

  • 15th/16th Century Early Printed bible page with hand rubricated initials - Estate Fresh Austin

    15/16 世纪早期印刷圣经页,带有手工红字首字母缩写


    15/16 世纪早期印刷的圣经页,带有手工红字首字母缩写。来自大量宗教手稿收藏,装帧于 20 世纪第三季度。 10.75" x 8.75" 框架,8.5" x 6.25" 瞄准镜。画架



  • 15th/16th century Vellum Antiphonal leaf

    15th/16th century Vellum Antiphonal leaf


    15th/16th century Vellum Antiphonal leaf. This is on Vellum/hide. There are sometears but it's stable in the frame. For some weird reason there is clear tape on the back of the glass and a little on the front, possibly they taped the two panes together and over time the tape degraded a little, still it displays well. Slightly illuminated in the picture shown. 22.5" x 16" framed.The origins of liturgical music traditionally date back to St. Gregory the Great (d. 604), who was inspired by the Holy Dove to record the principles of 'Gregorian' chant. The Gradual contained the musical parts of the Missal and was sung from the steps (gradus) of the altar. The Antiphoner contained the musical sections of the Breviary. These terms have become interchangeable in modern times. Because of their size and complexity, these manuscripts were still being handmade in the traditional way for centuries after the introduction of printing. They were boldly hand-written and illuminated on large sheets of sturdy vellum so that the entire choir could read from one book.



  • 15/16 世纪牛皮纸对歌叶

    15/16 世纪牛皮纸对歌叶


    15/16 世纪牛皮纸对歌叶。这是在牛皮纸/牛皮上。有一些泪水,但在框架中很稳定。由于某种奇怪的原因,玻璃背面有透明胶带,正面有一点,可能他们将两个玻璃贴在一起,随着时间的推移,胶带会稍微退化,但仍然显示良好。如图所示,略微照亮。 22.5 英寸 x 16 英寸带框。 礼拜音乐的起源传统上可以追溯到圣格列高利大帝(St. Gregory the Great,卒于 604 年),他受到圣鸽的启发,记录了“格列高利”圣歌的原则。渐进曲包含弥撒曲的音乐部分,并在祭坛的台阶(gradus)上演唱。 《对唱者》包含了《祈祷书》的音乐部分。这些术语在现代已经可以互换。由于其尺寸和复杂性,在印刷术引入后的几个世纪里,这些手稿仍在以传统方式手工制作。它们是大胆的手写和插图在大张坚固的羊皮纸上,以便整个合唱团可以从一本书中阅读。



  • 15/16 世纪牛皮纸对歌叶

    15/16 世纪牛皮纸对歌叶


    15/16 世纪牛皮纸对歌叶。这是在牛皮纸/牛皮上。有一些泪水,但在框架中很稳定。由于某种奇怪的原因,玻璃背面有透明胶带,可能是他们将两块玻璃粘在一起,随着时间的推移,胶带有点退化,但仍然显示良好。如图所示,略微照亮。 22.5 英寸 x 16 英寸带框。上面贴着这本和我单独提供的另一本的翻译。 礼拜音乐的起源传统上可以追溯到圣格列高利大帝(St. Gregory the Great,卒于 604 年),他受到圣鸽的启发,记录了“格列高利”圣歌的原则。渐进曲包含弥撒曲的音乐部分,并在祭坛的台阶(gradus)上演唱。 《对唱者》包含了《祈祷书》的音乐部分。这些术语在现代已经可以互换。由于其尺寸和复杂性,在印刷术引入后的几个世纪里,这些手稿仍在以传统方式手工制作。它们是大胆的手写和插图在大张坚固的羊皮纸上,以便整个合唱团可以从一本书中阅读。



  • 16 5/8 英寸高古董帕罗斯人物雕塑穿着华丽服饰的女人 19 世纪 9 磅

    16 5/8 英寸高古董帕罗斯人物雕塑穿着华丽服饰的女人 19 世纪 9 磅


    16 5/8 英寸高古董帕罗斯人像雕塑,穿着华丽服饰的女人,19 世纪,底座宽 8 英寸。底座边缘内有小缺口。无裂纹、其他缺口或修复体。大而重的一块。重 9 磅。 B&B 标记为菱形,顶部为 H,底部为 S。



  • 16 英寸 10 毫米 David Yurman 纯银/18k Figaro 链条

    16 英寸 10 毫米 David Yurman 纯银/18k Figaro 链条


    16 英寸 10 毫米 David Yurman 纯银/18k Figaro 链条。保证正品 David Yurman,经过标记和测试的 18k 金和纯银。52.7 克 无损坏或明显磨损。



  • 16" 1920's Art Deco Sterling silver choker necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    16 英寸 1920 年代装饰艺术纯银项圈项链


