch coral inlay sterling pendant. No issues, measurements in pics.The daughter of Leo Poblano and Ida Vacit Poblano, Veronica Poblano has become recognized as a top contemporary jeweler. While she draws on Zuni silverworking and lapidary forms and techniques, her work is characterized by a high degree of innovation and individual creative license, making it a fertile hybrid of the contemporary and the traditional. Veronica has gained notoriety as a contemporary innovator, working with uncommon materials in wide-ranging styles.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
非常精美的中国时期镜面花瓶一对。一对画得很漂亮的中国花瓶,可能是 20 世纪第三季度的,没有损坏或磨损。全部手绘,高 11.25 英寸,是当时质量最好的。书架
超大 15/16 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑调味品罐带盖
超大 15/16 世纪泰国 Sawankhalok 窑调味罐,带盖。非常早期的 14-16 世纪泰国陶器,1984 年鉴定。我曾经有过几个这个时期的类似罐子,现在还有一些,这是我见过的最大、最有吸引力的罐子之一。 6 5/8 英寸宽 x 6.5 英寸高。我在强光和紫外线下仔细检查了它,我怀疑顶部手柄有一个非常好的、旧的专业修复,即使它在紫外线下不显示,我找不到其他损坏或修复。只是顶端没有裂纹,而且手柄的最末端是白色的。亚洲货架
Victor Coochwytewa Hopi Overlay silver pin
Victor Coochwytewa Hopi Overlay silver pin. Weight and measurements in pics, solid sterling with no issues. Victor Coochwytewa (1922-2011) was one of three Native American elders chosen as Arizona Indian Living Treasures at the seventh annual AILTA award ceremony held in Phoenix in September 1994. This recognition is but one of the many accolades bestowed upon the Master Hopi Jeweler in a career spanning more than half a century. Born on June 7, 1922 at Shungopavi on Second Mesa in Northern Arizona, Victor is a member of the Waterhouse Clan. His earliest ventures in Hopi overlay jewelry began in 1940 under the tutelage of Paul Saufkie. After joining the Army during World War II, Victor found himself in the South Pacific. From the 167th Combat Military Police he transferred to the 5309th Infantry Division under General Merles Marauders and saw heavy combat action in the Burma area. Victor earned the Purple Heart, Good Conduct and Asiatic Ribbons. Victor Coochwytewa Discharged in 1946, he returned to the Hopi Mesas to become one of Paul Saufkies and Fred Kaboties first students in their jewelry-making classes that were just forming under the auspices of the G.I. Bill. What became known as the The Veterans Classes, provided opportunity for new beginnings. Victor brought to the table a unique dimension to the Hopi overlay jewelry technique that was being developed in those early days. Adapting a leather work method that he had learned, Victor began to texturize the background of his designs adding a subtle enhancement to the finished piece. This fine matting procedure remains signature to Hopi jewelry of today! Kopavi began a working relationship with Victor Coochwytewa in 1974. Proprietors Richard & Margo Mehagian, found friendship & inspiration from the well-spring of Victors designs that came from deep within him. With Kopavi providing silver and introducing gold & precious stones, Victor began to record in his jewelry what he experienced around him, elevating everyday Hopi life into jeweled art! In 1976 Kopavi opened in Sedona, Arizona, specializing in Hopi Gold & Silver presentingVictor Coochwytewas work along with other outstanding Hopi silversmiths. Despite winning top awards from the Heard Museum in Phoenix, as well as the Santa Fe Indian Market, the Gallup New Mexico Intertribal Ceremonial, and the Museum of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff as well as being featured in Arizona Highways and American Indian Art, Victor remains humble about his career. "Jewelry is my hobby; Corn is my work! Victor says with a twinkle in his eye. A dry-land farmer - he uses no irrigation, chemical fertilizers or pesticides, it is the Hopi Way. He works in his fields in the mornings and does his silversmithing in the afternoons. His dry farmed corn, squash, beans and watermelons have won as many honors as his jewelry A Hopi religious leader of the highest order who devotes as much time to religious ceremonials as he does to his farming and his jewelry, Victor attributes his good crops to blessings from the Creator. "Every year when I plant, I pray that the crops will be nourished with rain. When you pray, you should pray for all things, and in return, all things are benefited. Nothing can be accomplished without prayer" says this artist who is as proud of the multicolored corn drying in the sun on his rooftop as he is as of his jewelry that has found its way into prominent collections in this country and abroad. Victor retired from Hopi Silversmithing and his beloved farming in 2006. He continued living with his family at Hopi. Victor passed away at the age of 89 on July 3, 2011. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.
