复古墨西哥英镑 1 英寸皮带扣
复古墨西哥纯银 1 英寸布皮带扣。老式带扣,如男孩扣。可容纳 1 1/8 英寸皮带。带扣尺寸为 2.5 英寸 x 1 1/8 英寸 x 38.7 克。
Vintage Mexican sterling and abalone belt buckle
Vintage Mexican sterling and abalone belt buckle, fits a 1.25" belt, ciraca 1970's with no issues.
Vintage Mexican sterling Aztec warrior hand engraved belt buckle
Vintage Mexican sterling Aztec warrior hand engraved belt buckle. Great buckle with no issues, measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
复古墨西哥纯银蝴蝶手镯和吊坠。标记和测试的纯银袖口均为 6.75 英寸,包括 1.25 英寸间隙,吊坠高 1.75 英寸。总重 38.7 克。
复古墨西哥纯金覆盖 5/8 英寸游骑兵皮带扣套装
复古墨西哥纯金覆盖 5/8 英寸游骑兵皮带扣套装。皮带内扣尺寸为 5/8 英寸,仅 5/8 英寸内扣和约 0.5 英寸内尖下一根头发。看起来带扣和其中一个尖端是匹配的,并且其中一个尖端与两个守门员相匹配。不过,它们在一起应该看起来不错。出售的拍品重 42.4 克,表面覆盖一些黄金。一颗红宝石缺失,其他红宝石已磨损。安德拉斯
复古墨西哥纯手工雕刻皮带扣 3 3/8 英寸 x 2 1/8 英寸,可容纳 2 英寸皮带,重 48.6 克。
复古墨西哥英镑混合金属天秤座吊坠正义天平。 24 英寸项链,1.75 英寸吊坠,没问题。
复古墨西哥纯银多石链式手链。 7.5 英寸长,无损坏或问题,天然宝石。51.2 克
复古墨西哥纯银和东陵项链。 21.5 英寸长,无损坏或问题,带功能扣标记,经测试纯重 50.3 克。
复古墨西哥纯银项圈 Choker 实心条项链
复古墨西哥纯银项链实心条形项链实心 31 克标记 925 测试纯银项链,没有任何问题。约16英寸
Vintage Mexican sterling silver collar Choker solid bar necklace v
Vintage Mexican sterling silver Choker solid bar necklace Solid 34.4 gram marked<br>925 tested sterling necklace with no issues. Approximately 16"
复古墨西哥纯绿松石艺术玻璃手链。内径 7 英寸,重 31 克,宽 1.25 英寸。
项链上复古墨西哥纯银绿松石吊坠。 1 5/8 英寸吊坠、18 英寸项链共 23.2 克。两件作品均经过纯正标记和测试。项链从未佩戴过,而且比吊坠要新得多。
复古墨西哥英镑/鲍鱼雕刻鸟吊坠。 2" 17.5 克,没有损失,鲍鱼有一些可能的骨折,没有其他损坏或明显磨损。
复古墨西哥英镑/珍珠母阿兹特克日历皮带扣。状况干净,没有任何问题。 2.5 英寸 x 1 1/8 英寸需要 1 英寸皮带。
Vintage Mexico City Matl Style sterling earrings - turquoise/coral/amethyst
Vintage Mexico City Matl Style sterling earrings - turquoise/coral/amethyst. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
复古牛奶玻璃服装珠宝颈链。很可能是 20 世纪中叶左右的波西米亚风格。无明显损坏。可调节范围为 12.5" - 15.25"。
复古明氏夏威夷翡翠 14k 金吊坠
复古明氏夏威夷翡翠 14k 金吊坠。据我所知,明氏一直出售高品质未经处理的翡翠。我不知道他们重新利用了古董物品,但这看起来像是明氏在 20 世纪中叶左右将古董纽扣改造成吊坠。 1.25 英寸高 x 5/8 英寸宽 x 2.5 克。 Ming's 由 Wook Moon 于 1940 年代开设,最终不仅在夏威夷,而且在旧金山和纽约开设了零售店。 Ming's 因在 Fort Street 购物中心设有一家商店而受到市中心地区人们的欢迎。我们的一些客户自己告诉我们,他们记得文在寅先生为收入微薄的市中心秘书和办公室工作人员提供无息分期付款服务,以便他们时不时地买一件东西。 Ming's 成为夏威夷珠宝中最受欢迎的主打产品,因为它通常具有美丽的夏威夷和亚洲文化主题。它们通常以精雕细琢的象牙制品、纯银胸针、珍珠和玉簇以及金手镯为特色。 流行的主题包括牡丹、莲花、菊花、梅花,以及臭名昭著的“梅花鸟”等。据说有些代表季节,或者代表不同亚洲文化的融合。
复古 Miriam Haskell 项链 32 英寸金色,镶有天然宝石
复古 Miriam Haskell 项链 32 英寸金色,镶有天然宝石。良好的清洁状况值得镀金无磨损。
Vintage MNT Native American Sterling/gold filled cat's eye belt buckle
Vintage MNT Native American Sterling/gold filled cat's eye belt buckle, great with no issues.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
复古现代主义 Givenchy 和 Lee Wolfe 高端金色别针
复古现代主义纪梵希和 Lee Wolfe 高端金色别针。 3 英寸和 3.5 英寸高,无磨损或划痕,均来自同一庄园,质量和设计都很棒。两者以一种价格出售。
复古现代主义铰接式纯银/绿松石耳环 35 毫米 x 22 毫米,无标记,经过测试纯银。没有问题。 20.7克
复古现代主义蓝铜/红宝石纯棉波洛领带。 Bolo 无标记,经测试纯正,红宝石可能是合成的(红宝石上有划痕),尖端黄铜。具有稳定裂缝/断裂的蓝铜矿。 Bolo 2.5 英寸 x 1.5 英寸,总重 68.9 克。 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。
复古现代主义 Bennett 纯红珊瑚夹式耳环
复古现代主义 Bennett 纯红色珊瑚夹式耳环 1.75 英寸高 x 1 1/8 英寸宽 17.6 克。无损坏,耳环上的夹子牢固。
T-Bear bros 项链上复古现代主义黑玉/14k/纯银吊坠
