

  • 古董旅行墨水瓶皮革覆盖华丽黄铜带玻璃嵌件内战时期一个俄罗斯(一对)



    均出售 19 世纪中后期。我见过这些所谓的内战墨水池,听说它们是在战场上挖的。我不知道这些,但它们肯定是 19 世纪的。一张是俄语的,另一张没有标记。枝条、扣环和铰链都工作良好。其中一个缺少覆盖弹簧以密封罐子的部件。如果重要的话,很多事情都会起作用。除了佩戴合适外,没有其他问题。他们的身高均为 1 9/16 英寸。



  • 古董旅行验光师套件



    古董旅行验光师套件。非常完整的 19 世纪下半叶的套装,可能一直使用到 20 世纪初。一个装满镜片的木盒,然后是一个更大的皮盒,里面装有试用镜片和适合实际眼科检查的可互换镜片的眼镜。该盒子还有一个可拆卸托盘,顶部有一个用于放置所示视力表的袋子。出售的所有物品均按原样出售,带有 100 年的污垢和污垢,盒子外部有些磨损,木质镜头盒上的闩锁缺失。



  • 古董部落银手链



    古董部落银手链。非常古老的手链,保证是纯银的(经过测试),最近从 20 世纪中叶收集的收藏中获得。 204克,再次保证了相当高的银含量,80%以上。内部尺寸为 2 5/8 英寸,外部尺寸为 4 英寸。它的内部有一些旧的稳定裂缝。非常古老的实心手链,形状像坦克一样。



  • 古董部落银项链



    古董部落银项链。这幅作品挂在我几年前购买的一位美国外交官庄园的墙上。儿子的妻子是中国人,已故外交官的大部分职业生涯都在中东/亚洲度过。他有大量的大剑等,我认为这可能是外交礼物。经过测试,保证银含量高达80%以上。项链长约 24 英寸,每边 10 英寸,吊坠长 4 英寸。重 165.9 克。



  • Antique Turkey Pewter Ice Cream Mold c.1900 - Estate Fresh Austin

    古董土耳其锡制冰淇淋模具,约 1900 年


    古董土耳其锡制冰淇淋模具 c.1900 巧克力或冰淇淋模具。 4.5 英寸 x 2.5 英寸。没问题,铰链坚固。 B8



  • Antique University of Texas Austin Capitol souvenir lot - Estate Fresh Austin



    古董德克萨斯大学奥斯汀国会大厦纪念品很多。所有 4 件物品都是 20 世纪上半叶的,可能都是 1910 年之前的。任何一件都没有损坏,全部出售 4 件,最大的 8 3/8 英寸宽。UT 的那件被称为德克萨斯州立大学,非常酷。块坑袋



  • 古董维也纳人物蕾丝女洗衣工迈森 KPM 风格印象盾牌标记

    古董维也纳人物蕾丝女洗衣工迈森 KPM 风格印象盾牌标记


    保证是 19 世纪或更早的。我相信这甚至可能是18世纪。没有任何损坏或修复。蕾丝的分离来自于烧制。不确定制造商。 4 英寸高。



  • 古董维也纳瓷男孩扔雪球 19 世纪

    古董维也纳瓷男孩扔雪球 19 世纪


    我正在休假,直到 2/9/19,如果您现在订购,它将在 2/10/19 发货。 保证是 19 世纪或更早的 相对于其尺寸来说非常重的硬瓷。质量非常好。无裂纹、缺口或修复。 4.25 英寸高



  • 古董维也纳瓷男孩在火上取暖 19 世纪

    古董维也纳瓷男孩在火上取暖 19 世纪


    我正在休假,直到 2/9/19,如果您现在订购,它将在 2/10/19 发货。保证是 19 世纪或更早的 相对于其尺寸来说非常重的硬瓷。质量非常好。我相信右手有非常古老的专业修复。无其他损坏。 6 英寸高。



  • Antique Viennese Bronze Conquistador on a Horse High Detail Miniature - Estate Fresh Austin