    16 英寸 1920 年装饰艺术纯银项链。非常酷的项链,没有可检测到的标记,经过纯银测试。16 英寸长 62 克,可能是欧洲的。可能是可逆的。



  • 16" 6mm David Yurman 14k/Sterling Wheat Chain necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    16 英寸 6 毫米 David Yurman 14k/纯小麦链项链


    16 英寸 6 毫米 David Yurman 14k/纯小麦链项链。实心纯银,顶部有实心 14k 金带,没有问题。53.8 克,非常坚固,高品质项链。正品保证。安德拉斯



  • 16 英寸古董日本明治时期伊万里充电器

    16 英寸古董日本明治时期伊万里充电器


    16 英寸古董日本明治时期伊万里充电器。无裂纹、缺口或修复,19 世纪末。



  • 16 英寸 c1900 Wilhelm Schiller 奥地利珐琅花瓶 11.75 英寸宽,带手柄

    16 英寸 c1900 Wilhelm Schiller 奥地利珐琅花瓶 11.75 英寸宽,带手柄


    16 英寸 c1900 年 Wilhelm Schiller 奥地利珐琅花瓶 11.75 英寸宽,带手柄。 X 15 7/8" 高。无裂纹、缺口或修复。 Wilhelm Schiller 于 1829 年在波西米亚博登巴赫开始生产瓷器和陶器,并以 Schiller 和 Gerbing 的名义进行经营。 1885 年,该公司解散并更名为 Wilhelm Schiller and Son,并一直运营到第一次世界大战爆发。Schiller and Gerbing 公司是否生产陶器尚不得而知,但 Wilhelm Schiller and Son 公司显然是最出色的。波西米亚的陶器制造商数量众多。 包括席勒在内的波西米亚瓷器制造商使用的调色板比斯塔福德郡的同行柔和得多。许多席勒作品的背景是哑光灰褐色、浅灰色或绿松石色,带有各种棕色和黑色色调的釉面特征。内部通常采用绿松石色釉面。该公司的大部分产品反映了从传统维多利亚时代的陶器到装饰艺术风格的转变。最常见的席勒作品是装饰花瓶、花瓶、餐桌中心和水壶。目前尚无已知的席勒瓷器盘、碗或其他功能性餐具的例子。 Wilhelm Schiller and Sons 的珐琅器上刻有字母“WS&S”,该字母要么被压印,要么包含在凸起的漩涡花饰中。



  • 16 英寸 c1930 粉色切割凹陷玻璃灯

    16 英寸 c1930 粉色切割凹陷玻璃灯


    16 英寸 c1930 粉色切割凹陷玻璃灯。令人难以置信的灯底座宽 6 英寸,无裂纹、缺口或修复。有一些非常小的恙螨咬伤,这些孔是为绳子钻的,这是预料之中的,因为它不是平坦的表面,85 年前它可能有一个索环。灯和开关工作TW95



  • 16" Egyptian Revival Gold Filled Scarab Necklace carved stones

    16" Egyptian Revival Gold Filled Scarab Necklace carved stones


    16" Egyptian Revival Gold Filled Scarab Necklace carved stones. No issues, all hand carved various semi-precious stones.



  • 16 英寸 Los Castillo 现代主义纯银和绿松石项圈项链

    16 英寸 Los Castillo 现代主义纯银和绿松石项圈项链


    16 英寸 Los Castillo 现代主义纯银和绿松石项链。16 英寸长 14 毫米宽,没问题,可能是仿制或块状绿松石 53 克,罕见设计。 Los Castillo 珠宝 - 历史Antonio Castillo 和他的兄弟 Jorge、Miguel 和 Justo 于 1939 年创立了 Los Castillo。他们都曾在 William Spradling 的高高店当学徒,然后在墨西哥塔斯科开始自己的生意。安东尼奥·卡斯蒂略在斯普拉特林工作期间晋升为银匠大师。 几十年来,洛斯卡斯蒂略作坊培养并雇用了许多熟练的银匠,其中包括卡斯蒂略兄弟的表弟萨尔瓦多·特兰、西吉·皮内达、安东尼奥·皮内达和安东尼奥·卡斯蒂略的妻子玛戈·范·沃里斯·卡尔。所有这些艺术家都继续开设了自己的成功工作室,其中包括范·沃里斯·卡尔 (van Voorhies Carr),她在与安东尼奥·卡斯蒂略 (Antonio Castillo) 离婚后创立了玛格特·德塔斯科 (Margot de Taxco)。洛斯卡斯蒂略以其优质银器以及将铜和/或黄铜与纯银混合的混合金属而闻名。其他装饰性家居饰品有镀银和镶嵌石材装饰。 查托 (豪尔赫) 卡斯蒂略 (Chato (Jorge) Castillo) 是卡斯蒂略兄弟之一,曾在 20 世纪 30 年代为威廉·斯普拉特林工作。他以其技术专长和设计才华而闻名。他开发了结合金属、银羽毛、阿兹特克马赛克或石镶嵌、贝壳或鲍鱼镶嵌的技术……(墨西哥银:莫里尔和伯克的现代手工珠宝和金属制品(Schiffer:2007 年,第 4 版),第 86 页。



