
54 products

  • c1900 Texas Cowboy Hat Mold Hand carved wood - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 Texas Cowboy Hat Mold Hand carved wood

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    1 in stock

    c1900 Texas Cowboy Hat Mold Hand carved wood. Great piece from the first quarter of the 20th century, hand carved. Looks great, excellent patina, stable cracks from wood shrinkage. 12" x 10.5" x 5" tall. I'll be offering a few of these that were collected about 40 years ago.

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  • c1900 Antique Star Mark Buermann Hercules Bronze California Spurs Pair - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1900 古董明星馬克·布爾曼大力士青銅加州馬刺隊一對

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    c1900 古董明星馬克·布爾曼赫拉克勒斯青銅加州馬刺一對。這些馬刺由奧古斯特·布爾曼發明的“大力士青銅”特殊合金製成。這些馬刺的日期早於1914 年,帶有布爾曼星標誌,可在購買前確定它們的年代由North & Judd 於1914 年推出。鞋跟處長5 英寸x 內寬3 英寸。經檢查沒有損壞Buermann Spurs 是牛仔馬刺歷史上最著名的製造商之一設計的最著名和最受追捧的設計之一.他也可以被認為是一位優秀的商人,因為他滿足了創造許多不同類型馬刺的需求,並積極為其品牌/標誌和設計申請專利。無論需要什麼類型或風格,Buermann 都是第一個歷史。August Buermann 1842 年出生於德國,後來在鎖匠學徒後前往美國。參軍後22 歲時,他開始為民用和軍隊製造馬刺。Buermann 打造了現在臭名昭著的 StarBrand,裝飾著他的設計和創作。到了世紀之交,公司已發展到擁有 100 多名員工。到了 1900 年代初,大多數軍人都穿著 Augusts 鞋跟馬刺,軍官也有權佩戴鞋跟鏈,而且都是從私人購買的Buermann。 August 還有一個兒子,August Jr,他在1896 年退休後接替了他經營公司。August Jr 和他的父親一樣也是一位優秀的商人,但在1914 年,Buermann 的名稱和設計被North收購賈德(Judd)是一家大型老牌五金公司。臭名昭著的 Buermann 靴刺 StarBrand 已不復存在,取而代之的是 North 和 Judd 錨標記。August Jr 隨後退役。Buermann 的名字也並非沒有一些(輕微)爭議。當其他知名製造商開始進軍既定業務,銷售流行的新型馬刺時,布爾曼就被指控直接複製這些設計。甚至到了他被指控從其他公司目錄中複製圖像供自己使用的程度。當時,該公司被認為與客戶越來越疏遠,在速度快。 McChesney 或 Crockett 等其他公司距離客戶更近,而 Buermann 正在迎頭趕上。材料。與許多其他馬刺製造商一樣,大多數馬刺都是由實心黃銅製成的或鐵。不過,布爾曼也發明了兩種金屬可供使用,分別是「星鋼銀」和「大力士青銅」。在使用這些金屬的地方,金屬名稱也被印在每件金屬上。事實上,他位於傑利夫大道的現代化工廠生產的產品非常好,以至於他贏得了一些卓越獎。費城百年委員會為多個類別的不同產品頒發了多個獎項,明星品牌也在 1904 年的聖路易斯博覽會上獲獎。tw154

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  • Noeline Harris (1923-2011) 德州奧斯汀山鄉村景觀與宅基地與馬車

    Noeline Harris (1923-2011) 德州奧斯汀山鄉村景觀與宅基地與馬車

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    Noeline Harris (1923-2011) 德克薩斯州奧斯汀山鄉村景觀,帶有宅基地和馬車17.5" x 20.5" 帶框9" x 12" 畫布。 德克薩斯州奧斯汀藝術家Noeline 以其志同道合的精神和樂觀主義而聞名。她是一位著名的藝術家,也是德克薩斯州馬布爾福爾斯的筆畫藝術館的所有者。多年來,她一直擔任藝術家道格·沃爾頓(Doug Walton) 的助理,並將大部分時間花在她位於聖米格爾德阿連德的第二個家中作畫。狀況良好,沒有損壞。

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  • Vintage Sterling silver Racehorse Horse racing belt buckle - Estate Fresh Austin


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    復古純銀賽馬賽馬皮帶扣。這是肯塔基德比系列的一部分,我無法驗證它是否相關。非常漂亮的扣環實心純銀,鑄造精良。 2.5 英寸 x 2 英寸 x 45.7 克,適合 1.25 英寸的腰帶。位於新墨西哥州聖達菲的 Stan Bentall 是世界著名的獵犬雕塑家,研究了每隻獵犬的解剖結構和構造與其他藝術家不同的是,斯坦·本托爾(Stan Bentall) 的獵犬雕塑是時間凝固的瞬間,值得永遠欣賞。狗輪廓分明的肌肉似乎充滿能量。他敏銳的眼睛和敏銳的鼻子揭示這隻狗是該領域的冠軍。他的雕塑超越了現實主義,甚至捕捉了情緒。

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  • Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1990's Cowboy Watercolor Early Work Practice Sketch Gif - Estate Fresh Austin

    Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1990's Cowboy Watercolor Early Work Practice Sketch Gif

