
2151 products

  • 7 吋復古重型印花銀色綠色蜘蛛網綠松石手鍊

    7 吋復古重型印花銀色綠色蜘蛛網綠松石手鍊

    1 in stock

    7 吋復古重型印花銀色綠色蜘蛛網綠松石手鍊。中心寬 36 毫米。所有貴金屬均經過測試並保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少 90% (硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指在可能的情況下在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6.75" Vintage Zuni inlaid shell sterling bird bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    6.75 吋復古 Zuni 鑲嵌貝殼純鳥手鍊

    1 in stock

    6.75 吋復古 Zuni 鑲嵌貝殼純鳥手鍊。中心寬 42 毫米。所有貴金屬均經過測試並保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少 90%(硬幣) 銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕上拍攝的(無毛),戒指在可能的情況下在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 7 吋復古納瓦荷 Sadie Randolph 純綠松石和珊瑚手鍊

    7 吋復古納瓦荷 Sadie Randolph 純綠松石和珊瑚手鍊

    1 in stock

    7 吋復古納瓦霍Sadie Randolph 純銀綠松石和珊瑚手鍊。所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,並且可能更高的內容。任何標記的內容都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在 6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 7 英寸復古納瓦霍 Jackie Singer 純銀珊瑚手鍊

    7 英寸復古納瓦霍 Jackie Singer 純銀珊瑚手鍊

    1 in stock

    7 英寸復古納瓦霍Jackie Singer 純銀和珊瑚手鍊,這位著名的納瓦霍藝術家是Tommy Singer 的兄弟之一。寬28 毫米。所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何美洲原住民珠寶都稱為銀或純銀保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證與其標記的內容一致,大多數手鐲是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指是在適當尺寸的手腕上拍攝的盡可能用手指。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6.5" Vintage Larry Moses Yazzie Navajo Sterling and malachite bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    6.5 吋復古 Larry Moses Yazzie 納瓦荷純銀和孔雀石手鍊

    1 in stock

    6.5 吋復古Larry Moses Yazzie 納瓦荷純銀和孔雀石手鍊,約19 毫米寬。所有貴金屬均經過測試並保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少90%(硬幣) 銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕上拍攝的(無毛),戒指在可能的情況下在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 復古美洲原住民蜘蛛網綠松石手鍊、吊墜和戒指套裝


    1 in stock

    復古美洲原住民蜘蛛網綠松石手鍊、吊墜和戒指套裝。所有寶石均牢固且完好無損,手鍊的中心寶石有斷裂。我不確定,我相信這套戒指是 20 世紀第三個季度的,當時中國綠松石被引入美國用作珠寶。戒指尺寸 6,面長 1 5/8 英寸,吊墜尺寸 2 3/8英寸高x 1 5/8 英寸寬,手鍊為7/8 英寸或20 毫米寬x 7 英寸,包括1.2 英寸間隙,總重量82.6 克。吊墜和手鍊似乎有 V 標誌。所有貴金屬都經過測試並有保證,任何被稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶都保證至少含有 90%(硬幣)銀,並且可能含量更高。任何標記的內容都保證與其標記的一致,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指則盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示內週長金屬與布捲尺上的數字相符的地方。

    1 in stock


  • 6.5" Vintage Zuni chip inlay sterling bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    6.5 吋復古 Zuni 晶片鑲嵌純銀手鍊

    1 in stock

    6.5 吋復古Zuni 晶片鑲嵌純銀手鍊,約17 毫米寬。所有貴金屬均經過測試並保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,並且可能更高的內容。任何標記的內容都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在 6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6 5/8" 復古納瓦荷磷鋁石與紫銅榴石純手鍊

    6 5/8" 復古納瓦荷磷鋁石與紫銅榴石純手鍊

    1 in stock

    6 5/8 吋復古納瓦荷磷鋁石和紫銅礦純手鍊22 毫米寬,沒有任何問題。所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少為90 %(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6 3/8 英吋 c1940 年美洲原住民銀和綠松石簇狀手鍊

    6 3/8 英吋 c1940 年美洲原住民銀和綠松石簇狀手鍊

    1 in stock

    6 3/8" c1940 的美洲原住民銀和綠松石簇狀手鍊。漂亮的舊手鍊22 毫米寬。所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住戶珠寶保證最低90%(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6.25" Vintage Navajo chip inlay bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    6.25 吋復古納瓦荷晶片鑲嵌手鍊

    1 in stock

    6.25 吋復古納瓦荷晶片鑲嵌手鍊所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,甚至可能更高任何標記的內容都保證與其標記的內容一致,大多數手鐲都是在 6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指則盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6.25 吋堅固復古美洲原住民鑿刻銀手鍊

