Welcome to our humble Mom, Pop, and Baby store! Since we are a small operation we do not meet the thresholds to collect sales tax in any state but our own (Texas). If you are visiting after a conversation with me on Etsy or Ebay, the Item(s) you are looking for will be under the exact same title and the search box in the top center works really well. If you are "cold searching" for something I have found that "Less is more" when using the search box. Example: If you are searching for Size 7 rings, the most effective thing to do is type "sz7" in the search box (with no spaces). If you want size 7.25, 7.5, etc. to come up then don't put it in quotes. The same goes for bracelets, if you are looking for 6"(inside circumference) cuff bracelets just enter " 6" cuff" into the search box. From my experience adding more words leave out important search results and bring unrelated search results to the top. Then you have the ability to sort it high to low price, etc. It's tough organizing an inventory this size. We do a lot of business and we are so grateful for that, but for the most part we are high volume/low profit and still can't seem to get ahead enough to afford help. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my stuff and considering taking some of it off my hands. Also if you have any questions or suggestions I'd love to hear them... Ian

复古雪花石膏 Pietra Dura 天然石材马赛克饰品盒


复古雪花石膏 Pietra Dura 天然石材马赛克饰品盒。 3.25" x 2.25" x 1.5" 无损坏。大约 20 世纪中叶。

Pietra dura(意大利语:[ˈpjɛːtra ˈduːra])或 pietre dure [ˈpjɛːtre ˈduːre](见下文),在印度次大陆被称为 parchin kari 或 parchinkari(波斯语:پ׆ð ੩אא‎),是使用切割和切割的镶嵌技术的术语。镶嵌高度抛光的彩色宝石来创造图像。它被认为是一种装饰艺术。石制品在松散组装后,在之前“被切成不同形状的部分;然后精确地组装在一起,以至于每个部分之间的接触几乎是看不见的”,然后被一块一块地粘合到基材上。稳定性是通过在石头的底面开槽来实现的,这样它们就可以像拼图游戏一样互锁,所有的东西都被一个环绕的“框架”紧紧地固定在适当的位置。使用了许多不同颜色的宝石,特别是大理石,以及半宝石,甚至宝石。它于16世纪首次出现在罗马,在佛罗伦萨达到完全成熟。 Pietra dura 物品通常采用绿色、白色或黑色大理石基石制成。通常,最终的面板是完全平坦的,但也制作了一些浅浮雕图像的示例,使作品更多地进入硬石雕刻领域。

复古雪花石膏 Pietra Dura 天然石材马赛克饰品盒。 3.25" x 2.25" x 1.5" 无损坏。大约 20 世纪中叶。 TW190 Pietra dura(意大利语:[ˈpjɛːtra ˈduːra])或 pietre dure [ˈpjɛːtre ˈduːre](见下文),在印度次大陆被称为... 阅读更多


$95.00 排除。增值税


      复古雪花石膏 Pietra Dura 天然石材马赛克饰品盒。 3.25" x 2.25" x 1.5" 无损坏。大约 20 世纪中叶。

      Pietra dura(意大利语:[ˈpjɛːtra ˈduːra])或 pietre dure [ˈpjɛːtre ˈduːre](见下文),在印度次大陆被称为 parchin kari 或 parchinkari(波斯语:پ׆ð ੩אא‎),是使用切割和切割的镶嵌技术的术语。镶嵌高度抛光的彩色宝石来创造图像。它被认为是一种装饰艺术。石制品在松散组装后,在之前“被切成不同形状的部分;然后精确地组装在一起,以至于每个部分之间的接触几乎是看不见的”,然后被一块一块地粘合到基材上。稳定性是通过在石头的底面开槽来实现的,这样它们就可以像拼图游戏一样互锁,所有的东西都被一个环绕的“框架”紧紧地固定在适当的位置。使用了许多不同颜色的宝石,特别是大理石,以及半宝石,甚至宝石。它于16世纪首次出现在罗马,在佛罗伦萨达到完全成熟。 Pietra dura 物品通常采用绿色、白色或黑色大理石基石制成。通常,最终的面板是完全平坦的,但也制作了一些浅浮雕图像的示例,使作品更多地进入硬石雕刻领域。


