

  • 意大利铀玻璃中世纪穆拉诺缅甸鸡和天鹅人物



    意大利中世纪穆拉诺缅甸鸡和天鹅人物。出售的两件都是 20 世纪 30 年代的作品,没有任何损坏,之前在 90 年代左右的 Early 艺术玻璃拍卖会上出售过。最高 7 5/8 英寸,前两张照片显示有紫外线手电筒照射。缅甸玻璃是一种单层玻璃,通过在原始玻璃批次中添加氧化铀和金色,呈现出精致的粉红色或鲑鱼色渐变为黄色。这就产生了一种黄色不透明玻璃,在重新加热时变成鲑鱼色,逐渐变成黄色。进一步加热使鲑鱼色变回黄色,如该雕像的扇形底座所示。玻璃中的铀使花瓶在暴露于黑光下时发出明亮的荧光。



  • 意大利铀玻璃中世纪穆拉诺缅甸海豚雕像



    意大利铀玻璃中世纪穆拉诺缅甸海豚雕像。出售的雕像是 20 世纪第三季度的作品,没有任何损坏,之前曾在 90 年代左右的 Early 艺术玻璃拍卖会上出售过。 7.25 英寸高,第一张照片显示有紫外线手电筒照射。缅甸玻璃是一种单层玻璃,通过在原始玻璃批次中添加氧化铀和金色,呈现出精致的粉红色或鲑鱼色渐变为黄色。这就产生了一种黄色不透明玻璃,在重新加热时变成鲑鱼色,逐渐变成黄色。进一步加热使鲑鱼色变回黄色,如该雕像的扇形底座所示。玻璃中的铀使花瓶在暴露于黑光下时发出明亮的荧光。



  • J Begay Sterling Turquoise Native American cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    J Begay 纯银绿松石美洲原住民手镯


    J Begay 纯银绿松石美洲原住民手镯没问题,适合 7 英寸的手腕。 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。大多数袖口手镯都是在 6 英寸的女性手腕上拍摄的,并附有一张照片,显示金属尖端与卷尺上的数字相交处的内周长。



  • J Leslie Handwrought Sterling cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    J Leslie 手工制作纯手镯


    J Leslie 手工制作的纯手镯。干净,磨损很少,没有问题。



  • J Wright 现代主义西南纯银手镯

    J Wright 现代主义西南纯银手镯


    J Wright 现代主义西南纯银手镯。漂亮干净、制作精良的袖口,有人称之为 J Wright 纳瓦霍人,我没有尝试以某种方式验证这一点。 40.6 克,坚固的袖口。



  • JD Media Zia 陶罐

    JD Media Zia 陶罐


    JD Media Zia 陶罐。罐子涂漆精美,没有损坏或丢失。 8.25 英寸宽 x 5.5 英寸高。 Jose de la Cruz Medina, Zia Pueblo 出生于 1935 年。我不确定他 87 岁时是否还在创作艺术。 TW123



  • JS Silversmith 纳瓦霍纯银和绿松石珊瑚男士戒指大号粗尺寸 10.75

    JS Silversmith 纳瓦霍纯银和绿松石珊瑚男士戒指大号粗尺寸 10.75


    JS Silversmith 纳瓦霍纯银和绿松石珊瑚男士戒指大号粗尺寸 10.75我今天列出的几件作品都来自一个庄园。它们都是 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基的当铺购买的。大多数作品大约是 20 世纪中叶的。漂亮又大又旧的重戒指。



  • Jacob Troncosa San Felipe Pueblo Navajo Sterling Turquoise Table Box Bears - Estate Fresh Austin

    Jacob Troncosa 圣费利佩普韦布洛纳瓦霍纯绿松石桌盒


    Jacob Troncosa San Felipe Pueblo 纳瓦霍纯绿松石桌盒。伟大的作品可能是独一无二的。雅各布是第四代纳瓦霍银匠,他创造出非常大胆且制作精良的物品。 6 5/8" x 3 3/8" x 2" 经过标记和测试的纯银重 503.2 克。这是一个真正坚固的盒子,由厚重标准纯银制成,超过 1.1 磅,除了纯银和绿松石之外什么都没有。比任何东西都更大、更大胆您可能会找到类似类型的盒子。我还有这位艺术家设计的另一个盒子,设计不同,这个盒子重了 200 克,作为一个例子来说明它的厚度和重量。 TW208