    6.25 吋堅固復古美洲原住民鑿刻銀手鍊

    1 in stock

    6.25 英寸堅固的復古美洲原住民鑿刻銀手鍊。沒有標記,不確定確切的年代,但可能相當古老。它是與20 世紀上半葉的其他一些作品一起購買的。 所有貴金屬都是經過測試和保證,任何被稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶都保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,甚至可能更高的含量。任何標記的東西都保證是它所標記的,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸相機上拍攝的。手腕(無毛),戒指(如果可能)在適當尺寸的手指上拍照。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6" Vintage Snake eye silver and turquoise bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    6 吋復古蛇眼銀和綠松石手鍊

    1 in stock

    6 吋復古蛇眼銀和綠松石手鍊所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶均保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,並且含量可能更高任何標記的內容都保證與其標記的內容一致,大多數手鐲都是在 6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指則盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6 5/8 英吋復古西南純銀和綠松石槽鑲嵌手鍊

    6 5/8 英吋復古西南純銀和綠松石槽鑲嵌手鍊

    1 in stock

    6 5/8" 復古西南純銀和綠松石槽鑲嵌手鍊所有貴金屬均經過測試並保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少含有 90%(硬幣)銀以及可能更高的內容。任何標記的內容都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

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  • 6" AJ Southwestern sterling inlay jasper and opal bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    6 吋 AJ 西南純銀鑲嵌碧玉和蛋白石手鍊

    1 in stock

    6 吋AJ 西南純銀鑲嵌碧玉和蛋白石手鍊所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,甚至可能更高任何標記的內容都保證與其標記的內容一致,大多數手鐲都是在 6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指則盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

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  • 6 吋 40-50 年代納瓦霍印花銀雙排綠松石手鍊

    6 吋 40-50 年代納瓦霍印花銀雙排綠松石手鍊

    1 in stock

    6 英寸40 年代至50 年代納瓦霍印花銀色雙排綠松石手鍊。顯然替換了一顆寶石,如果被認為分散注意力,應該很容易修復。所有貴金屬都經過測試和保證,任何美洲原住民珠寶都稱為銀或純銀保證至少含有90%(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證與其標記的內容一致,大多數手鐲是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指是在適當尺寸的手腕上拍攝的盡可能用手指。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

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  • 6 5/8 英吋 14k/純納瓦霍手鍊

    6 5/8 英吋 14k/純納瓦霍手鍊

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    6 5/8 英寸14k/純納瓦霍手鍊,中心為實心14k 金片,沒有問題。所有貴金屬都經過測試並有保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶都保證是銀含量至少為90%(硬幣),含量可能更高。任何標記都保證與其標記的內容一致,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指在可能的情況下在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

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  • 6 3/8 英吋 40 年代至 50 年代 Zuni 銀珊瑚槽鑲嵌鋸齒形手鍊

    6 3/8 英吋 40 年代至 50 年代 Zuni 銀珊瑚槽鑲嵌鋸齒形手鍊

    1 in stock

    6 3/8" 40's-50's Zuni 銀珊瑚通道鑲嵌鋸齒形手鍊。 所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少為 90 %(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

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  • 6.5 吋復古 Lag Zuni 多石厚壓印純銀手鍊

    6.5 吋復古 Lag Zuni 多石厚壓印純銀手鍊

    1 in stock

    6.5 吋復古Lag Zuni 多石厚壓印純銀手鍊,美觀堅固,沒有任何問題。所有貴金屬均經過測試並有保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶均保證最低90%(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6.5 吋 c1930 年祖尼銀槽鑲嵌綠松石手鍊

    6.5 吋 c1930 年祖尼銀槽鑲嵌綠松石手鍊

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    6.5 吋c1930 的Zuni 銀槽鑲嵌綠松石手鍊。如圖所示,寶石完好無損,有一些裂縫。所有貴金屬均經過測試和保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證最低90%(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 6.5 英吋復古 IHMSS Zuni 銀和綠松石鑲嵌手鍊

    6.5 英吋復古 IHMSS Zuni 銀和綠松石鑲嵌手鍊

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    6.5 吋復古IHMSS Zuni 銀和綠松石鑲嵌手鍊。漂亮堅固的手鍊,沒有任何問題。所有貴金屬都經過測試並有保證,任何稱為銀或純銀的美洲原住民珠寶保證至少為90 %(硬幣)銀,含量可能更高。任何標記的東西都保證是其標記的內容,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示金屬與布捲尺上數字相符的內週長。