    古董维也纳青铜征服者骑马高细节微型模型。非常漂亮的 19 世纪青铜器,细节令人难以置信。我在底座上能找到的唯一识别标记是 F 标记,我不确定伯格曼是否标记过类似的东西。在我看来,质量可与伯格曼相媲美。距员工顶部 8 英寸高 x 5 英寸宽。没有可检测到的问题。 B29



  • 古董维京船斯堪的纳维亚纯银和青铜珐琅皮带扣



    古董维京船斯堪的纳维亚纯银和青铜珐琅皮带扣。非常古老的古董,很可能是独一无二的。我猜是 19 世纪末到 20 世纪初,但可能更早。背面是银色(经过测试。正面是带有珐琅的青铜色。我没有研究标志。非常好的艺术品,没有任何问题。2.25 英寸宽 x 1.75 英寸高。



  • 古董 Volkstedt 瓷器人物组情侣在镀金木底座上喝茶 19 世纪末大号

    古董 Volkstedt 瓷器人物组情侣在镀金木底座上喝茶 19 世纪末大号


    古董瓷器人物组情侣喝茶镀金木底座 19 世纪大号 7 英寸高 x 8 英寸宽,无底座。底座为木质,高 11.5 英寸 x 9 英寸 x 2.25 英寸。木质底座有些磨损。女士的两根手指在底座上缺少两片碎叶。没有其他损坏或修复。



  • 古董 Von Schierholz 德累斯顿烛台

    古董 Von Schierholz 德累斯顿烛台


    古董 Von Schierholz 德累斯顿烛台。无裂纹、缺口、修复或花瓣损失。是的,我非常小心地将它慢慢地放在花岗岩上拍摄基础照片,因为我一生都在做这样的事情。 14 英寸高 x 11 英寸宽。书架



  • 古董 Wavecrest 艺术玻璃别针/饰品盘

    古董 Wavecrest 艺术玻璃别针/饰品盘


    古董 Wavecrest 艺术玻璃别针/饰品盘。 4.75 英寸宽 x 1.5 英寸高。玻璃上无裂纹、缺口或划痕。



  • Antique Wedwood Black Basalt Kenlock ware Creamers Ottawa and Floral - Estate Fresh Austin



    古董韦德伍德黑色玄武岩肯洛克洁具奶精渥太华和花卉。两个庄园都新鲜。一个稍大的 5 3/8" 喷嘴,可处理 x 2.25" 高且无标记。里面有一个注释,日期可以追溯到 1798 年,我不确定这是否正确,但显然是韦奇伍德,我保证它是 19 世纪或更早的。稍微小一点的是19年末到1910年左右,我没时间查日期代码。两者都没有任何损坏、丢失或修复。两者都卖TW129



  • Antique Yemenite Silver filigree Bracelet

    Antique Yemenite Silver filigree Bracelet


    Antique Yemenite Silver filigree Bracelet. Very old bracelet guaranteed solid<br>silver (tested), recently acquired from a collection put together in the mid<br>20th century. 215.9 grams, again guaranteed silver of a fairly high content, 80%<br>or more. Measures 2.5" across in the interior, 4.75" across the exterior.



  • 古董也门银丝手链



    古董也门银丝手链。非常古老的手链,保证是纯银的(经过测试),最近从 20 世纪中叶收集的收藏中获得。 83.7克,再次保证了相当高的银含量,80%以上。内部尺寸为 3 英寸,外部尺寸为 4.25 英寸。它的内部有一些旧的稳定裂缝



  • Antique Yerba Mate Bombilla Alpaca/gold plated

    Antique Yerba Mate Bombilla Alpaca/gold plated


    Antique Yerba Mate Bombilla Alpaca/gold plated. Spoon 8" long, Cup 5" tall, no issues.anderas



  • Antique Zuni Petit Point Sterling and Turquoise squash blossom necklace - Estate Fresh Austin

    古董 Zuni Petit Point 纯银和绿松石南瓜花项链


    古董 Zuni Petit Point 纯银和绿松石南瓜花项链。 20 世纪初的美丽古老小型南瓜花。 20 英寸长,带有 1 5/8 英寸 x 2 英寸长的眼镜蛇。最初可能是由年轻女子或儿童佩戴的。重 86.2 克,非常独特的作品。



