

  • Franz Kriwanek(美国,1920-1994 年)中世纪现代德克萨斯工作室陶器大花瓶

    Franz Kriwanek(美国,1920-1994 年)中世纪现代德克萨斯工作室陶器大花瓶


    Franz Kriwanek(美国,1920-1994 年)中世纪现代德克萨斯工作室陶器大花瓶。 9.75 英寸高 x 7 英寸,无损坏或修复。新鲜出自德克萨斯州奥斯汀当地的一处庄园,很可能是他在搬到锡尔弗顿之前在德克萨斯州教书时制作的。 弗兰兹·克里瓦内克(Franz Kriwanek)(美国人,1920-1994)。艺术家、陶艺家、教授和作家,因混合来自科罗拉多州锡尔弗顿附近圣胡安山脉的土壤和矿物质的粘土和釉料而闻名。由这些混合物制成的陶器非常耐用且具有独特的魅力。当德国征服捷克斯洛伐克时,克里瓦内克被强行征召入伍。然后他被派往北非沙漠,但一天早上,当他和其他被迫征召入伍的人醒来时,发现他们孤身一人。克里瓦内克被送往克拉林达的战俘营,在那里,他作为一名艺术家,再次开始绘画,特别是集中营的插图。战争结束后,他被释放并返回欧洲,在荷兰生活了四年。事实上,温加德纳说,谢南多厄的一个家庭将克里瓦内克送到爱荷华大学,在那里他可以获得教学学位。随后,他在谢南多厄任教一年,随后前往爱荷华州芒特普莱森特。 1948年,Franz Kriwanek定居瑞典,跟随大师Wilhelm Koge和Stig Lindberg学习中瑞炻器。在瑞典期间,他举办了 7 场个人展览。 1963 年,他抵达德克萨斯州,在德克萨斯理工大学艺术系任教。到达西德克萨斯州后的几个月里,他一直在寻找一种能够承受 2,400 度高温的粘土。他在德克萨斯州斯奈德的一个采石场发现了它。他崇尚就地取材,开发了一系列以轧棉灰为主要成分的釉料。这些釉料遵循与中国白蜡木釉料相同的传统。 “弗朗兹·克里瓦内克 (Franz Kriwanek) 1920 年 5 月 1 日出生于奥地利沃沙赫。温加德纳说,当德国征服捷克斯洛伐克时,克里瓦内克被强行征召入伍。然后他被派往北非沙漠,但一天早上,当他和其他被迫征召入伍的人醒来时,发现他们孤身一人。 “德国人走了。他们把它们留在了沙漠里,”温加德纳说。 “他们做的第一件事就是投降。” 克里瓦内克被送往克拉林达的战俘营,在那里,他作为一名艺术家,再次开始绘画,特别是集中营的插图。战争结束后,他被释放并返回欧洲,在荷兰生活了四年。 “他在克拉林达认识的一个人资助他和他的家人搬回克拉林达,”温加德纳说。 “然后他搬到谢南多厄并创办了克里瓦内克陶艺和艺术学校。他确实得到了谢南多厄人民的提拔和支持。”事实上,温加德纳说,谢南多厄的一个家庭将克里瓦内克送到爱荷华大学,在那里他可以获得教学学位。随后,他在谢南多厄任教一年,随后前往爱荷华州芒特普莱森特。 “他以德克萨斯大学拉伯克分校陶瓷系主任的身份结束了自己的教学生涯,”温加德纳说。 “他最终来到了科罗拉多州锡尔弗顿的锡尔弗顿山陶器公司。他于 1994 年去世,但他的作品最近变得非常受欢迎。”



  • Franz Kriwanek(美国,1920-1994 年)1965 年中世纪现代德克萨斯工作室陶器带框匾

    Franz Kriwanek(美国,1920-1994 年)1965 年中世纪现代德克萨斯工作室陶器带框匾


    Franz Kriwanek(美国,1920-1994 年)1965 年中世纪现代德克萨斯工作室陶器镶框匾额 9.25" x 16" 总计 13.25" x 7" 匾额,绝对没有损坏或磨损。 Franz Kriwanek(美国,1920-1994 年)艺术家、陶艺家、教授和作家,因混合来自科罗拉多州锡尔弗顿附近圣胡安山脉的土壤和矿物质的粘土和釉料而闻名。由这些混合物制成的陶器非常耐用且具有独特的魅力。当德国征服捷克斯洛伐克时,克里瓦内克被强行征召入伍。然后他被派往北非沙漠,但一天早上,当他和其他被迫征召入伍的人醒来时,发现他们孤身一人。克里瓦内克被送往克拉林达的战俘营,在那里,他作为一名艺术家,再次开始绘画,特别是集中营的插图。战争结束后,他被释放并返回欧洲,在荷兰生活了四年。事实上,温加德纳说,谢南多厄的一个家庭将克里瓦内克送到爱荷华大学,在那里他可以获得教学学位。随后,他在谢南多厄任教一年,随后前往爱荷华州芒特普莱森特。 1948年,Franz Kriwanek定居瑞典,跟随大师Wilhelm Koge和Stig Lindberg学习中瑞炻器。在瑞典期间,他举办了 7 场个人展览。 1963 年,他抵达德克萨斯州,在德克萨斯理工大学艺术系任教。到达西德克萨斯州后的几个月里,他一直在寻找一种能够承受 2,400 度高温的粘土。他在德克萨斯州斯奈德的一个采石场发现了它。他崇尚就地取材,开发了一系列以轧棉灰为主要成分的釉料。这些釉料遵循与中国白蜡木釉料相同的传统。 “弗朗兹·克里瓦内克 (Franz Kriwanek) 1920 年 5 月 1 日出生于奥地利沃沙赫。温加德纳说,当德国征服捷克斯洛伐克时,克里瓦内克被强行征召入伍。然后他被派往北非沙漠,但一天早上,当他和其他被迫征召入伍的人醒来时,发现他们孤身一人。 “德国人走了。他们把它们留在了沙漠里,”温加德纳说。 “他们做的第一件事就是投降。” 克里瓦内克被送往克拉林达的战俘营,在那里,他作为一名艺术家,再次开始绘画,特别是集中营的插图。战争结束后,他被释放并返回欧洲,在荷兰生活了四年。 “他在克拉林达认识的一个人资助他和他的家人搬回克拉林达,”温加德纳说。 “然后他搬到谢南多厄并创办了克里瓦内克陶艺和艺术学校。他确实得到了谢南多厄人民的提拔和支持。”事实上,温加德纳说,谢南多厄的一个家庭将克里瓦内克送到爱荷华大学,在那里他可以获得教学学位。随后,他在谢南多厄任教一年,随后前往爱荷华州芒特普莱森特。 “他以德克萨斯大学拉伯克分校陶瓷系主任的身份结束了自己的教学生涯,”温加德纳说。 “他最终来到了科罗拉多州锡尔弗顿的锡尔弗顿山陶器公司。他于 1994 年去世,但他的作品最近变得非常受欢迎。”