    1 in stock


  • 復古飛行員山綠松石美國原住民純手鐲、戒指和項鍊套裝


    1 in stock

    復古 Pilot Mountain 綠松石美洲原住民純銀手鐲、戒指和項鍊套裝。我列出了這個,後來發現了手鐲,所以我添加了它。非常有吸引力和稀有的寶石,戒指尺寸為6.25 1 5/8" 長面,13.6 克。項鍊24",高3",寶石鑲邊約2.25" x 1.25",無環/鉤。手鍊最多適合6 1 /8 吋手腕,4 7/8 吋加1.25 吋間隙和50 毫米長面,總重167.4 克。Pilot Mountain 綠松石形成堅硬的紋理,顏色範圍從亮藍色到深藍色,略帶綠色。基質通常由深棕色褐鐵礦斑駁圖案組成。大多數Pilot Mountain 綠松石被稱為“草根”,這意味著最好的礦床位於距地表十英尺以內。Pilot Mountain 最高等級的綠松石呈美麗的深藍色,具有出色的網紋。保證至少含有 90%(硬幣)銀,並且含量可能更高。任何標記的內容都保證與其標記的一致,大多數手鐲都是在6 英寸的手腕(無毛)上拍攝的,戒指則盡可能在適當尺寸的手指上拍攝。對於手鐲,如果描述中未給出尺寸,則顯示內週長金屬與布捲尺上的數字相符的地方。

    1 in stock


  • Native American Sterling Hopi Overlay Style Cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin


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    美洲原住民純霍皮覆蓋式手鐲內徑 7 英寸,包括 1.5 英寸可調式間隙。 1 英寸寬,31.3 克。乾淨、復古,可能從未穿過。

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  • 6.75 吋復古納瓦荷純金曼綠松石手鐲

    6.75 吋復古納瓦荷純金曼綠松石手鐲

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    復古納瓦霍純金金曼綠松石手鐲無標記經過測試純銀,重量:47.8 克,|尺寸:手鍊:內徑 5.75 英寸,間隙 1 英寸,總長 6.75 英寸,面寬 1.75 英寸 沒有問題

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  • 7 吋 Charles Johnson 納瓦荷純白水牛覆層蝴蝶手鍊

    7 吋 Charles Johnson 納瓦荷純白水牛覆層蝴蝶手鍊

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    Charles Johnson 白色水牛覆層蝴蝶手鍊。重量:34.5 克,|尺寸:手鍊:內長 5.75 英寸,間隙 1.25 英寸,總長 7 英寸,面寬 1.5 英寸。沒問題。查爾斯在 15 歲左右就從父母那裡學習銀器製作,並在暑假期間繼續自學。他的父母都是終身銀匠,母親家族有5代,父親家族有2代。 Charles 從 20 歲起就開始全職銀匠工作。他從 13 歲起就開始鑲嵌,學了幾年鑲嵌工藝。從傳統的納瓦霍珠寶開始,Charles 開始涉足納瓦霍當代珠寶,然後又進入西方珠寶風格與漩渦設計鏤空。他的珠寶大部分都是在手鐲和扣環上刻有岩畫設計(Anasazi 圖紙)。他也喜歡西式風格和漩渦設計的手鐲疊加。查爾斯的氏族是 Ashii(鹽人)和 Todich’ii’nii(苦水氏族)。

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  • 6.5 吋重型西南純手工錘製工匠袖口手鍊 SSD

    6.5 吋重型西南純手工錘製工匠袖口手鍊 SSD

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    6.5 英寸重型西南純手工錘製工匠袖口手鍊SSD。非常高品質的手工袖口,可能是納瓦霍人,絕對是美國手工製造。重量:103.4 克,| 尺寸:手鍊:內徑5.25 英寸,間隙1.25 英寸,總長6.5 英寸,1.25 “臉寬|沒問題。

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  • Vintage 950 Silver Middle Eastern link bracelet with Turquoise - Estate Fresh Austin

    復古 950 銀中東綠松石鍊手鍊

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    復古 950 銀中東鏈環手鍊,鑲嵌綠松石。 7 英吋長 x 1 1/8 英吋寬,無損壞或問題。 37克。

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  • 7 吋納瓦荷純銀 Jeanette Dale 鑲嵌綠松石手鍊

    7 吋納瓦荷純銀 Jeanette Dale 鑲嵌綠松石手鍊

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    非常漂亮、厚重、製作精良的手鐲,由 Jeanette Dale Navajo 藝術家設計。 7 英吋內徑,包括 1.5 英吋開口。正面尺寸為 2.5 英寸寬。沒有可檢測到的問題。重 105.8 克。

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  • Harold Joe 設計的納瓦霍純銀和藍色寶石綠松石手鐲

    Harold Joe 設計的納瓦霍純銀和藍色寶石綠松石手鐲

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    Harold Joe 設計的納瓦霍純銀和藍色寶石綠松石手鐲。高品質石材經過純正標記和測試。 7.25 英吋內徑,包括 1 3/8 英吋間隙。 64 克,手鍊寬 1.25 英寸,中心寶石寬 1 7/8 英寸。

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  • 純銀鵝卵石 S 射線金手鐲

    純銀鵝卵石 S 射線金手鐲

    1 in stock

    純銀鵝卵石手鐲上飾有 S 射線金。好看,重 126 克的袖口沒有任何問題。適合 8.5 英吋的手腕,有 2 英吋的間隙 鍍金狀況良好,某些部件未鍍金。外觀漂亮、不尋常的手鐲,可能本來是手錶,但用高品質的大綠松石凸圓面代替了手錶。 2 英吋寬。