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Los Castillo 现代主义太空时代纯银袖扣

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Los Castillo 现代主义太空时代纯银袖扣


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Los Castillo 现代主义太空时代纯银袖扣 1 5/16" x 0.75" 面,24.7 克。在墨西哥格雷罗州的塔斯科山镇,大规模采矿可以追溯到十六世纪,白银是一种生活方式。墨西哥革命后的几年(1910- 20),珠宝和其他银制品都是在那里以完全创新的方法制作的,知情者现代主义和新的墨西哥民族认同的创造。如今,89 岁的安东尼奥皮内达是塔斯科学院的两名在世成员之一,被公认为世界级设计师和墨西哥国宝。近两百件皮内达广受好评的银制作品将在 展出于《银色诱惑:墨西哥现代主义者安东尼奥·皮内达的艺术》(Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda)展览于 2008 年 8 月 24 日在福勒博物馆首次亮相。值得注意的是,考虑到皮内达的众多成就和国际声誉,他自我定位主要担任 Taxqueño(塔斯科)银匠。从一开始,塔斯科运动就开创了新的局面以技术成就和设计为基础。出生于美国、居住在塔斯科的设计师 William斯普拉特林被誉为当代塔斯科白银运动的先锋,一群才华横溢的墨西哥设计师后来建立了独立工作室并开发了独特的“塔斯科学校”。这些设计师融合了多种美学取向——前哥伦布时期的艺术;墨西哥殖民时期的银制品、宗教图像和其他艺术品;和当地流行艺术——将它们融入广泛的现代主义之中。皮内达本人因其大胆的设计和对宝石的巧妙运用而受到赞誉。银色诱惑痕迹 他的作品从 20 世纪 30 年代到 70 年代的演变,包括项链和项链各五十多件手镯,以及许多漂亮的戒指、耳环和他的空心器皿的各种例子餐具。所有作品都体现了皮内达难以实现的高度精致执行力的结合和手工制作的吸引力。 Pineda 的珠宝以其对人体形态的优雅诠释而闻名。常常是据说 Pineda 非常适合身体,穿着时感觉很舒服。因此,例如,厚几何项链乍一看似乎太重或太僵硬,佩戴起来不舒服,但事实上,多面、铰接或镂空,优雅地环绕颈部或诱人地垂坠下胸围。此外,没有其他 Taxqueño 珠宝商使用如此多昂贵的半宝石或镶嵌如此多的宝石。与皮内达一样,他具有很多独创性、技巧和多样性。只有最有才华的银匠才能掌握Los Castillo 珠宝 - 历史 Antonio Castillo 和他的兄弟 Jorge、Miguel 和 Justo 于 1939 年创立了 Los Castillo。他们都曾在 William Spradling 的高高店当学徒,然后在墨西哥塔斯科开始自己的生意。安东尼奥·卡斯蒂略在斯普拉特林工作期间晋升为银匠大师。几十年来,洛斯卡斯蒂略作坊培养并雇用了许多熟练的银匠,其中包括卡斯蒂略兄弟的表弟萨尔瓦多·特兰、西吉·皮内达、安东尼奥·皮内达和安东尼奥·卡斯蒂略的妻子玛戈·范·沃里斯·卡尔。所有这些艺术家都继续开设了自己的成功工作室,其中包括范·沃里斯·卡尔 (van Voorhies Carr),她在与安东尼奥·卡斯蒂略 (Antonio Castillo) 离婚后创立了玛格特·德塔斯科 (Margot de Taxco)。洛斯卡斯蒂略以其优质银器以及将铜和/或黄铜与纯银混合的混合金属而闻名。其他装饰性家居饰品有镀银和镶嵌石材装饰。 查托 (豪尔赫) 卡斯蒂略 (Chato (Jorge) Castillo) 是卡斯蒂略兄弟之一,曾在 20 世纪 30 年代为威廉·斯普拉特林工作。他以其技术专长和设计才华而闻名。他开发了结合金属、银羽毛、阿兹特克马赛克或石镶嵌、贝壳或鲍鱼镶嵌的技术……(墨西哥银:莫里尔和伯克的现代手工珠宝和金属制品(Schiffer:2007 年,第 4 版),第 86 页。



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Mid Century Modern sterling belt buckle

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Mid Century Modern sterling belt buckle


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Mid Century Modern sterling belt buckle 2.5" x 1 3/8", fits up to a 1 1/8" belt. 42.9 grams. <br><br>Pineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School and is recognized as a<br>world-class designer and a Mexican national treasure. <br> Pineda’s jewelry is especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the<br>human form. It is often said that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it<br>feels right when it is worn. So, for example, a thick geometric necklace that<br>might at first glance seem too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,<br>faceted, hinged, or hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck<br>or drapes down the décolletage.  In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with as much ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master.