  • 16" Margot De Taxco Mid Century Modernist sterling Pendant on cuban link necklace

    16" Margot De Taxco Mid Century Modernist sterling Pendant on cuban link necklace


    16" Margot De Taxco Mid Century Modernist sterling Pendant on cuban link necklace. Necklace is nice and thick 4mm with no apparent markings, tested sterling. The ends of the clasp will not go through the bail of the pendant, so I assume they have been together "forever".. Pendant 2.25" with bail x 1 3/8". 42.9 grams.Margot Van Voorhies was born in 1896 in San Francisco, California. By the time<br>she left her native country for good, she had survived the death of her father<br>in 1903, the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906, the loss of her mother at the<br>hands of a er in 1931 and the end of her first marriage in 1936.<br><br>Fortunately, a Mexican vacation changed the life of Margot Van Voorhies in ways<br>she could never have imagined. In 1937, forty-one-year-old divorcée Margot Van<br>Voorhies left San Francisco on a trip to Mexico City. Fate threw her into the<br>path of Don Antonio Castillo, who took her to Taxco, a Mexican hotbed for the<br>design, crafting, and production of silver objects, in particular jewelry and<br>housewares.<br><br>Soon, Castillo would become Margot’s second husband. At the time, Castillo was<br>working for William Spratling, a pioneer in Mexican silversmithing. He brought<br>Margot into the business as a designer, helping her to transform her paper<br>creations into three-dimensional forms in silver. In 1939, the pair, along with<br>other members of Castillo’s family, opened shop as Los Castillo Taller [Taller<br>is Spanish for “Workshop”], with Margot as the top designer.<br><br>After ten years, the marriage between Castillo and Van Voorhies dissolved, as<br>did their professional association. Margot went on to open her own shop in 1948,<br>taking the name Margot de Taxco, by which she is best known today. Seven years<br>later, enamel was added to many of her pieces, and this is where Margot found<br>her legacy.<br><br>At the peak of her career, Margot, who designed each piece herself, had two<br>dozen silversmiths and a dozen enamellists in her employ to execute her vision.<br>The men performed the duties as silversmiths; the women did the enamel work,<br>using tiny brushes to bring the watercolor drawings to life. To ensure the<br>accurate rendering of her jewelry designs, she compiled a book of instructions<br>and drawings, detailing the construction and finishing of each. Margot attracted<br>talented craftsmen who later went on to cement their own reputations, such as<br>Sigi Pineda, Miguel Melendez, and Melecio Rodriguez.<br><br>Many contemporary Hollywood celebrities were clients of Margot, including John<br>Wayne and Lana Turner, who visited her shop every year.<br><br>Tragedy struck in the form of a fire in 1960. Forced to move her studio, she<br>never again regained her prior success, and the business folded in 1974. Margot<br>granted several of the silversmiths in her employ permission to use her molds to<br>create pieces on their own, in return for debt forgiveness. As a result, many of<br>Margot’s pieces were re-created by silversmiths such as Jaimie Quiroz and<br>Geronimo Fuentes, bearing their hallmark rather than hers.<br><br>Margot passed away in 1985. But her talent as a designer and her influence as an<br>artist have continued to gain recognition since the time of her death.<br><br>Margot’s shop produced some repousse silver (a technique where a raised or<br>relief design is hammered in from the reverse side of the piece). But she is<br>best known for her champlevé enamel work. Champlevé is created by carving,<br>etching, striking, or casting troughs or cells into the surface of a piece and<br>filling it with vitreous enamel. In Margot’s jewelry, the designs were<br>die-struck, a process that was detailed and critical to the final product.<br><br>Margot produced many suites that included necklaces, brooches, bracelets, and<br>earrings, as well as convertible jewelry. Margot de Taxco jewelry is recognized<br>for its elegance, femininity, and variety.<br><br>There were many areas of influence that can be found in Margot’s work. Her fish<br>and wave motifs celebrated her love of Japanese art. The ornate swirls and<br>floral motifs were reminiscent of the Art Nouveau style. Mischievous<br>pre-Columbian figures were a recurring theme. Art Deco style ballerinas struck<br>graceful poses. Margot was also taken with Egyptian motifs and Mexican crafts.<br><br>Margot de Taxco pieces are distinguished by the stamp that includes her name,<br>Eagle 16 (or Eagle 1, for her earlier works), along with a production number.<br>Issued by the government, the eagle stamp was a way to identify th