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  • Ron Tom 納瓦荷純銀綠松石手鐲

    Ron Tom 納瓦荷純銀綠松石手鐲

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    Ron Tom 納瓦荷純銀綠松石手鐲。 7.25 英吋內徑,包括 1.25 英吋間隙。 1 9/16 英吋寬 77 克。

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  • 復古納瓦荷純綠松石和珊瑚手鐲


    1 in stock

    復古納瓦荷純綠松石和珊瑚手鐲。無標記測試純銀 7 英吋內徑,包括 1.25 英吋間隙。頂部寬 1 5/8 英吋。重 40.3 克。

    1 in stock


  • 6 3/8" Vintage Navajo Malachite and sterling silver cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    6 3/8 英寸復古納瓦霍孔雀石和純銀手鐲

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    復古納瓦霍孔雀石和純銀手鐲,鑲有包邊鑲孔雀石,波浪金屬絲環繞,飾有羽毛和珠飾,開放式兩爪手鐲,蝕刻有連體縮寫BK 或KB,牌匾:約2 英寸高,1.5 英寸w,內部:約 5 英寸,間隙:約 1 3/8 沒問題 54.5 克。

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  • 7.5" Vintage Mexican Sterling Silver Modernist onyx aztec faces bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    7.5 吋復古墨西哥純銀現代主義縵瑪瑙阿茲特克面孔手鍊

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    7.5 吋復古墨西哥純銀現代主義手鍊,配以縝瑪瑙阿茲特克面孔。2 英寸寬,狀況良好,仔細檢查,面部有輕微磨損。 77.5克。

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  • 1950 年代 Margot De Taxco 5112 幾何手鍊與頸鍊項鍊墨西哥純銀

    1950 年代 Margot De Taxco 5112 幾何手鍊與頸鍊項鍊墨西哥純銀

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    Margot van Voorheis Carr(更廣為人知的名字為 Margot de Taxco)設計的精美幾何手鍊和項鍊。 這是原始版本,而不是後來的副本,兩件作品都帶有設計編號5112,使其成為她最早的設計之一(莫里爾和伯克在《墨西哥銀器》中指出,瑪戈特的設計編號從5100 開始,一直到5790)。 兩件作品上的完整郵票均寫有“Margot de Taxco, Hecho en Mexico 925, 5112”和 Eagle 16 標記。 我發現這兩件都沒有損壞,而且我沒有拋光它們 - 只是用溫和的清潔劑清洗它們。 手鐲是6的。長 75 英寸(內週長)、寬 1 英寸,重 54 英寸。8克。 項鍊長 15 英寸,寬 1/2 英寸,重 56 英寸。8克。 兩個部件上的閂鎖緊密閉合,手鍊具有合適的安全鏈。 111.總共6克。 Margot Van Voorhies 1896 年出生於加州舊金山。 當她永遠離開祖國時,她已經經歷了 1903 年父親的去世、1906 年舊金山地震、1931 年母親死於殘忍的兇手之手以及她第一次婚姻的結束。1936 年。 幸運的是,一次墨西哥假期以她從未想像過的方式改變了 Margot Van Voorhies 的生活。 1937 年,41 歲的離婚者瑪格特·範·沃里斯 (Margot Van Voorhies) 離開舊金山前往墨西哥城。 命運將她推向了唐·安東尼奧·卡斯蒂略(Don Antonio Castillo) 的道路,後者將她帶到了塔斯科(Taxco),這是墨西哥設計、工藝和生產銀製品(尤其是珠寶和家居用品)的溫床。 很快,卡斯蒂略將成為瑪格特的第二任丈夫。 當時,卡斯蒂略正在為墨西哥銀匠先驅威廉·斯普拉特林工作。 他讓瑪戈特以設計師的身份進入這個行業,幫助她將紙質作品轉變為銀色的三維形式。 1939 年,兩人與卡斯蒂略家族的其他成員一起開了一家名為 Los Castillo Taller 的商店(Taller 在西班牙語中是「工作室」的意思),由瑪戈特擔任首席設計師。 十年後,卡斯提略和範沃里斯之間的婚姻解散了,他們的職業協會也解散了。 Margot 於 1948 年開設了自己的商店,並取名為 Margot de Taxco,至今她最為人所知。 七年後,她的許多作品中都添加了琺瑯,這就是瑪格特找到她遺產的地方。 在她職業生涯的巔峰時期,瑪格特親自設計了每件作品,並僱用了兩打銀匠和十幾名琺瑯師來實現她的願景。 這些人履行銀匠的職責。女人們負責琺瑯工作,用小刷子讓水彩畫栩栩如生。 為了確保準確呈現她的珠寶設計,她編寫了一本說明書和圖紙書,詳細介紹了每件珠寶的構造和精加工。 瑪格特吸引了後來鞏固自己聲譽的才華橫溢的工匠,如西吉·皮內達(Sigi Pineda)、米格爾·梅倫德斯(Miguel Melendez) 和梅萊西奧·羅德里格斯(Melecio Rodriguez)。 許多當代好萊塢名人都是瑪格特的顧客,包括約翰·韋恩和拉娜·特納,他們每年都會光顧她的店。 1960 年發生了一場火災悲劇。 她被迫搬遷工作室,從此再也沒有恢復之前的成功,公司於 1974 年倒閉。 瑪戈特允許她僱用的幾位銀匠使用她的模具自行製作作品,以換取債務減免。 結果,瑪格特的許多作品都被 Jaimie Quiroz 和 Geronimo Fuentes 等銀匠重新製作,帶有他們的標誌,而不是她的標誌。 瑪格特於 1985 年去世。 但自她去世以來,她作為設計師的才華和作為藝術家的影響力繼續獲得認可。 瑪格特的商店生產了一些凸紋銀(一種從作品背面錘打出凸起或浮雕設計的技術)。 但她最出名的是她的內填琺瑯作品。 內填琺瑯是透過雕刻、蝕刻、敲擊或在工件表面鑄造凹槽或單元並用釉質填充而製成的。 在瑪戈特的珠寶中,設計是模壓的,這個過程對於最終產品來說非常詳細且至關重要。 Margot 製作了許多套裝,包括項鍊、胸針、手鍊、耳環以及可轉換珠寶。 Margot de Taxco 珠寶以其優雅、女性氣質和多樣性而聞名。 瑪格特的作品在許多方面都產生了影響。 她的魚和波浪圖案表達了她對日本藝術的熱愛。 華麗的漩渦和花卉圖案讓人想起新藝術風格。 前哥倫布時代淘氣的人物是一個反覆出現的主題。 裝飾藝術風格的芭蕾舞者擺出優雅的姿勢。 瑪戈特也喜歡埃及圖案和墨西哥工藝品。 Margot de Taxco 的作品以印有她的名字 Eagle 16(或 Eagle 1,代表她早期作品)以及生產編號的印記為特色。 鷹印章由政府發行,是一種識別身份的方式