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 970 silver modernist botanical pin

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 970 silver modernist botanical pin


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 970 silver modernist botanical pin, measurements in pics.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 970 silver photo holder keychain

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 970 silver photo holder keychain


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 970 silver photo holder keychain. All info in pics, stays shut with catch loop. Holds .5" x 1" pics.Antonio Pineda (1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 980 silver flower pin

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 980 silver flower pin


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco 980 silver flower pin 12.8 grams, other measurements in pics.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco articulating silver and amethyst pin/earrings

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco articulating silver and amethyst pin/earrings


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco articulating silver and amethyst pin/earrings, measurements in pics. Amazing set, the pin is hinged in the center of each rod, so they wiggle all over the place, very sturdy and well made.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco flower pin with leaf

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco flower pin with leaf


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco flower pin with leaf, measurements in pics.Antonio Pineda (1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach, informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Hammered silver leaf form bracelet

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Hammered silver leaf form bracelet


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Hammered silver leaf form bracelet, measurements in pics.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Hammered silver pin and earrings set

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Hammered silver pin and earrings set


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Hammered silver pin and earrings set. All pieces hand hammered and seem a perfect match. Earring don't have a Pineda hallmark but the Mexico and Sterling stamps look the same. Measurements and weight in pics.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Mixed metals horse head pin and earrings

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Mixed metals horse head pin and earrings


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Mixed metals horse head pin and earrings, measurements in pics. Buying the exact item(s) shown with no issues.Antonio Pineda (1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach, informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Cat's Eye sterling cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Cat's Eye sterling cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Cat's Eye sterling cufflinks, No<br>issues whatsoever, fully functional. 29mm x 25mm face, 27 grams. Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009) Pineda’s jewelry is especially known for its elegant acknowledgment<br>of the human form. It is often said that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that<br>it feels right when it is worn. So, for example, a thick geometric necklace that<br>might at first glance seem too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,<br>faceted, hinged, or hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck<br>or drapes down the décolletage.  In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with as much ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master.



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Cats Eye sterling cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Cats Eye sterling cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Cat's Eye sterling cufflinks, No<br>issues whatsoever, fully functional. 28mm x 20mm x 25.1 grams. Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)  Pineda’s jewelry is especially known for its elegant acknowledgment<br>of the human form. It is often said that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that<br>it feels right when it is worn. So, for example, a thick geometric necklace that<br>might at first glance seem too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,<br>faceted, hinged, or hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck<br>or drapes down the décolletage.  In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with as much ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master.



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Horseshoe money clip

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Horseshoe money clip


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Horseshoe money clip, no issues, pics should answer any questions.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Amethyst cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Amethyst cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Amethyst cufflinks, No<br>issues whatsoever, fully functional. 30mm x 18mm x 23.2 grams.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling amethyst leaf pin

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling amethyst leaf pin


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling amethyst leaf pin. Very interesting and unusual treatment to the squiggly bottom. 18.3 grams, other measurements in pics.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling and Onyx cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling and Onyx cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Onyx cufflinks, No issues<br>whatsoever, fully functional. 20mm square, 21.2 gramsAntonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist sterling clips

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist sterling clips


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist sterling clips. Selling the three, clip what you want to clip. Measurements in pics. Two likely tie clips, third maybe money clip or bookmark, not sure.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling cufflinks 13/16" 9/16" face.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Macaw cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Macaw cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Macaw cufflinks .75" face.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Mixed metals cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Mixed metals cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Mixed metals cufflinks 1 3/8" x 1" face.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Moonstone cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Moonstone cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Moonstone cufflinks, No<br>issues whatsoever, fully functional. 20mm x 18mm face, 14.3 grams.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)  Pineda’s jewelry is especially known for its elegant acknowledgment<br>of the human form. It is often said that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that<br>it feels right when it is worn. So, for example, a thick geometric necklace that<br>might at first glance seem too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,<br>faceted, hinged, or hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck<br>or drapes down the décolletage.  In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with as much ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master.