  • Fred & Elsie Lonconsello Reversible spinner pendant turquoise and coral sterling

    Fred & Elsie Lonconsello Reversible spinner pendant turquoise and coral sterling


    Fred & Elsie Lonconsello Reversible spinner pendant turquoise and coral sterling, throwing in free 24" Italian sterling necklace. No issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Fred and Lolita Natachu Zuni c1970's Sterling inlay bolo tie

    Fred and Lolita Natachu Zuni c1970's Sterling inlay bolo tie


    Fred and Lolita Natachu Zuni c1970's Sterling inlay bolo tie 40" long, everything else in pics.Fred and Lolita Natachu<br><br>Legendary Zuni artists Fred and Lolita Natachu are known for their stunning<br>mosaic and channel inlay. Rainbow God and Knifewing are two of their favorite<br>subjects. They have been creating jewelry since the 1970’s.<br><br>Lolita is the daughter of Zuni silversmith Jacob Haloo. Her sisters, Dolly<br>Banteah, Nancy Lacnsello, and Rolanda Haloo are also recognized Zuni inlay<br>silversmiths.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Fred 和 Lolita Natachu Zuni 纯银多宝石镶嵌刀翼吊坠

    Fred 和 Lolita Natachu Zuni 纯银多宝石镶嵌刀翼吊坠


    Fred 和 Lolita Natachu Zuni 纯银多宝石镶嵌刀翼吊坠 1.5 英寸宽 x 1 7/8 英寸高,带吊环,干净。 弗雷德和洛丽塔·纳塔丘传奇祖尼艺术家 Fred 和 Lolita Natachu 以其令人惊叹的马赛克和槽形镶嵌而闻名。彩虹神和刀翼是他们最喜欢的两个主题。他们自 20 世纪 70 年代起就开始创作珠宝。洛丽塔是祖尼银匠雅各布·哈鲁的女儿。她的姐妹 Dolly Banteah、Nancy Lacnsello 和 Rolanda Haloo 也是公认的祖尼镶嵌银匠。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。



  • Fred Davis (1880-1961)  large sterling and amethyst tulip flower pin

    Fred Davis (1880-1961) large sterling and amethyst tulip flower pin


    Fred Davis (1880-1961) large sterling and amethyst tulip flower pin 39.8 grams, other measurements in pics.Frederick W. Davis is known among collectors for his work as a jewelry<br>designer and silversmith based in Mexico City, Mexico. He began designing and<br>crafting jewelry and decorative objects in the 1920s. The wares he produced<br>often reflected his affinity for pre-Columbian artifacts. He occasionally<br>collaborated with Valentín Vidaurreta, another respected Mexican silver<br>craftsman with roots in Mexico City. Davis is credited as an avid promoter of<br>other silver artists, including William Spratling, who worked in Mexico from the<br>1920s through the 1950s. Frederick Davis Jewelry - HistoryDavis moved from the<br>United States to Mexico in 1910. Working as an assistant manager for the Sonora<br>News Company, he toured the country on buying trips to stock railway station<br>shops with native folk art for his employer. He established relationships with<br>many artisans during his travels, and his knowledge of Mexican crafts grew<br>extensively. His ardent work resulted in a promotion to manager of Sonora’s arts<br>and crafts showroom in Mexico City. René d’Harnoncourt, who later served as the<br>director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, was employed by Davis in 1927<br>as an assistant. Their work together led to the company’s distribution and<br>exhibition of works by Mexican painters who are now well known, such as Diego<br>Rivera, among many others. During this era, Davis and d’Harnoncourt left an<br>indelible footprint on the trade of Mexican handcrafts, including silver<br>jewelry, from that point on. Davis took a position managing antiques and fine<br>crafts for Sanborn’s department store in 1933 after d’Harnoncourt moved to the<br>United States. He remained with the store for 20 years, where he continued to<br>promote Mexican art and artisans while designing and producing silver wares.<br>Davis died in 1961.