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  • 6.5" Shirley Henry Navajo Sterling Golden Hills Turquoise Flower Bracelet

    6.5" Shirley Henry Navajo Sterling Golden Hills Turquoise Flower Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Measures 1.5 inches wide this piece has the Vibrant blue Golden Hills Turquoise<br>for a center that is done in a flower design. The bracelet has 9 Natural<br>Turquoise pieces accented with sterling rain drop beads. Inside measures 5.25<br>inches plus a gap of 1.25 inches. Stamped Sterling and Hallmarked "SH". Weighs<br>48.7 Grams. Native American, Navajo, Southwestern Indian Jewelry.

    1 in stock


  • 6.5" Navajo 18K/Sterling Spiderweb Turquoise Tufa Cast Dragonfly Cuff Bracelet

    6.5" Navajo 18K/Sterling Spiderweb Turquoise Tufa Cast Dragonfly Cuff Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Measures 2.5 inches wide. This is an unusual bracelet that has such subtle<br>design elements that make it so special. The piece is done in a Tufa Cast with a<br>wide Sterling Band which has been textured. The applied Dragonfly on the piece<br>has and inlay of Spiderweb Natural Turquoise and the Eyes are 18kt. Gold. Inside<br>measures 5.5 inches plus a gap of 1 1/8 inches. Sterling Silver, Hallmarked SB<br>18k. Weighs 104.5 Grams. Tested 18k gold eyes and sterling bracelet.

    1 in stock


  • 6.5" Morenci Turquoise Navajo Sterling Silver Large Cuff Bracelet by Chimney But - Estate Fresh Austin

    6.5" Morenci Turquoise Navajo Sterling Silver Large Cuff Bracelet by Chimney But

    1 in stock

    Measuring 3.25 inches long this bracelet has Bright Blue Morenci Turquoise stones that are randomly bezel set with Shiny Sterling beads on a black background. The piece has a zig-zag edge to further enhance the look and a 5 way split band. Inside measures 5.25 inches plus a gap of 1.25 inches. Stamped Sterling and Signed by the artist Chimney Butte. Weighs 104.2 Grams.Chimney Butte, a famous Native American artist originally from Arizona, who now lives in New Mexico. He was introduced to pottery, carving and jewelry making as he was growing up in Arizona, and that is where the seed of self expression was first planted. Chimney Butte uses his art as a his own personal method of self expression, inspired by the things in his past and the love he feels for his family.

    1 in stock


  • Antique Italian 800 Silver Filigree Cameo Bracelet 7.5" - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Italian 800 Silver Filigree Cameo Bracelet 7.5"

    1 in stock

    Antique Italian 800 Silver Filigree Cameo Bracelet 7.5". Great bracelet from the first half of the 20th century. 7.5" long x 11/16" wide x 15.5 grams.