  • 16" Retro Italian Sterling choker - Estate Fresh Austin

    16 英寸复古意大利纯银项圈


    16 英寸复古意大利纯银项圈。漂亮的厚项圈,没有任何问题。60.6 克。



  • 16 英寸复古粉色视觉成人电影纯色拨动项链,带粉色视觉心形吊饰

    16 英寸复古粉色视觉成人电影纯色拨动项链,带粉色视觉心形吊饰


    16 英寸复古纯银铰链项链,带有粉色视觉心形吊饰。漂亮的实心重项链,实际上是我从一位退休的成人电影女演员那里购买的。这是她的,是送给她的促销品。测试英镑标记看起来像 JC 925。心形如果不需要,可以很容易地切断,如果要求的话我可以这样做,但除非要求,否则显然不会。59.3 克。



  • 16" Salvador Terán mid century modernist sterling choker necklace

    16" Salvador Terán mid century modernist sterling choker necklace


    16" Salvador Terán mid century modernist sterling choker necklace ranges from 7mm-25mm wide, 66.4 grams. No issues.Salvador Vaca Terán (1920 – 1974) Known primarily as a Mexican modernist, Salvador Terán was born in Taxco and was a cousin of the Castillo family. He began work for William Spratling (“The Father of Mexican Silver”) at Las Delicias in the 1930s.He is considered an exceptional designer, innovator, and silversmithing technician whose specialties include mosaics and jewelry. In 1939, he left Las Delicias to become a founding member of Los Castillos, the renowned Taxco workshop that produced exquisite mixed-metal works. He stayed at Los Castillos, creating jewelry sold under their mark, until 1952. He then moved to Mexico City to open his own shop, La India Bonita that ultimately employed twenty-five silversmiths.Terán is well known for trays, wall hangings, coffee sets, and boxes that are usually brass with brightly colored glass. His jewelry creations often make use of overlapping planes set against oxidized backgrounds.He also uses pierced forms with shadowboxed backgrounds that make some of his pieces look surreal. Although his designs are often sleek and modern for the time in which he created them, Salvador was also greatly influenced by pre Columbian art. Terán pieces also combine metal with stone mosaics to create trays and pitchers.A fine example of Terán’s jewelry design is a raw emerald necklace that is about 75 inches wide at the widest point and to measure for length, but only about 16 inches long when worn. It lays flat since it is wired from link to link giving it fluidity of motion.All of Salvador’s work in jewelry and other disciplines is highly collectible, quite rare, and rarely surfaces on the vintage jewelry market.



  • 16" Vintage Barry Kieselstein Cord Carnelian beaded necklace with Sterling frogs/ladybug

    16" Vintage Barry Kieselstein Cord Carnelian beaded necklace with Sterling frogs/ladybug


    Vintage Barry Kieselstein Cord Carnelian beaded necklace with Sterling frogs/ladybug 16" long, rare if not one of a kind.



  • 16" Vintage Carol Felley Amethyst and sterling southwestern necklace

    16" Vintage Carol Felley Amethyst and sterling southwestern necklace


    16" Vintage Carol Felley Amethyst and sterling southwestern necklace. No issues, measurements and weight in pics.<br><br>Following her passion for painting and jewelry design Carol moved to New Mexico<br>after graduating from Carnegie Mellon University with a Fine Arts degree. She<br>was inspired by the jewelry making community in the Southwest and opened a<br>design and jewelry manufacturing business in Albuquerque, New Mexico which she<br>owned and operated for thirty years.<br><br>She has also been deeply moved by her volunteer work with hospice and decided to<br>develop a new jewelry company called “Style Conscience” dedicated to raising<br>awareness and support for specific causes that she is passionate about. Carol<br>has rededicated her efforts and has combined her love and talent for jewelry<br>design with her passion for making a difference in the world.<br><br>Carol has developed her own unique signature jewelry collections that raise<br>awareness jewelry to a new level of design and beauty. She believes that women<br>want to wear something precious and meaningful that is beautifully designed to<br>express their support for important causes. Carol’s jewelry is crafted from<br>precious metals and gemstones and each individual piece is beautifully finished<br>by hand.”<br><br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Most cuff bracelets are shown photographed<br>on a 6" woman's wrist and will include a photo showing the inside circumference<br>where the metal tip meets the number on the tape measure.



  • 16" Vintage Mexican Sterling necklace and brooch - Estate Fresh Austin

    16 英寸复古墨西哥英镑项链和胸针


    16 英寸复古墨西哥纯银项链和胸针。简单标记为墨西哥制造,(测试)纯银。1.25 英寸胸针,16 英寸长项链,总重 48.2 克



  • 16" Vintage Mid Century Modernist Mexican sterling collar necklace

    16" Vintage Mid Century Modernist Mexican sterling collar necklace


    16" Vintage Mid Century Modernist Mexican sterling collar necklace 13.5" plus 2.5" flexible gap, 36.1 grams.