    1 in stock

    Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1990's Cowboy Watercolor Early Work Practice Sketch Gift to a Friend. Guaranteed original Watercolor unframed with no damage. This was a sketch he was working on while some friends were around about 30 years ago, he gave it to them. The estate it came from were friends of Kohler's and I'll be listing a few of his works. Measures 11 1/8" x 15 1/8""I have a passion for the American West, and for the last 16 years I've dedicated my God-given talent to one goal: documenting the independent spirit and pride that the modern working cowboy has inherited from his predecessors. It is uniquely American and worthy of preservation. Like artists before me, I am drawn to the West and the people and animals that tame this oftentimes harsh environment. I strive to capture the honor, the strength and the dignity with which they pursue their lives. It is my hope that these paintings reveal the heart and soul of my subjects, and the profound respect I have for them. It is my privilege to chronicle this amazing lifestyle and the rewards have been beyond measure." Mark Kohler is an award-winning watercolorist, the recipient of the 2008 Cowboy Artists of America Founders Award and the 2009 Phippen Museum Foundation Award. He has been invited to some of the oldest, traditional ranches still left in the country, including the O RO Ranch in Arizona and the Pitchfork Ranch in the Texas Panhandle. His works are included in private and corporate collections throughout the world.tw6

    1 in stock


  • Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1997 Cowboy Watercolor Early Work - Estate Fresh Austin

    Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1997 Cowboy Watercolor Early Work

    1 in stock

    Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1997 Cowboy Watercolor Early Work. Guaranteed original Watercolor unframed with no damage. The estate it came from were friends of Kohler's and I'll be listing a few of his works. According to his website he's been painting commercially for over 23 years, so this would be right about that time. Measures 15" x 11" on high end watercolor paper."I have a passion for the American West, and for the last 16 years I've dedicated my God-given talent to one goal: documenting the independent spirit and pride that the modern working cowboy has inherited from his predecessors. It is uniquely American and worthy of preservation. Like artists before me, I am drawn to the West and the people and animals that tame this oftentimes harsh environment. I strive to capture the honor, the strength and the dignity with which they pursue their lives. It is my hope that these paintings reveal the heart and soul of my subjects, and the profound respect I have for them. It is my privilege to chronicle this amazing lifestyle and the rewards have been beyond measure." Mark Kohler is an award-winning watercolorist, the recipient of the 2008 Cowboy Artists of America Founders Award and the 2009 Phippen Museum Foundation Award. He has been invited to some of the oldest, traditional ranches still left in the country, including the O RO Ranch in Arizona and the Pitchfork Ranch in the Texas Panhandle. His works are included in private and corporate collections throughout the world.tw6

    1 in stock


  • Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1995 Cowboy Watercolor Early Work Gift to a Friend - Estate Fresh Austin

    Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1995 Cowboy Watercolor Early Work Gift to a Friend

    1 in stock

    Mark Kohler Texas Artist 1995 Cowboy Watercolor Early Work Gift to a Friendwith no damage. The estate it came from were friends of Kohler's and I'll be listing a few of his works. According to his website he's been painting commercially for over 23 years, so this would be right about that time. Measures26" x 23.5", sight is 18.5" x 16"."I have a passion for the American West, and for the last 16 years I've dedicated my God-given talent to one goal: documenting the independent spirit and pride that the modern working cowboy has inherited from his predecessors. It is uniquely American and worthy of preservation. Like artists before me, I am drawn to the West and the people and animals that tame this oftentimes harsh environment. I strive to capture the honor, the strength and the dignity with which they pursue their lives. It is my hope that these paintings reveal the heart and soul of my subjects, and the profound respect I have for them. It is my privilege to chronicle this amazing lifestyle and the rewards have been beyond measure." Mark Kohler is an award-winning watercolorist, the recipient of the 2008 Cowboy Artists of America Founders Award and the 2009 Phippen Museum Foundation Award. He has been invited to some of the oldest, traditional ranches still left in the country, including the O RO Ranch in Arizona and the Pitchfork Ranch in the Texas Panhandle. His works are included in private and corporate collections throughout the world.

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  • Frances Blinebry(1910-1995) 1950's Peak Mountain in Arizona, El Paso Texas Artis - Estate Fresh Austin

    Frances Blinebry(1910-1995) 1950's Peak Mountain in Arizona, El Paso Texas Artis

    1 in stock

    Frances Blinebry(1910-1995) 1950's Peak Mountain in Arizona, El Paso Texas Artist. 8" x 10" board 13" x 11" framed with no issues.Frances Blinebry(1910-1995) first exhibited at the El Paso Woman's Club Exhibition in 1943 and continue to exhibit there for many years through her life. She is a listed artist in the seminal Texas reference Dictionary of Texas Artists, 1800-1945 . This is a rare find and sweet oil on board. This is sure to complement your David Swing, El Boone or Willard Page collections. Signed Frances Blinebry, as shown. TW159

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  • California Sterling Golden State Trapshooters Association Belt Buckle Trophy 199

    California Sterling Golden State Trapshooters Association Belt Buckle Trophy 199

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    California Sterling Golden State Trapshooters Association Belt Buckle Trophy<br>1999. 3.25" x 2 5/8" for a 1.5" belt.<br>B39

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  • McCabe Sterling Silver Belt Buckle Sunset Trails - Estate Fresh Austin

    McCabe Sterling Silver Belt Buckle Sunset Trails

    1 in stock

    McCabe Sterling Silver Belt Buckle Sunset Trails. Measures 1.75" x 1.5" and fits a 3/4" belt. Good looking old hand engraved cowboy buckle.Selling two pieces shown, keeper isn't marked but obviously matches.

    1 in stock


  • Large Bob Berg Sterling silver 10k gold filled belt buckle and keeper

    Large Bob Berg Sterling silver 10k gold filled belt buckle and keeper

    1 in stock

    Large Bob Berg Sterling silver 10k gold filled belt buckle and keeper. Buckle<br>3.5" x 3 3/8", takes up to a 1" belt comfortably. 170.7 grams. Very large and<br>heavy belt buckle set. Bob Berg no longer prices solid sterling sets on his<br>website, the prices you see are for bronze buckles. This one being 22 years old<br>is solid sterling, gold filled with rubies and HEAVY. Selling the exact buckle<br>and keeper shown.