  • Jadeite Sterling Handmade artisan ring - Estate Fresh Austin



    硬玉纯手工戒指。尺寸 5.75,签名难以辨认,如图所示,标记为 925,测试翡翠。高品质手工制作的独一无二的戒指。 8.5克。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。



  • James Avery Charm 支架项链,采用德克萨斯纯银吊饰,带有青铜装饰

    James Avery Charm 支架项链,采用德克萨斯纯银吊饰,带有青铜装饰


    James Avery Charm 支架项链,采用德克萨斯纯银吊饰,带有青铜装饰。项链 17.5 英寸,吊饰 1 英寸,带跳环 x 0.8 英寸宽。底部吊饰固定环有一个控制杆,可打开以更换或添加吊饰。没问题。 James Avery 于 1954 年创立了自己的公司,最初仅用 250 美元在德克萨斯州克尔维尔的一个两车位车库里制作珠宝,他渴望为他人创造持久的价值。艾弗里先生相信意义让生活变得更加美好,这一理念至今仍继续推动着我们设计珠宝的方式。 2007 年,在詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 首次创立公司 53 年后,他正式辞去首席执行官一职,并将权力交给了他的儿子克里斯 (Chris) 和保罗 (Paul)。艾弗里先生的使命很简单:为自己和他人创造有意义的珠宝。他专注于创造简单的设计和对一切事物诚信的核心信念,他的珠宝不仅仅是贵金属和宝石。客人们带着他们的故事——他们的特殊时刻——来找他,这样他就可以将它们制作成他们可以自豪地佩戴一生的作品。从写信到问候客户,艾弗里先生优先考虑与每个与他的设计有联系的人建立持久的关系。安德拉斯



  • James Avery cutout cross ring - Estate Fresh Austin

    James Avery 镂空十字戒指


    James Avery 镂空十字戒指。出售的戒指显示状况良好。约 3/8 英寸宽。安德拉斯



  • James Avery Descending Dove earrings and Celtic knot lapel pin/tie tac in sterling

    James Avery Descending Dove earrings and Celtic knot lapel pin/tie tac in sterling


    James Avery Descending Dove earrings and Celtic knot lapel pin/tie tac in sterling. Earrings 1" tall, pin .75" wide. Selling both for one price.anderasJames Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007, 53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • James Avery Lord between me and thee pendant/necklace

    James Avery Lord between me and thee pendant/necklace


    James Avery Lord between me and thee pendant/necklace 18" necklace, both James Avery with no issues.



  • James Avery Retired Hammered Sterling collar necklace

    James Avery Retired Hammered Sterling collar necklace


    James Avery Retired Hammered Sterling collar necklace. Approx 16", yes I realize it's upside down. No issues, clean.<br><br>anderas<br><br>James Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.<br><br>Mr. Avery’s mission was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself<br>and others. With a focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief<br>of integrity in all things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and<br>gemstones. Guests came to him with their stories—their special moments—so he<br>could craft them into pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From<br>writing letters to greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting<br>relationships with each person who connected with his designs.



  • James Avery Sterling 1/4" band ring - Estate Fresh Austin

    James Avery Sterling 1/4 英寸戒指


    James Avery Sterling 1/4 英寸戒指。出售的戒指状况良好。安德拉斯



  • James Avery Sterling 1/8" sterling band ring - Estate Fresh Austin

    James Avery Sterling 1/8 英寸纯银戒指


    James Avery Sterling 1/8" 纯银戒指。出售的戒指状况良好。安德拉斯



  • James Avery Sterling Charm Bracelet with charms - Estate Fresh Austin

    James Avery Sterling 吊饰手链,饰有吊饰


    James Avery Sterling 吊饰手链,带吊饰。出售带有饰物的手链,全部由詹姆斯·艾弗里 (James Avery) 制作。



  • James Avery Sterling cross pendant/necklace

    James Avery Sterling cross pendant/necklace


    James Avery Sterling cross pendant/necklace. 24" necklace, both pendant and necklace are James Avery, pendant with "I Love You" monogram.