T-Bear bros 项链上复古现代主义黑玉/14k/纯银吊坠。看起来未磨损,吊坠中心的金绳测试为 14k,其余为英镑。意大利纯银项链长 19 英寸,吊坠高 1 3/8 英寸 x 宽 11/16 英寸,总重 18.3 克。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。
复古现代手工纯银耳环批量墨西哥和艺术家签名 VR
复古手工工匠纯银耳环批量墨西哥和艺术家签名 VR。大约在 20 世纪中后期出售所有四双鞋。全部手工制作,3个是墨西哥人,1个是北美艺术家。最大的一对长度刚刚超过 2 英寸。
复古现代主义翡翠抽象纯银吊坠/项链。制作极其精良的复古/复古作品,可能来自 20 世纪第三季度,实心纯银,未标记但经过测试。 24 英寸项链,2.75 英寸 x 2 3/8 英寸吊坠。59 克。 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。
复古现代主义 Los Ballesteros 纯手镯
复古现代主义 Los Ballesteros Sterling 袖口手链,高品质坚固袖口,无损坏或明显磨损。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。安德拉斯
复古现代主义墨西哥纯银夹手链。经过标记和测试的纯正铰链,可保持关闭并保持良好状态。可调节至约 7 英寸。22.7 克。
Vintage Modernist Morenci turquoise/Branch coral Native American silver necklace
Vintage Modernist Morenci turquoise/Branch coral Native American silver necklace. 24" long necklace with dent to one of the tubes, no other significant issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Modernist Silver German Deutsche Mark Bolo tie
Vintage Modernist Silver German Deutsche Mark Bolo tie. Measurements and weight in pics. 35" long cord.<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings photographed<br>on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement<br>is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the<br>metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Modernist sterling cat pin
Vintage Modernist sterling cat pin. Really great, I feel like I recognize the hallmark/work but just no time to puzzle over it.<br><br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Faust of Taxco 复古现代主义纯银/艺术玻璃戒指
Faust of Taxco 复古现代主义纯银/艺术玻璃戒指。 7.7克没问题。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。
复古蒙大拿钢铁牛仔马刺。马刺未标记,皮革标记如图所示,马刺上的一些氧化应在必要时用钢丝绒清理。2.5 英寸排针,八点,位于蒙大拿州哈弗尔标记的工具皮革鞋跟带上,金属氧化,轭:约 3 英寸宽, 3.5"d
复古 Moorcroft 艺术陶器小碗
复古 Moorcroft 艺术陶器小碗。无裂纹、缺口或修复。 3 1/8 英寸宽 x 1.25 英寸高,无裂纹、缺口或修复。莫克罗夫特陶器的历史 与许多其他斯托克陶器品牌相比,Moorcroft 起步较晚,由 William Moorcroft 于 1897 年创建。然而,现在它已成为一个世界性品牌,自成立以来质量和声誉一直在不断提高。 1928 年,Moorcroft 被任命为“女王陛下的陶艺师”,巩固了该品牌的质量和需求。 1945 年 William 去世后,他的儿子 Walter Moorcroft 继承了父亲的职责,成为 Moorcroft 唯一的设计师。沃尔特(Walter)介绍了当今设计中常见和喜爱的许多奇异花卉。沃尔特 (Walter) 于 1986 年从这一职位上退休,此后,莫克罗夫特 (Moorcroft) 的设计师人数稳步增加,甚至还成立了设计工作室,现在该工作室拥有五位世界级的陶瓷设计师。 从其早期构想起,Moorcroft 陶器就受到 Harrods、Liberty of London 甚至 Tiffany & Co 等著名百货公司的大量需求。这种需求巩固了该陶器品牌作为艺术品质和可靠投资之一的陶器品牌,这一点我们仍然可以看到直到今天也是如此。书架
Vintage Moorcroft columbine vase
Vintage Moorcroft columbine vase, mid 20th century 4.25" tall x 3" wide. No cracks, chips, or restorations, expected crazing. <br><br>William Moorcroft was employed by Staffordshire pottery manufacturers James Macintyre & Co. Ltd. as a designer in 1897, and after a year he was responsible for the company’s art pottery studio.<br><br>William Moorcroft created designs for the Macintyre’s Aurelian Ware range of high-Victorian pottery, which had transfer-printed and enamelled decoration in bold red, blue and gold colours. He also developed the art nouveau-influenced Florian Ware which was decorated entirely by hand, with the design outlined in trailed slip using a technique known as tubelining. William Moorcroft’s designs won him a gold medal at the St. Louis International Exhibition in 1904.