    1 in stock


  • Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Sow Pig Sculpture Limited Editio

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Sow Pig Sculpture Limited Editio

    1 in stock

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Sow Pig Sculpture Limited<br>Edition #35/100. Inscribed, "© TRIGG RUSSELL FOUNDATION 35/100. Most likely cast<br>by Avent-Shaw Foundry NYC under authorization by the Trigg-C. M. Russell<br>Foundation Inc. These were actually original castings of Russell's. The base is<br>solid marble.<br><br>Charles Marion Russell (1864-1926) was one of America’s greatest artists. He<br>lived the life he captured on canvas, creating a breathtaking historical record<br>of Western cultures, landscapes, and wildlife. Charles Marion Russell (1864 –<br>1926) also known as C. M. Russell, Charlie Russell, and "Kid" Russell, was an<br>American artist of the American Old West He created more than 2,000 paintings of<br>cowboys, Native Americans, and landscapes set in the western United States and<br>in Alberta, Canada, in addition to bronze sculptures. He is known as "the cowboy<br>artist" and and was also a storyteller and author. He became an advocate for<br>Native Americans in the west, supporting the bid by landless Chippewa to have a<br>reservation established for them in Montana. In 1916, Congress passed<br>legislation to create the Rocky Boy Reservation. The figure weighs 955 grams<br>inclusive of all material. The sculpture is in overall very good condition with<br>one small chip on one corner of the base, rich patinas throughout, measures 3<br>7/8" tall with a 4" x 3" base.<br><br>The COA pictured is included with this Sculpture. The Last pic is a page from an<br>original 1973 Catalog I have on these figures. It will not be included unless<br>several of these figures are purchased and it's priorly discussed. If you<br>purchase three or more I guess we don't have to discuss, I'll throw in the<br>catalog, if the catalog is no longer available you won't be reading this<br>paragraph.<br><br><br>anderascoll

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  • Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Three Grizzly Bears Sculpture Li

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Three Grizzly Bears Sculpture Li

    1 in stock

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Three Grizzly Bears Sculpture<br>Limited Edition #35/100. Inscribed, "© TRIGG RUSSELL FOUNDATION 35/100. Most<br>likely cast by Avent-Shaw Foundry NYC under authorization by the Trigg-C. M.<br>Russell Foundation Inc. These were actually original castings of Russell's. The<br>sculpture features Three Bears. The base is solid marble.<br><br>Charles Marion Russell (1864-1926) was one of America’s greatest artists. He<br>lived the life he captured on canvas, creating a breathtaking historical record<br>of Western cultures, landscapes, and wildlife. Charles Marion Russell (1864 –<br>1926) also known as C. M. Russell, Charlie Russell, and "Kid" Russell, was an<br>American artist of the American Old West He created more than 2,000 paintings of<br>cowboys, Native Americans, and landscapes set in the western United States and<br>in Alberta, Canada, in addition to bronze sculptures. He is known as "the cowboy<br>artist" and and was also a storyteller and author. He became an advocate for<br>Native Americans in the west, supporting the bid by landless Chippewa to have a<br>reservation established for them in Montana. In 1916, Congress passed<br>legislation to create the Rocky Boy Reservation. The figure weighs 772 grams<br>inclusive of all material. The sculpture is in overall very good condition, rich<br>patinas throughout, measures 2.5" tall with a 4 7/8" x 2.75" base.<br><br><br>The COA pictured is included with this Sculpture. The Last pic is a page from an<br>original 1973 Catalog I have on these figures. It will not be included unless<br>several of these figures are purchased and it's priorly discussed. If you<br>purchase three or more I guess we don't have to discuss, I'll throw in the<br>catalog, if the catalog is no longer available you won't be reading this<br>paragraph.<br><br><br>anderascoll

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  • Malcolm Furlow Cut Steel 3 Dimensional  Pop Art Sculpture of  Native Amer