  • James Avery Sterling 心结项链

    James Avery Sterling 心结项链


    James Avery Sterling 心结项链。项链约 23 英寸,包括 1 英寸宽的吊坠,可以使用提供的环将其调整得更小。 9.6克。安德拉斯科尔



  • James Avery Sterling Horizon cross ring - Estate Fresh Austin

    James Avery Sterling Horizo​​n 十字戒指


    詹姆斯·艾弗里·斯特林 Horizo​​n 十字戒指。出售的戒指显示状况良好。安德拉斯



  • James Avery Sterling prickly pear charm on Sterling/bronze charm holder necklace

    James Avery Sterling prickly pear charm on Sterling/bronze charm holder necklace


    James Avery Sterling prickly pear charm on Sterling/bronze charm holder necklace 24" necklace, other measurements in pics. Appears unworn.Avery founded his company in 1954, initially crafting jewelry in a two-car<br>garage in Kerrville, Texas, with just $250 and a desire to create lasting value<br>for others. Mr. Avery believed that meaning is what makes life more beautiful<br>and this concept continues to drive how we design jewelry to this day. In 2007,<br>53 years after he first founded the company, James Avery officially stepped down<br>as CEO and passed the reins on to his sons, Chris and Paul.Mr. Avery’s mission<br>was simple: to create jewelry with meaning—both for himself and others. With a<br>focus on creating straightforward designs and a core belief of integrity in all<br>things, his jewelry became more than precious metals and gemstones. Guests came<br>to him with their stories—their special moments—so he could craft them into<br>pieces they would wear with pride for a lifetime. From writing letters to<br>greeting Customers, Mr. Avery prioritized developing lasting relationships with<br>each person who connected with his designs.



  • James Kent Flow Blue Wall Charger c.1900 Middle Eastern Scene 10.5" - Estate Fresh Austin

    James Kent Flow 蓝色壁式充电器 c.1900 中东场景 10.5 英寸


    James Kent Flow 蓝色壁式充电器 c.1900 中东场景 10.5 英寸,无裂纹、碎片、修复或污渍。预计 120 年历史的陶器会出现裂纹。用于悬挂的工厂孔。



  • James Martin Navajo Sterling cat's eye pendant on beaded necklace

    James Martin Navajo Sterling cat's eye pendant on beaded necklace


    James Martin Navajo Sterling cat's eye pendant on beaded necklace, necklace approx 21" long, unusual necklace with no issues. All of the metal is solid sterling.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • James Reid sterling silver concho belt

    James Reid sterling silver concho belt


    James Reid sterling silver concho belt. Small conchos, very sturdy and heavy for it's size. Very well made of course. circa 1990's. 324 grams 42.5" total length, usuable length a little less of course.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • James Shay 纳瓦霍纯银硅孔雀石手镯

    James Shay 纳瓦霍纯银硅孔雀石手镯


    James Shay 纳瓦霍纯银硅孔雀石手镯。非常坚固的袖口,重 74.4 克,没有任何问题,中心宽 2.25 英寸,间隙 1.5 英寸,适合 7.25 英寸的手腕。纳瓦霍银匠 James Shay 自 1989 年以来一直是一名活跃的银匠,他以其传统的邮票作品而闻名。詹姆斯居住在 Lukachukai 地区。他使用标志“JS