    1 in stock


  • Vintage Sterling Danecraft Art Deco Style wheat bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Sterling Danecraft Art Deco Style wheat bracelet

    1 in stock

    Vintage Sterling Danecraft Art Deco Style wheat bracelet. Great design, nice bracelet from the third quarter of the 20th century with no damage or significant wear, clasp and hinges work perfectly. 7.5" long x 7/8" wide 32.1 grams.In the early 1900s, as Italy was continuing to become the world leader in fashion, the Primavera family worked as jewelry artisans in the beautiful area of Pescara, Italy. In 1918, the family founded Primavera Designs and by 1921 it had become the largest jewelry company in the Abruzzo region.​It was there that the family became well known throughout the region for their ability to design and make jewelry for royalty and wealthy families. Often one of the Primavera jewelry artisans would go directly into the home of a patron to design and reproduce a cherished object of art into jewelry.​This continued in Italy until 1934, when Mr. Victor Primavera, Sr. immigrated to the United States and incorporated his company in Rhode Island; the jewelry capital of the United States. Primavera Designs now had a United States division, known as Danecraft, with a small factory and Mr. Victor Primavera, Sr. heading up the design and model making teams.​His forte in designing product was always timeliness. He often said that it was easy to design a piece to be shown in a museum, but it took research and talent to design product that would be worn by a woman with fashion sense.Although the candlelight has been replaced by fluorescent light and some of the painstaking handwork has been supplemented by modern machinery, the rich and beautiful handcrafted look of distinction continues.​Since 1934, Danecraft has been privately owned and operated by the Primavera family.

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  • 6 5/8" Vintage Old Pawn Navajo Sterling silver and turquoise cuff bracelet

    6 5/8" Vintage Old Pawn Navajo Sterling silver and turquoise cuff bracelet

    1 in stock

    Vintage Old Pawn Navajo Sterling silver and turquoise cuff bracelet unmaked<br>(Tested sterling) cuff bracelet, with three bezel-set turquoise stones, on a<br>split-shank cuff with central twisted wire, approx 1.25"w (at center), interior:<br>approx 5 1/8"w, gap: approx 1.5"w, 79.2 grams

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  • Vintage 8" Sterling Bracelet

    Vintage 8" Sterling Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Vintage 8" Sterling Bracelet. Nice heavy bracelet, marked and tested sterling.<br>54.4 grams. 1 5/16" wide band with no issues. When I took pics there was some<br>silver polish residue, I've since removed it.

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  • 7" Leon Martinez Sterling Boulder Turquoise Cuff Bracelet

    7" Leon Martinez Sterling Boulder Turquoise Cuff Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Measures 1.75 inches wide with a Natural Royston Boulder Turquoise Center Stone<br>accented with a bead frame. The sides of the stone have additional Sterling and<br>rope design. Inside measures 5.75 inches plus a gap of 1.25 inches. Stamped<br>Sterling and Hallmarked. Weighs 51.1 Grams. Native American, Navajo,<br>Southwestern Indian Jewelry.Leon MartinezNavajo artist Leon Martinez says he was<br>influenced by his parents, Leo and Edith Martinez, to become a jewelry artist as<br>early as 1970. “At the age of nine, I was assisting my parents with buffering,<br>solder, and setting stones,” recalls Leon. He also helped his parents make<br>squash blossom necklaces, rings, and bracelets during the high demand for Indian<br>Jewelry in the 1970s. Making jewelry soon became a passion for Leon and his<br>talent grew enormously. “I was a self starter artist using nature from plants,<br>flowers, rocks, and landscapes for designs and structures. I use everything<br>that’s in my environment, even clouds. Everything God has made. The designs are<br>used for bracelets, rings, conchos, bolos, and earrings. I do my art work for<br>competition, and the jewelry gives me unlimited joy,” says Leon.In addition to<br>his parents, Leon considers many people and artists his teachers and influences,<br>including Calvin Martinez, Kirk Smith, Sunshine Daniel Reeves, Ernest Begay,<br>Tommy Jackson, and Tommy Singer.Leon’s jewelry is described as early 1900s old<br>style mixed with contemporary style. “In making designs, even making one piece<br>has made me to become patient, putting quality time into the smallest item. This<br>helps me to perfect my work - soldering, setting stones by size, measurement for<br>perfect fitting, and selection of stones for each piece of work. I try to make<br>each piece of jewelry close to its perfection,” says Leon.Leon has won several<br>first place awards at the Navajo Nation Fair and Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial,<br>known as the largest fair and annual event.