    Malcolm Furlow Cut Steel 3 Dimensional Pop Art Sculpture of Native Amer

    1 in stock

    Malcolm Furlow Cut Steel 3 Dimensional Pop Art Sculpture of Native American Man.<br>Measures 21.5" tall x 17.5"wide x 8" deep with , weighs 20 pounds. Fresh from a<br>local estate along with a painting on canvas by the same artist. Guaranteed<br>authentic. This had to be extremely labor intensive and would stand out<br>anywhere, he did do much of this type of work. Malcolm Attended University of<br>Texas here in Austin and Studied art. This piece came from Austin, I believe it<br>is one of his earlier pieces when he was still trying to figure out what<br>direction to take his career, obciously it is super cool.<br><br>The comes out and will be removed for shipping. The paint is very sturdy, I<br>believe it is a special metal paint similar to auto paint but it will be well<br>wrapped to prevent abrasion or wear during transportation.<br><br>Taos resident, Malcolm Furlow, an award winning painter, hasn't always been an<br>artist. As a young man he received a track scholarship to the University of<br>Texas and decided to choose art as his major. Unfortunately, his art professor<br>disapproved of his style of painting and a disappointed Furlow left college to<br>become a rock and roll musician. For 18 years he played the sax, bass and<br>sometimes the guitar, playing back up for such notable groups and soloists as<br>the Beach Boys and Lou Rawls.<br><br>Leaving his music career behind, Furlow used his artistic talent to construct<br>models for movie sets at Walt Disney Studios. He also delved into photography,<br>writing a book for Kodak, called Close-Up Photography, that explained the best<br>way to photograph miniatures, especially models. But, in 1987 after hearing<br>scholar Joseph Campbell's words "Follow Your Bliss," Furlow decided to go back<br>to his first love, painting.<br><br>Furlow began drawing American Indians at the age of six, when his father had<br>Malcolm accompany him on business trips throughout New Mexico. Beginning with<br>watercolors, Furlow realized the medium was ill suited for large canvases and<br>switched to brightly colored acrylic images of Native Americans. In all his<br>works, Furlow strives to show his deep admiration and respect for his Choctaw<br>heritage.<br><br>About his subject matter and painting style, Furlow has said, "I knew I wanted<br>to say it with color because that's the emotion of it. I've got to make the<br>viewer feel what I feel . All I'm trying to do is paint them as they are - paint<br>their culture, their dignity and their stature . I didn't want to do portraits<br>of Indians, I wanted to say something about the human condition." He paints two<br>worlds: the Native American and their place in the Anglo World. In addition,<br>Furlow rides and decorates motorcycles.<br><br>A recently filmed documentary entitled the "Life and Art of Malcolm Furlow,<br>"refers to him as a "Renaissance Man": the quintessential cowboy, musician, and<br>intellectual artist. He is an award-winning painter, whose accolades include the<br>Silver award from the Sorbonne, and the highly coveted Gold Award from the<br>world-renown Luxembourg Museum, Paris. PBS featured him in a documentary called<br>"The Life and Art of Malcolm Furlow", he was also awarded the Gold Award from<br>the Luxembourg in Paris (an honor shared with Pablo Picasso)<br><br>As of spring 2007, Furlow has "sold-out" over fifty solo shows. Malcolm Furlow's<br>paintings command principal placement in exhibitions, philanthropist campaigns,<br>and private collections around the world, including the U.S. Embassies of<br>Morocco, Belgium and Beijing; the White House; CEO Magazine; The Smithsonian;<br>Mobil Oil; Arnold Schwarzenegger; Samuel Goldwyn; Richard Pryor; Presidents<br>George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush; Senator Hillary Clinton;<br>Bernadette Peters; Wes Studi; Phyllis Diller; William DeVane; B.J. Thomas; Jane<br>Goodall Institute; Darryl Hannah; Eiteljorg Museum; Jon Bon Jovi; National<br>Wildlife Museum; Koshare Museum; Santa Fe Fine Arts Museum; Paul Clarkson; Coca<br>Cola Olympic Pavilion; Make a Wish Foundation; NBC's Today Show; Raymond James<br>Financial Art Collection; Columbia University; and many others Malcolm is<br>equally celebrated in the industry of Model Railroading. He has written several<br>"How-To" books for Kodak photograghy, worked as a photogragher for Italian Vouge<br>. Malcolm has also written several "How-To" books for Model Railroading. His<br>published articles about photograghy and model railroading are inumerable.

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  • Vintage Southwestern Sterling Cowboy Hat and lasso's Bracelet and pendant set - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Southwestern Sterling Cowboy Hat and lasso's Bracelet and pendant set

    1 in stock

    Vintage Southwestern Sterling Cowboy Hat and lasso's Bracelet and pendant set 6.5" bracelet, 20" necklace. High quality mid 20th century set.

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  • Vintage Buffalo Nickel Belt buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Buffalo Nickel Belt buckle

    1 in stock

    Vintage Buffalo Nickel Belt buckle. Made from Authentic c1910's-30's Buffalo nickels US currency. Made in the last quarter of the 20th century. 3 3/8" x 2.25", takes up to a 1.75" belt.

    1 in stock


  • Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Mountain Sheep Sculpture Limited

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Mountain Sheep Sculpture Limited

    1 in stock

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Mountain Sheep Sculpture Limited<br>Edition #35/100. Inscribed, "© TRIGG RUSSELL FOUNDATION 35/100. Most likely cast<br>by Avent-Shaw Foundry NYC under authorization by the Trigg-C. M. Russell<br>Foundation Inc. These were actually original castings of Russell's. The base is<br>solid marble.<br><br>Charles Marion Russell (1864-1926) was one of America’s greatest artists. He<br>lived the life he captured on canvas, creating a breathtaking historical record<br>of Western cultures, landscapes, and wildlife. Charles Marion Russell (1864 –<br>1926) also known as C. M. Russell, Charlie Russell, and "Kid" Russell, was an<br>American artist of the American Old West He created more than 2,000 paintings of<br>cowboys, Native Americans, and landscapes set in the western United States and<br>in Alberta, Canada, in addition to bronze sculptures. He is known as "the cowboy<br>artist" and and was also a storyteller and author. He became an advocate for<br>Native Americans in the west, supporting the bid by landless Chippewa to have a<br>reservation established for them in Montana. In 1916, Congress passed<br>legislation to create the Rocky Boy Reservation. The figure weighs 576 grams<br>inclusive of all material. The sculpture is in overall very good condition with<br>no damage, rich patinas throughout, measures 4 5/8" tall with a 2.75" x 3" base.<br><br>The COA pictured is included with this Sculpture. The Last pic is a page from an<br>original 1973 Catalog I have on these figures. It will not be included unless<br>several of these figures are purchased and it's priorly discussed. If you<br>purchase three or more I guess we don't have to discuss, I'll throw in the<br>catalog, if the catalog is no longer available you won't be reading this<br>paragraph.<br><br><br>anderascoll

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  • Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Native American "Indian" Sculptu

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Native American "Indian" Sculptu

