Zuni Native American Spiny oyster, turquoise, shell, and Jet sterling belt buckle
Zuni Native American Spiny oyster, turquoise, shell, and Jet sterling belt buckle, fits up to a 1.5" belt. 46.7 grams. Marked<br>or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but<br>my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Willie Yazzie, Sr.(納瓦霍人),1928-1999 年 覆層銀色皮帶扣
Willie Yazzie, Sr.(納瓦霍人),1928-1999 年覆蓋銀色皮帶扣 2" x 1 5/16" x 22.5 克,沒有任何問題。適合1 英寸腰帶。納瓦霍覆蓋層藝術家Willie Yazzie霍皮行會的覆蓋層設計取得成功後,許多其他銀匠和商店在他們的設計中融入了覆蓋層(請參閱覆蓋層不是1941 年1 月,納瓦霍商人迪恩·柯克(Dean Kirk) 在新墨西哥州馬努埃利托(蓋洛普和亞利桑那州邊境之間)開設了自己的貿易站。迪恩店裡製作的銀器是典型的納瓦霍旅遊型設計,並帶有UITA22 標記(根據直到大約1951 年,柯克設計了一系列由納瓦霍鐵匠在他的僱傭下製作的覆蓋別針,其中融合了Hohokam 和Mimbres 的設計。這些設計被證明非常受歡迎,作為1958 年報紙廣告阿爾伯克基的Enchanted Mesa 推銷“Dean Kirk 的納瓦霍覆蓋銀器”。柯克店裡製作的覆蓋件很少有標記。然而,為Dean Kirk 工作的納瓦霍銀匠之一是Willie Yazzie,他自己製作了銀器。標誌,並將其用在他在柯克店裡製作的作品上。以下大部分資訊由 William P. (Willie) Yazzie, Jr 在二月份轉達給Alan Ferg(亞利桑那州立博物館的檔案管理員和考古學家)2018 年。Ferg 對他擁有的一個缺少標誌的覆蓋皮帶扣進行了調查,發現了之前未記錄的有關Willie Yazzie 的信息,並確定了該藝術家使用的附加標誌。根據Social安全記錄顯示,威利· A·亞齊(Willie A. Yazzie) 1928 年出生於亞利桑那州欽利(Chinle)。他的兒子說,他於20 世紀50 年代初在曼努埃利托(Manuelito) 的迪安·柯克( Dean Kirk 貿易站學習了銀器工藝,並在不晚於1960 年創造了他的觸摸標記(或印記),此後那時,他在 Dean Kirk's 製作的作品中就帶有他的葫蘆瓢標誌。他的設計經常融入動物形象,如走鵑或納瓦霍設計,包括 Yeis 和 Father Sky。他從未在背景設計中添加「夯實工作」或紋理圖案。1960 年,梅薩維德國家公園的特許經營者安塞爾·霍爾(Ansel Hall) 正在尋找一位銀匠,在夏季期間在公園展示, Dean Kirk 推薦了 Willie Yazzie,他被 Hall 聘用了。 1960 年至 1983 年的夏天,威利在梅薩維德工作,1965 年除外,當時他生病了。 Yazzie 創造了一個特殊的標誌來表示他在 Mesa Verde 製作的作品。該標記描繪了公園內的廢墟方塔樓(Square Tower House),並在1960-1964 年和1966-1983 年的夏天被包含在他的葫蘆北斗標記中。Willie A. Yazzie 於1999 年去世,但他的家人包括他的遺孀、女兒和小威利都延續了威利疊加工作的傳統。小威利說,他的妹妹擁有父親的大部分工具和印章,而且她仍然使用葫蘆北斗標記。威利主要使用他名字的首字母作為他的標誌,但不再做太多的銀器工作,他從國家公園管理局退休,在那裡他是謝伊峽谷的護林員。住在欽利的威利說,他的兒子們做了一些銀器加工,但他們很忙,沒有太多時間。
Wilbur Muskett Navajo sterling turquoise and coral bear paw belt buckle
Wilbur Muskett Navajo sterling turquoise and coral bear paw belt buckle. Weight and measurements in pics.
Weaver Selina Hopi Sterling belt buckle
Weaver Selina Hopi Sterling belt buckle. Hallmarked as shown, tested sterling with no issues. Weight and measurements in pics. Hopi jeweler Weaver Selina began his career in 1967 working and studying at the Hopicrafts shop, learning from Bernard Dawahoya and other experienced jewelers. He is from the village of Shungopavi at Second Mesa and now has his own outlet where he sells his creations and those of other Hopi artists.