  • Jane Hutcheson Fleurs des Siecles 草莓篮与宝石花

    Jane Hutcheson Fleurs des Siecles 草莓篮与宝石花


    Jane Hutcheson Fleurs des Siecles 草莓篮,饰有宝石花。 Jane Hutcheson 为几家不同的公司制作了这些产品,包括 Cartier、Herend、Gorham、Mottahedeh 等。我见过一半这个尺寸的卡地亚手表售价超过 1500 美元,而且它们也没有更好,基本上与卡地亚邮票相同。 6.5 英寸宽 x 7 英寸高 x 5.25 英寸深,非常奇妙的物品,没有任何问题或损坏。在过去 40 年里,它一直放在玻璃后面,在一栋刚售价超过 600 万美元的房子里。它会被包装得非常好,到达时相同的条件。 TW129



  • Jane Mason Southwestern Sterling Navajo Rug pattern cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Jane Mason 西南纯纳瓦霍地毯图案手镯


    Jane Mason 西南纯纳瓦霍地毯图案袖口手链,高品质坚固袖口,无损坏或明显磨损。 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。安德拉斯



  • 日本备前陶器福禄寿雕像



    日本备前陶器福禄寿雕像。做得非常好,高 6.5 英寸 x 宽 4.5 英寸,胡须上有小缺口,如第一张图片所示,没有其他裂纹、缺口或修复体。 FUKUROKUJU 源自一个古老的中国故事,讲述了一位中国神话隐士(宋代)的故事,他因创造奇迹而闻名,据说体现了南极星的天体力量。福意味着幸福,Roku意味着财富,Ju意味着长寿。他是中国的智慧、幸福、财富和长寿之神;福禄寿身高三英尺,有一个半个身高的大脑袋、一双大眼睛和雪白的长胡子。他穿着中国古代文人的服装,喜欢下棋。有时他附近还会有起重机和/或乌龟。他经常与十郎神联系在一起,因为据说两者居住在同一身体中。他是棋手、制表师和运动员之神TW244



  • 日本九谷充电器手绘大量金色



    日本九谷充电器手绘大量金色。 20 世纪中期的真正伟大作品,全手绘,宽 12.25 英寸,无裂纹、缺口、修复或镀金磨损。



  • Japanese Kutani Hand Painted Goblets with brass bases - Estate Fresh Austin

    Japanese Kutani Hand Painted Goblets with brass bases


    Japanese Kutani Hand Painted Goblets with brass bases. Great and unusual, 100% hand painted Japanese porcelain from the last half of the 20th century in like new condition. 6" tall x 2 7/8" wide at rim. No damage, selling both. TW209



  • 日本明治时期青瓷福禄寿瓷雕像



    日本明治时期青瓷福禄寿瓷雕像。精美作品保证超过 100 年历史,手工制作。 8 英寸高 x 6 英寸宽,无裂纹、缺口或修复。 FUKUROKUJU 源自一个古老的中国故事,讲述了一位中国神话隐士(宋代)的故事,他因创造奇迹而闻名,据说体现了南极星的天体力量。福意味着幸福,Roku意味着财富,Ju意味着长寿。他是中国的智慧、幸福、财富和长寿之神;福禄寿身高三英尺,有一个半个身高的大脑袋、一双大眼睛和雪白的长胡子。他穿着中国古代文人的服装,喜欢下棋。有时他附近还会有起重机和/或乌龟。他经常与十郎神联系在一起,因为据说两者居住在同一身体中。他是棋手、制表师和运动员之神TW53



  • 日本明治时期青瓷福禄寿瓷雕像



    日本明治时期青瓷福禄寿瓷雕像。 11.5 英寸高 x 4.75 英寸宽,无损坏。这件作品的毛毡已经很长时间没有脱落了,至少有 50 年了。 FUKUROKUJU 源自一个古老的中国故事,讲述了一位中国神话隐士(宋代)的故事,他因创造奇迹而闻名,据说体现了南极星的天体力量。福意味着幸福,Roku意味着财富,Ju意味着长寿。他是中国的智慧、幸福、财富和长寿之神;福禄寿身高三英尺,有一个半个身高的大脑袋、一双大眼睛和雪白的长胡子。他穿着中国古代文人的服装,喜欢下棋。有时他附近还会有起重机和/或乌龟。他经常与十郎神联系在一起,因为据说两者居住在同一身体中。他是棋手、制表师和运动员之神TW138