  • Fred Davis (1880-1961)  large sterling flower pin

    Fred Davis (1880-1961) large sterling flower pin


    Fred Davis (1880-1961) large sterling flower pin 14 grams, other measurements in pics.Frederick W. Davis is known among collectors for his work as a jewelry<br>designer and silversmith based in Mexico City, Mexico. He began designing and<br>crafting jewelry and decorative objects in the 1920s. The wares he produced<br>often reflected his affinity for pre-Columbian artifacts. He occasionally<br>collaborated with Valentín Vidaurreta, another respected Mexican silver<br>craftsman with roots in Mexico City. Davis is credited as an avid promoter of<br>other silver artists, including William Spratling, who worked in Mexico from the<br>1920s through the 1950s. Frederick Davis Jewelry - HistoryDavis moved from the<br>United States to Mexico in 1910. Working as an assistant manager for the Sonora<br>News Company, he toured the country on buying trips to stock railway station<br>shops with native folk art for his employer. He established relationships with<br>many artisans during his travels, and his knowledge of Mexican crafts grew<br>extensively. His ardent work resulted in a promotion to manager of Sonora’s arts<br>and crafts showroom in Mexico City. René d’Harnoncourt, who later served as the<br>director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, was employed by Davis in 1927<br>as an assistant. Their work together led to the company’s distribution and<br>exhibition of works by Mexican painters who are now well known, such as Diego<br>Rivera, among many others. During this era, Davis and d’Harnoncourt left an<br>indelible footprint on the trade of Mexican handcrafts, including silver<br>jewelry, from that point on. Davis took a position managing antiques and fine<br>crafts for Sanborn’s department store in 1933 after d’Harnoncourt moved to the<br>United States. He remained with the store for 20 years, where he continued to<br>promote Mexican art and artisans while designing and producing silver wares.<br>Davis died in 1961.



  • Fred Davis (1880-1961) large sterling pin

    Fred Davis (1880-1961) large sterling pin


    Fred Davis (1880-1961) large sterling pin 16 grams, other measurements in pics. Frederick W. Davis is known among collectors for his work as a jewelry<br>designer and silversmith based in Mexico City, Mexico. He began designing and crafting jewelry and decorative objects in the 1920s. The wares he produced<br>often reflected his affinity for pre-Columbian artifacts. He occasionally<br>collaborated with Valentín Vidaurreta, another respected Mexican silver<br>craftsman with roots in Mexico City. Davis is credited as an avid promoter of<br>other silver artists, including William Spratling, who worked in Mexico from the<br>1920s through the 1950s. Frederick Davis Jewelry - HistoryDavis moved from the<br>United States to Mexico in 1910. Working as an assistant manager for the Sonora<br>News Company, he toured the country on buying trips to stock railway station<br>shops with native folk art for his employer. He established relationships with<br>many artisans during his travels, and his knowledge of Mexican crafts grew<br>extensively. His ardent work resulted in a promotion to manager of Sonora’s arts<br>and crafts showroom in Mexico City. René d’Harnoncourt, who later served as the<br>director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, was employed by Davis in 1927<br>as an assistant. Their work together led to the company’s distribution and<br>exhibition of works by Mexican painters who are now well known, such as Diego<br>Rivera, among many others. During this era, Davis and d’Harnoncourt left an<br>indelible footprint on the trade of Mexican handcrafts, including silver<br>jewelry, from that point on. Davis took a position managing antiques and fine<br>crafts for Sanborn’s department store in 1933 after d’Harnoncourt moved to the<br>United States. He remained with the store for 20 years, where he continued to<br>promote Mexican art and artisans while designing and producing silver wares.<br>Davis died in 1961.



  • Fred Davis (1880-1961) Sterling and amethyst large pin

    Fred Davis (1880-1961) Sterling and amethyst large pin


    Fred Davis (1880-1961) Sterling and amethyst large pin 25.7 grams, other measurements in pics.Frederick W. Davis is known among collectors for his work as a jewelry<br>designer and silversmith based in Mexico City, Mexico. He began designing and<br>crafting jewelry and decorative objects in the 1920s. The wares he produced<br>often reflected his affinity for pre-Columbian artifacts. He occasionally<br>collaborated with Valentín Vidaurreta, another respected Mexican silver<br>craftsman with roots in Mexico City. Davis is credited as an avid promoter of<br>other silver artists, including William Spratling, who worked in Mexico from the<br>1920s through the 1950s. Frederick Davis Jewelry - HistoryDavis moved from the<br>United States to Mexico in 1910. Working as an assistant manager for the Sonora<br>News Company, he toured the country on buying trips to stock railway station<br>shops with native folk art for his employer. He established relationships with<br>many artisans during his travels, and his knowledge of Mexican crafts grew<br>extensively. His ardent work resulted in a promotion to manager of Sonora’s arts<br>and crafts showroom in Mexico City. René d’Harnoncourt, who later served as the<br>director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, was employed by Davis in 1927<br>as an assistant. Their work together led to the company’s distribution and<br>exhibition of works by Mexican painters who are now well known, such as Diego<br>Rivera, among many others. During this era, Davis and d’Harnoncourt left an<br>indelible footprint on the trade of Mexican handcrafts, including silver<br>jewelry, from that point on. Davis took a position managing antiques and fine<br>crafts for Sanborn’s department store in 1933 after d’Harnoncourt moved to the<br>United States. He remained with the store for 20 years, where he continued to<br>promote Mexican art and artisans while designing and producing silver wares.<br>Davis died in 1961.