Victor Moses Begay Navajo Mediterranean Coral Cluster squash blossom necklace
Victor Moses Begay Navajo Mediterranean Coral Cluster squash blossom necklace. <br><br>Very uncommon in natural Mediterranean red coral. The necklace contains 12 incredible squashes that each consist of 11 superior corals. Resting throughout the stones are wonderful silver raindrops and ropes. The beautiful large silver naja pendant measures around 2-5/8" X 2-3/8" and also consists of amazing ropes and raindrops. Located throughout the entire necklace are superior round silver beads with a traditional silver clasp. Sterling silver. Cir. 1970's/ 80's. Signed by Navajo artist, Victor Moses Begay . The length of the necklace measures around 26" 105.9 grams with no issues.<br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
维多利亚时代 14k 金凹雕红玉髓手表表链/吊饰
维多利亚时代 14k 金红玉髓凹雕手表链/吊饰。最初是 20 世纪下半叶的表扣,如今它成为独特的吊坠或超大饰物。经过测试并保证实心 14k 金(无标记)全新,我亲自将其从世界上最大的 18k 金吊饰手链中取出,它的黄金价值约为 9,000 美元,我知道以目前的黄金价值将其完整出售是不切实际的,所以我我们将列出所有被用作饰物的精美钥匙扣。背面一角有小缺口。它的底部有一个铰链,其中一个侧杆稍微用力即可拉出,露出两侧的隔间,用于放置照片或其他纪念品,两侧的原始玻璃完好无损。 1 5/8 英寸高(带提手)x 1 1/8 英寸宽 x 0.5 英寸深 x 23.1 克。
维多利亚时代 14k 金手工雕刻紫水晶浮雕手表表链/吊坠/超大吊饰
维多利亚时代 14k 金手工雕刻紫水晶浮雕手表表链/吊坠/超大吊饰。经 9 克测试,保证为纯 14k 金,没有可检测到的标记。石头经过测试并保证是天然宝石级紫水晶而不是玻璃。 1 英寸高 x 1 3/16 英寸宽,没有任何问题。石头会旋转、旋转。全新的,我亲自将它从世界上最大的 18k 金吊饰手链中取出,它的黄金价值约为 9,000 美元,我知道以目前的黄金价值将其完整出售是不切实际的,所以我将列出所有很棒的表链被用作护身符。
维多利亚时代 14k 金手表扣/纪念品相框吊坠
维多利亚时代 14k 金手表扣/纪念品相框吊坠。精美的手工雕刻,没有任何问题。经过多处测试,保证为纯 14K 金,没有可检测到的标记。 3.25 英寸长 x 13/16 英寸宽。铰链或扣环没有问题。快速关闭并保持关闭状态。非常薄的云母或玻璃片可以保护未来的照片。 7.4克。
维多利亚时代 14k 玫瑰金/珍珠镶硬石浮雕胸针
维多利亚时代 14k 玫瑰金/珍珠镶硬石浮雕胸针。 19 世纪硬石浮雕雕刻,没有任何问题,框架经过测试,保证为实心 14k 金,无标记。 1.75 英寸高 x 1.45 英寸宽。 19.4克。
维多利亚时代 18k 玫瑰金高浮雕熔岩浮雕胸针
维多利亚时代 18k 玫瑰金高浮雕熔岩浮雕胸针。 19 世纪,未标记,但经过测试并保证为纯 18K 金。 2 英寸高 x 1.75 英寸宽,没有任何问题。
维多利亚时代 800 银凯尔特复兴苏格兰短裙/斗篷别针半环形胸针
维多利亚时代 800 银凯尔特复兴短裙/斗篷别针胸针 1.75 英寸 x 1 5/8 英寸 19.4 克。 这些开口环胸针被称为“penannulars”,最初佩戴在格子呢上。搭配披肩、毛衣、夹克、外套或斗篷时看起来非常漂亮
维多利亚时代的纯银十字图案胸针。伟大的作品已有 100 多年的历史,不确定这些是否是十字架,无论如何都是伟大的作品。 1 5/8" x 1.25" 5.6 克