    1 in stock

    Charles M. Russell, Trigg Solid Sterling Silver Native American "Indian"<br>Sculpture Limited Edition #35/100. Inscribed, "© TRIGG RUSSELL FOUNDATION<br>35/100. Most likely cast by Avent-Shaw Foundry NYC under authorization by the<br>Trigg-C. M. Russell Foundation Inc. These were actually original castings of<br>Russell's. The base is solid marble.<br><br>Charles Marion Russell (1864-1926) was one of America’s greatest artists. He<br>lived the life he captured on canvas, creating a breathtaking historical record<br>of Western cultures, landscapes, and wildlife. Charles Marion Russell (1864 –<br>1926) also known as C. M. Russell, Charlie Russell, and "Kid" Russell, was an<br>American artist of the American Old West He created more than 2,000 paintings of<br>cowboys, Native Americans, and landscapes set in the western United States and<br>in Alberta, Canada, in addition to bronze sculptures. He is known as "the cowboy<br>artist" and and was also a storyteller and author. He became an advocate for<br>Native Americans in the west, supporting the bid by landless Chippewa to have a<br>reservation established for them in Montana. In 1916, Congress passed<br>legislation to create the Rocky Boy Reservation. The figure weighs 766 grams<br>inclusive of all material. The sculpture is in overall very good condition with<br>no damage, rich patinas throughout, measures 4 5/8" tall with a 2.75" x 3.25"<br>base.<br><br>The COA pictured is included with this Sculpture. The Last pic is a page from an<br>original 1973 Catalog I have on these figures. It will not be included unless<br>several of these figures are purchased and it's priorly discussed. If you<br>purchase three or more I guess we don't have to discuss, I'll throw in the<br>catalog, if the catalog is no longer available you won't be reading this<br>paragraph.<br><br><br>anderascoll

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  • 10 Vintage Southwestern Stamped Sterling and Buffalo nickel button covers - Estate Fresh Austin

    10 Vintage Southwestern Stamped Sterling and Buffalo nickel button covers

    1 in stock

    10 Vintage Southwestern Stamped Sterling button covers. Backs are steel as always. The nickels are nickel and steel of course. .75" and 7/8" wide at front. 46.4 grams total weight.anderas

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  • 6 Vintage Southwestern Stamped Sterling button covers - Estate Fresh Austin

    6 Vintage Southwestern Stamped Sterling button covers

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    6 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers, great with no issues. Backs are steel as always. 7/8" wide at front. 22.5 grams total weight.anderas

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  • Mid Century Mexican sterling mixed metals belt buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    Mid Century Mexican sterling mixed metals belt buckle

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    Mid Century Mexican sterling mixed metals belt buckle. 2.25" x 1 1/8", takes up to a 1" cloth belt. 32.8 grams.

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  • Retro Mexican Modernist Sterling silver ranger belt buckle set - Estate Fresh Austin

    Retro Mexican Modernist Sterling silver ranger belt buckle set

    1 in stock

    Retro Mexican Modernist Sterling silver ranger belt buckle set. Fits a 1" belt, no damage, minimal wear 47 grams.

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  • 3 1980's Texas Belt buckles - Estate Fresh Austin

    3 1980's Texas Belt buckles

    1 in stock

    3 1980's Texas Belt buckles. Selling the three shown, all high quality buckles taking up to 1.75" leather belt. I don't believe either has been worn, slight surface wear to Duncanville buckle 3.5" to 3 7/8" wide.

    1 in stock


  • c1940's Texas University Interscholastic League Golf State meet sterling medal - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1940's Texas University Interscholastic League Golf State meet sterling medal

    1 in stock

    c1940's Texas University Interscholastic League Golf State meet sterling medal. 1 3/8" tall.

    1 in stock


  • Vintage Mexican Sterling 1" belt buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Mexican Sterling 1" belt buckle

    1 in stock

    Vintage Mexican Sterling 1" cloth belt buckle. Old style buckle like a boy scount buckle. Takes up to a 1 1/8" belt.. Buckle measures 2.5" x 1 1/8" x 38.7 grams.

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  • Large Sterling Horse ShowTrophy Buckle Gold Coast Futurity Open Championship 199 - Estate Fresh Austin

    Large Sterling Horse ShowTrophy Buckle Gold Coast Futurity Open Championship 199

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    Large Sterling Horse show Trophy Buckle Gold Coast Futurity Open Championship 1998 Rocking K Arena ADM Awards Design Metals. 5" x 3.75", take up to a 1.5" leather belt. 154.5 grams.

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  • 5 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers r - Estate Fresh Austin

    5 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers r

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    5 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers, great with no issues. Backs are steel as always. 7/8" wide at front. 18.1 grams total weight.

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  • 6 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers - Estate Fresh Austin

    6 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers

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    6 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers, great with no issues. Backs are steel as always. 7/8" wide at front. 21.3 grams total weight.

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  • Vintage Hollywood California Made Fenwick & Sailors Sterling Silver Clip on Hunt - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Hollywood California Made Fenwick & Sailors Sterling Silver Clip on Hunt

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    Vintage Hollywood California Made Fenwick & Sailors Sterling Silver Clip on Hunter earrings. 15.2 gramp 7/8" wide with no issues, good strong clips.

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  • c1910 De Laval Cream Separator Diecut tin advertising cows - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1910 De Laval Cream Separator Diecut tin advertising cows

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    c1910 De Laval Cream Separator Diecut tin advertising cows. Largest 5" long, both in great condition with no significant issues.isshelf

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  • 1978 Brass BTS Belt buckle with deer hunters gift - Estate Fresh Austin

    1978 Brass BTS Belt buckle with deer hunters gift

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    1978 Brass BTS Belt buckle with deer hunters gift 3" x 2.25", takes up to a 1.75" belt.

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  • c1950 Japanese Tin Cowboy Sparkling Pistol Toy - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1950 Japanese Tin Cowboy Sparkling Pistol Toy

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    c1950 Japanese Tin Cowboy Sparkling Pistol Toy. Box is 3 5/8" wide, makes a dramatic sound and a wheel turns inside when trigger is pulled. Very clean estate fresh condition with box.isshelf

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  • 6 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers p - Estate Fresh Austin

    6 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers p

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    6 Vintage Navajo Stamped Sterling button covers, great with no issues. Backs are steel as always. 7/8" wide at front. 24.6 grams total weight.