  • Fred Davis (1880-1961) sterling flower pin

    Fred Davis (1880-1961) sterling flower pin


    Fred Davis (1880-1961) sterling flower pin 11.2 grams, other measurements in pics.Frederick W. Davis is known among collectors for his work as a jewelry<br>designer and silversmith based in Mexico City, Mexico. He began designing and<br>crafting jewelry and decorative objects in the 1920s. The wares he produced<br>often reflected his affinity for pre-Columbian artifacts. He occasionally<br>collaborated with Valentín Vidaurreta, another respected Mexican silver<br>craftsman with roots in Mexico City. Davis is credited as an avid promoter of<br>other silver artists, including William Spratling, who worked in Mexico from the<br>1920s through the 1950s. Frederick Davis Jewelry - HistoryDavis moved from the<br>United States to Mexico in 1910. Working as an assistant manager for the Sonora<br>News Company, he toured the country on buying trips to stock railway station<br>shops with native folk art for his employer. He established relationships with<br>many artisans during his travels, and his knowledge of Mexican crafts grew<br>extensively. His ardent work resulted in a promotion to manager of Sonora’s arts<br>and crafts showroom in Mexico City. René d’Harnoncourt, who later served as the<br>director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, was employed by Davis in 1927<br>as an assistant. Their work together led to the company’s distribution and<br>exhibition of works by Mexican painters who are now well known, such as Diego<br>Rivera, among many others. During this era, Davis and d’Harnoncourt left an<br>indelible footprint on the trade of Mexican handcrafts, including silver<br>jewelry, from that point on. Davis took a position managing antiques and fine<br>crafts for Sanborn’s department store in 1933 after d’Harnoncourt moved to the<br>United States. He remained with the store for 20 years, where he continued to<br>promote Mexican art and artisans while designing and producing silver wares.<br>Davis died in 1961.



  • Fred Davis (1880-1961) Taxco Modernist sterling cufflinks

    Fred Davis (1880-1961) Taxco Modernist sterling cufflinks


    Fred Davis (1880-1961) Taxco Modernist sterling cufflinks 30mm x 11mm x 20.9<br>grams.Frederick W. Davis is known among collectors for his work as a jewelry<br>designer and silversmith based in Mexico City, Mexico. He began designing and<br>crafting jewelry and decorative objects in the 1920s. The wares he produced<br>often reflected his affinity for pre-Columbian artifacts. He occasionally<br>collaborated with Valentín Vidaurreta, another respected Mexican silver<br>craftsman with roots in Mexico City. Davis is credited as an avid promoter of<br>other silver artists, including William Spratling, who worked in Mexico from the<br>1920s through the 1950s. Frederick Davis Jewelry - HistoryDavis moved from the<br>United States to Mexico in 1910. Working as an assistant manager for the Sonora<br>News Company, he toured the country on buying trips to stock railway station<br>shops with native folk art for his employer. He established relationships with<br>many artisans during his travels, and his knowledge of Mexican crafts grew<br>extensively. His ardent work resulted in a promotion to manager of Sonora’s arts<br>and crafts showroom in Mexico City. René d’Harnoncourt, who later served as the<br>director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, was employed by Davis in 1927<br>as an assistant. Their work together led to the company’s distribution and<br>exhibition of works by Mexican painters who are now well known, such as Diego<br>Rivera, among many others. During this era, Davis and d’Harnoncourt left an<br>indelible footprint on the trade of Mexican handcrafts, including silver<br>jewelry, from that point on. Davis took a position managing antiques and fine<br>crafts for Sanborn’s department store in 1933 after d’Harnoncourt moved to the<br>United States. He remained with the store for 20 years, where he continued to<br>promote Mexican art and artisans while designing and producing silver wares.<br>Davis died in 1961.



  • Fred Davis Abraham Paz 纯银天使鸟胸针绿松石

    Fred Davis Abraham Paz 纯银天使鸟胸针绿松石


    Fred Davis Abraham Paz 纯银天使鸟胸针,绿松石尺寸 3/4 x 1 1/8 英寸。背面标有“925 Echo en Mexico”并带有艺术家徽标 - 可能是亚伯拉罕·帕斯 (Abraham Paz),他是弗雷德·戴维斯 (Fred Davis) 的银匠兼设计师。里面还有老鹰标记,里面有数字22。胸针可以侧向佩戴(像鸟一样),也可以向上/向下佩戴(像天使一样)。状况良好,没有重大问题。



  • Fred Harvey Era 墨西哥纯银美洲原住民风格手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 墨西哥纯银美洲原住民风格手镯


    Fred Harvey Era 墨西哥纯银美洲原住民风格手镯。非常小的有趣的手镯,可能在 50 年代沿着 66 号公路出售。适合儿童或手腕很小的非儿童。 5.25 英寸内径,包括 1.25 英寸可调节间隙。中心宽 7/8 英寸。6.8 克。



  • Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/哈勃玻璃 重压印手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/哈勃玻璃 重压印手镯


    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/哈勃玻璃 重型压印袖口。漂亮的大袖口,重 42.8 克,经过纯正标记和测试,没有其他标记。 6.5 英寸,包括中心宽 1.5 英寸的 1.25 英寸间隙。 Hubbell 珠是从意大利、波西米亚以及后来的捷克斯洛伐克进口的玻璃珠。尽管没有明显证据表明这种做法是由哈贝尔贸易站老板洛伦佐·哈贝尔 (Lorenzo Hubbell) 发起的,但这些珠子已与他的名字联系在一起。购买它们是为了以更便宜的方式生产珠宝。由于贸易商经常向土著艺术家提供在贸易站出售的珠宝材料,因此贸易商寻找方法来降低生产足够珠宝的成本以满足市场需求。他们通过捷克斯洛伐克等地区的乡村手工艺者找到了一种方法。 到二十世纪之交,捷克珠制造商向全球市场出口大量玻璃珠。它们有各种各样的形状、大小和颜色。进口到西南部的珠宝的形状和颜色类似于美洲原住民珠宝中使用的绿松石和珊瑚。虽然它们的使用可能只是来自西南部的真正手工珠宝的真正宝石的替代品,但它们的进口帮助波西米亚等地区的家庭在欧洲的动荡时期谋生。



  • Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石手镯


    Fred Harvey 时代美洲原住民纯银/绿松石手镯。非常漂亮的旧袖口,没有损坏。经过测试并保证至少是硬币银 (90%)



  • Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯


    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯。这个时代的特别大件,是一块美丽的绿松石,无损坏 6.75 英寸,包括 1.25 英寸间隙,中心宽 15/16 英寸,重 28 克。



  • Fred Harvey Era Native American Sterling/turquoise Heavy stamped cuff x - Estate Fresh AustinCuff Bracelets

    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯


    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石重压印手镯。无标记,经过纯正测试,无损坏。



  • Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石蜘蛛手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石蜘蛛手镯


    Fred Harvey Era 美洲原住民纯银/绿松石蜘蛛手镯。标记和测试纯银 6 5/8 英寸内周,包括 1 3/8 英寸可调节间隙 1 英寸宽 21.2 克。



  • Fred Harvey Era Turquoise/sterling pin - Estate Fresh Austin

    Fred Harvey Era 绿松石/纯银别针


    Fred Harvey Era 绿松石/纯银别针。有点有趣的别针,机器冲压的绿松石别针非常漂亮,是 20 世纪第二季度的复古作品。



  • Fred Harvey Era 复古纳瓦霍纯银/绿松石手镯

    Fred Harvey Era 复古纳瓦霍纯银/绿松石手镯


    Fred Harvey Era 复古纳瓦霍纯银/绿松石手镯。 21 克,无标记,经测试纯正。中心宽 9/16 英寸,宽 6.25 英寸,包括 1.25 英寸间隙,绿松石有裂纹,但看起来很稳定。



  • Fred Peters Navajo Sterling 多宝石槽形镶嵌吊坠。

    Fred Peters Navajo Sterling 多宝石槽形镶嵌吊坠。


    Fred Peters Navajo Sterling 多宝石槽形镶嵌吊坠。包括所示的意大利纯银项链。项链 24 英寸,吊坠 2.25 英寸 x 1 3/8 英寸,总重 43.9 克。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。



  • 法国 1782 年 1/5 埃库 - 路易十六纯银边框吊坠银币

    法国 1782 年 1/5 埃库 - 路易十六纯银边框吊坠银币


    法国 1782 年 1/5 埃库 - 路易十六银币,纯银边框吊坠。真品硬币带有罕见的佩皮尼昂铸币厂标记。 917 银币,无标记(经过测试)纯银边框,总重量 43.4 克。 2 英寸宽 x 2 5/8 英寸高。



  • French 18th-19th Century Silver wine tasting cup with 1658 Coin

    French 18th-19th Century Silver wine tasting cup with 1658 Coin


    French 18th-19th Century Silver wine tasting cup with 1658 Coin. Hallmarked as shown 3 5/8" x 2 5/8" wide x 13/16" deep. Solid silver of high content.



  • 法国 1977 RD Marmande 手工雕刻/彩绘 1:43 比例模型 Intaltera 福特 V8 Coupe

    法国 1977 RD Marmande 手工雕刻/彩绘 1:43 比例模型 Intaltera 福特 V8 Coupe


    法国 1977 年 RD Marmande 手工雕刻/彩绘 1:43 比例模型 Intaltera 福特 V8 Coupe。干净没有问题。 RD,即来自法国西南部马尔芒德镇的 Raymond Daffaure,在某种程度上可能是有史以来最伟大的模型制作者之一。他的所有模型都是用一块木头完全手工制作的。从 50 年代到 70 年代,达福尔先生在 20 年间每月雕刻大约 40 个模型,以维持生计。为了他。限制 X 件并不是营销策略,而是纯粹的需要。他最畅销的车型法拉利 GTO 大概生产了 200 辆,其他车型则只生产了 2 到 3 辆。 Raymond Daffaure 可能雕刻了 800 多辆不同的汽车。



  • 法国百家乐天使对



    法国百家乐天使对。出售原盒中所示的百家乐天使。最大的 4.5 英寸长(不含盒子)。一个带有原始标签,在两个地方都有签名,没有划痕、损坏或磨损。 TW162



  • French Baccarat Harcourt Decanter - Estate Fresh Austin

    法国百家乐 Harcourt Decanter


    Baccarat Harcourt Decanter 5.5 英寸宽 x 12.5 英寸高。无裂纹、缺口、划痕、凹痕或硬水。庄园全新,零售价 1490 美元。 TW254



  • French Baccarat Marcel Franck Escale Silver Overlay Atomizer perfume bottle - Estate Fresh Austin

    法国 Baccarat Marcel Franck Escale 银色覆层雾化器香水瓶


    法国 Baccarat Marcel Franck Escale 银色覆层雾化器香水瓶。极高品质的瓶子,具有复杂的雾化器机制,看起来很实用。罐子顶部没有管子,有短而稳定的裂缝,在罐子的肩部之前停止。仍将保持液体。底部酸印有 Marcel Franck 法国制造圆形标志。没有百家乐标记,但显然是百家乐。香水抽屉。