维多利亚诺·萨尔加多·莫拉莱斯 (Victoriano Salgado Morales) (1920 -2012) 墨西哥舞蹈面具
Victoriano Salgado Morales (1920 -2012) 墨西哥舞蹈面具 8 英寸高 x 7 英寸宽,无损坏或瑕疵。有点像20世纪最后25年的当代艺术作品类型的面具。 。我将提供大量在 60 年代至 80 年代收集的藏品,其中很大一部分来自 20 世纪第一季度,有些可能更古老。最近的那些品质卓越。有些带有识别它们的标签,有些标签丢失或随着时间的推移已经退化。 维多利亚诺·萨尔加多·莫拉莱斯 (Victoriano Salgado Morales):1920 年 -2012 年,一位多产的木制、马克装饰面具的设计师和制造商,供普雷佩查 (Purépecha) 节日的舞者使用,他是墨西哥民间艺术的大师之一,也是这种独特艺术形式的最后一位熟练大师之一。萨尔加多先生从他长大的马格达莱纳社区的几位口罩制造商那里学到了这项技能。他的第一个面具可以追溯到 1950 年,是一个“Negrito”民间舞蹈面具。维多利亚诺的面具没有上漆,所使用的颜色过程是一种非常先进的技术,称为“maque”,这是一种前西班牙过程,涉及大量使用天然泥土和昆虫颜料以及用手掌涂抹的油,然后硬化成明亮、有光泽的表面。萨尔加多先生创作了 60 多种不同的面具,其中最著名的是:Señor Naranjo 的舞蹈,以及 Tataqueri、Corcovi、Negritos 和 Viejitos 的舞蹈。 2012 年 9 月,他在获得米却肯州政府授予的最高奖项埃伦迪拉奖两周前去世。 我没有时间讨论每个面具的特征,但我会确保拍摄优质、准确的照片,并且如上所述,您将获得所示条件下显示的面具,并标明大致年龄。它们将被安全地存放直到出售,所以我实际上无法回答任何具体问题,我会在列出时给出每件的尺寸。如果我碰巧将中美洲/南美洲的面具称为墨西哥面具,我提前为我缺乏文化意识而道歉。只是面具很多,时间很少,虽然我觉得每一个都非常棒,不然我不会浪费时间去拍摄它们……我宁愿把可以花的时间花在学习上每个角色的历史,确保它们包装得足够好,不会从卡车上掉下来,被碾过几次……仍然完好无损地送给你。 TW39
越南战争时期飞行员的心形别针和螺旋耳环。针脚 1.5 英寸,耳环 7/8 英寸宽。出售该地段
越南战争美国潜水员的战斗刀。日本制造,刀鞘长 11 英寸,总长 5 英寸,刀片,我当然没有碰过,刀片上没有刻痕,刀鞘上有按扣。
Vinatage Navajo silver and turquoise faux claw bolo tie
Vinatage Navajo silver and turquoise faux claw bolo tie. 40" long. <br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
复古爱斯基摩娃娃雕刻木毛皮大衣皮革莫卡辛鞋 10.5 英寸
复古爱斯基摩娃娃雕刻木毛皮大衣皮革莫卡辛鞋 10.5 英寸。大约 1950 年代到 1960 年代的很棒的旧娃娃。没有可检测到的问题。 B5
Vintage Native American cast silver cross with nice turquoise
Vintage Native American cast silver cross with nice turquoise, solid sterling with no markings.. Weight and measurements in pics. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
复古粗野主义纯银石英硅孔雀戒指。这是一枚 20 世纪第三季度的绝无仅有的戒指,没有任何标记,但经过测试,纯正。 11.3克。
复古野兽派纯银/孔雀石吊坠/项链 非常酷的吊坠,显然没有标记,但经过纯银测试。 18 英寸项链,标记为 925 Italy。
复古 .999 银镇纸手工箭头形状
复古 .999 银镇纸手工箭头形状。非常酷,可能是一种具有价值的功能性肉汤镇纸。 86.3克。银抽屉
复古 1 英寸 Elk Creek 纯金和镀金长角牛手工雕刻皮带扣套装
复古 1 英寸 Elk Creek 纯银和镀金 Longhorn 手工雕刻皮带扣套装。适合 1 英寸的皮带。带扣宽 2.25 英寸。重 52 克。
Vintage 10k/Sterling Black Hill's Gold hand engraved belt buckle
Vintage 10k/Sterling Black Hill's Gold hand engraved belt buckle. Great buckle with no issues, measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