Watson Honanie Hopi 14k/Sterling belt buckle overlay style
Watson Honanie Hopi 14k/Sterling belt buckle overlay style. Weight and measurements in pics. Unworn buckle with only the slightest wear. Watson Honanie Hopi Winner of Best of Class and Best of Division at the world famous Santa Fe Indian Market, Watson Honanie is the acclaimed innovator of gold overlay jewelry. His jewelry depicts tribal clans, Hopi villages, ceremonial dancers, and petroglyph images. He often incorporates gold, diamonds and gem grade turquoise in his pieces. Watsons mentor was his uncle, Fred Kabotie, manager of the Hopi Art and Crafts Guild. Watsons work is in the finest galleries in the country.
W Dodson Navajo Sterling and turquoise belt buckle
W Dodson Navajo Sterling and turquoise belt buckle. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling with marks shown.
復古 Zuni 青蛙雕刻綠松石和珊瑚銀皮帶扣
復古Zuni 青蛙雕刻綠松石和珊瑚銀皮帶扣3 英寸x 2 英寸,適合1.5 英寸皮帶,重66.2 克。所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶符合保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,甚至可能更高的含量。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指在可能的情況下在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝的。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。
Vintage Zuni flush inlay sterling concho belt
Vintage Zuni flush inlay sterling concho belt. Weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling silver with no markings. 42" total length, 7 conchos and one buckle. One concho with inlay loss to center of middle figure. No other issues. The $1500 price on this is what it cost in the 60‘s or 70‘s. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.
Vintage Zuni Buffalo Fetish sterling belt buckle
Vintage Zuni Buffalo Fetish sterling belt buckle 3 3/8" x 2.5", fits up at a 1.5" belt, 178.8 grams. Marked sterling with no other detectable markings. <br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
vintage Wage's Sterling Hand Engraved horse belt buckle
vintage Wage's Sterling Hand Engraved horse belt buckle. 4 1/8" x 3.25" and it fits a 1.5" belt 115.5 grams with no issues.
Vintage Vogt Sterling/10k with rubies hand engraved belt buckle
Vintage Vogt Sterling/10k with rubies hand engraved belt buckle. Great buckle with no issues, measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Taxco Sterling Enamel bullfighter belt buckle
Vintage Taxco Sterling Enamel bullfighter belt buckle. No issues, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage sterling silver floral engraved belt buckle
Vintage sterling silver floral engraved belt buckle 1.5" belt, no issues, weight and measurements in pics. Unmarked, tested sterling.
Vintage Sterling Navajo turquoise concho belt buckle with hand stamped design
Vintage Sterling Navajo turquoise concho belt buckle with hand stamped design. Solid sterling, no issues, circa 1970‘s. Unmarked, 42.4 grams, measurements in pics. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Older Native American jewelry is typically unmarked. If I call it Silver or Ingot I‘m guaranteeing it to be 90% or more silver. This isn‘t something I get confused about. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Vintage Sterling Kokopelli overlay belt buckle
Vintage Sterling Kokopelli overlay belt buckle 46.8 grams, fits a 1.5" belt. No issues. I don't recognize the hallmark but believe it's Native American made. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Sterling hand engraved cowboy belt buckle
Vintage Sterling hand engraved cowboy belt buckle. No issues, weight and measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Sterling belt buckle in the overlay style
Vintage Sterling belt buckle in the overlay style. Weight and measurements in pics. Unidentified by me picto-mark. Marked and tested solid sterling Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it‘s marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Sterling and Gold Mexican Hand engraved belt buckle
Vintage Sterling and Gold Mexican Hand engraved belt buckle. Fits up to a 1 7/8" belt buckle.<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Southwestern sterling, turquoise, and agate horeshoe belt buckle
Vintage Southwestern sterling, turquoise, and agate horeshoe belt buckle, no issues. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Southwestern Sterling cobblestone belt buckle
Vintage Southwestern Sterling cobblestone belt buckle 2.75" x 2.25", fits up to a 1.75" belt, 104 grams. Very high quality buckle, likely Native American made. <br><br>Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage SG Initial High grade turquoise Elias sterling modernist belt buckle
Vintage SG Initial High grade turquoise Elias sterling modernist belt buckle Solid sterling, no issues, circa 1970‘s. Weight and measurements in pics. I feel like this stone is worth more than I‘m asking for the buckle, not sure which mine it‘s from but it‘s a good one. I‘m not certain it‘s not high grade Bisbee. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Older Native American jewelry is typically unmarked. If I call it Silver or Ingot I‘m guaranteeing it to be 90% or more silver. This isn‘t something I get confused about. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
復古砂鑄納瓦霍銀腰帶扣環。漂亮的舊帶扣,我相信是 20 世紀第二季的。 2 英吋寬,適合 1.25 英吋的皮帶,重 30.3 克。
Vintage Ricardo solid 10k gold on Sterling hand engraved horse belt buckle
Vintage Ricardo solid 10k gold on Sterling hand engraved horse belt buckle 3<br>1/8" x 1 3/8", fits up to a 1 1/6" belt 32.3 grams.
