Welcome to our humble Mom, Pop, and Baby store! Since we are a small operation we do not meet the thresholds to collect sales tax in any state but our own (Texas). If you are visiting after a conversation with me on Etsy or Ebay, the Item(s) you are looking for will be under the exact same title and the search box in the top center works really well. If you are "cold searching" for something I have found that "Less is more" when using the search box. Example: If you are searching for Size 7 rings, the most effective thing to do is type "sz7" in the search box (with no spaces). If you want size 7.25, 7.5, etc. to come up then don't put it in quotes. The same goes for bracelets, if you are looking for 6"(inside circumference) cuff bracelets just enter " 6" cuff" into the search box. From my experience adding more words leave out important search results and bring unrelated search results to the top. Then you have the ability to sort it high to low price, etc. It's tough organizing an inventory this size. We do a lot of business and we are so grateful for that, but for the most part we are high volume/low profit and still can't seem to get ahead enough to afford help. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my stuff and considering taking some of it off my hands. Also if you have any questions or suggestions I'd love to hear them... Ian

復古 Emilia Castillo 純銀十字夾式耳環


復古 Emilia Castillo 純銀十字夾式耳環 1 英寸方形,重 25.3 克。這些是重要珠寶系列的一部分,似乎是 Emilia Castillo 作為禮物贈送的。沒問題。

著名名人的女兒墨西哥銀匠安東尼奧·卡斯蒂略(Antonio Castillo)、家居裝飾和珠寶設計師艾米莉亞·卡斯蒂略(Emilia Castillo) 在全球擁有追隨者和聲譽。


Product form

復古 Emilia Castillo 純銀十字夾式耳環 1 英寸方形,重 25.3 克。這些是重要珠寶系列的一部分,似乎是 Emilia Castillo 作為禮物贈送的。沒問題。著名名人的女兒墨西哥銀匠安東尼奧·卡斯蒂略(Antonio Castillo)、家居裝飾和珠寶設計師艾米莉亞·卡斯蒂略(Emilia Castillo) 在全球擁有追隨者和聲譽。作為在墨西哥塔斯科長大的孩子,她家族傳奇作坊中的銀匠大師圍繞著艾米莉亞。她此後,她開發了一種將純銀熔合到瓷器的專利技術,這種美麗而獨特的效果是她作品的標誌。 艾米莉亞的所有作品均採用天然材料製成,例如青金石、碧玉、綠松石、孔雀石、縼瑪瑙、瓷器和銀器。她的設計是在塔斯科牧場的工作室中手工製作的。 閱讀更多

1 in stock

$255.00 Excl. VAT


      復古 Emilia Castillo 純銀十字夾式耳環 1 英寸方形,重 25.3 克。這些是重要珠寶系列的一部分,似乎是 Emilia Castillo 作為禮物贈送的。沒問題。

      著名名人的女兒墨西哥銀匠安東尼奧·卡斯蒂略(Antonio Castillo)、家居裝飾和珠寶設計師艾米莉亞·卡斯蒂略(Emilia Castillo) 在全球擁有追隨者和聲譽。




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