  • French Bayeux Tapestry Lustre Wall plaque/trinket dish - Estate Fresh Austin



    法国贝叶挂毯光泽墙牌/饰品盘 4.25 英寸,没有损坏或问题。可能是 20 世纪第二季度的伟大作品。



  • 法国莱俪1976年美国二百周年爱国小饰品盘



    法国莱俪 1976 年美国二百周年纪念爱国饰品盘,宽高 4 英寸,底座中心签名为法国莱俪。没有划痕、损坏或磨损。没有问题。



  • 法国莱俪水晶镇纸



    法国莱俪水晶镇纸。 4.25 英寸 x 3 英寸正品 Lalique 水晶,无划痕、缺口、裂纹或其他问题。抽屉柜



  • 法国莱俪猫头鹰镇纸



    法国莱俪猫头鹰镇纸。 3 5/8 英寸高,无损坏、无划痕、无问题。 TW57



  • French Limoges hand painted snail trinket box - Estate Fresh Austin



    法国利摩日手绘蜗牛饰品盒。 3.5 英寸宽 x 2.75 英寸高。漂亮的大饰品盒,带有紧密的铰链和锁扣,当盒子关闭时会发出咔嗒声,并在通过顶部提起时将其保持关闭。无损坏或可检测到的磨损。



  • French Limoges hand painted snail trinket box q - Estate Fresh Austin



    法国利摩日手绘蜗牛饰品盒。 3.5 英寸宽 x 2.75 英寸高。漂亮的大饰品盒,带有紧密的铰链和锁扣,当盒子关闭时会发出咔嗒声,并在通过顶部提起时将其保持关闭。无损坏或可检测到的磨损。



  • 法国 Majolica 鸭水壶 13 英寸,约 1920 年圣克莱门特

    法国 Majolica 鸭水壶 13 英寸,约 1920 年圣克莱门特


    法国 Majolica 鸭水壶 13 英寸,约 1920 年圣克莱门特。无裂纹、缺口、修复或开裂。 TW85



  • 法国蛋白石艺术玻璃肖像花瓶 14.25 英寸高全手绘 C.1870

    法国蛋白石艺术玻璃肖像花瓶 14.25 英寸高全手绘 C.1870


    这件作品投入了大量的工作。所有的装饰和黄金都是 100% 手工完成的。可能是法式,也可能是百家乐。保证无裂纹或缺口。金色有一些磨损,主要是在底部以及细颈背部和前部中心。非常大的一块 14 3/8"



  • French S T Dupont Fidelio Lignes Recoupees 3 pen set - Estate Fresh Austin

    法国 ST Dupont Fidelio Lignes Recoupees 3 支钢笔套装


    ST Dupont Fidelio Lignes Recoupees 3 笔套装。出售所示的所有三支钢笔,钢笔的笔尖为 14k,可能已经干了,另外两支写得很好。它们三个都非常干净,没有凹痕或划痕,磨损最小。正品保证,夹子上均带有序列号。饰品抽屉



  • 法国 Sabino 乳光鱼镇纸

    法国 Sabino 乳光鱼镇纸


    法国 Sabino 乳白色鱼镇纸,长 4 英寸,高 3 英寸,无任何损坏或修复。在标签下签名。



  • Fritson Toledo Navajo for Les Baker Shop Sterling and agate pin

    Fritson Toledo Navajo for Les Baker Shop Sterling and agate pin


    Fritson Toledo Navajo for Les Baker Shop Sterling and agate pin.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Fritson Toledo Navajo for Les Baker Shop Sterling and agate pin #2

    Fritson Toledo Navajo for Les Baker Shop Sterling and agate pin #2


    Fritson Toledo Navajo for Les Baker Shop Sterling and agate pin.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • 弗里茨·怀特(Fritz White,1930-2010)美洲原住民持有水牛青铜器

    弗里茨·怀特(Fritz White,1930-2010)美洲原住民持有水牛青铜器


    弗里茨·怀特(Fritz White,1930-2010)持有水牛青铜器的美洲原住民。 17 英寸高、8 英寸宽、6.75 英寸深、10.5 磅,演员弗里茨·怀特(美国,1930-2010 年)签名,编号 22/ 225,C/A 美国牛仔艺术家邮票。弗里茨·怀特以其独特的青铜雕塑风格而闻名于世,并将拉夫兰变成当今著名的雕塑界的关键人物。 1930 年 1 月 14 日,他出生于俄亥俄州米尔福德,父母是丹佛 (Denver) 和日内瓦 (哈特菲尔德) 怀特 (Geneva (Hatfield) White)。当他 12 岁时,他的父亲为他报名参加辛辛那提一所大学的成人艺术课程。 “战争正在进行,那些小型大学需要他们能招到的所有学生,所以他们同意接收我。我得到了老师们的特别关注。太棒了,”他回忆道。 1948 年,弗里茨从辛辛那提的特雷斯公园高中毕业后,开始踢半职业橄榄球。他将这些教训发扬光大,后来担任初中橄榄球队教练,并被人们亲切地称为怀蒂教练。弗里茨 (Fritz) 自豪地于 1948 年至 1953 年间在美国海军陆战队服役,担任步枪排中士,后来担任甘尼 (Gunny)。退役后,弗里茨创办了 Fancy Lettering,一家销售出版物的设计工作室,随后在 National Underwriter Company 任职。 1961年,他突发奇想,在自己的车里装上了来自科罗拉多州马布尔的大块大理石,从此开始了他漫长的雕塑生涯。在好友约翰·麦格劳 (John J. McGraw) 的支持下,弗里茨很快就开始从事粘土和青铜工作。 十年后,1972 年春天,弗里茨被选为著名的美国牛仔艺术家,并被广泛认为是本世纪最优秀的雕塑家之一。除了获得多项 CAA 卓越奖(包括唯一一位荣获柯尔特奖的雕塑家)外,他还担任过董事会成员、副总裁和总裁。他还是国家雕塑协会的会员。



  • FT Sterling Native American belt buckle with turquoise

    FT Sterling Native American belt buckle with turquoise


    FT Sterling Native American belt buckle with turquoise. Measurements in pics.High quality belt buckle solid sterling with no issues.