<br><br>Each piece of pottery produced was personalised with Moorcroft’s own signature or initials.<br><br>William Moorcroft and James Macintyre & Co. Ltd. split up in 1913 and Moorcroft founded his own factory nearby. Some finance came from the famous London store Liberty, and Liberty continued to exercise control over Moorcroft until 1962.<br><br>Moorcroft’s reputation was further enhanced with the appointment of the Moorcroft company as Potter to HM The Queen in 1928. On the death of William Moorcroft in 1945, his elder son, Walter, took over management and design and he continued in this position until his retirement in 1987, after which he continued contributing to Moorcroft designs.<br><br>During the tenure of Walter Moorcroft, the Liberty store’s interest in Moorcroft was purchased by Moorcroft in 1962.<br><br>In the 1980s Moorcroft got into financial difficulties as a result of rising wages and fuel, which were exacerbated by the labour intensive techniques employed by Moorcroft and the company went through several changes in ownership with the result that from 1993 the company was controlled by the Edwards family, which is still the case.<br><br>The young 24 year old designer Rachel Bishop joined Moorcroft in 1993, as only its fourth designer in almost a hundred years and her designs become immediately popular. In 1997 the Moorcroft Design Studio was formed with eight designers, and with Rachel Bishop as head designer.<br><br>Moorcroft celebrated its centenary in 1997, marking the year that William Moorcroft joined MacIntyre as its founding date, rather than the year the company was founded.<br><br>Moorcroft is still producing art pottery in it’s own distinctive design style, and with astute promotion and limited edition designs, is selling more than it did in the mid-1920’s, its previous heyday.<br>isshelf
复古 Moorcroft 芙蓉艺术陶碗
复古 Moorcroft 芙蓉艺术陶碗。无裂纹、缺口或修复。 4.5 英寸宽 x 1.5 英寸高,无裂纹、缺口或修复。足缘有一小片釉片,有些开裂。莫克罗夫特陶器的历史与许多其他斯托克陶器品牌相比,Moorcroft 起步较晚,由 William Moorcroft 于 1897 年创建。然而,现在它已成为一个世界性品牌,自成立以来质量和声誉一直在不断提高。 1928 年,Moorcroft 被任命为“女王陛下的陶艺师”,巩固了该品牌的质量和需求。 1945 年 William 去世后,他的儿子 Walter Moorcroft 继承了父亲的职责,成为 Moorcroft 唯一的设计师。沃尔特(Walter)介绍了当今设计中常见和喜爱的许多奇异花卉。沃尔特 (Walter) 于 1986 年从这一职位上退休,此后,莫克罗夫特 (Moorcroft) 的设计师人数稳步增加,甚至还成立了设计工作室,现在该工作室拥有五位世界级的陶瓷设计师。从其早期构想起,Moorcroft 陶器就受到 Harrods、Liberty of London 甚至 Tiffany & Co 等著名百货公司的大量需求。这种需求巩固了该陶器品牌作为艺术品质和可靠投资之一的陶器品牌,这一点我们仍然可以看到直到今天也是如此。书架
复古摩洛哥非洲部落柏柏尔枕头 c.1960 全新从未使用过 19 英寸 x 13 英寸
复古摩洛哥非洲部落柏柏尔枕头 c.1960 全新从未使用过 19 英寸 x 13 英寸伟大的作品从未使用过,它已在毯子箱中放置了 50-60 年。
复古摩洛哥非洲部落柏柏尔枕套 c.1960 全新从未使用过 24 英寸 x 18 英寸
复古摩洛哥非洲部落柏柏尔枕套 c.1960 全新从未使用过 24 英寸 x 18 英寸伟大的作品从未使用过,它已在毯子箱中放置了 50-60 年。
复古多色珐琅暹罗纯手链 6 5/8"