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  • Alabama "Feels So Right" Presentation Record framed Given to Tom Middleton - Estate Fresh Austin

    Alabama "Feels So Right" Presentation Record framed Given to Tom Middleton

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    Alabama "Feels So Right" Presentation Record framed Given to Tom Middleton. I have not examined this outside of the frame but I acquired it from Tom Middleton's(1953-2020) estate personally along with about 400 pairs of cowboy boots and everything cowboy imaginable. Selling this, what I assume to be a record that was framed and given by Alabama for the work tom did for the album. 19.5" x 21.5" framed, 12" x 12" sight. 5.5" wide plaque.In 1973, Tom found a catalog of instruments from Warehouse Music Sales in Fort Worth that contained multiple dobros. He sold his two guitars and used the funds to buy his first dobro. After it arrived, his life was never quite the same. If you ever had the pleasure to hear him play, you saw Tom doing what he loved.Before making his way to Arizona to continue his education, Tom worked as a towboat deckhand for the United Maritime Union on the Ohio, Monongahela, and Allegheny Rivers. Tom received a BS in English Literature from Northern Arizona University. During his time in Flagstaff, he was a member of the Mormon Lake Hotshots on the Coconino National Forest. Bill Mack's "All Night Open Road" show from WBAP in Dallas kept him company at the Mormon Lake Guard Station. He became lifelong friends with several of his fellow firefighters and kept in contact with them the rest of his life.But music kept calling, and Tom began working for R.Q. Jones Resophonic Guitar Company in Wanette, Oklahoma. Now he wasn't just playing dobros, he was making them. In fact, he made one for a young dobro player named Jerry Douglas who is now widely regarded as "the" dobro player of our time. The dobro in question now belongs to the Music Instrument Museum in Phoenix. Jerry and Tom became good friends and whenever Jerry toured through Austin in recent years, they would take in some live music together at Ginny's Little Longhorn Saloon among other music venues.In 1978, Tom went to work for Peaches Records and Tapes in Oklahoma City, then The Handleman Company, and finally Pickwick Distribution Company in Dallas. These three jobs showed Tom the buying, selling, and distribution side of the music business. By 1985, Tom was working as a Print Production Manager at The Richards Group, an advertising agency in Dallas. He excelled at print production and would stay with it in Austin at both GSD&M and McGarrah Jessee from which he retired after 24 years shortly before his death.Tom's work in print production should not go unrecognized. There is no doubt that countless times you've seen ads, packaging, and products that he produced – you just didn't know it. He had a wealth of experience and knowledge and was always keen to share what he knew with young producers and creative types. When Tom retired, his coworkers, vendors, suppliers,

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  • Large 1987 Native American Champion Rodeo Belt Buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    Large 1987 Native American Champion Rodeo Belt Buckle

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    Large 1987 Native American Champion Rodeo Belt Buckle. Rare one of a kind item. 3 1/8" x 4 1/8" fits up to a 1 7/8" belt. No damage or issues. Marked and tested sterling with brass accents and genuine turquoise/red coral. 88.9 grams.

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  • 1969 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Pin - Estate Fresh Austin

    1969 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Pin

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    1969 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Pin 2" tall in good condition with no issues.

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  • After Frederick Remington Vintage Etched Enameled Brass Belt Buckle - Estate Fresh Austin

    After Frederick Remington Vintage Etched Enameled Brass Belt Buckle

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    After Frederick Remington Vintage Etched Enameled Brass Belt Buckle. From the third quarter of the 20th century, nice buckle in good condition. 2.75" x 2.25" fits up to a 1.75" belt. No issues.

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  • 2 1970's Levis Jeans Belt buckles - Estate Fresh Austin

    2 1970's Levis Jeans Belt buckles

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    2 1970's Levis Jeans Belt buckles. One base metal, other Bergamot brassworks dated 1976. No issues with either, penny for scale, both take up to a 1.75" belt. Selling both.

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  • c1950's Cowboy Items Dodge City Souvenir Bell Trading Post Copper Belt Buckle, a - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1950's Cowboy Items Dodge City Souvenir Bell Trading Post Copper Belt Buckle, a

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    c1950's Cowboy Items Dodge City Souvenir Bell Trading Post Copper Belt Buckle, and Miniature Buck knife by Imperial. Selling the three items with no damage in used condition. The knife is 4.25" long with 2 1/8" blade. Dodge city guy is 7" tall, Buckle is 3.25" x 2 1/8" and will fit up to a 1.5" belt.TW234

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  • Vintage Mexican Sterling gold overlay 5/8" ranger belt buckle set - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Mexican Sterling gold overlay 5/8" ranger belt buckle set

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    Vintage Mexican Sterling gold overlay 5/8" ranger belt buckle set. Measures 5/8" inside buckle for belt, just a hair under 5/8" inside keepers and about .5" inside tips. Looks like the buckle and one of the tips are a match, and one of the tips matches the two keepers. Still it should all look good together. Selling the lot shown 42.4 grams of sterling with some gold overlay. Missing one ruby and others are worn.anderas

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  • 1950's Ft Worth Texas Visitors guide Gay and Friendly - Estate Fresh Austin

    1950's Ft Worth Texas Visitors guide Gay and Friendly

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    1950's Ft Worth Texas Visitors guide Gay and Friendly experience. Selling the visitors guide shown, 4" x 9" folded. Super cool and rare in good condition would be great framed.tw260

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  • Edward H Bohlin Hollywood 14k gold and Sterling Buffalo Tie bar - Estate Fresh Austin

    Edward H Bohlin Hollywood 14k gold and Sterling Buffalo Tie bar

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    Edward H Bohlin Hollywood 14k gold and Sterling Native American Head Tie Bar. An extremely rare item that cannot be currently bought for any price to the best of my knowledge, but if it could it would be more than I'm asking. Like new condition with no scratches or wear. 3.5" wide x 2.5" tall 25.1 grams marked and tested 14k gold and sterling, hand engraved on reverse side. Well over half of the buffalo and arrow section are gold, I would bet more than half of the total weight of this is 14k gold.tw208

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  • Vintage Western Cows/Cowboys Copper Printing blocks. - Estate Fresh Austin

    Vintage Western Cows/Cowboys Copper Printing blocks.