  • Fukagawa Seiji Arita Iris Japanese Porcelain Bell Late 20th Century - Estate Fresh Austin

    Fukakawa Seiji Arita Iris 日本瓷钟 20 世纪末


    Fukakawa Seiji Arita Iris 日本瓷钟 20 世纪末。无裂纹、缺口、修复或划痕。 3.5 英寸高 x 3.25 英寸宽。



  • Fukakawa Seiji Arita 花瓶 Iris 日本瓷器,约 20 世纪中叶

    Fukakawa Seiji Arita 花瓶 Iris 日本瓷器,约 20 世纪中叶


    这件作品尺寸为 7 英寸高 x 4 英寸宽。它没有裂纹、缺口、修复、划痕或裂纹。令人难以置信的简单设计,肯定能融入任何环境,同时在高品味人士中脱颖而出。大约 20 世纪中叶的精美复古作品。



  • Fukagawa Seiji Arita Vase With Cobalt Imari Style Decoration c.1960 - Estate Fresh Austin

    深川精司有田花瓶,钴伊万里风格装饰,约 1960 年


    Fukakawa Seiji Arita 花瓶,带钴伊万里风格装饰,约 1960 年。 8.5 英寸高,无裂纹、缺口、修复或开裂。 TW16



  • 深川美国海军陆战队航空站 vs 东洋工业(马自达)高尔夫奖杯盘 1966 年来自准将庄园

    深川美国海军陆战队航空站 vs 东洋工业(马自达)高尔夫奖杯盘 1966 年来自准将庄园


    深川海军陆战队航空站 vs 东洋工业(马自达)高尔夫奖杯盘 1966 年来自准将庄园。板为 10 英寸,框架为 14 英寸,无损坏,框架有轻微磨损,可轻松从框架上拆下。可能是其中唯一存在的。同样有趣的是制作它的公司、它的来源以及这样的锦标赛的性质。 RW(鲍勃)泰勒,B/Gen USMC(退役) 1924年6月18日 – 2021年7月21日 鲍勃是德克萨斯州夸纳人,在海军陆战队服役了 33 年。他曾参加过第二次世界大战、朝鲜战争(1950-1951 年)和越南战争。他指挥的部队包括海军陆战队步枪连、海军陆战队喷气式战斗机中队、海军陆战队航空大队、海军陆战队航空联队和西部地区海军陆战队空军基地。其他任务包括在海军陆战队空军预备队任职、美国海军学院领导力课程主任、参谋长联席会议(五角大楼)以及海军陆战队两栖作战学校主任。他获得的奖项包括银星勋章、功勋勋章、两枚功绩勋章、两枚杰出飞行十字勋章和十三枚航空奖章。



  • 福禄寿神雕像日本青瓷萨摩森上雕像 20 世纪初

    福禄寿神雕像日本青瓷萨摩森上雕像 20 世纪初


    Fukurokuju 神雕像日本青瓷 Satsuma Moriage 人物 20 世纪初 9.25 英寸高 x 6 英寸宽。无裂纹、损失、缺口或修复。 FUKUROKUJU 源自一个古老的中国故事,讲述了一位中国神话隐士(宋代)的故事,他因创造奇迹而闻名,据说体现了南极星的天体力量。福意味着幸福,Roku意味着财富,Ju意味着长寿。他是中国的智慧、幸福、财富和长寿之神;福禄寿身高三英尺,有一个半个身高的大脑袋、一双大眼睛和雪白的长胡子。他穿着中国古代文人的服装,喜欢下棋。有时他附近还会有起重机和/或乌龟。他经常与十郎神联系在一起,因为据说两者居住在同一身体中。他是棋手、制表师和运动员之神TW61



  • Fun Southwestern sterling/turquoise watch with charms - Estate Fresh Austin






  • Fun Vintage Sterling boots/Saddle bolo tie

    Fun Vintage Sterling boots/Saddle bolo tie


    Fun Vintage Sterling boots/Saddle bolo tie. 38" long, solid sterling slide and tips. Bolo mechanism is epoxied on, so possibly it was a pin or something in it's former life. It's a great bolo now.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Fun, Large, Vintage Mexican Silver Earrings - Estate Fresh Austin

    Fun, Large, Vintage Mexican Silver Earrings


    Fun, Large, Vintage Mexican Silver Earrings. Both weigh 24.8 grams. 4.5" long marked and tested sterling.