  • 日本明治时期墨田川日本花盆



    明治时期墨田川日本花盆。 6.5 英寸宽 x 3.75 英寸高,无损坏或修复。 墨田川是日本陶器的一种,起源于 1800 年代初期。这个名字来自于流经东京浅草陶瓷区附近的隅田川。这种陶器以其明亮、幽默、有时甚至是奇怪的图案而闻名。墨田川很厚重,经常覆盖着三维人物,如人类、建筑物和猴子。隅田川是一条流经日本东京都市中心的河流。荒川河的支流,流入东京湾。在江户时代(17 世纪至 19 世纪中叶),隅田川是重要的交通动脉和热门的休闲场所。



  • 日本纯银花盆/花盆,带玻璃内衬和镀金内饰



    日本纯银花盆/花盆,带玻璃内衬和镀金内饰。 8.25 英寸 x 4 1/8 英寸 银色花盆(不含内衬或盒子)重 681 克。没有任何问题,非常干净,看起来没有使用过。纯999银。



  • 日本纯银木衬盒



    日本纯银木质内衬盒子,高 5.25 英寸 x 3.75 英寸 x 2 英寸,轻微磨损和凹痕,整体有吸引力。内衬轻质木质内饰。可能用作雪茄盒,没有烟草味。重 402.3 克。中心徽章可能是金色的,未经测试。



  • Japanese Rokusan-Saku decorated Art pottery Vase - Estate Fresh Austin

    日本 Rokusan-Saku 装饰艺术陶器花瓶


    日本 Rokusan-Saku 装饰艺术陶器花瓶。伟大的作品,没有裂缝、缺口或修复。 TW173



  • Japanese Studio Pottery Hand Painted Iris with gold Tea Bowl - Estate Fresh Austin



    日本工作室陶器手绘鸢尾花与金茶碗。漂亮的作品很可能是 20 世纪中后期手绘的,认为它会被认为是一个茶碗,不确定制造者。 4.75 英寸宽 x 3 英寸高。无损坏、磨损或修复。 TW177



  • Japanese Sumitsubo Carpenters Chalk line Wheels - Estate Fresh Austin

    Japanese Sumitsubo Carpenters Chalk line Wheels


    Japanese Sumitsubo Carpenters Chalk line Wheels. Longest 9.25" a string would go through the bowl holding chalk then again out through the end of the bowl where there is a hole. The black one looks a little older, both from the first half of the 20th century at least. TW195



  • 重型手工纯银工匠手链



    重型手工纯银工匠手链。极高品质的手链,无标记,但经过测试,保证纯正。 7 英寸长 x 1 1/6 英寸宽 x 75.1 克。背面有一个似乎是 JJC-00 的划痕签名。 所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。任何标记的内容都保证与其标记的一致,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指则尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示内周长金属与布卷尺上的数字相符的地方。



  • Jasper Nelson Navajo Pearl sterling beaded necklace

    Jasper Nelson Navajo Pearl sterling beaded necklace


    Jasper Nelson Navajo Pearl sterling beaded necklace 26.5" long. These pics don‘t do it justice. Very special necklace with no issues. Weight and measurements in pics. Navajo jewelry artist Jasper Nelson is known for his gorgeous handmade sterling silver beads and stunning silverwork. Creating one-of-a-kind pieces using hand tools and techniques that rely on skill and patience, Nelsons Navajo Pearls, the most iconic of Navajo necklaces, are works of art as much as they are fashion statements. A skilled silversmith, Nelson has developed his own unique style and perfected the techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation in his family. Nelson has received many awards for his silverwork and his pieces are in collections across the country and around the world. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • JB Southwestern sterling amethyst hearts cross pendant

    JB Southwestern sterling amethyst hearts cross pendant


    JB Southwestern sterling amethyst hearts cross pendant. Weight and measurements in pics, no issues.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Jeanette Dale 纳瓦霍纯银槽形镶嵌手镯