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    Vintage Western Cows/Cowboys Copper Printing blocks.. No totally sure how to date these, but they're old, unusual and cool. Largest is 9.25" long, tallest is 2.25" tall, selling all three for one price.

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  • Antique Spanish colonial cowboy bowie / knife - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Spanish colonial cowboy bowie / knife

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    Antique Spanish colonial / knife. Good early knife 17" total length, 11 x 2 1/8" blade. Solid knife with original tooled leather sheath that fits like a glove. Makers mark stamped on metal. Estate fresh piece from a large cowboy collection, never been to auction.  tw219

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  • 1950's Brass/hammered copper Belt buckle lot of 3 - Estate Fresh Austin

    1950's Brass/hammered copper Belt buckle lot of 3

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    c1950's Brass/hammered copper Belt buckle lot of 3. Selling the three unmarked American made buckles from the mid 20th century. 2 are 3.25" x 2" x 1.5" belt loop, one is 2 7/8" x 2" x 1.5" belt loop. Selling the three buckles shown for one price.

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  • Navajo Sterling Sleeping beauty Turquoise cowboy and Lasso Brooch - Estate Fresh Austin

    Navajo Sterling Sleeping beauty Turquoise cowboy and Lasso Brooch

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    Navajo Sterling Sleeping beauty Turquoise cowboy and Lasso Brooch. Mid 20th century 1.75" x 1.5" x 9.7 grams. No issues, unmarked tested sterling.

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  • 1974 Large Jack White Echruseos Pandora Racehorse Texas First Calvary custom spe - Estate Fresh Austin

    1974 Large Jack White Echruseos Pandora Racehorse Texas First Calvary custom spe

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    1974 Large Jack White Echruseos Pandora Racehorse Texas First Calvary custom special order piece. Near mint frame, no issues with artwork. Dated 4/74 on the artwork, don't believe I've seen that on one of these before and I've had a bunch. Please excuse the bad cellphone pics, it's great. It's just big and I'm in a hurry. These look great in person but are one of the most difficult things to photograph especially if they are large. I have a lot of experience shipping these with no issues. 16" x 20" image size 23" x 27" frame.Here's a letter below from Jack White before he passed away in 2016.Dear Interested Collector,Due to the volume of requests and emails that I have received about my Echruseos (gold leaf) art I felt compelled to add a button to my Website. I know how frustrating it must be to you who are seeking to establish a value on the Echruseos art.I invented the process of putting small sheets of gold leaf on the reverse side of glass in 1970. I coined the name for my new technique. I took a Greek lexicon and invented a word to go with my art technique. Ek means 'out of'. Crus is 'gold'. Ous means 'having been done.' So literally the word Echruseos means, 'Out of gold having been done.' It is pronounced Ek-Cru-sos.During the next eight years I sold several million dollars’ worth of my "gold leaf" art all over the world. Many of the early pieces were sold for next to nothing. As my popularity grew so did the retail prices of the gold leaf. In 1977 and 1978 I was selling the Echruseos for a significant amount. Some commissioned works were selling in excess of $20,000.Since the advent of the Internet and the appearance of eBay attention has resurfaced about my career and the gold leaf work. I heard of a man buying a 11"x14" at a garage sale for $35. A couple discovered one of my gold leaf pieces in a wrecked house. It was among the rubble. I have also seen one 30"x40" sell for $25,000. Many are priced anywhere between $500 and $25,000. This is a huge chasm in pricing. What this means is many people own the Echruseos and are not aware of what they have. You have all heard stories of someone finding a Norman Rockwell stuck in an attic, covered with dust. Once cleaned up they realized they have a very valuable piece of art.Since I stopped producing my Echruseos art in 1978 and several have broken due to mishandling, the supply is shrinking. My Echruseos art is in eleven museums and in my humble opinion one day will be a coveted collector item. I may well be dead before the art reaches it zenith; nevertheless I am fully convinced that this technique will be recognized as a rare collector item. Only time will validate my claims or prove me wrong.My sincere advice to you and your heirs is to hold on to the art, make sure it is secure and insure it for a considerable sum. It is with confidence that I say my epic historical novel on Texas, “Ten Years in Texas”, will be a successful published book. With the book my name will resurface in the art world. When that happens the true collectors will begin to surface. Be aware you own an extremely rare piece of art. Once the technique is exposed to the Christies and Sothebys in the world of art collectors you can expect the Echruseos to explode and reach a six figure plateau.”Jack White2007

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  • WW2 Japanese Military Spurs - Estate Fresh Austin

    WW2 Japanese Military Spurs

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    WW2 Japanese Military Spurs. They have replaceable rollers which are missing.TW30

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  • Antique engraved Mexican spurs - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique engraved Mexican spurs

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    Antique engraved Mexican spurs. Not quite a pair but likely were used as a pair over 100 years ago. Engraving appears slightly different. Buying the spurs shown with leathers and the pieces that they attach to missing on one spur.\

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  • North and Judd Star and diamond cowboy spurs - Estate Fresh Austin

    North and Judd Star and diamond cowboy spurs

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    Vintage North and Judd Star and diamond cowboy spurs. I have a more recent chromed pair of these that are marked with anchors, these appear unmarked and seem to have better casting. One is missing one side of the leathers.Be in 1832 as the North Company in New Britain, Connecticut, which made “saddlery hardware” and “tried to satisfy the needs of the rider”. The business grew quickly and was a supplier to the U.S. army during the Civil War and again during the Spanish-American war and even the first World War. North and Judd produced a wide range of metal buckles, rings, bits, hooks, chains, and other related goods besides the bits and spurs for which we know them. Their trademark was of an anchor usually stamped near the button, but sometimes on top or below the shank. North and Judd bought out the Buermann company in 1926 and continued to use the Buermann name and it was slowly phased out.