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  • 6.5" Kathleen Chavez Navajo Sterling Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Cuff Bracelet

    6.5" Kathleen Chavez Navajo Sterling Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Cuff Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Measures 2 inches wide in the center and tapers at the opening. This piece has<br>the Sleeping Beauty Turquoise stones throughout. The center stone is Oval and<br>the accent cabochon pieces are meticulously hand set with hand made rain drop<br>beads. Inside measures 5.5 inches plus a gap of 1 inch. It could possibly be<br>sized by a professional. Stamped Sterling and Signed "Kathleen Chavez". Weighs<br>105.8 Grams. Native American, Navajo, Southwestern Indian Jewelry.Kathleen<br>Livingston Chavez was born in Church Rock, New Mexico, December 17, 1958. Today,<br>Kathleen lives in Church Rock with her husband Lorenzo Juan, and works out of<br>Gallup, New Mexico. She started to silversmith in 1974, making earrings, rings,<br>and ‘slave bracelets’. In 1994, she began to challenge herself to create<br>higher-end jewelry, which she says is “much more fun to make, because of the<br>amount of thought and imagination that goes into it.”

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  • 6.75" Native American Sterling Kingman Turquoise Sand Cast Bracelet by Chimney B

    6.75" Native American Sterling Kingman Turquoise Sand Cast Bracelet by Chimney B

    1 in stock

    Measures 1.5 inches wide and done in a Sand Cast style with a Natural Kingman<br>Center Stone. The piece has an inside measurement of 5.25 inches plus a gap of<br>1.5 inches. Stamped Sterling and Signed "Chimney Butte". Weighs 53.3 Grams.<br>Native American, Navajo, Southwestern Indian Jewelry.Chimney Butte, a famous<br>Native American artist originally from Arizona, who now lives in New Mexico. He<br>was introduced to pottery, carving and jewelry making as he was growing up in<br>Arizona, and that is where the seed of self expression was first planted.<br>Chimney Butte uses his art as a his own personal method of self expression,<br>inspired by the things in his past and the love he feels for his family.

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  • 7.5"Vintage Sterling Link Bracelet Charoit stones - Estate Fresh Austin

    7.5"Vintage Sterling Link Bracelet Charoit stones

    1 in stock

    7.5"Vintage Sterling Link Bracelet Charoit stones. Good looking clean bracelet marked and tested sterling 17 grams

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  • Mexican Modernist Sterling Cuff Bracelet

    Mexican Modernist Sterling Cuff Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Modernism Mexican Sterling Cuff Bracelet. Last quarter of 20th century, cool<br>bracelet in good condition. Approximately 7.25" including 1 1/8" adjustable gap.<br>1" wide in center 26 grams.

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  • Mexican Sterling Mod Hinged Bracelet sa - Estate Fresh Austin

    Mexican Sterling Mod Hinged Bracelet sa

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    Mexican Sterling Mod Hinged Bracelet Approximately 6.5" inside circumference fully closed, 62 grams 1.75" wide at front.

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  • Mexican Sterling Mod Hinged Bracelet ree

    Mexican Sterling Mod Hinged Bracelet ree

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    Mexican Sterling Mod Hinged Bracelet Approximately 7" inside circumference fully<br>closed, 52 grams 1.75" wide at front.

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  • Vintage Mexican Silver Semiprecious stone link bracelet

    Vintage Mexican Silver Semiprecious stone link bracelet

    1 in stock

    Vintage Mexican Silver Semiprecious stone link bracelet 27.2 grams with no<br>issues 7.25" long from about the 1980's.

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  • Chamilia Cham Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet with 17 Charms

    Chamilia Cham Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet with 17 Charms

    1 in stock

    Chamilia Cham Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet with 17 Charms. Vintage sterling<br>bracelet every one marked Cham 925 and so is the bracelet, guaranteed authentic<br>most likely retired. 67.5 Grams sterling 7" long. I know I saw at least one or<br>two disney's.

    1 in stock


  • Julius Olaf Randahl Sterling Silver Abstract cuff bracelet signed JOR

    Julius Olaf Randahl Sterling Silver Abstract cuff bracelet signed JOR

    1 in stock

    Julius Olaf Randahl Sterling Silver Abstract cuff bracelet signed JOR. 18 grams<br>with no issues. 7" inside diameter with 1.25" adjustable gap.

    1 in stock


  • Vintage Italy Designer Signed Sterling Bracelet

    Vintage Italy Designer Signed Sterling Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Vintage Italy Designer Signed Sterling Bracelet. Nice chunky bracelet with<br>oversized clasp. Designers hallmark on one side of clasp 7", 24 grams, from the<br>last quarter of the 20th century.

    1 in stock


  • Mexican Sterling Mod Cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Mexican Sterling Mod Cuff bracelet

    1 in stock

    Mexican Sterling Mod Cuff bracelet. Circa 1980's with no issues. 43.5 grams approximately 7" total inside circumference with 1.25" gap.

    1 in stock


  • 7" Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged bracelet with brass tip - Estate Fresh Austin

    7" Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged bracelet with brass tip

    1 in stock

    Vintage Mexican Silver Hinged bracelet with brass tip. Great looking interesting design from the last quarter of the 20th century. The bands near each end hold it on tight, one tip is brass as shown. 26.6 grams 7" inside circumference .