    Jeanette Dale 纳瓦霍纯银槽形镶嵌手镯


    Jeanette Dale 纳瓦霍纯银槽形镶嵌手镯。干净,磨损很少,没有问题。 105.6克。适合 7 英寸手腕、1.5 英寸间隙、2.5 英寸面部。



  • Jeep Collins Hammered Sterling Heart pendant on collar necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    Jeep Collins 项圈项链上的锤击纯银心形吊坠


    项圈项链上有 Jeep Collins Hammered Sterling Heart 吊坠。吊坠高 2 英寸,带吊环 x 2 3/8 英寸宽,项圈约 21 英寸,包括 3 英寸柔性间隙。 42.1克。 1972 年,手袋设计师 Enid Collins 的儿子 Jeep Collins 开始用我姐姐送给我的非洲贸易玻璃珠制作珠宝。她告诉我,“你为什么不把这些和黄铜线放在一起,我看看是否可以在我的商店里出售它们。”我七月份刚刚从海军陆战队退伍,计划在秋天重返大学。在等待开学期间,我需要赚点钱,所以我接受了她的邀请。到了九月份,她已经卖掉了我能制作的所有珠宝。销售量让我深受鼓舞,我决定推迟上大学并暂时制作珠宝。一段时间变成了一生的职业。 随着时间的推移,我在圣安东尼奥的西南工艺中心学习了失蜡铸造和直接金属制造的艺术。这些新技能使我能够将草图变成反映我兴趣的作品;野生动物和自然。 1974 年,在我通过耶稣基督得到救赎之后,我的许多设计都反映了我新发现的信仰。早年,达纳和我在周末前往德克萨斯州各地的艺术和手工艺展览,出售我在一周内制作的作品。后来我们卖给经销商,并在 20 世纪 90 年代初在德克萨斯州的主要城市开设了自己的商店。这是一个激动人心的时刻;我们有一百多名工匠在弗雷德里克斯堡的工作室制作珠宝;我们的生活节奏很快。 今天的生活很简单,商店都关门了,我们在牧场上的旧锡屋里制作珠宝,很像我开始的地方我母亲的小木屋。我们通过网站和电话进行销售。裁员对我们来说是一件幸事。除了制作珠宝之外,达纳和我还参与了多项基督教事工,照顾孙子、养牛和种植蔬菜。安德拉斯



  • Jeff DeMent Navajo tufa cast pendant

    Jeff DeMent Navajo tufa cast pendant


    Jeff DeMent Navajo tufa cast pendant. The bail on top isn't sterling and was likely added later. The rest is of course sterling. Jeff DeMent (?-present) Tribal Affiliation: Navajo Jeff DeMent is from the Dine’ (Navajo), Bit’ahnii Clan. He is the oldest son of George and Grace DeMent and grandson of Georgina Cohoe’ of Two Grey Hills, New Mexico. His life has come full circle, from innocent childhood to military combat, death, destruction and violence, and now an opportunity toAll precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Jefferson Brown Navajo Heavy stamped silver belt buckle with bear

    Jefferson Brown Navajo Heavy stamped silver belt buckle with bear


    Jefferson Brown Navajo Heavy stamped silver belt buckle with bear. Nice solid and heavy buckle with measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Jeremiah Lotton 多花艺术玻璃花瓶

    Jeremiah Lotton 多花艺术玻璃花瓶


    Jeremiah Lotton 多花艺术玻璃花瓶。 8 3/8 英寸高 x 4.25 英寸宽,无损坏或可检测到的磨损。带有凸碗的浅花瓶,从上面看起来真的很酷。 Jeremiah Lotton 1982 年出生于一个成功的玻璃艺术家家庭。耶利米很小的时候就对玻璃着迷,并学习了用手创造美丽事物的艺术。 13 岁时,耶利米在父亲的工作室工作,学习建造和维护玻璃熔炉。他还学习了如何使用玻璃和抛光设备,并开始对玻璃工作室的运作方式有了大致的了解。 15 岁时,他开始研究热玻璃本身,到 17 岁时,他开发了自己的设计系列。 耶利米继承了祖父、父亲和叔叔的传统,努力生产最高品质的玻璃。这些标准通过他的设计体现出来,并从他的进步速度中显而易见。作为第三代的第一代,责任重大。对于耶利米来说,达到与洛顿这个名字相关的高标准是极其重要的。 Jeremiah 每天在工作台上工作,以越来越高的热情创造新的、令人兴奋的设计,从而继续发展他的才能。对于耶利米的众多收藏家来说,看着他的作品不断发展和扩展将会令人兴奋。抽屉柜