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  • c1940's Crockett Airplane Aluminum Cowboy spurs - Estate Fresh Austin

    c1940's Crockett Airplane Aluminum Cowboy spurs

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    c1950's Crockett Airplane Aluminum Cowboy spurs. No issues, market Crockett on tops as shown. OSCAR CROCKETT One of the Big 3 & world's most famous Spurmakers...As a young cowboy and blacksmith, Oscar learned the art of spurmaking from his brother Arthur.1887 - Oscar was born into a family of true Cowboys in Pecos, TX.1914 - His cowboy trails lead him to the Stockyards of Kansas City, MO.Oscar partnered with George Gliem and formed C & G Bits and Spurs.The partnership was later sold to C. P. Shipley with Oscar as manager.1916 - Oscar moved to Pawhuska, OK and continued mastering his spurmaking skills from his own shop till joining the First War. 1917 - 1918 - Oscar was stationed at the Shipyards of Bremerton, WA where his metalworking skills benefited WW1 to victory.1919 - Oscar and Arthur returned to Kansas City, MO after the War and worked for C. P. Shipley Saddlery and Merchantile Company, in the Bit and Spur Department.Oscar married Bessie Gove. 1920 - Oscar and Arthur along with their Uncle W. Brice Crockett, an oldtime cowboy, bought out the Shipley Bit and Spur line and begin...The Crockett Bit & Spur Co. 1927 - Oscar, now sole owner of Crockett Bit & Spur Co., Moved business to Lenexa, KS. as shown in photo above, produced 5,000 spurs and equal bits.Became one of "Big Three" finest bit and spur makers in the world.1932 - Oscar Married Hazel1938 - Introduced Airplane Metal, Aluminum Spurs 1940 - Patented Hondas, for lariats.1943 - Moved business to Boulder, CO. Employeed up to 125 craftsmen.1949 - Oscar died at age 62. 1951 - The Crockett Bit & Spur Co. was purchased by James Renalde, known as Crockett Renalde. 1984 - The last of the stock belonging to the Crockett-Renalde Company was liquidated.

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  • 4 pairs Vintage Texas cowboy spurs one Bob Blackwood (1943-1998) - Estate Fresh Austin

    4 pairs Vintage Texas cowboy spurs one Bob Blackwood (1943-1998)

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    4 pairs Vintage Texas cowboy spurs one Bob Blackwood (1943-1998) on marked MT. Selling the 4 pairs of vintage spurs, one pair stamped BB for Bob Blackwood, one other stamped MT, other two pairs with no apparent identifying marks, rust oxidation, but no breaks or apparent damage. Selling all 4 pairs for one price.

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  • c1910 Antique Star Mark Buermann Hercules Bronze California Spurs Pair - Estate Fresh AustinVintage Spurs

    c1910 Antique Star Mark Buermann Hercules Bronze California Spurs Pair

    1 in stock

    c1900 Antique Star Mark Buermann Hercules Bronze California Spurs Pair.These are made of 'Hercules Bronze" special alloy invented by August Buermann.These spurs date pre-1914 with the Buermann Star hallmark, dating them before they were bought out by North & Judd in 1914. 6.5" long without leathers x 3" inner width at heel. As found with no damageBuermann Spurs are one of the most famous and sought after designs from one of the most famous makers in Cowboy Spur history.He can be considered to be a good businessman too, as he fulfilled the need of creating many different types of spurs and also aggressively patenting his brands/logos and designs.  What ever type or style was needed, Buermann was the first to step up and create them.History.August Buermann was born in Germany in 1842 but later traveled to the US after taking his apprenticeship in lock smithing.After joining the army as a substitute at the age of 22 he began making spurs for the civilian and military. Buermann fashioned the now infamous StarBrand that adorn his designs and creations.  The company had grown to have over 100 employees before the turn of the century.By the early 1900s, the majority of military men were wearing Augusts heel spurs and army officers were also entitled to wear heel chains and were all privately purchased from Buermann.August also had a son, August Jr, who succeeded him in running the company when he retired in 1896.  August Jr was also a good businessman like his father but, in 1914 the Buermann name and design was purchased by North and Judd, a large established hardware company. The infamous StarBrand of the Buermann boot spur was no more and was replaced by the North and Judd anchor mark.August Jr then retired.The Buermann name is not without some (slight) controversy too though.  Once the other well known manufacturers started to gain in-roads on the established business, selling new styles of spurs that were popular, Buermann was accused of making straight copies of these designs.  Even to the point where he was accused of taking copies of the images from other companies catalogs for his own use.At that time, the company was seen to be becoming more and more removed from it's customer, branching out and modernizing at a fast rate.  Other companies such as McChesney or Crockett were closer to their customers and Buermann was playing catch-up.Materials.Like many other spur makers, the majority of these spurs are made from solid brass or iron.  However, Buermann also invented 2 types of metal for use too, known as "Star Steel Silver" and "Hercules Bronze".Where these metals were used, the metal name was also stamped onto each piece.In fact, so good were the products that were being made in his modern factory in Jelliff Avenue, that he was able to win some awards of excellence.  The Centenial Commission of Philadelphia bestowed several awards for different products in several categories and the Star Brand also won awards at the St Louis Fair in 1904.

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  • Antique Bronze mounted steel cowboy spurs - Estate Fresh Austin

    Antique Bronze mounted steel cowboy spurs

    1 in stock

    Antique Bronze mounted steel cowboy spurs. Nice old pair of spurs likely from the first quarter of the 20th century with no damage or identifying marks that I could find.

    1 in stock



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