  • 16" Vintage Native American Sterling Beaded Squash blossom pendant necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    16 英寸复古美洲原住民纯银串珠南瓜花吊坠项链


    16 英寸复古美洲原住民纯银串珠南瓜花吊坠项链。无标记,经过测试纯银。这款项链只有 16 英寸长,因此既可以作为颈链,也适合脖子较小的人。 19.4克。



  • 16" Vintage Navajo Silver and turquoise pendant necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    16 英寸复古纳瓦霍银和绿松石吊坠项链


    16 英寸复古纳瓦霍银和绿松石吊坠项链。如图所示,没有任何问题。 所有贵金属均经过测试并有保证,任何称为银或纯银的美洲原住民珠宝保证至少为 90% (硬币)银,含量可能更高。任何标记的东西都保证是其标记的内容,大多数手镯都是在 6 英寸的手腕(无毛)上拍摄的,戒指尽可能在适当尺寸的手指上拍摄。对于手镯,如果描述中未给出尺寸,则显示金属与布卷尺上数字相符的内周长。



  • Fantastic Antique English 18th to early 19th century Brass Ladle 16.5" copper ri - Estate Fresh Austin

    精美古董英国 18 世纪至 19 世纪初黄铜钢包 16.5 英寸铜铆钉





  • 16.5" 18th Century Dutch brass ladle

    16.5" 18th Century Dutch brass ladle


    16.5" 18th Century Dutch brass ladle. Nice heavy functional item with strong rivets and no play.



  • 16.5" 18th Century Dutch brass ladle

    16.5" 18th Century Dutch brass ladle


    16.5" 18th Century Dutch brass ladle. Nice heavy functional item with strong rivets and no play.



  • 16.5 英寸,约 1890 年卡尔·蒂姆·德累斯顿瓷质瓮,上面有孔雀、火鸡、鹌鹑、鸡,带翅膀的女人把手

    16.5 英寸,约 1890 年卡尔·蒂姆·德累斯顿瓷质瓮,上面有孔雀、火鸡、鹌鹑、鸡,带翅膀的女人把手


    16.5 英寸,约 1890 年 Carl Thieme Dresden 瓷质瓮,上面有孔雀、火鸡、鹌鹑、鸡和带翅膀的女人,每个手柄宽 9 英寸。所有手绘博物馆品质独一无二的作品。两个盖子都完好无损,没有裂缝、没有缺口,也没有修复。其中一只翅膀和一颗女士头像进行了旧修复。另一个没有裂缝、缺口,但可能对其中一位女士头像进行了专业修复,没有其他修复。



  • 16.5 英寸 Polia Pillin(1909-1992)世纪中叶现代加州艺术陶碗 1940 年代至 50 年代末。

    16.5 英寸 Polia Pillin(1909-1992)世纪中叶现代加州艺术陶碗 1940 年代至 50 年代末。


    16.5 英寸 Polia Pillin(1909-1992)世纪中叶现代加州艺术陶器碗 1940 年代至 50 年代末。杰出的早期重盆 Pillin 作品刚刚在庄园新鲜发现。从 Polia 购买,价格为 75 美元,我认为标签上的 101 表明它是可能是她制作的第 101 件作品。这是一个非常大的碗,有典型的裂纹,外缘有 3 个最小的釉片。没有裂纹、缺口或修复。出生于波兰的 Polia Pillin(1909-1992 年)和她的丈夫 William 于 1948 年在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的车库里成立了他们的陶瓷工作室 The Pillin Art Pottery Company。她的丈夫对陶罐进行了造型和上釉,这些陶罐后来成为 Polia 用来作画的画布中世纪风格的人物和动物的奇幻场景。制作了数千件作品,波利亚成为当今最受推崇的当代工作室陶艺家之一。 用于皮林陶器的粘土通常是红砖色。威廉尝试了不同的釉料,并制作了一些没有波利亚艺术品的作品。然而,波莉亚的艺术设计为她赢得了国际认可。波莉亚受到立体主义运动和她非常欣赏的巴勃罗·毕加索作品的启发。她的风格通常被称为“拜占庭式”。波利亚最喜欢的题材是在色彩丰富的釉料上画出的女人、马、鸟、鱼和其他动物。整个托盘具有有机、宝石色调的品质。每一件 Pillin 陶器都是手工制作、上釉、上漆,因此独一无二。因为皮林在她的车库工作(当她住在芝加哥时,她在厨房工作),所以她无法接触到专业商人、化学家或可以批量生产她的作品的专业设备。因此,大多数皮林陶器都非常疯狂。几乎没有裂纹的稀有作品价值更高。 大多数 Pillin 陶器都是从 1948 年开始生产的,底部用粗或细的黑色墨水刻有 Polia 的签名“Pillin”。她于 1946 年和 1947 年在芝加哥厨房制作的稀有作品均刻有“46”或“47”字样。一些非常早期的作品在皮林签名上方标有“W+P”,表示威廉投掷这些作品,波利亚装饰它们。较厚的投掷作品往往表明早期作品。



  • 16.5" vintage Mexican Sterling link Collar Choker necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    16.5" vintage Mexican Sterling link Collar Choker necklace


    16.5" vintage Mexican Sterling link Collar Choker necklace. Thick solid marked and tested sterling with no issues. 101.3 grams.