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Onyx cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Onyx cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Onyx cufflinks 18mm square,<br>19.9 grams. Antonio Pineda (1919-2009)  Pineda’s jewelry is especially known for<br>its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is often said that a Pineda<br>fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is worn. So, for example, a<br>thick geometric necklace that might at first glance seem too weighty or rigid to<br>wear comfortably is, in fact, faceted, hinged, or hollowed in such a way that it<br>gracefully encircles the neck or drapes down the décolletage.  In addition, no<br>other taxqueño jeweler used as many costly semiprecious stones or set them with<br>as much ingenuity, skill, and variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of<br>silversmiths could master.



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Pre-columbian style cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Pre-columbian style cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling Pre-columbian style cufflinks.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist sterling screw back earrings

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist sterling screw back earrings


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist sterling screw back earrings. Selling the earrings shown with no issues.Antonio Pineda (1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach, informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling/Onyx cufflinks

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling/Onyx cufflinks


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Modernist Sterling/Onyx cufflinks. Faint hallmark as shown, .5" x 1.5" face.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Sterling belt buckle

    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Sterling belt buckle


    Antonio Pineda (1919-2009) Taxco Sterling belt buckle 59.7 grams, very sturdy, other measurements in pics. This is an extremely high quality and good looking buckle. Due to reflections it's difficult to present items of this type in the light the deserve in the time available to me.Antonio Pineda<br>(1919-2009)In the mountain town of Taxco in Mexico’s state of Guerrero,<br>large-scale mining can be dated to thesixteenth century, and silver is a way of<br>life. In the years following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), jewelry and other<br>silver objects were crafted there with an entirely innovative approach,<br>informedby modernism and the creation of a new Mexican national identity. Today,<br>at the age of 89, AntonioPineda is one of two living members of the Taxco School<br>and is recognized as a world-class designerand a Mexican national treasure.<br>Nearly two hundred examples of Pineda’s acclaimed silver work willbe displayed<br>in Silver Seduction: The Art of Mexican Modernist Antonio Pineda, a<br>travelingexhibition debuting at the Fowler Museum Aug. 24, 2008.Significantly,<br>given Pineda’s many accomplishments and international renown, he identifies<br>himselfprimarily as a taxqueño, or Taxco, silversmith. From its inception, the<br>Taxco movement broke newground in technical achievement and design. While<br>American-born, Taxco-based designer WilliamSpratling has been credited with<br>spearheading the contemporary Taxco silver movement, it was agroup of talented<br>Mexican designers who went on to establish independent workshops and develop<br>thedistinctive “Taxco School.” These designers incorporated numerous aesthetic<br>orientations—Pre-Columbian art; silverwork, images, and other artwork from the<br>Mexican Colonial period; andlocal popular arts—merging them within the broad<br>spectrum of modernism.Pineda himself is lauded for his bold designs and<br>ingenious use of gemstones. Silver Seduction tracesthe evolution of his work<br>from the 1930s–70s, and includes more than fifty each of necklaces andbracelets,<br>as well as numerous beautiful rings, earrings and diverse examples of his<br>hollowware andtableware. All of the works feature Pineda’s hard-to-achieve<br>combination of highly refined and hand-wrought appeal.Pineda’s jewelry is<br>especially known for its elegant acknowledgment of the human form. It is<br>oftensaid that a Pineda fits the body perfectly, that it feels right when it is<br>worn. So, for example, a thickgeometric necklace that might at first glance seem<br>too weighty or rigid to wear comfortably is, in fact,faceted, hinged, or<br>hollowed in such a way that it gracefully encircles the neck or drapes<br>seductivelydown the décolletage.In addition, no other taxqueño jeweler used as<br>many costly semiprecious stones or set them with asmuch ingenuity, skill, and<br>variety as did Pineda. Only the most talented of silversmiths could master