Vintage Navajo sterling/turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Navajo sterling/turquoise belt buckle. Old unmarked tested sterling buckle from the mid 20th century. 2 5/8" x 1.75", take up to 1.5" belt.42.3 grams.
Vintage Navajo sterling, turquoise, and coral belt buckle w/sun hallmark
Vintage Navajo sterling, turquoise, and coral belt buckle w/sun hallmark. Weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling. Spherical/Sun picto hallmark.
Vintage Navajo Sterling turquoise and coral shadowbox belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Sterling turquoise and coral shadowbox belt buckle apparently unmarked. Solid sterling silver, weight and measurements in pics.
復古納瓦霍純綠松石和珊瑚皮帶扣 3.5 英寸 x 2 7/8 英寸,適合 1.5 英寸皮帶。80.7 克。
Vintage Navajo sterling roadrunner belt buckle in overlay style
Vintage Navajo sterling roadrunner belt buckle in overlay style. Measurements in pics.High quality belt buckle solid sterling with no issues.
復古納瓦霍純銀典當重磅郵票 Concho 腰帶
復古納瓦霍純銀典當重磅郵票 Concho 腰帶 |重量:172.8 克,|尺寸:皮帶:34 英吋長,2.25 英吋 x 1.75 英吋扣,2 英吋 x 1.75 英吋(11 個)conchos。tw200
Vintage Navajo Sterling high grade turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Sterling high grade turquoise belt buckle apparently unmarked. Solid sterling silver, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo Sterling hand stamped cast silver belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Sterling hand stamped cast silver belt buckle apparently unmarked. Solid sterling silver, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo sterling concho belt with ray design
Vintage Navajo sterling concho belt with ray design. 41.5" total length, Max wearable length approx 38" Other measurements and weight in pics. 11 conchos and one buckle, solid sterling silver with no markings, thick heavy conchos. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women‘s wrist.
Vintage Navajo Sterling concho belt w/Black web Kingman turquoise
Vintage Navajo Sterling concho belt w/Black web Kingman turquoise 48" total length, other measurements and weight in pics. 10 total pieces (9 conchos and 1 Buckle). Heavy thick gauge solid sterling silver with copper loops in back. All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin) silver and possibly higher content.
Vintage Navajo sterling claw belt buckle in overlay style
Vintage Navajo sterling claw belt buckle in overlay style. Measurements in pics.High quality belt buckle solid sterling with no issues.
Vintage Navajo sterling chip inlay belt buckle
Vintage Navajo sterling chip inlay belt buckle 4" x 2 7/8", takes up to a 1.5"<br>belt. Very cool vintage custom buckle likely for some sort of ranch or<br>organization. 108.1 grams.<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
30"-35" 腰帶上有綠松石的復古納瓦霍純銀帶扣
復古納瓦霍純銀帶扣,30 英寸-35 英寸腰帶上飾有綠松石。皮帶寬 15/16 英寸,適合 30-35 英寸腰圍,已有孔,每側還有更多孔的空間。腰帶是復古的,但皮革很柔軟,使用壽命很長。2 7/16" x 2 3/16" 帶扣,帶扣適合 1" 腰帶。無標記。
Vintage Navajo Sterling belt buckle with two keepers
Vintage Navajo Sterling belt buckle with two keepers. Fits a 3/4" belt, no issues, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo Sterling and Turquoise Sandcast Concho Belt
Vintage Navajo Sterling and Turquoise Sandcast Concho Belt. Nice old concho belt, each piece is signed on the back by the same artist that I'm unfamiliar with. The buckle is sandcast, conchos hand cut and hand stamped. Great concho belt from the second quarter of the 20th century. No significant issues, buckle and 6 conchos measuring 2.25" x 2.75" Fits between a 31" and 35" waist with existing holes. Tested sterling silver. tw239
復古納瓦霍純銀和珍珠母帶扣:28.2 克,|尺寸:扣環:2.5 英吋 x 1.75 適合 1.25 英吋的皮帶。
Vintage Navajo sterling 3 turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Navajo sterling 3 turquoise belt buckle with no damage or significant wear. Circa 60‘s-70‘s, unmarked. Solid sterling, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo silver roadrunner belt buckle
Vintage Navajo silver roadrunner belt buckle. Measurements in pics, no issues, signed by the artist as shown, solid high content silver.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo Silver overlay turquoise inlaid belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Silver overlay turquoise inlaid belt buckle, small buckle for up to a 1" belt.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration! If you would like to chat, that would be great, but lets chat about something that isn't answered in this listing that we put so much effort into already :)<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. I rarely use the word "sterling" when referring to older Native American silver or really any older silver jewelry as silver contents vary and "sterling" is 92.5% silver. No older jewelry is going to be exactly 92.5% silver, some a little over, some a little under. It wasn't an exact thing with handmade jewelry. I've seen thousands of pieces xrf'd to prove this. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo silver and turquoise belt buckle with feather designs