  • 168 克拉博尔德蛋白石钻孔吊坠/珠子

    168 克拉博尔德蛋白石钻孔吊坠/珠子


    168 克拉博尔德蛋白石钻孔吊坠/珠子。出售所示的确切石头。钻有一个干净的 2 毫米孔。我有几个这样的东西,我将单独提供它们。它们戴在一条 24k 金项链上,每颗宝石之间都有 24k 大珠子。黄金已经被回收利用,我希望重新利用它们,因为它们是昂贵的宝石,值得戴在一条项链上,项链上有价值数千美元的黄金。可能性是无穷无尽的,其中一个或几个在某个环境内或外都会很棒。购买所示的原石,尺寸为 58 毫米 x 36 毫米,重 168 克拉。



  • 17 3/8 英寸 c1900 中国青花南京裂纹釉落地花瓶手绘皇帝

    17 3/8 英寸 c1900 中国青花南京裂纹釉落地花瓶手绘皇帝


    c1900 中国青花南京裂纹釉地板花瓶手绘皇帝 17 3/8 英寸 x 8 英寸宽。绘画精美,烧制缺陷如皇帝服装所示。无裂纹、缺口或修复



  • 17 5/8 英寸古董日本明治时期手绘蓝色/白色充电器

    17 5/8 英寸古董日本明治时期手绘蓝色/白色充电器


    17 5/8" 古董日本明治时期手绘蓝色/白色充电器。边缘上有一个小缺口,如最后一张图片中央所示。没有其他缺口,没有裂纹,没有修复。



  • 17 5/8" c1860 日本 Sometsuke 充电器手绘蓝色釉下彩

    17 5/8" c1860 日本 Sometsuke 充电器手绘蓝色釉下彩


    17 5/8" c1860 日本 Sometsuke 充电器手绘蓝色釉下彩。非常大的充电器,状况良好。边缘上有一个非常小的薄片,位于第三张图片底部的板架右侧。没有其他问题,没有裂纹、大缺口或修复。书架



  • 17" 1970's waterweb turquoise silver beaded Navajo necklace

    17" 1970's waterweb turquoise silver beaded Navajo necklace


    17" 1970's waterweb turquoise silver beaded Navajo necklace. Very attractive natural stones, Bottom stone in bezel is 1 5/8" x 1 1/8" with bail. 45.9 grams<br><br> Marked or unmarked as shown in pics, weight and other measurements in pics. Sorry but my jewelry is stored in a secure location and cannot be accessed for more pictures,<br>videos, or measurements until sold. If you look at pictures/description your<br>question should be answered. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed. A Native American jewelry piece referred to as "silver" or "ingot" is guaranteed to be at least 90% silver. Bracelets are photographed on a 6" women's wrist.



  • 17 英寸 97 克纯银双链项链

    17 英寸 97 克纯银双链项链


    17 英寸 97 克纯银双链项链。这条项链宽 0.5 英寸,采用实心纯银标记并经过测试,非常酷的超重复古纯银项链。没有问题。



  • 17 英寸 9 毫米-17 毫米复古纳瓦霍珍珠项链

    17 英寸 9 毫米-17 毫米复古纳瓦霍珍珠项链


    17 英寸 9 毫米 - 17 毫米复古纳瓦霍珍珠项链 31.2 克,没有问题,手工压印。标记或未标记如图片所示,重量和其他尺寸见图片。抱歉,我的珠宝存放在安全位置,在售出之前无法访问更多图片、视频或测量结果。如果您查看图片/描述,您的问题应该得到解答,非常感谢您的时间和考虑!所有贵金属均经过测试并保证。被称为“银”或“锭”的美洲原住民首饰保证至少 90% 是银,戴在 6 英寸的女性手腕上。



  • 17" Antique Chinese Carved wood Buddha statue - Estate Fresh Austin

    17 英寸仿古中国木雕佛像


    17 英寸古董中国木雕佛像。18-19 世纪古董佛像,之前在佳士得东部出售,标签完好。17 英寸高 x 7 英寸宽,手工修复,如图所示。



  • 17 英寸粗意大利纯绳颈链

    17 英寸粗意大利纯绳颈链


    17 英寸粗意大利纯绳颈链重 98.3 克,宽 12 毫米,没有任何问题。安德拉斯



  • 17" Heavy Retro Mexican Sterling choker

    17" Heavy Retro Mexican Sterling choker


    17" Heavy Retro Mexican Sterling choker. 17" long 22mm wide at widest point,<br>Very substantial 135 grams.<br><br>All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.<br><br>anderas