  • AR Joyeros 14k/950 silver earrings pendant and necklace set - Estate Fresh Austin

    AR Joyeros 14k/950 银耳环吊坠和项链套装


    AR Joyeros 14k/950 银耳环吊坠和项链套装。图片中的所有物品均为实心 14k 金或高含量银。耳环和吊坠 1 1/8 英寸 x 5/16 英寸,项链长 19 英寸,总重量 25.5 克。阿隆·迪勒以色列 1970镶工珠宝商、AR Joyeros 所有者和设计背后的艺术家。他在非洲、南美洲和中美洲旅行了三年,并于1996年抵达墨西哥塔斯科,在墨西哥国立大学学习珠宝制作和艺术。在家工作几年后,他于 2005 年在塔斯科镇中心开设了自己的商店。



  • Archaistic Bronze Buddha Head Likely Tibetan with Skull on hat - Estate Fresh Austin



    仿古青铜佛头可能是藏族,帽子上有头骨。这件作品的支架很可能是20世纪中叶的,头部是否年代久远就很难抉择了,它看起来很漂亮,而且是青铜色的。 9 英寸 x 5.5 英寸(不含支架) 支架尺寸为 5.5 英寸 x 2 5/8 英寸,因此总高度为 11 5/8 英寸。 TW223



  • 仿古雕刻片岩佛头供盒/香炉



    仿古雕刻片岩佛头供盒/香炉。非常重、雕刻精良的片岩佛头盒,大部分是中国古董,是 20 世纪第三季度在亚洲工作/旅行时组装的。我不确定它有多大,但我确信无论年龄如何,它都很棒,而且您不太可能找到另一个。无重大损坏,可能有小碎片。 10.5 英寸高,带支架 x 7 英寸宽。



  • 仿古中国青铜莲花底座和油灯



    仿古中国青铜莲花底座和油灯。两者都是来自同一庄园的实心青铜,并且完美契合,他们有可能在某一时刻结婚,因为莲花底座顶部有非常旧的焊料/焊接残留物,而油灯底座上没有残留物。它可能是佛陀或观音的底座。底座尺寸为 5 英寸高 x 4 英寸底座 x 1 7/8 英寸顶部莲花花瓣内部。油灯底座宽 1.75 英寸 x 顶部宽 3 7/8 英寸 x 高 3 1/8 英寸。两者都有漂亮但略有不同的铜绿。出售展示的东西,底座在底部有标记。书架



  • 仿古中式日式银铁盒



    仿古中国风日式银铁盒。极高质量的锅可能来自 20 世纪上半叶。我相信这是带有中国古风的日本风格。铜珐琅盖,玉饰。玉饰顶端的小刻痕,盖子是原创的,因为它像手套一样贴合。不会太紧,也不会太失落,刚刚好。我相信它会保持气密密封。 6.75 英寸(带喷嘴)x 5.5 英寸 x 4.5 英寸高(不包括手柄)。重 493 克,经过测试并保证纯银含量高。 TW163



  • 纹章银 Mitchell Crest Deo Favente 银盘壁灯由古董圆顶制成

    纹章银 Mitchell Crest Deo Favente 银盘壁灯由古董圆顶制成


    纹章银 Mitchell Crest Deo Favente 银盘壁灯由古董圆顶制成。这些尺寸为 14 3/8 英寸宽(边缘 x 9 英寸高 x 6 英寸深)。它们是由一个 150-200 年历史的肉圆顶制成的,由我以外的人很久以前制作,甚至背面也是银镀铜的。我不知道不敢相信它们能保持水。带有波峰的有标志。



  • 纹章银茶壶橡子尖顶莫蒂默和亨特(1839-1843 年)

    纹章银茶壶橡子尖顶莫蒂默和亨特(1839-1843 年)