    1 in stock


  • Vintage Sterling Campfire Girls Cuff Bracelet JJ White Company Rhode Island

    Vintage Sterling Campfire Girls Cuff Bracelet JJ White Company Rhode Island

    1 in stock

    Vintage Sterling Campfire Girls Cuff Bracelet . Good lucking cuff with no<br>issues. 25 grams. 8" with .75" adjustable gap, .5" wide. The JJ White Co. of<br>Rhode Island - made for the Campfire Girls.• Design Motif:Hand hammered -<br>texture and impressed with Alaskan Indian inspired symbols for the letters<br>WoHeLo that stand for the Campfire Girl’s motto: “Work, Health, Love”.• about<br>100 years old.

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  • Vintage Fred Harvey Era Bell Trading Post Sterling/Turquoise Cuff bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Fred Harvey Era Bell Trading Post Sterling/Turquoise Cuff bracelet

    1 in stock

    Vintage Fred Harvey Era Bell Trading Post Sterling/Turquoise Cuff bracelet. Approximately 6.5" with 1.25" adjustable gap. 13/16" wide in center.

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  • Vintage Mexican Silver Modernism Cuff Bracelet - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Mexican Silver Modernism Cuff Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Vintage Mexican Silver Modernism Cuff Bracelet. Nice 7" cuff bracelet with 1 1/8" adjustable gap. 11/16" wide. Marked and tested 926 silver.

    1 in stock


  • Vintage Trifari Chunky Runway Gold Tone Choker necklace, Bracelet, and Clip on E

    Vintage Trifari Chunky Runway Gold Tone Choker necklace, Bracelet, and Clip on E

    1 in stock

    Vintage Trifari Chunky Runway Gold Tone Choker necklace, Bracelet, and Clip on<br>Earring Set. Really good looking set from the last quarter of the 20th century.<br>The necklace and earrings look like new, there's a little wear to the gold on<br>the bracelet mainly just on the inside on the sharp points. It's not noticeable<br>when worn, just worth pointing out. These are 9/16" wide, the necklace is 16.25"<br>long when worn.<br>tw127

    1 in stock


  • 6.5" Vintage Navajo Sterling Turquoise cuff bracelet

    6.5" Vintage Navajo Sterling Turquoise cuff bracelet

    1 in stock

    6.5" Vintage navajo Sterling Turquoise cuff bracelet. Nice piece circa mid 20th<br>century, unmarked but tested sterling. 6.5" inner diameter with 1.5" adjustable<br>gap, 2" wide in center 51.3 grams

    1 in stock


  • 6.5" Bruce Morgan Navajo 14K & Sterling Silver Heavy Cuff Bracelet

    6.5" Bruce Morgan Navajo 14K & Sterling Silver Heavy Cuff Bracelet

    1 in stock

    Bruce Morgan Navajo 14K & Sterling Silver Heavy Cuff Bracelet 6.5" inside<br>diameter including the 1.5" gap 13/16" wide at widest point near gap. 106.3<br>grams, really solid with very thick layer of 14k gold. Most of the Bruce Morgan<br>cuffs you will find online in this price range weigh about half as much or less.Bruce Morgan (b. 1957) is an award-winning Navajo silversmith. He is well known<br>for his use of both silver and gold in his pieces and his iconic gold overlay.<br>Born in Rehoboth, New Mexico and raised in Brimhall, Morgan made his first piece<br>of jewelry while in high school. His aunt made jewelry and was sadly killed in<br>an accident. His grandmother gave Morgan her tools in hopes that he would make<br>use of them, which he gladly did.<br><br>After graduating in 1976, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona and began making jewelry<br>for others in 1978; however, it was a slow start for Morgan and in order to<br>support himself financially, he took a job as a miner in the Uranium Mine and<br>began training to become an electrician. After a year of training, he got laid<br>off and continued on to school for commercial electrician and planned on<br>becoming an electrical engineer. After realizing that it was too much physical<br>work, he went back to jewelry making and found a way to stand out from the rest.<br><br>Morgan started out with traditional style jewelry making conchas and turquoise,<br>but in 1983 he was one of the first artists to use the two tone method of silver<br>and gold. In 1982, he made a silver cane for the Prime Minister in Egypt and in<br>1983 began using “traditional and simple” stampwork and creating his signature<br>gold overlay. Although he admires the traditional pieces, he has said he will<br>continue to only make his gold overlay jewelry, because it is quicker to make<br>and allows people to have a one of a kind piece that can be worn daily or for a<br>special occasion. His rings are often used as wedding bands for that very<br>reason.<br><br>Morgan’s exceptionally clean lines and renowned gold overlay has brought<br>attention to his work in not only the US, but worldwide. He has been featured in<br>“Arizona Highways” and “Southwest Art” magazines and continues to create<br>beautiful pieces of jewelry to this day.

    1 in stock



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