复古 10k/纯银领尖和波洛领带/围巾领带,手工刻有金色 Shriner 标志
复古 10k/纯银领尖和波洛领带/围巾领带,手工刻有金色 Shriner 标志。非常漂亮的定制便士套装,按比例显示。纯银/10k 金总重量为 42.4 克。
复古 12.5 英寸墨西哥纯银颈链/脚链
复古 12.5 英寸墨西哥纯银项圈/脚链。漂亮的旧件,大约 1940 年代或 50 年代。不像所说的那么长。43.3 克。
复古 14k 中国雕刻青金石吊坠
复古 14k 中国雕刻青金石吊坠 65 毫米高 x 42 毫米宽,无损坏。 14 克 标记并测试 14k 和 585。
复古 14k 扣 18 英寸 5-6 毫米灰色大溪地南海养殖珍珠项链
复古 14k 扣 18 英寸 5-6 毫米灰色大溪地南海养殖珍珠项链。没有问题或损坏,项链品质优良。
复古 14k 扣翡翠串珠项链
复古 14k 扣翡翠串珠项链。漂亮的旧项链,未经处理的翡翠,大约产于 20 世纪中期,手工绑丝绸,配有 14k 金扣。 10-11毫米珠子128克。 33 英寸长,可轻松折叠成颈链。
复古 14k 金翡翠手链
复古 14k 金和翡翠手链,长 7.25 英寸,仿照 6 英寸手腕,重 34.6 克。经过标记和测试的 14k 金。
复古 14k 金镶嵌纯银烟盒
复古 14k 金镶嵌纯银烟盒。功能齐全,按扣闭合,无凹痕或深划痕。漂亮的盒子可以轻松用作钱包或其他任何东西。 3 英寸 x 4 英寸 107.4 克。内部雕刻如图所示。 TW208
复古 14k 金翡翠耳环
复古 14k 金翡翠耳环。一对漂亮的 20 世纪中期翡翠和 14k 金耳环,没有任何问题。高约 1.25 英寸,总重 5.3 克。
复古 14k 金青金石串珠项链
复古 14k 金青金石串珠项链。珠子上有漂亮的雕刻,标记并经过测试 14k 金。 18.5 英寸长,总重 52 克。石头不会碎裂或破裂。
复古 14k 金薰衣草翡翠耳环
复古 14k 金薰衣草翡翠耳环。无损坏或问题,经过标记和测试的 14k 金法式夹背,带有坚固的夹子。 11/16 英寸宽 12.7 克。
复古 14k 金美洲原住民手表手链,镶嵌绿松石
复古 14k 金美洲原住民手表手链,镶嵌绿松石。新的旧库存手表已有 40-50 年的历史,但从未安装过手表。我相信需要切割中心的纯银部件来安装手表,然后将其滚到表耳上。我相信这款手链上超过一半的金属是实心 14k 金,它粘合到纯银内层。漂亮的高级石头。 96.7 克 适合 7.5 英寸的手腕,包括 1 1/8 英寸的间隙。表链非常坚固,但间隙可以稍微调整。
Navajo J Nelson 复古 14K 金蛋白石吊坠
复古 14K 金蛋白石吊坠,纳瓦霍 J Nelson 设计。 4.5 克,底部 1.5 英寸长 x 7/16 英寸宽,无损坏。制作于 20 世纪最后 25 年。
复古 14k 金绿松石串珠项链
复古 14k 金绿松石串珠项链 18.5 英寸项链,5/8 英寸吊坠,5 毫米珠子 18.4 克。
复古 14k 金/翡翠夹式耳环 PTJ
复古 14k 金/翡翠夹式耳环 PTJ。漂亮的大号翡翠耳环,来自 20 世纪第三季度。它们被粘在了布景中,我实际上见过好几对这样的,其中一对可能会从布景中掉下来,所以他们为了安全而将它们粘在一起,或者只是担心。它们是从背面粘起来的,因此不可见。正宗标记和测试 14k 金和正宗玉石,我没有送到实验室测试是否经过颜色增强等。它们高 1 英寸,对宝石没有损坏,总重 10.9 克。
复古 14k 金/纯银螺纹锁定手镯
复古 14k 金/纯银螺纹锁定手镯。高科技又精彩。坚固但足够灵活,可以将其戴在手腕上,然后右手紧,左手松以使其牢固。不是交叉线程,没有问题。经过标记和测试的 14k 金和纯银。 6.8英寸内径10.89克,我猜大约有3克是14k金。我不熟悉设计师的标记,但它很好。
复古 14k 翡翠珍珠串珠项链
复古 14k 翡翠和珍珠串珠项链。出售所示项链,其中有经过标记和测试的 14k 金珠子和扣环、翡翠长方形珠子和养殖珍珠。 26 英寸长 23.7 克,宽 4 毫米。
Vintage 14k Jadeite Budhha pendant
Vintage 14k Jadeite Budhha pendant. Marked and tested 14k gold, Jadeite. Weight and measurements in pics. Estate fresh item with No chips, cracks, or other issues.