    1838 年 Paul Storr 去世后,他的业务 (Storr & Mortimer) 由他的侄子 John Samuel Hunt 以 Mortimer & Hunt 的名义继续经营。 1843 年,公司更名为 Hunt & Roskell,直至 1897 年。 Paul Storr 于 1807 年与当时的皇家金匠 Rundell, Bridge & Rundell 开展业务。 John Hunt 追随 Storr 的脚步,Hunt & Roskell 公司于 1843 年作为维多利亚女王的银匠和珠宝商上市。由于女王的欧洲大家庭,他们成为世界各地富裕社会最重要的供应商。 804 克 Mortimer 和 Hunt 纯银茶壶,配橡子顶饰。底座和内盖上有标记。没有真正的问题可言。一些微小的凹痕。铰链很紧,盖子很合身。喷嘴手柄尺寸为 11 英寸 x 6 英寸高。正面有一面淡淡的徽章旗帜,上面有一个新月。我尝试拍照。它可以舒适地容纳 1.5 升或夸脱,并且没有孔,可以容纳水。我装了1.75毫升,但已经装满了。



  • Arno Malinowski (1899-1976) Georg Jensen 中世纪现代纯银项链

    Arno Malinowski (1899-1976) Georg Jensen 中世纪现代纯银项链


    Arno Malinowski (1899-1976) Georg Jensen 纯银项链。 15 英寸长 1 1/8 英寸或 28 毫米宽 93.6 克。没有凹痕、弯曲或其他问题。出售 Arno Malinowski 在 1960 年代为 Georg Jensen 设计的一模一样的项链。于 1960 年代中期手工制作和设计,是真正的中世纪现代作品,在设计和执行方面均具有最高品质。 银匠。阿尔诺·马林诺夫斯基 (Arno Malinowski) 于 1922 年至 1935 年间在哥本哈根丹麦皇家美术学院接受培训,并于 1921 年至 1935 年间为丹麦皇家瓷器制造厂设计了一系列描绘神话人物的小雕像。 1936 年至 1944 年,他为 Georg Jensen 工作,1949 年至 1965 年再次为珠宝和空心器皿进行设计。他 1937 年设计的珠宝作品包括跪着的鹿、灯芯草中的海豚和花朵上的蝴蝶,这些设计一直持续生产多年。 1940年,他设计了“Kingmark”来纪念克里斯蒂安国王七十岁生日。它被大量生产并被丹麦人佩戴,以表达他们对丹麦的忠诚和对德国占领的抵抗。马林诺夫斯基还研究了日本的剑卫风格的铁镶金或银技术。在战争年代,白银供应有限,这使他能够用铁而不是银设计珠宝。还担任雕塑家、陶艺家、雕刻师和奖牌获得者。 乔治·詹森(Georg Jensen,1866 年 8 月 31 日出生于丹麦拉德瓦德 — 1935 年 10 月 2 日卒于哥本哈根),丹麦银匠和设计师,因其现代金属设计的商业应用而享誉国际。他的作品简洁优雅,注重精湛的工艺,这是 Jensen 产品的标志,受到世界各地的认可。詹森 (Jensen) 14 岁时向一位金匠当学徒。他的艺术才华曾短暂集中在雕塑上,但后来他又回到了金属制品领域,主要是珠宝和银器,这些作品是在他于 1904 年在哥本哈根开设的工作室中生产的。詹森 (Jensen) 在几个主要的国外展览中展出了他的作品。展览(在 1910 年布鲁塞尔博览会上获得金奖),并迅速建立了作为杰出和高度原创银匠的声誉。 1912 年,他搬到了一个更大的车间,并于 1919 年购买了他的第一座厂房。 詹森的银器立即受到欢迎并获得商业上的成功。事实上,他是第一个从现代白银制造中获利的白银制造商。在詹森时代之前,几乎所有成功的银器生产商都依赖于流行传统设计的标准库。然而,詹森发现他的时尚简约作品的市场比任何人预期的都要大。他的公司发展迅速,业务遍及整个欧洲,并在伦敦和纽约开设了分支机构。 Jensen 的作品在两大洲引领了当代餐具的潮流。他是最早将钢材——以前被认为只适合制作低质、廉价的餐具——转变为美观、耐用的餐具的设计师之一。