  • 17" Retro Italian sterling vermeil accented graduated necklace v - Estate Fresh Austin

    17 英寸复古意大利纯银带渐变项链


    17 英寸复古意大利纯银带刻度项链。无任何损坏,无扭结,功能性扣环。重 33 克。



  • 17" Retro Italian sterling vermeil accented graduated necklace y - Estate Fresh Austin

    17 英寸复古意大利纯银带渐变项链


    16.5 英寸复古意大利纯银项链 3/8 英寸宽 31 克,超级干净,几乎没有磨损,没有损坏。



  • 17" Retro Southwestern Touch of Santa Fe sterling channel inlay necklace

    17" Retro Southwestern Touch of Santa Fe sterling channel inlay necklace


    17" Retro Southwestern Touch of Santa Fe sterling channel inlay necklace 5mm wide with no issues. The initial idea was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the heart of the Native American art district to cater to the educated collectors of southwest jewelry and art, and the every day American consumers which are interested in a modern look that carries value and pizzazz . A Touch of Santa Fe was founded in 1993 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. ATSF grew rapidly to become one of the largest producers of Native American crafted lapidary (Inlay) jewelry. The collectors of southwestern jewelry and art have recognized for the past 24 years ATSF as the only company in the industry that offers a lifetime guarantee on its products, along with a wide variety of both men and women’s jewelry styles in an unlimited selection of color combinations.All precious metals are tested and guaranteed, any Native American jewelry<br>referred to as Silver or Sterling is guaranteed to be a minimum of 90% (coin)<br>silver and possibly higher content. Anything marked is guaranteed to be what<br>it's marked, most bracelets are photographed on a 6" wrist (non hairy), rings<br>photographed on the appropriate sized finger when possible. With bracelets if<br>the measurement is not given in the description then inside circumference is<br>shown where the metal meets the number on the the cloth tape measure.



  • 17 英寸复古欧式打制铜混合金属托盘

    17 英寸复古欧式打制铜混合金属托盘


    17 英寸复古欧式敲打铜混合金属托盘。这是该系列中罕见的形式,状况令人惊叹。它是实心铜,镀锡或镀银,我相信然后涂漆。背面有壁挂架,装饰性或功能性部件,非常大,非常很好,没有重大问题。书架



  • 17 英寸复古墨西哥纯银项链

    17 英寸复古墨西哥纯银项链


    17 英寸复古墨西哥纯银项链,长 17 英寸,垂下另外 4.5 英寸。经过标记和测试的纯银。扣环上标有墨西哥 925 和其他一些难以辨认的东西。63.4 克。



  • 17 英寸复古美洲原住民纯银、绿松石和鹿角项链

    17 英寸复古美洲原住民纯银、绿松石和鹿角项链


    17 英寸复古美洲原住民纯银、绿松石和鹿角项链。长 17 英寸,珠子和其他金属为实心纯银、真正的绿松石,吊坠重 2 英寸,重 45.7 克。背面标有 FB。



  • 17" Vintage Native American sterling, turquoise, and coral beaded pendant necklace

    17" Vintage Native American sterling, turquoise, and coral beaded pendant necklace


    17" Vintage Native American sterling, turquoise, and coral beaded pendant necklace.



  • 17.5" Milor Italian Sterling multi-color balls necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    17.5 英寸 Milor 意大利纯银多色球项链


    17.5 英寸米洛意大利纯银多色球项链。复古,可能未佩戴过。我没有测试这些球,我假设它们是玻璃或半宝石。项链看起来很漂亮,没有任何问题。27 克。



  • 17.5" Sterling Silver and Agate bead Necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    17.5 英寸纯银玛瑙珠项链


    17.5 英寸纯银玛瑙珠项链。漂亮的复古项链,中心有 1.5 英寸玛瑙石,无损坏,重 75 克。



  • 17.5" Vintage Barry Kieselstein Cord 14k/Sterling Frogs Necklace

    17.5" Vintage Barry Kieselstein Cord 14k/Sterling Frogs Necklace


    17.5" Vintage Barry Kieselstein Cord 14k/Sterling Frogs Necklace. Guaranteed authentic, no issues, clean. 95.2 grams.



  • 1709 法国土地授予德克萨斯州?

    1709 法国土地授予德克萨斯州?