Vintage 14k Jadeite Jade pierced french clip earrings
Vintage 14k Jadeite Jade pierced french clip earrings. Estate fresh, weight and measurements in pics. No issues.
Vintage 14k Multi-stone channel inlay Native American Tufa Cast bear pendant
Vintage 14k Multi-stone channel inlay Native American Tufa Cast bear pendant. No<br>aparrent markings, extremely high quality, tested 14k gold. 29mm tall with bail<br>x 32mm wide x 11.5 grams.
复古 14k 红宝石星爆吊坠
复古 14k 1.5 克拉红宝石星爆吊坠。高品质的所有天然宝石均具有预期的内含物。约 0.35 克拉主石,搭配 (8) 颗 0.14 克拉外石,重约 1.5 克拉、3.4 克、1 1/8 英寸高、无标记(经过测试)实心 14k 金。
复古 14k 白金/钻石 Jules Jurgenson 腕表
复古 14k 白金/钻石 Jules Jurgenson 腕表。表壳约 32 毫米(不含表冠),表盘约 22 毫米。 14k 金和真钻石搭配做旧复古蜥蜴戒环。手表整体干净,水晶上有一些划痕。它正在滴答作响,但我认为目前有点慢。手动上链腕表。
复古 14k Zuni 雕刻绿松石耳环
复古 14k Zuni 雕刻绿松石耳环。 .25 英寸宽,总重 1 克。背面标记为 14k,耳环未经测试并保证为纯 14k 金,最优质的 Zuni 工匠工艺。 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。
Vintage 14k/Sterling Tufa Cast Native American pendant
Vintage 14k/Sterling Tufa Cast Native American pendant. Great pendant, illegibly signed as shown, most likely Native American made.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
复古 14k/英镑两只海豚吊坠吊坠
复古 14k/英镑两只海豚吊坠吊坠。大号吊坠或中号吊坠。两只纯 14k 金海豚(经过测试)位于纯银底座上。标记为 14k 英镑。 1.5 英寸高 x 0.75 英寸宽 x 9.4 克。
Vintage 18.5" Milor Sterling Braided cloth necklace
18.5" Milor Sterling Braided cloth necklace. From a large collection of unworn jewelry purchased over 20 years ago. The cloth looks like leather but I'm assuming it's not. Adjusts from 16.5" long to 18.5" long, never worn in original box. The pendant and clasp is solid sterling but the pendant is hollow. Marked Milor 925 Italy. 43.1 grams total weight. No detectable wear to necklace, some shelf wear to box.
Vintage 18k Audemars Piguet Ultra Thin 18 Jewel Dress watch
Vintage 18k Audemars Piguet Ultra Thin 18 Jewel Dress watch. In amazing estate<br>fresh working condition, likely from the 60's or 70's, manual wind movement.<br>Slight oxidation to top edge of dial, while I personally wouldn't consider it a<br>distraction I'm discounting significantly for it. Approx 33mm case without<br>crown, clean case with no significant wear or scratches. Watch is 35mm wide with<br>the crown..
复古 18k 金和纯银夹式耳环
复古 18k 金和纯银夹式耳环。没问题,夹子弹力良好,经过标记和测试,采用 18k 金和纯银制成。制造商标记难以辨认。 16.6克,相当一部分是18k金,真珍珠。 .75 英寸宽。
Vintage 18k gold and sterling clip on earrings with pearls
Vintage 18k gold and sterling clip on earrings with pearls. No issues, clips<br>spring well, marked and tested 18k gold and sterling. Illegible makers marks.<br>15.8 grams, quite a bit of it 18k gold, Genuine pearls. .75" wide.