复古多色珐琅暹罗纯手链 6 5/8 英寸。所有三种颜色的珐琅件都有精细的裂纹,看起来很棒,我相信是故意的。没有问题,看起来未磨损。14.7 克。
复古穆拉诺花瓶黑金斑点与雏菊。 Nice 保证 Murano 制造的意大利艺术玻璃花瓶来自 20 世纪第三季度。我找不到任何识别标记。无裂纹、缺口或修复。 TW80
复古穆拉诺威尼斯玻璃壶,带有金色斑点和手绘花朵。最高为 13 英寸,没有任何缺口、裂缝或修复。20 世纪上半叶的精美旧件,没有识别标记。出售所示的两个水壶。 TW244
Vintage N Native American cast silver cross with turquoise
Vintage N Native American cast silver cross with turquoise. Solid sterling, stone secure in bezel with old fracture. Weight and measurements in pics. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Nakai Sterling Morenci pyrite matrix turquoise pendant
Vintage Nakai Sterling Morenci turquoise pendant. Measurements in pics.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
老式阿拉斯加原住民篮子,6.5 英寸宽 x 4.75 英寸高,大约 20 世纪中叶,可能有点旧。
Vintage Native American 10 Strand Kingman turquoise heishi necklace sterling cones
Vintage Native American 10 Strand Kingman turquoise heishi necklace sterling cones. Circa 80's-90's with no issues, sterling fittings.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Native American Cast silver and turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Native American Cast silver and turquoise belt buckle, no issues. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Native American cast silver concho belt with turquoise
Vintage Native American cast silver concho belt with turquoise. Weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling silver with no markings. 51" total length, max wearable length 48" or so with extra holes. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.
Vintage Native American cast silver cross pendant with turquoise
Vintage Native American cast silver cross pendant with turquoise. Measurements in pics, bail slightly bent. I mostly fixed it after the pics as I didn't take the pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Native American cast silver pin with turquoise
Vintage Native American cast silver pin with turquoise. Measurements in pics
意大利纯银项链上复古美洲原住民海峡镶嵌吊坠。出售 22 英寸长项链上的 2 英寸长吊坠,均为英镑,没有任何问题。总重量25克。似乎是青金石和珊瑚。
复古美国原住民鹅卵石凝灰岩铸造纯银手镯。采用优质材料制成的极高品质袖口。我想说的是 Kary Begay,但这与她的大多数其他作品不同。真的很好,没有任何问题。这是一个非常锋利的手镯,我妻子拍了这些照片,我知道在较浅的绿松石旁边放置木头是很有挑战性的,就好像它不够亮,木头不会显示出来,如果太亮,绿松石就会被吹掉,我认为它做了。亲自来比较好。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。大多数袖口手镯都是在 6 英寸的女性手腕上拍摄的,并附有一张照片,显示金属尖端与卷尺上的数字相交处的内周长。
Vintage Native American hand stamped sterling necklace and earrings set
Vintage Native American hand stamped sterling necklace and earrings set 18" necklace, other measurements in pics. Very nice mid 20th century set with no issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
复古美洲原住民手工压印纯银绿松石吊坠。非常坚固的吊坠,高 3 3/8 英寸 x 宽 2 英寸,适合佩戴在厚厚的纳瓦霍珍珠或串珠型项链上。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。
复古美洲原住民手工压印纯银/绿松石皮带扣。带扣非常漂亮,没有任何问题。约 3.75 英寸长、3 英寸宽、75 克,可容纳 2 英寸的皮带。无标记 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。
复古美洲原住民重型印花纯银手镯。适合 6.25 英寸的手腕,1 英寸的间隙,46 克,没有任何问题。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。