Vintage Navajo silver and turquoise belt buckle with feather designs 3" x 2 3/8" x 81.8 grams and fits up to a 1.75" belt.<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo Heavy stamped silver belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Heavy stamped silver belt buckle. Nice old mid 20th century buckle, weight and measurements in pics. Unmarked, solid silver.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Navajo Danny Dale Sterling Kingman turquoise, and coral belt buckle
Vintage Navajo Danny Dale Sterling Kingman turquoise, and coral belt buckle 4" x<br>3", takes up to a 1.75" belt, 116.6 grams with no damage or issues.
Vintage Navajo cast silver, turquoise, and coral belt buckle
Vintage Navajo cast silver, turquoise, and coral belt buckle with no damage or significant wear. Circa 1960‘s. Solid sterling, unmarked, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo cast silver coral belt buckle
Vintage Navajo cast silver coral belt buckle. Solid sterling silver, unmarked. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Navajo cast silver and turquoise concho belt
Vintage Navajo cast silver and turquoise concho belt. Solid sterling silver (tested and guaranteed) with copper loops on reverse side. No identifying marks. Weight and measurements in pics. 11 Conchos and 1 Buckle (12) total. 40" to the first hole, 51" total.
Vintage Native American Tufa Cast Sterling concho belt
Vintage Native American Tufa Cast Sterling concho belt. Belt is 44" long with one hole at 31", 1.25" wide leather. 2 5/8" x 2 1/8" buckle and conchos. 8 conchos and 1 buckle (9 total) all the same size. 254.2 grams total weight. Tests silver 90%(coin silver) or sterling guaranteed. No identifying marks that I could find.
Vintage Native American tufa cast silver turquoise/coral belt buckle
Vintage Native American sandcast silver turquoise/coral belt buckle. Nice old buckle from the second quarter of the 20th century with a very nice patina and a beautiful piece of turquoise. 3 7/8" x 2.5" takes up to just over a 1.5" belt. 89.6 grams.
Vintage Native American Sterling, turquoise, and coral Arrowhead belt buckle
Vintage Native American Sterling, turquoise, and coral Arrowhead belt buckle. Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.
Vintage Native American sterling picture jasper belt buckle
Vintage Native American sterling picture jasper belt buckle no issues. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American sterling hand carved turquoise belt buckle
Vintage Native American sterling hand carved turquoise belt buckle. Unusual buckle with hand carved turquoise, no issues.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Native American sterling coral/Chrysocolla belt buckle
Vintage Native American sterling coral/Chrysocolla belt buckle. Interesting natural stone appears to be a natural mix of chrysocolla and Gaspeite or turquoise.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle K
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle K. Hallmarked as shown, unidentified by me, tested sterling with no issues. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle
Vintage Native American Sterling Chip inlay belt buckle. Hallmarked as shown, unidentified by me, tested sterling with no issues. Weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American sterling cast belt buckle with turquoise
Vintage Native American sterling cast belt buckle with turquoise. No issues, weight and measurements in pics. Solid sterling with no marks.
Vintage Native American Sterling botryoidal turquoise channel inlay belt buckle
Vintage Native American Sterling botryoidal turquoise channel inlay belt buckle, measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more<br>pictures, videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at<br>pictures/description your question should be answered. Thank you so much for<br>your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with overlay bear
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with overlay bear. Fully functional with some expected wear, weight and measurements in pics.
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with green stone
Vintage Native American sterling belt buckle with green stone. Very attractive buckle. The stone is somewhat translucent, so possibly boulder jade or agate. Weight and measurements in pics.Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.