  • Furnival 斯塔福德郡转移器潘趣碗彩色光泽装饰 c.1860

    Furnival 斯塔福德郡转移器潘趣碗彩色光泽装饰 c.1860


    14 5/8 英寸宽 x 7 3/8 英寸高。无裂纹、缺口或修复。有些边缘磨损到有光泽,总体上如预期的那样出现裂纹。令人印象深刻的弗尼瓦尔标记。十九世纪中叶。



  • G.A.R. civil War Veteran GAR Annual Encampment Medals/Watch Fobs 1896, 1904, 19 - Estate Fresh Austin

    GAR 内战老兵 GAR 年度营地奖章/表扣 1896 年、1904 年、1905 年、1906 年、1914 年、1915 年俄亥俄州


    GAR 内战老兵 GAR 年度营地奖章/手表表扣 1896 年、1904 年、1905 年、1906 年、1914 年、1915 年俄亥俄州。 1896 缺少背面的销钉,其余状况良好。这些都来自同一个内战老兵。我相信姓氏是韦兰。 共和国大军(GAR)是一个兄弟组织,由参加过美国内战的联邦陆军(美国陆军)、联邦海军(美国海军)、海军陆战队和美国税务服务局的退伍军人组成。该组织于 1866 年在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德成立,并不断发展壮大,在全国范围内(主要是北部,但也有少数在南部和西部)拥有数百个帖子(当地社区单位),并于 1956 年因其成员去世而解散。最后一位成员是明尼苏达州德卢斯的阿尔伯特·伍尔森(Albert Woolson,1850-1956 年)。 GAR 通过战争经历将人们联系起来,成为美国政治中最早有组织的倡导团体之一,支持黑人退伍军人的投票权,促进爱国主义教育,帮助将阵亡将士纪念日定为全国性节日,游说美国国会建立定期的退伍军人养老金,以及支持共和党政治候选人。 1890 年,其会员数量达到顶峰,超过 490,000 人,当时是各种内战纪念和纪念碑落成仪式的高峰期。其后继者是内战联盟退伍军人之子 (SUVCW),该组织由联邦陆军和联邦海军退伍军人的男性后裔组成。



  • Garrison Boyd Navajo High Grade turquoise silver bolo tie

    Garrison Boyd Navajo High Grade turquoise silver bolo tie


    Garrison Boyd Navajo High Grade turquoise silver bolo tie, 40" long mixmatched tips, I didn't notice until now.<br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Gary and Paulinus Vacit Zuni Rainbow dancer pendant/pin

    Gary and Paulinus Vacit Zuni Rainbow dancer pendant/pin


    Gary and Paulinus Vacit Zuni Rainbow dancer pendant/pin 1 5/8" x 1" x 6.5 grams.<br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Gary G Navajo Sterling cross pendant/necklace with Santo Domingo inlay

    Gary G Navajo Sterling cross pendant/necklace with Santo Domingo inlay


    Gary G Navajo Sterling cross pendant/necklace with Santo Domingo inlay. Necklace approx 27" long, other measurements in pics, no issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Gemset Sterling Snake pendant - Estate Fresh Austin



    宝石纯银蛇吊坠。非常酷,1 7/8" x 1" x 10.2 克,没有任何问题,没有丢失宝石。宝石未经测试,可能是实验室宝石。安德拉斯



  • Gene Pooyouma Hopi #8 Turquoise sterlng overlay bolo and belt buckle set

    Gene Pooyouma Hopi #8 Turquoise sterlng overlay bolo and belt buckle set


    Gene Pooyouma Hopi #8 Turquoise sterlng overlay bolo and belt buckle set. Measurments in pics, both pieces marked with the artists hallmark and sterling.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Gentile Glass Millefiori Paperweight - Estate Fresh Austin

    Gentile 玻璃千花镇纸


    Gentile 玻璃千花镇纸。漂亮的大镇纸,完好无损,没有划痕或凹痕。 3.25 英寸高 x 3 英寸宽。 Gentile家族的第一代玻璃工人是Peter Gentile,1884年出生于意大利那不勒斯。他曾在那不勒斯(意大利)、罗切斯特(宾夕法尼亚州)和摩根敦(西弗吉尼亚州)工作,之后在星城(西弗吉尼亚州)建立了自己的工厂)于 1947 年。他的儿子弗兰基 (Frankie)、约翰 (John) 和乔·金泰尔 (Joe Gentile) 在下班时间帮助他在摩根敦的公会工厂 (Guild Factory) 制作镇纸。然而,二战以来的大多数镇纸生产都与彼得、约翰或约翰的妻子格特鲁德·詹蒂尔有关。 1963 年之前签署的重量很少。据信,Gentile Glass 的生产一直持续到 2006 年。自 1975 年以来生产的大多数(如果不是全部)镇纸都已签署。如需了解更多信息,您可以阅读让·梅尔文 (Jean Melvin) 所著的《美国玻璃镇纸及其制造者》(1967 年和 1970 年)一书中有关外邦人的内容。 b34



  • Geo & Henry Kahn San Francisco CA Antique Marine Barograph Scientific Instrument - Estate Fresh Austin

    Geo & Henry Kahn 旧金山古董海洋气压计科学仪器法国制造


    Geo & Henry Kahn 旧金山加利福尼亚古董气压计科学仪器法国制造。 15 英寸宽 x 7 英寸高。非常酷的装饰物品,我不知道它是如何工作的,也不知道它是如何完成的。



  • Georg Jensen Acorn Demitasse/mocha spoons pair - Estate Fresh Austin

    Georg Jensen 橡子小咖啡杯/摩卡勺一对


    Georg Jensen 橡子小咖啡/摩卡勺一对。两者均以非常干净的状态出售。 3 7/8 英寸长。



  • Georg Jensen Sterling Cactus Pastry server - Estate Fresh Austin

    Georg Jensen Sterling 仙人掌糕点服务器


    Georg Jensen Sterling 仙人掌糕点服务器。不太常见的物品,如图所示较小。装在如图所示的小袋子里来找我,因为它会送给你。安德拉斯