  • Jerome Begay Navajo Overlay Style Sterling Conchos necklace

    Jerome Begay Navajo Overlay Style Sterling Conchos necklace


    Jerome Begay Navajo Overlay Style Sterling Conchos necklace. Measurements in pics, no issues. 32" long



  • Jerry Cowboy 纳瓦霍纯银多宝石槽形镶嵌手链

    Jerry Cowboy 纳瓦霍纯银多宝石槽形镶嵌手链


    Jerry Cowboy 纳瓦霍纯银多宝石槽形镶嵌手链。适合 6.5 英寸的手腕。所有贵金属均经过测试和保证,任何被称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝均保证至少含有 90%(硬币)银,甚至可能更高含量。大多数袖口手镯都是在 6 英寸的女性手腕上拍摄的,并附有一张照片,显示金属尖端与卷尺上的数字相交处的内周长。



  • Jerry Heer Lotton Art glass perfume vial

    Jerry Heer Lotton Art glass perfume vial


    Jerry Heer Lotton Art glass perfume vial. No damage or detectable wear 6.5" tall x 4" wide. Signed and dated as shown.



  • Jerry Nelson Navajo sterling Variscite, onyx, and fossil pendant

    Jerry Nelson Navajo sterling Variscite, onyx, and fossil pendant


    Jerry Nelson Navajo sterling Variscite, onyx, and fossil pendant All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Jerry Roan Navajo Sterling and turquoise pendant

    Jerry Roan Navajo Sterling and turquoise pendant


    Jerry Roan Navajo Sterling and turquoise pendant. Weight and measurements in pics with no issues. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn‘t an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I‘ve seen thousands of pieces xrf‘d to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.



  • Jerry Seagle Texas Mission Watercolor

    Jerry Seagle Texas Mission Watercolor


    Jerry Seagle Texas Mission Watercolor 14" x 17" framed 9" x 12" sight, no damage<br>or issues.<br><br>Jerry Seagle is a contemporary Texas artist, trained in more traditional art. He<br>graduated with honors from the University of Texas at Austin with a BFA in<br>painting, and received a graduate fellowship to further his studies at the<br>University of the Americas in Mexico City. He draws on his past in Southwestern<br>art to create his abstract acrylic paintings.<br><br>Seagle has shown art in over one hundred individual exhibits. He has received<br>more than 250 awards in national and regional exhibitions, and his paintings<br>have been reproduced in several articles on experimental water media painting.<br>tw122



  • 杰里·西格尔德克萨斯州混合媒体粉彩/水彩



    杰里·西格尔德克萨斯州混合媒体粉彩/水彩画。 7.25" x 10" 瞄准镜 12" x 16" 框架没有问题。杰里·西格尔(Jerry Seagle)是一位德克萨斯州当代艺术家,接受过更传统的艺术训练。他以优异的成绩毕业于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,获得绘画学士学位,并获得研究生奖学金,在墨西哥城的美洲大学继续深造。他借鉴了自己在西南艺术领域的经历,创作了抽象丙烯画。西格尔在一百多个个人展览中展示了艺术。他在国家和地区展览中获得了250多个奖项,他的画作被多篇关于实验水介质绘画的文章转载。



  • Jeweled Nippon Moriage Vase Rose Tapestry Cobalt Gold with handles c.1880s 8.7 - Estate Fresh Austin