  • 阿诺德黑山羊纳瓦霍纯埃及绿松石吊坠



    阿诺德黑山羊纳瓦霍纯埃及绿松石吊坠。 3.5 英寸 x 2.75 英寸 x 32 克,无损坏或可检测到的磨损。阿诺德·黑山羊阿诺德·黑山羊的曾祖父是摩西·黑山羊。他是黑山羊家族的第一位银匠。 Moses 来自 Lupton 地区,于 1900 年代初开始制作珠宝。珠宝制作艺术代代相传。我的曾祖父将这门生意传给了我的祖父母本·黑山羊和海伦·黑山羊。他们教我的父亲哈里森,我的母亲珍妮也开始了这项工作。现在我是家里第四代做银的了。他八岁时开始从事银匠工作,帮助他的祖母海伦·黑山羊、母亲珍妮·黑山羊和他著名的叔叔卡森·黑山羊。他以精确的徒手冲压而闻名,仅使用最高等级的宝石和厚规格的银。 阿诺德 (Arnold) 谈论珠宝制作:“我和祖母一起参加了 Shiprock Fair。我想要一些钱在集市上买点东西。她扔给我一块镍币并告诉我做点什么。这样我才能赚到钱来买我想要的东西。我制作了一个冲压带扣和波洛衫,并在展会上出售。我的祖母教会了我自己赚钱的价值,而我也这么做了。” “我母亲的工作一如既往地激励着我。她总是使用大量的印章作品,并且会让每件作品都有点不同。这是我的基础,我只是对作品做了一些小改动。我会添加额外的珠子、金属丝、自制的边框,并使用更好的绿松石。专注于制作一件独一无二的作品。”



  • 1930 年代装饰艺术钴蓝色鸡尾酒/果汁罐和玻璃杯套装

    1930 年代装饰艺术钴蓝色鸡尾酒/果汁罐和玻璃杯套装


    装饰艺术 1930 年代钴蓝色鸡尾酒/果汁罐和玻璃杯套装。水罐高 9 英寸 x 喷嘴手柄 6 英寸,较小的果汁/酒杯高 3 英寸,有 8 个,较大的水/威士忌酒杯高 4 英寸,有 5 个。无裂纹、缺口、修复、凹痕或划痕。一套特别大、干净的套装,有 70-85 年的历史。我 100% 确定这是本世纪中叶或更早的美国制造的高品质玻璃。水罐和果汁杯的形状都不常见。我见过各种公司生产的玻璃杯,但没有看到目录页或原始标签,我不会出丑,而且归因不会提高卓越的品质。



  • Art Deco Cowan Art Pottery Tea Tile Trivet - Estate Fresh Austin

    装饰艺术 Cowan 艺术陶器茶砖三脚架


    装饰艺术 Cowan 艺术陶器茶砖三脚架 6.75 英寸宽,没有任何损坏,前面的工厂烧制缺陷大部分上釉。书架



  • 装饰艺术乔治·埃里克森纯银鸡尾酒壶勺



    装饰艺术乔治·埃里克森纯银鸡尾酒投手勺。 12.5 英寸长,碗宽 1 5/8 英寸。超级干净,几乎没有用处,没有损坏。勺子背面有锤打图案,品质极高的手工制品。 86克。我找不到这种图案的其他例子。这是一件手工制作的作品,埃里克森的所有其他餐具都是朴素的,仔细观察它,我相信这个外部图案都是手工印制或雕刻的,因为它具有自然的流动性,带有非常轻微的不规则性。 TW255



  • Art Deco International Sterling dome topped box - Estate Fresh Austin



    装饰艺术国际纯银圆顶盒。很棒的小盒子,没有弯曲或凹痕,铰链没有问题。 3 英寸 x 2 1/8 英寸 x 0.75 英寸高。67 克。 b3



  • Art deco Mexican Sterling Silver Tea Strainer - Estate Fresh Austin



    装饰艺术墨西哥纯银滤茶器。没有损坏或问题。 4 7/8 英寸长 x 2.75 英寸宽。 28.2克b3



  • Art deco Mexican Sterling Tea Strainer - Estate Fresh Austin



    装饰艺术墨西哥纯银滤茶器。没有损坏或问题。 4 7/8 英寸长 x 2.75 英寸宽。 28.2 克 镀金内饰银抽屉