    1709 法国土地授予德克萨斯州?亚克力外壳尺寸为 17 英寸高 x 20 英寸宽。由于我不会说法语,所以我没有机会弄清楚这里讨论的领域是什么。我确实通过一些带有总统签名的早期德克萨斯州文件/土地赠款获得了它,但没有这么古老的。我觉得这可能是一份非常重要的文件,如果您提供有关此处讨论的领域或其他任何内容的任何类型的信息,我将不胜感激。



  • 1730 Works of William Congreve 3 Volume set - Estate Fresh Austin

    1730 年威廉·康格里夫作品 3 卷套装


    1730.威廉·康格里夫。先生的作品威廉·康格里夫:三卷,由他的戏剧和诗歌组成。伦敦,J. 汤森,1730 年 12 月。三卷。第五版,已完结。包含《老巴彻勒》、《两面派》、《爱对爱》、《哀悼新娘》、《世界之道》、《帕里斯的审判》、《塞墨勒》以及一些场合的诗。作者去世一年后出版。该合集首次出版于 1710 年,当时序言称其出版已被加速,因为“这五部戏剧最近经历了虚假印象,并且非常错误且非常间接地出版,对作者和作者都造成了偏见”。给拥有副本财产的书商。第三卷中有一部歌剧[塞墨勒],它从未出现过;这里没什么可说的,但音乐非常出色由约翰·埃克尔斯先生作曲。” 《塞墨勒》直到 1743 年才被演奏,当时亨德尔创作了至今仍在演奏的乐谱。 这本书有 190 年的历史,封面有磨损,如图所示,有些地方有破损,我相信所有页面都完好无损,装订也很牢固。 6 5/8 英寸 x 4 英寸。 TW201



  • 1776 年马里兰殖民地货币

    1776 年马里兰殖民地货币


    1776 年马里兰殖民地货币。保证所示条件下的正品,手写签名和编号。 2.75 英寸 x 3.5 英寸。伊谢夫尔



  • 1786-1821 George III British Sterling Sugar tongs - Estate Fresh Austin

    1786-1821 年乔治三世英国英镑糖钳


    1786-1821 年乔治三世英国英镑糖钳。制造商标记难以辨认,没有城镇标记,因此无法确定确切的年份或制造商。 18 世纪末至 19 世纪初 5 5/8" 长 28.3 克。



  • 1789 Georgian Sterling Thomas Wallis London Fancy Engraved bird spoon - Estate Fresh Austin

    1789 年格鲁吉亚斯特林托马斯·沃利斯伦敦精美雕刻鸟勺


    1789 年乔治三世斯特林托马斯沃利斯伦敦精美雕刻鸟勺。与拥有 234 年历史的勺子一样令人难以置信。 8.75 英寸长,没有任何问题,镀金碗。56.5 克。



  • 1797 British George III Sterling fish server - Estate Fresh Austin

    1797 年英国乔治三世英镑鱼服务器


    1797 年英国乔治三世斯特林鱼服务器。无损坏或问题,最宽处 11.5 英寸 x 3.1 英寸。 144.3克。手柄可能有点重,但大部分重量都集中在带有精美手工雕刻的厚刀片上。如图所示的字母组合,可能是某种版税。伦敦标志可追溯至 1797 年,制造商标记为 IO,我不确定那是谁,可能是约翰·奥姆 (John Orme)。 TW255



  • 17 世纪黄铜烛台

    17 世纪黄铜烛台


    17 世纪黄铜烛台。 5.25 英寸高 x 4.5 英寸方形底座,轻微晃动,否则坚固,单独提供来自同一时期/庄园的类似烛台。



  • 17 世纪黄铜烛台

    17 世纪黄铜烛台


    17 世纪黄铜烛台。 6 英寸高 x 5.5 英寸方形底座,轻微晃动,否则坚固,单独提供来自同一时期/庄园的类似烛台。



  • 17th Century Chinese Kraak bowl - Estate Fresh Austin



    17世纪中国克拉克碗。精美的高品质中国古董瓷器,薄,侧面有 4 个对称的凹痕。 5.75 英寸宽 x 1 7/8 英寸高,绝对没有裂纹、缺口或修复,甚至没有任何边缘熔块,碗内底部有一些预期的釉料磨损。中国货架



  • 17th Century Persian Hand written/colored Manuscript page - Estate Fresh Austin

    17 世纪波斯手写/彩色手稿页


    17 世纪波斯手写/彩色手稿页。非常古老的描述贴在框架外部的反面,这是在两块玻璃之间框架的,所以两边都有玻璃,两边都可见。框架尺寸为 13.5 英寸 x 9.75 英寸



  • 17th-18th Century Bronze Sukhothai Buddha Statute Thai Ayutthaya Shakyamuni - Estate Fresh Austin

    17-18 世纪青铜素可泰佛像 泰国大城释迦牟尼


    17-18 世纪青铜素可泰佛像泰国大城释迦牟尼。伟大的早期泰国青铜佛像 18 世纪或更早。 10.25 英寸高 x 3.5 英寸宽。非常重的实心青铜,底部有粘土。 TW7