    珠宝日本 Moriage 花瓶玫瑰挂毯钴金带手柄约 1880 年代 8.75 英寸宽 x 6.5 英寸高


    精美的日本宝石双柄花瓶。玫瑰上的珠宝营造出漂亮的挂毯效果。如图所示,有些镀金有磨损,还有 4 颗 moriage 珠宝缺失。除此之外,没有裂缝、缺口、过度磨损或修复。保证约 19 世纪末,6 英寸宽 x 9.25 英寸高。



  • Jez Jezlaine Sterling Silver Cat and Mouse Brooch - Estate Fresh Austin

    Jez Jezlaine 纯银猫和老鼠胸针


    Jez Jezlaine 纯银猫和老鼠胸针。 1 英寸 x 1 5/16 英寸,复古状况良好。



  • Jim Calladitto Navajo Sterling high grade turquoise pendant

    Jim Calladitto Navajo Sterling high grade turquoise pendant


    Jim Calladitto Navajo Sterling high grade turquoise pendant. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. Has a hook on top to hang on a beaded necklace, and a loop at the bottom to dangle something from it. May have been a buckle in a previous life. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist, rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • Jim Cumberland Brown (1934-2017) 西澳大利亚黑男孩 车制木盖罐

    Jim Cumberland Brown (1934-2017) 西澳大利亚黑男孩 车制木盖罐


    Jim Cumberland Brown(1934-2017)西澳大利亚黑男孩车削木盖罐子 6.5 英寸高 x 5.75 英寸宽干净,没有重大问题,表面略有磨损。书架



  • Jim Flick Paul Runyan Signed First Edition Golf Superstars "Golf for a lifetime" - Estate Fresh Austin

    吉姆·弗利克 (Jim Flick) 保罗·鲁尼恩 (Paul Runyan) 签名第一版高尔夫巨星“一生的高尔夫”书


    吉姆·弗利克 (Jim Flick) 与保罗·鲁尼恩 (Paul Runyan) 签署高尔夫巨星“一生的高尔夫”一书。书本干净,没有任何问题,夹克有轻微磨损。 8.75" x 11.25" 我认得这两个签名,但另外两个可能是著名的高尔夫球手,他们可能参加过比赛并在书中提到过。来自琳达·麦考斯兰的庄园。书架



  • Jim Harrison Navajo Micro inlay sterling pendant

    Jim Harrison Navajo Micro inlay sterling pendant


    Jim Harrison Navajo Micro inlay sterling pendant Jim Harrison (Navajo) creates complex designs by using some of the finest inlay in his work. He was influenced and mentored by the famous master jewelers Preston and Jesse Monongye. Jim has won numerous awards and has been featured in many magazines including American Indian Art, Cosmopolitan and Sunset. You can see Jim’s work in Jerry Jacka’s book Enduring Traditions: Art of the Navajo and Lois Dubin’s book North American Indian Jewelry and Adornment.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • Jimmy Calabaza Santo Domingo Silver and turquoise concho belt

    Jimmy Calabaza Santo Domingo Silver and turquoise concho belt


    Jimmy Calabaza Santo Domingo Silver and turquoise concho belt 37.5" total length, can be worn at any shorter length, would make a great doubled up necklace. Very sturdy heavy gauge sterling silver, sturdier than some dog chains.Jimmy Calabaza Traditional and contemporary jeweler Santo Domingo (Kewa) Pueblo Known for his inlay and heishi beads Cuts and shapes his own gemstone First Place, Indian Arts & Crafts Association Work included in Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian collection SWAIA-Santa Fe Indian Market Artist Jimmy Calabaza, also known by his Native name Ca’win, is a highly skilled jewelry artist from Santo Domingo Pueblo. He is known for his expertise in lapidary work as well as for making his own gemstone beads. He is one of few artists working today who still cuts, shapes and polishes all of his gemstones by hand. Calabaza is also skilled in working with sterling silver and gold. In his handcrafted jewelry, he blends the legacy of Santo Domingo bead and inlay jewelry with his own contemporary vision, resulting in jewelry of stunning quality and value. Calabaza’s jewelry is part of the collections of the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. and New York, the Southwest Museum in Los Angeles and the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.




